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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1976 | Paluso, P.; Wood, T.: Deep Sea Drilling Project keyword index to the initial reports, publications, and investigations of DSDP materials | |
87% | | 2000 | Klaus, Ann D.: Migrating ODP "proceedings" from print to cross-media publication formats | |
81% | | 1998 | Rumford, Jennifer P.; Riedel, W. R.: Beyond the cutting edge, electronic publications in the 21st century | |
71% | | 1981 | Melguen, Marthe: La banque des donnees DSDP-IPOD au Bureau national des donnees oceaniques The DSDP-IPOD data bank at the French National Oceanic Data Bureau | |
71% | | 1999 | Rumford, Jennifer Pattison; Riedel, William R.: Beyond the cutting edge, electronic publications the 21st Century | |
71% | | 1996 | Falvey, David A.: Ocean drilling rules OK? | |
71% | | 1984 | Rabinowitz, Phillip D.; McLerran, Archie et al.: Scientific ocean drilling; converting the SEDCO BP/471 | |
71% | | 2000 | Klaus, Ann D.: Migrating ODP proceedings from print to cross-media publication formats | |
71% | | 2005 | Peart, Leslie: An ongoing journey; teaching for science, learning for life | |
70% | | 2011 | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program 2011 ocean drilling citation report; covering citations related to the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Ocean Drilling Program and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program from GeoRef citations indexed by American Geological Institute 1969 through 2010 | download |
61% | | 1981 | Barron, J. A.: Middle Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of DSDP Site 77B in the eastern equatorial Pacific | |
61% | | 1993 | Robertson, A. H. F.: Overview of the neotectonic evolution of the Mediterranean; insights to be gained from Deep Sea Drilling | |
61% | | 1989 | Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Garrison, Louis E. et al.: Four years of scientific deep ocean drilling | |
61% | | 1999 | Bruns, P. (ed.); Hass, H. C. (ed.): On the determination of sediment accumulation rates | |
61% | | 1993 | Rabinowitz, P. D.; Francis, T. J. G. et al.: Scientific results and future objectives of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
61% | | 1999 | Anderson, Ian: The lost world | |
61% | | 1998 | Cramp, A. (ed.); MacLeod, C. J. (ed.) et al.: Geological evolution of ocean basins; results from the Ocean Drilling Program | |
61% | | 1999 | Smolka, Peter: Reconstruction of Neogene oceans; results from IGCP-341 | |
61% | | 1991 | Vincent, E.; Herbert, T. D. et al.: Extending Pleistocene-like stratigraphic resolution into the Neogene | |
61% | | 2007 | Anonymous: Ocean Drilling Program final technical report, 1983-2007 | |
61% | | 2011 | Welsh, Kevin: From greenhouse to icehouse | |
61% | | 2012 | 2012 ocean drilling citation report; covering citations related to the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Ocean Drilling Program, and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program from GeoRef citations indexed by the American Geological Institute from 1969 through 2011 | |
57% | | 1997 | Hall, Jennifer P.; Klaus, Ann: Voyages of discovery, a dialogue on electronic publishing | |
51% | 21 | 1978 | Irvine, I.: Late Pliocene-Quaternary biostratigraphy and climatic change in DSDP 208, Lord Howe Rise | |
51% | | 1987 | Worthington, M. H.: Geophysics in the United Kingdom | |
51% | 153 | 1999 | Whitechurch, Hubert; Chatin, Fabienne: Mantle-melt interactions at low pressure producing high Mg-Al liquids beneath the MARK Zone (Atlantic Ocean) | |
51% | 119 120 183 | 1999 | Schlich, Roland; Schaming, Marc et al.: New multichannel seismic reflection data on the northern Kerguelen Plateau | |
