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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%371976Reynolds, P. H.: DSDP Leg 37 rocks; a review of the isotopic data
100%1977Delavaux, M. H.; Doe, B. R.: Preliminary report on uranium, thorium, lead contents, and lead isotopic composition in sediments from the Red Sea (Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 23 B)
100%1161989Williams, Colin Francis: Heat and fluid flow within the Earth's crust; in situ measurements and mathematical models
100%1975Manheim, Frank: Geological and geochemical significance of Red Sea evaporites
100%1994Drilled cores divulge history of continental and oceanic paleoclimate
100%1999Vaas, Ruediger: Fragment einer kosmischen Bombe Fragment of a cosmic bomb
100%2000Bjorklund, Frank; Selbekk, Rune S.: Star vi overfor en krise i geologisk forskining? Om kuhns paradigmer Are we facing a crisis in geological research? About Kuhn's paradigm
100%2002Quinn, Terrence M.; Tudhope, A. W.: Science and technology report on submerged coral drilling
100%2006Couapel, Martine J. J.; Bowles, Christopher J.: Impact of gamma densitometry on the luminescence signal of quartz grains
83%541981Clauer, N.; Vidal, P.: Pb and Sr isotopic compositions of hydrothermal deposits from East Pacific Rise and Galapagos Ridge
1984Francis, T. J. G.: A review of IOS research into the feasibility of high-level radioactive waste disposal in the oceans
83%1181988Kempton, P. D.; Hawkesworth, C. J.: Geochemistry and isotopic composition of gabbros from layer 3 of the Indian Ocean crust, ODP Leg 118, Hole 735B
1980Matherne, Anne Marie; Schrader, Hans et al.: Major paleoclimatological changes in the central Gulf of California over the last 300,000 years; a silicoflagellate study
83%1391999Stuart, Finlay M.; Ellam, Robert M. et al.: Metal sources in the Middle Valley massive sulphide deposit, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge; Pb isotope constraints
83%1041998Bruns, Peter; Dullo, Wolf-Christian et al.: Hiatuses on Voring Plateau; sedimentary gaps or preservation artifacts?
83%1998Blais-Stevens, Andree; Clague, John J. et al.: Holocene sedimentation in Saanich Inlet, B.C.; implications for prehistoric earthquake history
83%1996Milner, Simon C.; le Roex, Anton P.: Isotope characteristics of the Okenyenya igneous complex, northwestern Namibia; constraints on the composition of the early Tristan Plume and the origin of the EM 1 mantle component
83%1996Castillo, P. R.; Janney, P. R.: Isotopic evolution of Pacific MORB; implications for the isotopic diversity of modern MORB
83%1979Macdougall, J. D.; Finkel, R. C. et al.: Isotopic evidence for uranium exchange during low-temperature alteration of oceanic basalt
2002Pichat, S.; Abouchami, W.: Major change in Pb inputs to the eastern Equatorial Pacific since the last deglaciation
83%1978Macdougall, J. D.; Finkel, R. et al.: Uranium isotope disequilibria in altering marine basalts; evidence for exchange processes
83%1979Scott, M. R.; Salter, P. F. et al.: Chemistry of ridge-crest sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean
1978Ozima, M.; Kaneoka, I. et al.: (super 40) Ar- (super 39) Ar geochronological studies of submarine rocks from the western Pacific area
83%1161993Derry, Louis; Galy, Albert et al.: Himalayan erosion versus sedimentation in Bengal Fan; evidence from geochemical and stratigraphic study of ODP Leg 116
1993Athanassopoulos, Joanna Dimitrios Eva: Large scale fluctuations of the geomagnetic field
83%1995Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.; Ravizza, G. et al.: The marine (super 187) Os/ (super 186) Os record of the past 80 million years
83%1995Clift, Peter D.: Volcaniclastic sedimentation and volcanism during the rifting of western Pacific backarc basins
1995Seto, Koji: Carbonate and oxygen isotopic paleoceanography of the Indian and South Atlantic oceans; paleoclimate and paleo-ocean circulation
83%1994Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.; Hofmann, A. W. et al.: Hydrothermal lead transfer from mantle to continental crust; the role of metalliferous sediments
83%1994You, Chen-Feng: Lithium, beryllium, and boron isotope geochemistry; implications for fluid processes in convergent margins
1991Niemitz, Jeffrey W.; Dockter, Gretchen: Trace element chemostratigraphy of DSDP Site 480, Gulf of California; implications for late Quaternary climate change in the eastern subtropical Pacific
83%821986Jenner, G. A.; Hertogen, Jan: Constraints of processes affecting the origin of oceanic crust; geochemical evidence from the 0-35 m.y. age basalts, between 30 degrees N and 40 degrees N, MAR
