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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1992 | Anonymous: Einblick in die Erdkruste A look into the Earth's crust | |
100% | 46 | 1976 | Glass-rich basaltic sand and gravel within the oceanic crust at 22 degrees N | |
100% | | 1981 | Challenger devotes 78B to old hole | |
100% | | 1989 | Bina, M. M.; Prevot, M.: Thermomagnetic investigations of titanomagnetite in submarine basalts; evidence for differential maghemitization | |
100% | | 2003 | Becker, Keir; Davis, Earl E. et al.: Unveiling the permeability structure of oceanic crust through the Ocean Drilling Program | |
87% | | 1985 | Ramsay, W. R. H.; Moore, P. R.: Mineralogy and chemistry of a pillow lava, Northland, New Zealand, and its tectonic significance | |
83% | 22 | 1976 | Hekinian, R.; Subbarao, K. V.: Petrology and geochemistry of igneous rocks from Leg 22 in the northeastern Indian Ocean | |
83% | | 1982 | Hickey, Rosemary L.; Frey, Frederick A.: Geochemical characteristics of boninite series volcanics; implications for their source | |
83% | | 2000 | Forjaz, Victor Hugo; Rocha, Francisco M. et al.: Noticias sobre o vulcao oceanico da Serreta, Ilha Terceira dos Acores Information about Serreta oceanic volcano, Terceira Island, Azores | |
83% | | 1982 | Anderson, Roger N.: In the eye of the BHTV; two miles beneath the sea | |
83% | 145 145-884 | 1996 | Cottrell, Rory D.; Tarduno, John A.: Paleolatitude of the Detroit Seamount; implications for motion of the Pacific Plate and Hawaiian Hotspot | |
83% | 106 109 | 1986 | Humphris, Susan E.; Bryan, W. B.: Anatomy of Serocki Volcano | |
83% | 34 37 | 1976 | Ellwood, B. B.: Development and utilization of the standardized anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility parameter F (sub x) | |
83% | 37 37-335 | 1979 | Baragar, W. R. A.; Plant, A. G. et al.: Diagenetic and postdiagenetic changes in the composition of an Archean pillow | |
83% | 203 203-1243 | 2004 | Zhao, Xixi; Lippert, Peter et al.: Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results from ODP Leg 203, eastern Equatorial Pacific | |
83% | | 1979 | Melson, W. G.; O'Hearn, T.: Basaltic glass erupted along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 0-37 degrees N; relationships between composition and latitude | |
83% | 146 | 1995 | Jarrard, R. D.: Velocity and porosity of oceanic crust and accretionary prisms; core/log/seismic links | |
83% | 34 | 1974 | Johnson, H. P.; Ade-Hall, J. M.: Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, and opaque mineralogy studies of basalts from the Nazca Plate, DSDP Leg 34 | |
83% | 45 49 | 1979 | Pechorskii, D. M.; Zolotarev, B. P. et al.: Magnetism of Atlantic basalts (based on data of Deep Sea Drilling Project) | |
83% | | 1979 | Prevot, M.; Lecaille, A. et al.: Magnetism of the Mid-Atlantic Crest near 37 degrees N from FAMOUS and DSDP results; a review | |
83% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1981 | Ui, T.: Filled hollow pillows from the core of IPOD-DSDP Leg 51 | |
83% | | 1979 | Dmitriev, L. V.; Sobolev, A. V. et al.: The primary melt of the oceanic tholeiite and the upper mantle composition | |
83% | | 1979 | Donnelly, T. W.; Thompson, G. et al.: Very-low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of the oceanic crust and the problem of fluxes of potassium and magnesium | |
83% | | 1996 | Halbach, Peter; Blum, N. et al.: The Indian Ocean; future area for drilling activities? The only -- up to now -- massive sulfides in the Indian Ocean (Meso mineral zone, CIR) | |
83% | | 1981 | Nesterenko, G. V.; Sushchevskaya, N. M.: Bazal'tovyye stekla skvazhiny 442 B (Filippinskoye more) Basalt glasses from the 442B drill hole, Philippine Sea | |
83% | 148 148-896 | 1995 | Brewer, T.; Lovell, M. et al.: Stratigraphy of the ocean crust in ODP Hole 896A from FMS images | |
83% | 24 24-238 | 1980 | Hertogen, J.; Janssens, M. J. et al.: Trace elements in ocean ridge basalt glasses; implications for fractionations during mantle evolution and petrogenesis | |
83% | | 1977 | Scheidegger, K. F.; Corliss, J. B. et al.: Evidence for the compositional uniformity of a crustal segment of the Nazca Plate | |
83% | 59 61 | 1983 | Ozima, M.; Zashu, S.: Noble gases in submarine pillow volcanic glasses | |
83% | 37 | 1978 | Prevot, M.; Lecaille, A.: Magnetic effects of maghemitization of the oceanic crust | |
83% | 37 | 1975 | Aumento, F.; Mitchell, W. S. et al.: Interaction between sea water and oceanic layer two as a function of time and depth | |