51% | | 1998 | Anonymous: Massive ocean current may provide clues to global warming | |
51% | 146 146-892 | 2002 | Tomer, Brad: Methane hydrate research effort accelerates | |
51% | 116 | 1993 | Derry, Louis; Galy, Albert et al.: Himalayan erosion versus sedimentation in Bengal Fan; evidence from geochemical and stratigraphic study of ODP Leg 116 | |
51% | 135 135-840 | 1993 | Clift, P. D.; Dixon, J. E.: Ion microprobe analysis applied to volcaniclastic sediments in tracing the geochemical evolution of the Tonga Arc | |
51% | 131 | 1993 | Pickering, K. T.: Is the decollement in Nankai accretionary prism localized at a lithological change? New evidence from rare earth elements, and other geochemical data | |
51% | 127 128 | 1993 | Cramp, A.; Follmi, K. et al.: Late Quaternary cyclic sedimentation in the Sea of Japan | |
51% | 139 | 1993 | Marchig, V.; Boni, M.: Massive sulfides from Middle Valley (Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 139 "sedimented ridges"); mineral and chemical composition and comparison with massive sulfides from the southern part of the East Pacific Rise | |
51% | 139 | 1993 | Buatier, Martine; Karpoff, Anne Marie et al.: Mineralogical and geochemical records of sediment-hydrothermal fluid interactions in Middle Valley (Juan de Fuca Ridge, Leg 139) | |
51% | 131 131-808 196 196-808 | 1993 | Pickering, Kevin T.: Mobility and source of rare earth elements in the decollement at ODP Site 808, Nankai accretionary prism | |
51% | 133 | 1993 | Barton, Charles E.; Peerdeman, F. M.: Palaeomagnetism, rock magnetism and evolution of the Great Barrier Reef | |
51% | 122 122-762 | 1991 | Corbin, J. C.; Galbrun, B. et al.: Manganese fluctuations and oceanic ridge expansion | |
51% | 129 129-802 | 1991 | France-Lanord, C.; Karpoff, A. M. et al.: Diagenetic control on interstitial water chemistry in volcaniclastic sediments of NW Pacific; ODP Leg 129 | |
51% | 135 | 1991 | Blanc, G.: Hydrochemistry of the Lau backarc basin and the Tonga forearc basin, ODP Leg 135 | |
51% | 126 | 1991 | Taylor, R. N.; Lapierre, H. et al.: Igneous geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Izu-Bonin fore-arc basin | |
51% | 118 | 1993 | Mevel, C.; Cannat, M. et al.: Evidence for non permanent magma chamber at slow spreading ridges | |
51% | 135 | 1993 | Vitali, Frederic; Blanc, Gerard: Geochemistry of the back arc Lau Basin, Leg 135 ODP | |
51% | 6 31 59 60 | 1988 | Kirillova, G. L.: Stratigraphic zonation of sediments and basement rocks of the Philippine Sea floor and its tectonic interpretation | |
51% | | 1991 | Rangin, G.; Silver, E. A.: ODP drilling in the Celebes-Sulu marginal basins and paleokinematic reconstructions of the SE Asian region | |
51% | 135 | 1991 | Parson, L. M.; Hawkins, J. W. et al.: ODP drilling results from the Lau back-arc basin, Tonga Ridge | |
51% | 108 108-658 | 1995 | Maslin, M.; Sarnthein, Michael et al.: Evidence for climate variability during the Eemian/Marine Isotope Stage 5E | |
51% | 157 | 1995 | Schmincke, H. U.; Sumita, M.: Evolution of Gran Canaria; evidence from drilling the volcaniclastic apron | |
51% | 23 23-219 | 1980 | Mohan, Madan; Kumar, P.: Biostratigraphy of Kerala offshore | |
51% | 147 | 1995 | Stamoudi, C.; Mevel, C.: High temperature serpentinization of oceanic mantle at the fast spreading East Pacific Rise | |
51% | 117 | 1995 | Schultz, H.; von Rad, U. et al.: Holocene to Pleistocene sediment color cycles, stable, isotope stratigraphy, and organic carbon accumulation in the northeastern Arabian Sea | |
51% | 139 | 1995 | Marchig, V.; Dietrich, P.: Hydrothermal activity in Middle Valley (East Pacific Rise 48N, Leg 139, ODP); chemical redistribution between sediment, igneous rocks and massive sulfides | |