83%1241996Spadea, P.; D'Antonio, M. et al.: Source characteristics of the basement rocks from the Sulu and Celebes basins (western Pacific); chemical and isotopic evidence
1980Ozima, M.; Takigami, Y.: Activation energy for thermal release of Ar from some DSDP submarine rocks
1980Lalou, C.; Brichet, E.: Anomalously high uranium contents in the sediment under Galapagos hydrothermal mounds
83%1996Naidu, Pothuri Divakar; Malmgren, Bjorn A.: A high-resolution record of late Quaternary upwelling along the Oman Margin, Arabian Sea based on planktonic Foraminiferadownload
83%1980Kuptsov, V. M.; Ivanova, T. R. et al.: Yestestvennyye radioaktivnyye elementy i ikh izotopy v glubokovodnykh osadkakh Chernogo morya Natural radioactive elements and their isotopes in deep-sea sediments of the Black Sea
83%1151990White, William M.; Cheatham, Michael M.: Mantle plumes, hotspots, and flood basalts; inferences from isotopic studies of Leg 115 basalts
83%1987Wang, Chung-Ho; Yu, Ein-Fen et al.: Rates of sedimentation in the Philippine Sea
83%1995Mills, Rachel A.; Elderfield, Harry: Hydrothermal activity and the geochemistry of metalliferous sediment
83%2003Melankholina, E. N.; Sushchevskaya, N. M. et al.: Evolution of tholeiitic magmatism in the North Pacific region
83%1980Chow, Tsaihwa; Earl, John L. et al.: Lead isotopes in Atlantic DSDP sediment cores
1989Hickey-Vargas, Rosemary: Boninites and tholeiites from DSDP Site 458, Mariana Forearc
83%1191990Domack, E. W.; Jull, A. J. Timothy: Recession of the Lambert Glacier/Amery ice shelf system; Holocene record from the Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 119
83%1271990Cousens, B. L.; Allan, J. F. et al.: Sediment contamination of the mantle beneath the Sea of Japan, ODP Leg 127
1992Broecker, Wallace S.; Bond, Gerard C. et al.: Origin of the northern Atlantic's Heinrich events
83%169S2004Grayson, R. P.; Plater, A. J. et al.: An excess (super 226) Ra geochronology for Saanich Inlet
83%1532004Lippolt, Hans J.; Pilot, Joachim et al.: Argon in Mid-Atlantic Ridge gabbros with old zircons (Kane area) and their Ar model ages
2003DePaolo, Donald J.; Maher, Katherine et al.: Measuring the timescales of sediment production, transport, and deposition; U-234 sediment comminution ages
83%2004Gorsline, Donn: Contour currents in California borderland; San Clemente, Tanner, San Nicolas, and East Cortes basins
83%2004Stancin, A. M.; Gleason, J. D. et al.: Differentiation of Cenozoic eolian dust sources in the eastern Pacific by Nd-Sr-Pb radiogenic isotopes
83%2007Bassinot, F. C.: Paleoceanography, physical and chemical proxies; oxygen isotope stratigraphy of the oceans
83%1612003Duggen, Svend; Hoernle, Kaj et al.: Deep roots of the Messinian salinity crisis
83%1988D'Hondt, Steven; Lindinger, Matthias: An extended Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) stable isotope record; implications for paleoclimate and the nature of the K/T boundary event
83%1988Henken-Mellies, W. U.; Beer, J. et al.: Be-10 variations in South Atlantic DSDP-core; interrelation with geomagnetic reversals and climatic variations
83%1999Fehn, U.: The iodine-129 system and its potential for dating organic material
2008Romans, Brian William: Controls on distribution, timing, and evolution of turbidite systems in tectonically active settings; the Cretaceous Tres Pasos Formation, southern Chile, and the Holocene Santa Monica Basin, California
2008Obrochta, Stephen Phillip: Glacial North Atlantic millennial variability over the last 300,000 years
83%2042005Lu, Z.; Fehn, U. et al.: Long distance migration of fluids in the Cascadia margin; evidence from iodine isotopic composition
2005Maher, Kate; Steefel, Carl I. et al.: Rates of silicate dissolution in deep-sea sediments
83%3022007Haley, B. A.; Frank, M. et al.: The Pb isotope evolution of Arctic Ocean Intermediate Water over the past 16 million years
83%2008Mollenhauer, Gesine; Eglinton, Timothy I. et al.: A radiocarbon-based assessment of the preservation characteristics of crenarchaeol and alkenones from continental margin sediments
1994Heusser, L. E.: Continuous pollen/paleoclimate records from the last glacial cycle; ODP Site 893A, Santa Barbara Basin
83%1998Hughen, Konrad A.: Climatic linkages between high-latitude North Atlantic, tropical South America and ocean circulation; evidence from the Cariaco Basin
83%1391997Cousens, Brian; Blenkinsop, John et al.: Sources of Pb in sulphide minerals from Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge; a Pb isotopic study
1998Aldahan, A.; Possnert, G.: A high-resolution (super 10) Be profile from deep sea sediment covering the last 70 ka; indication for globally synchronized environmental events
