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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1971 | Briggs, Peter: 200,000,000 years beneath the sea | |
88% | | 1972 | Hayes, Dennis E.; Edgar, N. Terence: Extensive drilling program planned for Glomar Challenger in antarctic waters | |
75% | | 1985 | Aubouin, J.: Les grands programmes scientifiques internationaux et nationaux en cours dans les Sciences de la Terre Major international and national scientific programs in the earth sciences | |
75% | | 1972 | Guilcher, Andre: Les forages du JOIDES (Glomar Challenger) dans le lit marin The drillings of JOIDES (Glomar Challenger) in marine beds | |
75% | | 1984 | Pautot, Guy: Les moyens et les programmes de l'oceanologie geologique Means and programs in geologic oceanography | |
75% | | 1992 | Mayer, Larry A.: Future trends in ocean-related research; big programs? Big costs? Big thinking? | |
71% | | 1983 | Shapley, Deborah: Deep-sea drilling; commercial break raises hopes | |
71% | | 1981 | Norman, Colin: Ocean drilling program loses oil industry funds | |
71% | | 1985 | Anonymous: Deep-sea drilling; Britain rejoins programme | |
71% | | 1987 | Norman, Colin: Soviets disinvited to join drilling program | |
71% | | 1980 | Ocean Margin Drilling Program | |
71% | | 1976 | Lancelot, Y.: Forages sous-marins; IPOD Submarine drilling; IPOD | |
71% | | 1973 | Peterson, Melvin N. A.: Scientific drilling in the deep oceans | |
71% | | 1996 | Reinemund, John A.: International geoscience activities | |
71% | | 1983 | Science Services | |
71% | | 1985 | Campbell, Philip: Ocean Drilling Project setback | |
71% | | 1993 | Stahl, Matthew Jacob: Drill string stress management and related activities with the Ocean Drilling Program | |
71% | | 1981 | Dickson, David: Deep sea research; watery grave? | |
71% | | 1981 | Kerr, Richard A.: Explorer's ocean drilling role expanded | |
71% | | 1973 | Anonymous: What's been learned from the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | | 1989 | McLerran, A. R.: Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | | 1992 | Metcalfe, I.: Ocean Drilling Program newsletter | |
71% | | 1978 | Engineering for deep sea drilling for scientific purposes; interim report | |
71% | | 2000 | Ocean Drilling Program; from gateways to glaciation | |
69% | | 2012 | Duce, Robert A.; Benoit-Bird, Kelly J. et al.: Myths in funding ocean research at the National Science Foundation | |
63% | | 1982 | Symonds, P. A.: BMR's international co-operative geoscience programs offshore from Australia | |
63% | | 2002 | Soeding, E.; Hay, W. W. et al.: New paleontological and chronostratigraphical tools in the ODSN database | |
63% | | 2006 | Higgins, S.; Hovan, S. et al.: Workshop on the development of the CoreWall suite of applications | |
62% | | 1998 | JOIDES/ODP Directory | |
62% | | 1983 | Kerr, Richard A.: Deep-sea drilling rescued by a new option | |
62% | | 1985 | Cann, Joe: Challenge of the sea bed | |
62% | | 1985 | Beardsley, Tim: Deep-sea drilling; Britain squeezed onto margins | |
62% | | 1985 | Purdy, G. M.: Downhole measurement opportunities | |
62% | | 1988 | Beiersdorf, H.: Ocean Drilling Program/Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
62% | | 1970 | von der Borch, C. C.: Deep Sea Drilling Project progress report; lecture notes | |
62% | | 1970 | Vallier, Tracy L.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; an opportunity for student involvement in current oceanographic research | |
62% | | 1970 | Jenkins, D. Graham: Deep sea drilling project; leg IX | |
62% | | 1971 | Habib, Daniel: Cretaceous dinoflagellate zonation; Joides Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 11 | |
62% | | 1987 | Palca, Joseph: Soviet Union frozen out of Ocean Drilling Program partnership | |
62% | | 1987 | Anderson, Alun: World's ocean drillers plan for decade of technological change | |
62% | | 1968 | Huelsemann, Jobst: JOIDES; tiefsee-Bohrprojekt JOIDES: deep-sea drilling project | |
62% | | 1980 | Ocean Margin Drilling Program; preliminary science program; June 1980 | |
62% | | 1975 | Musich, L. F.: A guide to Indian Ocean core material | |
62% | | 1971 | Riedel, William R.; Sanfilippo, Annika: Cenozoic radiolarian evolution and biogeography | |
62% | | 1976 | Paluso, P.; Wood, T.: Deep Sea Drilling Project keyword index to the initial reports, publications, and investigations of DSDP materials | |
62% | | 1982 | Shinn, Allen M., Jr.: Summary | |
62% | | 1999 | Doyle, Larry J.: Marine geology and geophysics | |
62% | | 1979 | White, Stan M.: Deep-sea drilling | |
62% | | 1996 | Butler, Declan: Ocean drilling enters choppy waters as France and UK question strategy | |