51% | 147 | 1995 | Deloule, E.; Mevel, C.: Implications of high delta D values measured in lower oceanic crust gabbros | |
51% | 116 | 1995 | Ormond, A.; Boulegue, J. et al.: Large scale and local scale fluid circulations in the Bengal Fan | |
51% | | 1991 | Jacquin, T.; de Graciansky, P. C. et al.: The Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events; anoxia and hiatus within a sequence stratigraphic framework | |
51% | 145 145-883 | 1995 | Olshanetsky, D. M.: Paleogene paleoceanological events and benthic Foraminifera response, Northwest Pacific | |
51% | 145 145-883 145-884 | 1995 | Basov, I. A.: Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy and biogeography of the subarctic Pacific Paleogene | |
51% | | 1999 | Bruns, P.; Hass, H. C.: On sediment accumulation rates and their determination; introduction | |
51% | 171B | 1999 | Wilson, Paul A.; Lear, Carrie H. et al.: Palaeoceanographic responses to Mid-Cretaceous greenhouse forcing in the tropical western Atlantic | |
51% | 165 165-1002 | 1999 | Schuffert, Jeffrey D.; Herbert, Timothy D.: Paleotemperature and productivity variations at ODP Site 1002, Cariaco Basin | |
51% | | 1989 | Hermelin, J. Otto R.: Pliocene benthic foraminifera from the Ontong-Java Plateau (western Equatorial Pacific Ocean); faunal response to changing paleoenvironment | |
51% | 157 | 1995 | Lindblom, S.; Weaver, P. E.: Organic geochemistry of turbidites on the Madeira abyssal plain; implications for source areas in time and space | |
51% | | 1995 | Mills, R. A.; Tivey, M. K.: Fluid circulation within the TAG mound | |
51% | 153 | 1995 | Ghose, I.; Cannat, Mathilde et al.: Fracture zone effect on mantle melting in the MARK area (Mid Atlantic Ridge Kane fracture zone) | |
51% | 21 30 | 1975 | Taylor, L. W. H.: Depositional and tectonic patterns in the western Coral Sea | |
51% | 186 | 2004 | Niitsuma, Nobuaki; von Huene, Roland et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 186; advanced results | |
51% | | 2008 | Mortimer, N.; Hauff, F. et al.: Continuation of the New England Orogen, Australia, beneath the Queensland Plateau and Lord Howe Rise | |
51% | 112 | 1999 | Pecher, Ingo A.; Kukowski, Nina: BSRs in Lima Basin; an indication for methane production below the gas hydrate stability zone? | |
51% | 160 | 1999 | Warning, Birgit; Wehausen, Rolf et al.: Trace element signatures of eastern Mediterranean sapropels; implications for the sapropel formation scenario | |
51% | 164 | 1999 | Tinivella, Umberta; Lukas, Dirk et al.: Two models for the quantitative estimation of gas hydrates concentrations based on borehole data; application to ODP Leg 164 results | |
51% | 192 | 2004 | Fitton, J. Godfrey (ed.); Mahoney, John J. (ed.) et al.: Origin and evolution of the Ontong Java Plateau | |
51% | 74 74-525 | 1991 | Ekman, G.; Malmgren, B. A.: A high-resolution record of stable isotopes for the last 400 ky of the Cretaceous | |
51% | 120 120-747 120-751 | 1991 | Beaufort, L.: A seventeen million years long record of Miocene water mass movements in the southern Indian Ocean inferred from calcareous nannofossil distribution | |
51% | | 1999 | Jacquemont, Benoit; Honnorez, Jose: Present-day paragonite-smectite mixed layer phyllosilicate from the TAG active hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
51% | 157 | 1999 | Gurenko, Andrey A.; Chaussidon, Marc et al.: S and O isotopes in Cpx-hosted glass inclusions from Miocene submarine hyaloclastites of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands); constraints on magma degassing and contamination | |
51% | | 1992 | Gramberg, I. S.; Isaev, E. N. et al.: Geology and mineralogy of the Late Jurassic-Quaternary sedimentary cover in the oceans and on the continents | |