2003LaGatta, Alexandra Brunel: Arc magma genesis in the eastern Mexican volcanic belt
83%2092005Harvey, J.; Gannoun, A. et al.: Ancient melt extraction from the oceanic upper mantle revealed by 187Re-187Os isotopes in abyssal peridotites
83%1391992Simoneit, B. R. T.; Goodfellow, Wayne D. et al.: Hydrothermal petroleum at the seafloor and organic matter alteration in sediments of Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge
83%169S1998Bornhold, Brian D.: The Ocean Drilling Program Leg 169S in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia; overview
83%1997Elliott, Tim; Plank, Terry et al.: Element transport from slab to volcanic front at the Mariana Arcdownload
83%2007Glebov, Alexander Yu.; Shel'ting, Sergey K.: Sea-level changes and coastline migrations in the Russian sector of the Black Sea; application to the Noah's Flood hypothesis
83%1984Lalou, C.; Brichet, E. et al.: The Galapagos hydrothermal mounds; history from about 600,000 years to present
1973Ozima, M.; Saito, K. et al.: K-Ar, (super 40) Ar- (super 39) Ar dating and magnetic studies of Leg. 7 and Leg. 17 basalt samples
1994Stax, Rainer; Stein, Ruediger: Quaternary organic carbon cycles in the Japan Sea (ODP-Site 798) and their paleoceanographic implications
83%1999Hansen, Henriette; Nielsen, Troels F. D.: Crustal contamination in Palaeogene East Greenland flood basalts; plumbing system evolution during continental rifting
83%1662002Henderson, Gideon M.: Seawater ( (super 234) U/ (super 238) U) during the last 800 thousand years
1979Corliss, B. H.: Response of deep-sea benthonic foraminifera to development of psychrosphere near Eocene/Oligocene boundary
83%2010Mitchell, Neil C.; Tominaga, M. et al.: The Equatorial Pacific pelagic sedimentary system
1995Cisowski, S. M.: Did the period from 30 to 45 k.y. BP represent a failed reversal?
2006Carpentier, M.; Chauvel, C. et al.: Strong relationship between Hf-Nd-Pb isotopes in Atlantic sediments and the Lesser Antilles Arc composition
83%1521994Drilling unearths "fire and ice" at Southeast Greenland margin
83%2001Blais-Stevens, A.; Clague, John J. et al.: Record of large, late Pleistocene outburst floods preserved in Saanich Inlet sediments
83%2005Fehn, Udo; Snyder, G. T. et al.: The marine iodine system as a proxy for global deposition of organic carbon
83%1782000Brachfeld, Stefanie A.; Banerjee, Subir K.: Rock-magnetic carriers of century-scale susceptibility cycles in glacial-marine sediments from the Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula
83%1993Clift, Peter D.; Dixon, John E. et al.: The effect of Lau Basin rifting on the trace element and isotopic characteristics of the Tonga/Tofua Arc
83%641994McHargue, Lanny Ray: A 50,000 year (super 10) Be record from Gulf of California sediments
2002Godfrey, L. V.: Temporal changes in the lead isotopic composition of red clays; comparison with ferromanganese crust records
83%1995Cousens, B. L.; Allan, J. F. et al.: Mixing of magmas from enriched and depleted mantle sources in the Northeast Pacific; West Valley segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
83%1692000Bjerkgard, T.; Cousens, B. L. et al.: The Middle Valley sulfide deposits, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge; radiogenic isotope systematics
1998Lin, Jo C.; DePaolo, Donald J.: Postdepositional migration of U isotopes in marine sediment; a look from the U isotopic contents of porewaters and authigenic phases of the sediment
83%2006Stattegger, Karl: Late Quaternary evolution of the Sunda Shelf and outlook for IODP activities
83%1982009Woodard, S. C.; Herridge, J. D. et al.: The impact of orbitally-driven changes in solar insolation on "greenhouse" climates
83%3102010Westphal, H.; Heindel, K. et al.: Genesis of microbialites as contemporaneous framework components of deglacial coral reefs, Tahiti (IODP 310)
83%102011Zobaa, Mohamed Kamal: Applied palynology; multidisciplinary case studies from Egypt, Gulf of Mexico and USA
1998Osio, A.; Marotta, P. A. et al.: Late Pleistocene/Holocene succession of the Sicily Channel
67%1998Hickey-Vargas, Rosemary: Origin of the Indian Ocean-type isotopic signature in basalts from Philippine Sea plate spreading centers; an assessment of local versus large-scale processesdownload
1985Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Gas hydrates at two sites of an active continental margin
1990Jones, W. B.; Mahoney, J. et al.: Geochemical and isotopic characteristics of basalts from Broken Ridge, SE Indian Ocean
1994Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.; Ravizza, G. et al.: Seawater Os-isotope variations over the past 80 Ma

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