62% | | 1996 | Falvey, David A.: Ocean drilling rules OK? | |
62% | | 1982 | Shapley, Deborah: Soviets out | |
62% | | 1989 | Lighty, Kathe A.; Beck, John: Ocean Drilling Program, Technical Video 1, DSDP Legs 1-96, ODP Legs 100-121 | |
62% | | 1989 | Harding, Barry: Ocean Drilling Project | |
62% | | 1989 | Hay, William: Ocean Margin Drilling | |
62% | | 2006 | Anonymous: Of cores! | |
62% | | 1978 | Nierenberg, William A.: The Deep Sea Drilling Project after ten years | |
62% | | 1995 | Kettembeil, Sibylle: Tiefseebohrungen Deep sea drilling | |
62% | | 1991 | Delaney, John R.: Mid-ocean ridges | |
62% | | 1974 | Weser, O. E.: Sediment classification based on DSDP drilling | |
62% | | 1973 | Musich, Lillian F.: A guide to phase I core material | |
62% | | 1998 | Miller, Keith L.: Mohole and other drilling projects | |
62% | | 1998 | Kerr, Richard A.; Normile, Dennis: Ocean drilling floats ambitious plans for growth | |
62% | | 1991 | Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Harding, Barry W. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; an overview | |
62% | | 1984 | Clotworthy, John; Brass, Garrett: Science support for ODP | |
62% | | 1972 | Fan, Pow-foong; Rex, R. W.: Mineralogy of deep-sea sediment cores from Atlantic and Pacific oceans | |
62% | | 1972 | Cita, M. B.: Quattro anni di perforazione nei fondi oceanici Four years of perforating the ocean floors | |
62% | | 1985 | Smith, John B.: Managing nonenergy marine mineral development; genesis of a program | |
62% | | 1999 | Ocean drilling research; an Arctic perspective | |
62% | | 1992 | Ball, Mahlon M.: Ocean Drilling Program guidelines for pollution prevention and safety | |
62% | | 2003 | Winterer, E. L.: The evolution of geosciences at Scripps | |
62% | | 2003 | White, Kasey (ed.); Urquhart, Elspeth (ed.): ODP highlights | |
62% | | 1975 | Peterson, M. N. A.: International phase of ocean drilling | |
62% | | 1981 | Cann, J. R.: Which direction for ocean drilling? | |
62% | | 2003 | Bohlen, Steve: Spring time in Washington; IODP plans bloom | |
62% | | 1987 | Bardsley, W. E.: A detail-preserving smoothing technique with application to high-resolution ocean core data | |
62% | | 1994 | O'Connel, Suzanne: Oceanography; Paleoceanography | |
62% | | 1987 | Buffler, Richard: NSF ODP science activities | |
62% | | 1991 | Kerr, Richard A.: Coming up short in a crustal quest | |
62% | | 1990 | Kidd, R.: The Ocean Drilling Programme; the first few years | |
62% | | 1998 | Arthur, Michael A.: Committee issues report, recommendations for future of scientific ocean drilling | |
62% | | 1973 | Van Andel, Tjeerd H.: Deep Sea Drilling for Scientific Purposes; A Decade of Dreams | |
62% | | 2003 | Harrison, Chris: A brief history of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
62% | | 1998 | Coe, Robert S.: Research opportunities in geomagnetism and paleomagnetism | |
62% | | 1980 | Pisciotto, Ken: Drilling sets a framework for revolution | |
62% | | 1984 | Hay, W. W.: The past and future of scientific ocean drilling | |
62% | | 1973 | Orr, William N.: Micropaleontology and the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
62% | | 1997 | Humphris, Susan E.; Ellins, Katherine K. et al.: Recent changes in the Ocean Drilling Program | |
62% | | 2005 | White, Kasey: New opportunities in riserless ocean drilling | |
62% | | 2001 | Malfait, Bruce: International earth science | |
62% | | 2003 | Brumfiel, Geoff: Partners dig deep for ocean-drilling project | |
62% | | 1998 | Basov, I. A.: Programma okeanskogo bureniya na rubezhe stoletiy Ocean drilling program at the turn of the century | |
62% | | 1984 | Kurnosov, V. B.: Novyy proyekt glubokovodnogo bureniya dna okeana A new project of deep drilling on the ocean floor | |
62% | | 1978 | Herron, E. M.: Implications of the International Phase of Ocean Drilling for geology education | |
62% | | 1984 | Marszalek, Donald S.: Ocean drilling suggestions | |
62% | | 1971 | Cook, H. E.: Iron and manganese rich sediments overlying oceanic basaltic basement, equatorial Pacific, Leg 9, D.S.D.P. | |
62% | | 2000 | Moore, T. C., Jr.: Scientific ocean drilling in the 21st century | |
62% | | 2000 | Fogarty, John: Scientific ocean drilling; one of the best kept secrets | |
62% | | 2002 | Prell, Warren; Delaney, Peggy: Support for U. S. participation in the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | |
62% | | 1977 | The future of scientific ocean drilling | |
62% | | 2012 | Van Hoesen, John: School of Rock; educating educators at sea | |
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