51% | 125 125-782 | 1999 | Straub, Susanne M.; Layne, Graham D.: Elemental fractionation at convergent margins; evidence from glass compositions from the central Izu Arc (NW Pacific) | |
51% | 170 | 1999 | Voelker, David; Meschede, Martin: Finite element modelling of convergent margin wedge dynamics | |
51% | 168 | 1999 | Marescotti, Pietro; Vanko, David A. et al.: From oxidative to non-oxidative alteration; mineralogical variations in pillow basalts from eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge (ODP Leg 168) | |
51% | 138 154 | 1999 | Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Palike, Heiko et al.: Improved astronomically tuned timescales for the late Neogene | |
51% | 171B | 2001 | Kroon, Dick (ed.); Norris, Richard D. (ed.) et al.: Western North Atlantic Palaeogene and Cretaceous palaeoceanography | |
51% | 107 | 1991 | Boccaletti, M.; Cello, G. et al.: Structural framework of the southern segment of the central Mediterranean | |
51% | | 1991 | Schlich, R.; Fritsch, B. et al.: Structure and evolution of the Kerguelen Plateau deduced from seismic stratigraphy and ODP drilling | |
51% | 119 120 121 | 1993 | Fritsch, B.: Subsidence of the Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge | |
51% | 114 114-699 | 1991 | Westall, F.; van der Gaast, S. et al.: First TEM studies in diatom ooze containing fossilized microbes | |
51% | 21 | 2006 | Exon, N. F.; Hill, P. J. et al.: Kenn Plateau off northeast Australia; a continental fragment in the southwest Pacific jigsaw | |
51% | 193 | 2001 | Pockley, Peter: Hammering into the ocean floor | |
51% | 90 90-591 | 1991 | Thierstein, H. R.; Spencer-Cervato, C. et al.: Evolutionary origin and morphological differentiation of the extant planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia truncatulinoides | |
51% | 153 | 1995 | Ceuleneer, G.; Fletcher, J. M. et al.: Deformation of lower crustal rocks at a slow spreading ridge (Mid-Atlantic Ridge ODP Leg 153) | |
51% | 158 | 1995 | Herzig, P.; Humphris, S.: Drilling the TAG hydrothermal mound, MAR 26 degrees N | |
51% | 186 | 2004 | Niitsuma, Nobuaki: Japan Trench and tectonics of the Japanese island arcs | |
51% | 145 145-884 | 1995 | Thibal, J.; Pozzi, J. P. et al.: Continuous record of the geomagnetic field intensity during the past 4.7 to 2.7 million years from magnetic logging | |
51% | 125 | 1991 | Parkinson, I. J.; Pearce, J. A. et al.: Rare earth element geochemistry of Leg 125 peridotites | |
51% | 38 38-336 | 1991 | Krawczyk, C.; Theilen, F.: Sedimentary structures of the northern flank of the Iceland-Faeroer Ridge | |
51% | 63 64 | 1999 | van Lith, Yvonne; Vasconcelos, Crisogono et al.: Dolomite formation in the deep-sea subsurface biosphere; intra-crystalline organic matter as a tracer for microbial activity | |
51% | 153 153-920 | 1995 | Stephens, C. J.: Mineralogy of cored mid-ocean ridge peridotite from MARK (23 degrees N MAR); initial results from Leg 153 of the ODP | |
51% | 131 | 1995 | Alexander, J. L.: Modelling the influence of pore fluid chemistry on REE fractionation in the Nankai accretionary prism, Japan | |
51% | 125 | 1995 | Nowell, G.; Pearce, J. et al.: New Hf-isotope data on boninites from the Marianas, ODP Leg 125; constraints on origin of HFSE anomalies | |
51% | 302 | 2008 | Turunen, S.; Strand, K.: Clay mineralogy of the central Arctic Ocean sediments; implications for Cenozoic paleoenvironments | |
51% | 302 | 2008 | Immonen, N.; Strand, K.: Quartz grain surface textures of the Lomonosov Ridge sediments characterizing Cenozoic glaciations (IODP Arctic Coring EXpedition 302) | |
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