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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1977 | Drury, Malcolm J.: The electrical properties of ocean crust and oceanic island basalts and gabbros; results and implications of a laboratory study | |
87% | 118 | 1991 | Hebert, R.; Constantin, M.: Petrology of hydrothermal metamorphism of oceanic layer 3; implications for sulfide parageneses and redistribution | |
86% | | 1979 | Spooner, E. T. C.: Ophiolitic rocks and evidence for hydrothermal convection of sea water within crust | |
86% | | 1989 | Henry, B.; Bina, M.: Magnetic properties and anisotropies of serpentized peridotites from ODP Site 670A | |
86% | | 1990 | Kikawa, E.; Pariso, Janet E.: Magnetic properties of gabbros from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B at the southwest Indian Ridge | |
86% | | 1979 | Muehlenbachs, K.; Scarfe, C. M.: (super 18) O exchange between Layer 2 and seawater; evidence from DSDP | |
86% | 147 | 1993 | Offset drilling pierces the Hess Deep rift valley | |
86% | 118 | 1988 | Scientists core gabbro in SW Indian Ridge | |
86% | | 1983 | Book, Patricia O'Donnell: A study of vein minerals in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 462A | |
86% | | 2007 | Teagle, Damon: Heavy metal meets hard rock | |
86% | | 2003 | Lundstrom, C.: A proposal for drilling to the base of a Lamont Seamount at 9 degrees 50 N EPR | |
86% | 176 | 2000 | Mackie, Suzanne Mary: The abundances and distribution of chemical elements in oceanic gabbros drilled during ODP Leg 176; towards a realistic model composition of oceanic crust in the context of crust-mantle recycling | |
86% | | 2002 | Becker, Keir: Ocean Drilling Program plans final year of operations | |
86% | | 2008 | Liu, S.: Geodynamics of continental lithospheric rupturing; progress and challenge | |
81% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1991 | Stakes, Debra S.: Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of oceanic plutonic rocks; high-temperature deformation and metamorphism of oceanic layer 3 | |
81% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2007 | Horckmans, K.; Hertogen, J.: Mineral-melt trace element equilibria in plutonic rocks studied by laser ablation ICP-MS | |
71% | | 1998 | Matsukage, Kyoko; Arai, Shoji: Jadeite, albite and nepheline as inclusions in spinel of chromitite from Hess Deep, Equatorial Pacific; their genesis and implications for serpentinite diapir formation | |
71% | 118 | 1990 | Hebert, Rejean; Constantin, Marc et al.: Hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic layer 3; evidences from Leg 118 gabbroic rocks | |
71% | 22 | 1976 | Hekinian, R.; Subbarao, K. V.: Petrology and geochemistry of igneous rocks from Leg 22 in the northeastern Indian Ocean | |
71% | 153 | 1998 | Pilot, Joachim; Werner, Carl-Dietrich et al.: Palaeozoic and Proterozoic zircons from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
71% | 37 45 | 1983 | Hebert, R.; Serri, G. et al.: Mineral chemistry of ultramafic tectonites and ultramafic to gabbroic cumulates from the major oceanic basins and the Northern Apennines ophiolites; a comparison | |
71% | 118 | 1988 | Kempton, P. D.; Hawkesworth, C. J.: Isotopic composition of layer 3 of the oceanic crust; a preliminary report on gabbros from ODP Leg 118, Hole 735B | |
71% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1988 | Von Herzen, R. P.: Logging and physical properties measurements of the lower ocean crust; ODP Site 735 | |
71% | 109 | 1988 | Di Donato, G.; Loubet, M.: Mid Atlantic Ridge peridotites (from ODP Leg 109) geochemical compositions and conditions of partial melting of the upper mantle at slow spreading ridges | |
71% | | 1988 | Maruyama, S.; Liou, J. G.: Ocean-floor metamorphism at different tectonic settings; a review on the DSDP drilling projects | |
71% | 118 | 1988 | Robinson, Paul T.; Hebert, Rejean: Oceanic gabbros from the Atlantis II fracture zone, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