83% | 145 145-883 | 2008 | Doubrovine, Pavel V.: The paleomagnetism and rock magnetism of oceanic basalts; from remanence acquisition to the motion of hot spots and plates | |
83% | | 1977 | Houghton, R. L.; Thompson, G. et al.: Petrological and geochemical studies of the New England seamount chain | |
83% | 148 148-896 | 1994 | Brewer, T. S.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Core-log integration from ODP Hole 896A; reinterpretation of the volcanic stratigraphy | |
83% | 148 148-896 | 1994 | Dilek, Y.; Harper, G. D.: Subseafloor brecciation in ocean layer 2A; evidence from oceanic crust and ophiolites | |
83% | 192 | 2002 | Roberge, Julie; White, Rosalind et al.: Volatiles in submarine basaltic glasses from the Ontong Java Plateau (ODP Leg 192); implications for magmatic processes and source region compositions | |
83% | 168 | 1999 | Marescotti, Pietro; Vanko, David A. et al.: From oxidative to non-oxidative alteration; mineralogical variations in pillow basalts from eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge (ODP Leg 168) | |
83% | 64 65 | 1980 | Einsele, G.; Schmincke, H. U.: Der Golf von Kalifornien, Fruehstadium eines ozeanischen Beckens The Gulf of California, early stage of an ocean basin | |
83% | | 2001 | Furnes, Harald; Staudigel, Hubert et al.: Bioalteration of basaltic glass in the oceanic crust | |
83% | 148 148-896 | 1995 | Throseth, Ingunn Hindenes: Alteration of basaltic glass; texture, geochemistry and microbial interaction | |
83% | | 2003 | Fujoka, Kantaro; Matsuoka, Hiromi: Sedimentation rate curves as a key to understand the evolution of oceanic arc and backarc basin; arc and basin types sedimentation curves deduced from DSDP/IPOD/ODP cores | |
71% | 148 148-896 | 1998 | Brewer, T. S.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Ocean floor volcanism; constraints from the integration of core and downhole logging measurements | |
69% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1980 | Ui, T.; Haramura, H. et al.: Major element chemistry and microprobe studies of basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 51, Site 417 | download |
67% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1981 | Ailin-Pyzik, I. B.; Sommer, S. E.: Microscale chemical effects of low temperature alteration of DSDP basaltic glasses | download |
67% | 16 16-157 34 34-319 34-320 34-321 | 1975 | Johnson, H. P.; Ade-Hall, J. M.: Magnetic results from basalts and sediments from the Nazca Plate | |
67% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1981 | Boehlke, J. K.; Honnorez, J. et al.: Heterogeneous alteration of the upper oceanic crust; correlation of rock chemistry, magnetic properties, and O isotope ratios with alteration patterns in basalts from Site 396B, DSDP | download |
67% | 23 23-227 | 1988 | Zierenberg, Robert A.; Shanks, Wayne C., III: Isotopic studies of epigenetic features in metalliferous sediment, Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea | |
67% | | 1988 | Ozawa, Hiroaki; Ishii, Teruaki et al.: Pillow lavas dredged from "Uyede Ridge" during KH 87-3 cruise | |
67% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1979 | Tokuyama, Hidekazu: Petrological study of the Cretaceous sill and pillow complex from Nauru Basin, IPOD Leg 61 | |
67% | 80 | 1982 | Anonymous: Bohrungen am Goban-Sporn (ca. 250 km suedwestlich von Ireland); ein wichtiger Beitrag fuer die Rekonstruktion der geologischen Entwicklung des Randes der europaeischen Kontinentalmasse; Glomar Challenger, Fahrt 80 Boreholes in Goban-Spur (approximately 250 km southwest of Ireland); an important contribution to the reconstruction of the geologic evolution of the European continental margin; Glomar Challenger, Leg 80 | |
67% | 45 | 1982 | Kossowskaya, A. G.; Petrova, V. V. et al.: Mineral associations of palagonitization of oceanic basalts and aspects of extraction of mineral components | |
67% | 83 | 1982 | Anonymous: Tiefste Bohrung in ozeanischer Kruste niedergebracht; Glomar Challenger vertieft erfolgreich DSDP-Bohrung 504 B an der Suedflanke des Costa Rica-Rifts (Panama-Becken, Ostpazifik); Glomar Challenger, Fahrtabschnitt 83 The deepest borehole in the oceanic crust; Glomar Challenger follows with success the drilling at DSDP Site 504B near the South Costa Rica Rift; Gulf of Panama, East Pacific; Glomar Challenger, Leg 83 | |
67% | 60 60-454 60-456 | 1978 | Fryer, P.: Character of igneous basement of the Mariana Trough, Leg 60 drilling results | |
