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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1981Mountain, Gregory Stuart: Stratigraphy of the western North Atlantic based on the study of reflection profiles and DSDP results
100%1985Aubouin, J.: Les grands programmes scientifiques internationaux et nationaux en cours dans les Sciences de la Terre Major international and national scientific programs in the earth sciences
100%1989Chudyk, C. E.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Dipping reflectors on the Kerguelen Plateau
100%1984Shipley, T. H.; Winterer, E. L. et al.: Equatorial Pacific seismic stratigraphy and the significance of seismic reflectors
100%1995Johnston, Joel Edward: Physical properties of rocks; shale anisotropy and basalt seismic velocities
100%1986Colwell, Jim; Coffin, Mike et al.: French expeditions to the southern Kerguelen Plateau
100%1999Anonymous: A wealth of geophysical data is available from government sources
100%1996Anonymous: Seismic images of Mesozoic-aged oceanic crust of the South Atlantic
100%1983Biart, Brian N. M.; Smith, S. G.: The nature of seismic reflecting horizons within deep-sea sediments
100%2006Moore, Gregory F.; Mutter, John C.: 3-D seismic reflection imaging workshop 2005; opportunities for IODP site survey collaboration
100%1977Barker, P. F.; Burrell, J.: The opening of Drake Passage
83%1981Sheridan, Robert E.: Recent research on passive continental margins
83%191982Hammond, Roger D.; Gaither, John R.: Anomalous seismic character of Bering Sea Shelf being explored for OCS lease sales
83%1982Harbert, W. P.; Scholl, David W. et al.: Geologic and tectonic history of Atka Basin, Aleutian Ridge
83%1977Grow, J. A.; Markl, R. G.: IPOD-USGS multichannel seismic reflection profile from Cape Hatteras to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
83%1071987Rehault, J. P.; Moussat, E. et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Tyrrhenian Sea new multichannel seismic reflexion data (ODP Leg 107 sites survey)
1982Coffin, Millard F.; Rabinowitz, Philip D.: Neogene sedimentary processes on the East African continental margin
83%1980Stoffa, P. L.; Buhl, P. et al.: Mantle reflections beneath the crestal zone of the East Pacific Rise from multi-channel seismic data
83%1976Nagumo, S.; Ouchi, T. et al.: An OBS-airgun reflection-refraction survey for IPOD drill site near the spreading center in the Shikoku Basin, North Philippine Sea
1999Schlich, Roland; Schaming, Marc et al.: New multichannel seismic reflection data on the northern Kerguelen Plateau
83%1461999Mann, Doerte; Kukowski, Nina: Numerical modelling of focussed fluid flow in the Cascadia accretionary wedge
83%2000Sain, K.; Minshull, T. A. et al.: Evidence for a thick free gas layer beneath the bottom simulating reflector in the Makran accretionary prism
83%1382000Bloomer, Stephen Floyd: Examination of the potential of seismic reflection data for paleoceanographic studies; case study from the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean
83%2000Stoll, Johannes B.; Haak, Volker et al.: Electrical double-dipole experiment in the German continental deep sea drilling program (KTB)download
83%1162000Gopala Rao, D.; Krishna, K. S. et al.: Geophysical studies of the intraplate deformation zone, central Indian Ocean
83%1996Leroy, Sylvie; Bitri, Adnand et al.: Migration velocity analysis based on common-shot-depth migration applied to the seismic data of the Caribbean oceanic plateau
83%1831997Koennecke, L. K.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Crustal structure of Elan Bank, Kerguelen Plateau
83%1381997Bloomer, Stephen F.; Mayer, Larry A.: Core-log-seismic integration as a framework for determining the basinwide significance of regional reflectors in the eastern Equatorial Pacificdownload
83%1996Tamaki, Kensaku: Geological investigations of the Japan Sea carried out by Japan
83%1996Rebesco, Michele; Larter, Robert D. et al.: Giant sediment drifts on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula
83%1996Camerlenghi, A.; Rebesco, M. et al.: High resolution multichannel seismic reflection site survey on the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin; (Proposal 452-REV, Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change)
83%3022006Kristoffersen, Yngve; Mikkelsen, Naja: On sediment deposition and nature of the plate boundary at the junction between the submarine Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean and the continental margin of Arctic Canada/North Greenland