71% | | 1994 | Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Seismic signature of an island arc; a new model of seismic stratigraphy of the Kohistan accreted terrane | |
71% | 109 109-670 | 1994 | Nazarova, Katherine A.: Serpentinized peridotites as a possible source for oceanic magnetic anomalies | |
71% | 37 37-334 | 1992 | Girardeau, Jacques; Mercier, Jean-Claude C.: Evidence for plagioclase-lherzolite intrusion in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, DSDP Leg 37 | |
71% | 77 | 1982 | Anonymous: Die geologische Fruehgeschichte des suedoestlichen Golfes von Mexiko; Glomar Challenger, Fahrt 77 Geologic history of Southeast Gulf of Mexico Glomar Challenger, Leg 77 | |
71% | 77 | 1982 | Buffler, Richard T.; Phair, Ronald L. et al.: Early geologic evolution of the deep southeastern Gulf of Mexico | |
71% | | 1982 | Anonymous: Heterogenitaet des Erdmantels durch Krustenbohrungen am Mittelatlantischen Ruecken nachgewiesen; Glomar Challenger, Fahrtabschnitt 82 Heterogeneity of the mantle proved by boreholes in the crust of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Glomar Challenger, Leg 82 | |
71% | | 1981 | Sato, Y.: Heavy mineral composition of Tertiary sediments of sites 445 and 446 of Deep Sea Drilling Project, northeastern Philippine Sea | |
71% | 153 153-920 | 1996 | Pilot, J.; Werner, C. D. et al.: Further oxygen isotope investigation from an ultramafic profile, Hole 920 D; alterations by seawater | |
71% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 | 1977 | Fujii, T.; Kushiro, I.: Melting relations and viscosity of an abyssal tholeiite | |
71% | | 1985 | Allerton, W. S. Q.; Vine, F. J.: Grabens in the Troodos; a preliminary investigation | |
71% | | 2000 | Natland, James H.: Origin and importance of granite in the ocean crust | |
71% | 173 | 2000 | Abe, Natsue: Petrochemistry of the passive continental margin peridotite from Iberia abyssal plain (ODP Leg 173) | |
71% | 153 | 1994 | Karson, J. A.; Cannat, M. et al.: Upper mantle and lower crustal processes at slow-spreading ridges; new insights from serpentinites and gabbroic rocks drilled on ODP Leg 153 in the MARK area MAR at 23 degrees N | |
71% | | 1988 | Pariso, Janet E.; Scott, J. H. et al.: A magnetic logging study of gabbros within ODP hole 735B at the Southwest Indian Ridge | |
71% | | 1982 | Smith, G. M.; Janecky, D. R. et al.: Magnetic characteristics of experimental natural serpentinites | |
71% | 30 37 | 1982 | Dunlop, D. J.; Prevot, M. et al.: Oxidation of titanomagnetites in mafic and felsic intrusive rocks | |
71% | | 1982 | Dallmeyer, R. David: Pre-Mesozoic basement of the southeastern Gulf of Mexico | |
71% | 118 | 1988 | Kempton, P. D.; Hawkesworth, C. J.: Geochemistry and isotopic composition of gabbros from layer 3 of the Indian Ocean crust, ODP Leg 118, Hole 735B | |
71% | 30 37 45 | 1980 | Prevot, M.; Dunlop, D. J.: Magnetic properties of drilled submarine intrusive rocks | |
71% | 37 37-334 | 1975 | Dostal, J.; Muecke, G. K.: Trace element geochemistry of a peridotite-gabbro-basalt complex from D.S.D.P. Leg 37 | |
71% | 37 37-334 | 1976 | Loubat, H.; Aumento, F.: Coarse grained rocks from Core 334, DSDP Leg 37; petrography and interpretation | |
71% | 37 37-334 | 1976 | Hodges, F. N.: Crystallization sequence as a key to ophiolite petrogenesis | |
71% | 37 37-332 37-334 | 1976 | Crocket, J. H.; Teruta, Y.: Palladium, iridium and gold in mafic and ultramafic rocks drilled from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Leg 37, DSDP | |
71% | 37 37-334 | 1976 | Dostal, J.; Clarke, D. B. et al.: Petrochemistry of igneous rocks of Site 334, D.S.D.P. Leg 37 | |
71% | 153 | 2000 | Meurer, William P.; Gee, Jeff: Evidence for the protracted construction of the lower oceanic crust at the MARK area by emplacement of small magma bodies | |
71% | | 2000 | Srivastava, Shiri; Sibuet, Jean Claude: History of the formation of the Newfoundland Basin and its relation to the development of the hydrocarbon rich basins landward of it | |
71% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1992 | Goldberg, David; Badri, Mohammed et al.: Acoustic attenuation in oceanic gabbro | |
71% | | 1979 | Bryan, Wilfred B.: Episodic extrusion and collapse; a model for crustal accretion at a slow-spreading ridge | |
71% | 149 149-897 | 1996 | Seifert, Karl: Mantle peridotites and derivative basalts; examples from the Iberia abyssal plain | |
71% | | 1996 | Blum, N.; Kuhn, T. et al.: Mantle uplifted block in the central tropic Indian Ocean | |
71% | 147 147-895 | 1996 | Edwards, Stephen J.; Malpas, John: Melt-peridotite interactions in shallow mantle at the East Pacific Rise; evidence from ODP Site 895 (Hess Deep) | |
71% | 153 | 1996 | Gaggero, L.; Cortesogno, L.: Metamorphic evolution of Leg 153 gabbros; stress-induced recrystallization from subsolidus to hydrothermal conditions in a slow-spreading ridge | |
71% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1991 | Pariso, Janet Ellen: The magnetic structure of gabbros from the Southwest Indian Ridge; downhole magnetic logging and magnetic properties measurements from ODP Hole 735B | |
71% | 103 | 1989 | Karpoff, A. M.; Lagabrielle, Yves et al.: L'authigenese oceanique de palygorskite par halmyrolyse de peridotites serpentinisees (Marge de Galice); ses implications geodynamiques Oceanic palygorskite authigenesis by halmyrolysis of serpentinized peridotites (Galicia); geodynamic implications | |
71% | 37 | 1977 | Dunlop, D. J.; Hale, C. J. et al.: Two characteristic magnetic mineral assemblages in oceanic layer-2 rocks | |
71% | 209 209-1268 | 2004 | Garces, M.; Gee, J. S. et al.: Paleomagnetic constrains to the evolution of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14 degrees to 16 degrees N | |
71% | 118 | 1990 | Ozawa, K.; Meyer, P. S.: Magma chamber beneath slow-spreading ridge; petrology of Fe-Ti oxide gabbros from ODP Leg 118, Hole 735B, south west Indian Ridge | |
71% | | 1990 | Bina, M. M.; Henry, B.: Magnetic properties, opaque mineralogy and magnetic anisotropies of serpentinized peridotites from ODP Hole 670A near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
71% | | 1996 | Milner, Simon C.; le Roex, Anton P.: Isotope characteristics of the Okenyenya igneous complex, northwestern Namibia; constraints on the composition of the early Tristan Plume and the origin of the EM 1 mantle component | |
71% | | 1989 | Vanko, David A.; Stakes, Debra S.: Petrology of alteration in oceanic layer 3, ODP Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
71% | 118 | 1989 | Iturrino, Gerardo J.: Physical properties and reflectivity of the oceanic crust from laboratory measurements in gabbros from the Atlantis II fracture zone | |
71% | 51 52 | 1979 | Sinton, John M.; Byerly, Gary R.: High Na/K silicic differentiates of oceanic spreading center magmas; evidence from DSDP Legs 51-52 dolerites | |
71% | | 1984 | Pallister, J. S.: Parent magmas of the Semail ophiolite, Oman | |
71% | | 1984 | Bourgois, J.; Desmet, A. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic rocks drilled during DSDP Leg 84 (landward slope of the Middle America Trench off Guatemala) | |
71% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Hirth, G.: Microstructural constraints on the rheology of the lower crust | |
71% | 41 41-368 | 1978 | Simoneit, B. R. T.; Brenner, S. et al.: Thermal alteration of Cretaceous black shale by basaltic intrusions in the eastern Atlantic | |
71% | 37 37-334 | 1978 | Dostal, J.; Muecke, G. K.: Trace element geochemistry of the peridotite-gabbro-basalt suite from DSDP Leg 37 | |
71% | 147 147-894 | 1993 | Manning, C. E.: High-temperature gabbro metamorphism at Hess Deep and the root zones of EPR hydrothermal systems | |
71% | 147 | 1993 | Gillis, K. M.: Hydrothermal evolution of EPR lower crust exposed at Hess Deep | |
71% | 153 | 1993 | Karson, Jeffrey A.; Cannat, Mathilde et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 153 scientific prospectus; drilling in the western wall of the MARK area | |