67% | 32 32-307 | 2005 | Doubrovine, Pavel V.; Tarduno, John A.: On the compositional field of self-reversing titanomaghemite; constraints from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 307 | download |
67% | 49 49-407 49-408 49-409 | 1978 | Duffield, W. A.: Vesicularity of basalt erupted at Reykjanes Ridge crest | |
67% | 16 16-157 34 34-319 34-320 34-321 | 1978 | Johnson, H. P.; Hall, J. M.: A detailed rock magnetic and opaque mineralogy study of the basalts from the Nazca Plate | |
67% | 107 107-651 | 1991 | Mascle, G.; Lemoine, M. et al.: Ophiolites and the oceanic crust; new evidence from the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Western Alps | |
67% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1990 | Smith, H. Jesse; Staudigel, H. S. et al.: The boron composition of the oceanic crust; results for 417A and 418A composite samples | |
67% | 148 148-896 | 1996 | Brewer, T. S.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Electrical imaging of the oceanic crust; a case study from ODP Hole 896A | |
67% | 206 206-1256 | 2003 | Wilson, Douglas S.; Teagle, D. A. et al.: First results from Hole 1256D; a new ocean-crust reference hole drilled in fast-spread crust during ODP Leg 206 | |
67% | 206 | 2004 | Crispini, Laura; Tartarotti, Paola et al.: Ductile and brittle-ductile structures in basalt of the Cocos Plate crust (ODP Leg 206); implications for the emplacement mechanism of lava flows | |
67% | 145 145-887 | 1995 | Keller, Randall A.; Fisk, Martin R. et al.: Ten+ million years of volcanic activity on the Patton-Murray seamount platform, Gulf of Alaska | |
67% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2008 | Tominaga, Masako; Umino, S. et al.: The upper crustal formation at the superfast-spreading East Pacific Rise; insights on the lava deposition history at Hole 1256D | |
67% | 195 195-1201 | 2005 | D'Antonio, M.; Kristensen, M. B.: Hydrothermal alteration of oceanic crust in the West Philippine Sea Basin (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195, Site 1201); inferences from a mineral chemistry investigation | |
67% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1977 | Honnorez, J.; Bohlke, J. K.: Oxidation front during the low temperature submarine alteration of Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts | |
67% | 148 148-896 | 1998 | Torsvik, Terje; Furnes, Harald et al.: Evidence for microbial activity at the glass-alteration interface in oceanic basalts | |
67% | 15 | 2002 | Kerr, Andrew C.; Tarney, John et al.: Pervasive mantle plume head heterogeneity; evidence from the Late Cretaceous Caribbean-Colombian oceanic plateau | download |
67% | 197 197-1203 197-1204 | 2002 | Doubrovine, Pavel V.; Tarduno, John A.: Possible self-reversed magnetization carried by titanomaghemite in oxidized lavas of ODP sites 1203 and 1204 (Detroit Seamount) | |
67% | 192 192-1183 192-1184 192-1185 192-1186 192-1187 | 2003 | Roberge, Julie; White, Rosalind V. et al.: Anomalous subsidence of the Ontong Java Plateau (ODP Leg 192) | |
67% | 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1992 | Schoeps, Dietmar: Hydrothermale alteration im Gangstockwerk der ozeanischen Kruste; ODP-Bohrung 504B, Costa Rica Rift Hydrothermal alteration in vein stockwork of the oceanic crust; ODP Site 504B, Costa Rica Rift | |
67% | 183 | 1999 | Weis, Dominique; Damasceno, Dimitri et al.: Evidence for high-MgO basaltic Kerguelen Plume activity at bathymetric highs between the Kerguelen Archipelago and Heard Island, southern Indian Ocean | |
67% | 129 129-801 144 185 185-801 | 2002 | Barr, S. R.; Revillon, S. et al.: Determining the inputs to the Mariana subduction factory; using core-log integration to reconstruct basement lithology at ODP Hole 801C | download |
67% | 129 129-801 144 185 185-801 | 2002 | Revillon, S.; Barr, S. R. et al.: An alternative approach using integrated gamma-ray and geochemical data to estimate the inputs to subduction zones from ODP Leg 185, Site 801 | download |
67% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 2007 | Furnes, Harald; Banerjee, Neil R. et al.: Pillow lavas as a habitat for microbial life | |
67% | 301 301-U1301 | 2006 | Bartetzko, A.: IODP; hydrothermal alteration in young oceanic crust at Juan de Fuca Ridge; evidence from downhole logging data | |
67% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1979 | Ui, Tadahide: Possible existence of refilled flat-floored cavities within pillowed basalt in DSDP Leg 51 Hole 417D, Cretaceous Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
67% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 174B | 1997 | Goldberg, D.; Pezard, P. et al.: New logging results in young oceanic crust at Site 395A | |
67% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 | 1978 | Dick, H.; Marsh, N. G. et al.: Extensional volcanism in the Shikoku Basin | |
67% | 197 197-1203 | 2005 | Kinman, William S.; Neal, Clive R.: Crystal size distributions as a guide for microanalysis; an example from Detroit Seamount | |
67% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2005 | Teagle, D. A.; Umino, S. et al.: Towards a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate; deep drilling in Hole 1256D | |
67% | 301 301-U1301 | 2005 | Bartetzko, A. C.; Iturrino, G. J. et al.: Volcanic architecture and hydrogeology at the Juan de Fuca Ridge; first results from downhole logging in Hole U1301B (IODP Expedition 301) | |
67% | | 1977 | Naylor, M. A.: Symposium on the ophiolite-related geology of the Eastern Mediterranean (London, 18 April 1977) | |
67% | 73 73-522 | 2004 | Tauxe, Lisa; Staudigel, Hubert: Strength of the geomagnetic field in the Cretaceous Normal Superchron; new data from submarine basaltic glass of the Troodos Ophiolite | download |
67% | 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 174B | 1997 | Pezard, P. A.; Ayadi, M.: Downhole electrical images of extrusive MOR structures; implications for eruptive dynamics at slow and medium spreading rates | |
67% | 183 183-1136 183-1137 183-1138 183-1141 183-1142 | 2003 | Zhao, Xixi; Antretter, Maria et al.: Rock magnetic study on ODP Leg 183 basement cores | |
59% | 51 52 52-418 53 53-418 | 2012 | Fliegel, Daniel; Knowles, Emily et al.: Characterization of alteration textures in Cretaceous oceanic crust (pillow lava) from the N-Atlantic (DSDP Hole 418A) by spatially-resolved spectroscopy | |
58% | 192 192-1183 | 2006 | Kinman, William S.; Neal, Clive R.: Magma evolution revealed by anorthite-rich plagioclase cumulate xenoliths from the Ontong Java Plateau; insights into LIP magma dynamics and melt evolution | download |
58% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1979 | Larson, Roger L.; Schlanger, Seymour et al.: Cretaceous intraplate volcanism in the Nauru Basin and its regional implications | |
58% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 | 1978 | Klein, G. deV.; Kobayashi, K. et al.: Off-ridge volcanism and seafloor spreading in the Shikoku Basin | |
58% | 6 | 1971 | Melson, William G.: Volcanic rocks recovered on leg 6 | download |
58% | 301 301-U1301 | 2008 | Goldberg, David S.; Takahashi, Taro et al.: Carbon dioxide sequestration in deep-sea basalt | |
58% | 52 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1998 | French, Jason: Evidence for microbial activity in basaltic glass rims of pillow lavas at DSDP Hole 418A, North Atlantic Ocean | |
58% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 2002 | Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.; Bach, W. et al.: Os, Ir, Pt, Pd and Re in Hole 504B | |
58% | 139 139-856 139-857 146 169 169-856 169-857 | 1996 | Zierenberg, R. A.; Fouquet, Yves et al.: The roots of seafloor massive sulfide deposits; preliminary results from ODP Leg 169 drilling in Middle Valley and Escanaba Trough | |
58% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 129 129-802 | 1994 | Castillo, P. R.; Pringle, M. S. et al.: East Mariana Basin tholeiites; Cretaceous intraplate basalts or rift basalts related to the Ontong Java plume? | |
58% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2006 | Gao, Y.; Hoefs, Jochen et al.: A complete oxygen isotope profile through the lower oceanic crust, ODP Hole 735B | download |
58% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1988 | Harvey, P. K.; Lovell, M. A.: Basaltic litho-stratigraphy in ODP Hole 504B | |
58% | 45 45-395 52 52-418 53 53-418 78 78-395 102 102-418 109 174B | 1998 | Bartetzko, Anne; Wohlenberg, Juergen: The relation between volcanic eruption sequences and alteration; results from log analysis in DSDP/ODP holes | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1988 | Lovell, M.; Pezard, Philippe A.: Multi channel sonic logging in basaltic ocean crust | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1982 | Anderson, R. N.; Honnorez, J. et al.: DSDP Hole 504B, the first reference section over 1 km through Layer 2 of the oceanic crust | |
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