83%1161993Schaming, M.; Dyment, J.: Intra-water reflections on multichannel seismic data
83%1993Bourgois, J.: La fosse d'Amerique centrale; convergence, accretion, erosion tectonique The Middle America Trench; convergence, accretion, tectonic erosion
83%1121996Schillhorn, T.; Kukowski, N.: 3D modeling mass and heat flow in the Peruvian subduction zone at 9 degrees S
83%1996Anonymous: 3D seismic reflection studies on the Pacific active continental margin of Costa Rica
83%1561995Shipley, Thomas H.; Ogawa, Yujiro et al.: Barbados Ridge accretionary prism
83%1161991Iaccarino, S.; Gaboardi, S.: Deep water benthic foraminifera in the Indian Ocean (ODP Leg 116)
1993Eiken, Ola; Hinz, Karl: Contourites in the Fram Strait
83%1998Gladczenko, Tadeusz P.; Skogseid, Jakob et al.: Namibia volcanic margin
83%1981Pisciotto, Kenneth A.: Distribution, thermal histories, isotopic compositions, and reflection characteristics of siliceous rocks recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project
83%1981Camus, A. L.: Etudes de la transition continent-ocean sur la marge continentale Nord Gascogne a partir des documents enregistres lors de la campagne sismique refraction a deux bateaux IPOD 79 Study of the continent-ocean transition on the North Biscay margin from the data recorded during the two-ship seismic refraction survey IPOD 79
83%1981Tucholke, Brian E.: Geologic significance of seismic reflectors in the deep western North Atlantic Basin
83%1991Moore, J. Casey; Taira, Asahiko et al.: Ocean drilling and accretionary processes
83%1461991Moore, J. Casey: Geophysicists meet bioherm; seepy story surfaces
83%1641995Paull, Charles K.: Ephemeral by nature; gas hydrate drilling on ODP Leg 164
83%611979Murakami, F.; Moritani, T.: Study of the acoustic stratigraphy in the scheduled IPOD site area for DSDP Leg 61 to the west of Marshall Islands
1979Stoffa, P. L.; Mauffret, A. et al.: Subcrustal layering in the Aruba Gap
83%571981von Huene, Roland; Arthur, M. et al.: Ambiguity in interpretation of seismic data from modern convergent margins; an example from the IPOD Japan Trench transect
1990Detrick, Robert S.; Mutter, John C.: MARK survey provides crustal drilling insight
83%1980Ladd, J. W.; Watkins, J. S.: Seismic stratigraphy of the western Venezuela Basin
83%1641997MacDonald, Ian R.: Bottom line for hydrocarbons
83%1997Larter, R. D.; Rebesco, M. et al.: Cenozoic tectonic, sedimentary and glacial history of the continental shelf west of Graham Land, Antarctic Peninsula
83%2000Ergun, M.; Dondurur, D. et al.: Mid-Black Sea Ridge and its importance towards the ODP drilling
83%351977Tucholke, B. E.: Sedimentation processes and acoustic stratigraphy in the Bellingshausen Basin
83%1980Matsuzawa, A.; Tamano, T. et al.: Structure of the Japan Trench subduction zone, from multi-channel seismic-reflection records
83%1832003Borissova, Irina; Direen, Nicholas G. et al.: Enderby Land-Elan Bank break-up; insights into the margin structure from seismic data and potential field modelling
1999Burke, Benjamin C.: Paleoclimactic cyclicity in seismic reflection profiles at ODP Site 1063, northern Bermuda Rise sediment drift
83%1491996Krawczyk, C. M.; Reston, T. J. et al.: Detachment tectonics in the Iberia abyssal plain; seismic reflection and drilling constraints
1989Harjes, H. P.; Krummel, H.: Combined processing of seismic reflection and borehole measurements in the Moroccan basin offshore NW-Africa at DSDP-Site 416
1989Hempel, P.: Der Einfluss von biogenem Opal auf die Bildung seismischer Reflektoren und die Verbreitung opalreicher Sedimente auf dem Voring Plateau The influence of biogenic opal on the formation of seismic reflectors and the distribution of opal-rich sediments on the Voring Plateau
83%661980Moore, J. C.; Watkins, J. S.: Progressive accretion, tectonic truncation, and subduction, Middle America Trench, southern Mexico; results from Leg 66 DSDP
83%871983Nasu, Noriyuki; Tomoda, Y. et al.: Multi-channel seismic reflection data across Nankai Trough
83%1983Orcutt, J. A.; Jordan, T. H. et al.: Ngendie seismic experiment; refraction and reflection studies
1996Funck, T.; Lykke-Andersen, H.: Correlation of Meteor 24 reflection seismic profiles with drilling results from ODP site 953 (Leg 157)