71% | 149 | 1993 | Sawyer, D. S.; Whitmarsh, R. B. et al.: ODP Leg 149; drilling a continent ocean transition at the Iberia abyssal plain | |
71% | 149 149-900 | 1995 | Chang, C. W.; Seifert, K. E.: The primary cumulus mineralogy of ODP Leg 149 Hole 900A metamorphosed gabbros | |
71% | 118 | 1995 | Elthon, D.; Stewart, C. M.: Trace element geochemistry of "cumulate" rocks from Leg 118 of the Ocean Drilling Program; what causes unusual trace element patterns in cumulates? | |
71% | 153 | 1995 | Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Velocity behavior of the lower oceanic crust and upper mantle | |
71% | 149 149-900 | 1996 | Chang, Cheng-Wen; Seifert, Karl: A calculated primary mineralogy for metamorphosed gabbros from ODP Leg 149 Hole 900A | |
71% | 118 | 1989 | Kirby, Stephen H.; Mawer, C. K. et al.: Ductile shear zones in layer 3 gabbroic rocks; their deformation structures, V (sub p) anisotropy and candidacy for the curvilinear reflection structures of the lower crust | |
71% | | 1991 | Pelling, R.: Integrating physical and chemical logging data; examples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) holes 504B and 735B | |
71% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1991 | Kikawa, Eiichi; Ozawa, Kazuhito: Magnetization of oceanic gabbros | |
71% | 36 | 1974 | Barker, P. F.: Preliminary results of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 36; the southernmost Atlantic Ocean Basin | |
71% | 37 37-334 | 1994 | Ross, Daniel Kent: Geochemistry of cumulate rocks from the Stillwater layered intrusion and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; magma evolution recorded by cumulus mineral compositions | |
71% | 147 | 1994 | Lecuyer, C.; Reynard, B.: High-temperature diffusion of seawater and mechanism of interaction with gabbroic rocks at Hess Deep rift valley, Leg 147 | |
71% | 63 | 1979 | Yeats, R. S.; Haq, B. U.: Leg 63 drilling results, DSDP, on the California-Baja California continental margin, with notes on downhole logging | |
71% | 84 | 1985 | Desmet, A.; Tournon, J. et al.: Ophiolites de Santa Elena (Costa Rica) et Leg 84; etude chimique des clinopyroxenes Ophiolites of Santa Elena (Costa Rica) and Leg 84; geochemistry of clinopyroxenes | |
71% | | 1991 | Laz'ko, Ye. Ye.; Gladkov, N. G.: Ultramafic and gabbroid rocks of the IPOD Basin (Yap fracture zone, Philippine Sea) | |
71% | | 1993 | Kennedy, L. A.; Boudier, F. et al.: Deformation and recovery in the upper mantle and microstructural constraints on melt impregnation | |
71% | 118 | 1993 | Mevel, C.; Cannat, M. et al.: Evidence for non permanent magma chamber at slow spreading ridges | |
71% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1993 | Magde, L. S.; Dick, H. J. B. et al.: Fractal analysis of veins in ODP Core 735B | |
71% | 60 | 1981 | Lundberg, N.: Development of forearcs of intraoceanic subduction zones | |
71% | | 1979 | Rhodes, J. M.; Dungan, M. A.: The evolution of ocean-floor basaltic magmas | |
71% | 41 41-368 | 1979 | Baylis, D. M.; Bence, A. E. et al.: Transitional basalts from the Cape Verde Rise | |
71% | | 1992 | Radvanec, Martin; Hovorka, D. et al.: Prpomienky a odpovede k clanku "Klinopyroxenicko-granaticke metabazity Tribeca" Clinopyroxenite-garnet metabasites of the West Carpathians; discussion and reply | |
71% | 118 | 1989 | Iturrino, Gerardo J.; Christensen, Nikolas I. et al.: Shear-wave splitting and compressional-wave anisotropy at high pressures in deformed gabbros recovered from the Atlantis II fracture zone, Indian Ocean | |
71% | 82 | 1989 | Viereck, L. G.; Flower, Martin F. J. et al.: The genesis and significance of N-MORB sub-types | |
71% | 149 | 1996 | Beslier, M. O.; Cornen, G. et al.: Structure and evolution of a passive continental margin; main results of ODP Leg 149 in the ocean-continent transition of the Iberia abyssal plain | |
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