83%1986Carlson, R. L.; Gangi, A. F. et al.: Empirical reflection travel time versus depth and velocity versus depth functions for the deep-sea sediment columndownload
1986Hintz, B.: Korrelation von Bohrlochdaten und Reflexionsseismischen Messungen mit Hilfe synthetischer Seismogramme Correlation of well logs and seismic reflection measurements with the help of synthetic seismograms
83%1782003Volpi, V.; Camerlenghi, A. et al.: The effects of biogenic silica on sediment compaction on the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula
83%2003Vohat, Praveen; Sain, Kalachand et al.: Heat flow and geothermal gradient from a bottom simulating reflector; a case study
2004Sorlien, Christopher C.: Digital 3D mapping of active faults beneath Santa Monica Bay, basin modeling, and strain partitioning
83%1995Schnuerle, Philippe; Lallemand, Serge E. et al.: Tectonic regime of the southern Kurile Trench as revealed by multichannel seismic lines
2008Dean, S. M.; Minshull, T. A. et al.: Seismic constraints on the three-dimensional geometry of low-angle intracrustal reflectors in the southern Iberia abyssal plain
83%601981Hussong, D. M.; Uyeda, S.: Tectonics in the Mariana Arc; results of recent studies, including DSDP Leg 60
83%1986Mart, Yossi; Rabinowitz, Philip D.: The northern Red Sea and the Dead Sea Rift
2006Carter, R. M.: Context in climate change; ocean drilling results from the Southern Ocean
83%1501994Mountain, Gregory S.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: New Jersey continental slope and rise
2007Riedel, Michael: 4D seismic time-lapse monitoring of an active cold vent, northern Cascadia margin
83%1542000Breitzke, Monika: Comparison of multi-frequency seismic data and full waveform ultrasonic transmission seismogram recordings on split ODP cores
83%2009Blackman, Donna K.; Canales, Juan Pablo et al.: Geophysical signatures of oceanic core complexes
83%1994Klaus, A.; Taira, Asahiko et al.: Swath-mapping and seismic reflection investigations in the Izu-Bonin Arc system
83%1611998Tandon, Kush: A study of models and controls for basin formation during continental collision; 1, Australian lithosphere along Banda Orogen (Indonesia); and 2, Alboran Sea basin (western Mediterranean)
83%1995Klaus, A.; Khankishieva, L. et al.: Preliminary seismic reflection results from Shatsky Rise, Western Pacific Ocean
83%1992Kuvaas, Berit; Leitchenkov, German: Glaciomarine turbidite and current controlled deposits in Prydz Bay, Antarctica
83%1461994Tobin, Harold J.; Moore, J. Casey et al.: Estimating fluid pressure in the frontal thrust of the Oregon accretionary prism from velocity vs. effective stress measurements and fault reflectivity
1998Whitmarsh, R. B.: Review of the ocean-continent transition (OCT) in the southern Iberia abyssal plain, West Iberia margin
1998Shipley, Thomas H.; Bangs, Nathan L. et al.: Sediment velocity estimation using iterative 3-D migration of short offset seismic reflection data in deep water
83%1641997Boehm, Gualtiero; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Free gas and hydrate concentrations from reflection tomography and theoretical approach
83%1997Hovland, M.; Gallagher, J. W. et al.: Gas hydrate and free gas volumes in marine sediments; examples from the Niger Delta front
83%1461991Carson, Bobb; Holmes, Mark L.: Fluid expulsion sites imaged on Cascadia margin
83%1122001Broser, A.; Baialas, J. et al.: Subduction processes along the Peruvian margin from wide angle seismic data
1997Mauffret, A.; Leroy, S.: Seismic stratigraphy and structure of the Caribbean igneous province
83%2102004Shillington, Donna J.: The formation and rupturing of continents; seismic studies of the Aleutian island arc and the Newfoundland nonvolcanic rifted margin
83%2004Thiede, Joern: The geologic history of the Arctic and the Antarctic/Southern Ocean systems; gigantic challenges for the earth system explorers
83%1992Hirata, Naoshi; Kinoshita, Hajimu et al.: Seismic crustal structure of the Japan Basin and the Yamato Basin, the Japan Sea
1998Louden, K. E.; Chian, D. et al.: Seismic images of 3-D variations in the ocean-continent transition off Iberia near ODP Leg 149 and 173 drill sites
83%1972002Kerr, Bryan C.; Scholl, David William: Seismic stratigraphy of Detroit Seamount; observations from ODP Leg 197
83%481981Roberts, D. G.; Masson, D. G. et al.: Continental margin from the Porcupine Seabight to the Armorican marginal basin
83%1996Anonymous: Seismic reflection studies on the Laptev Sea shelf (East Siberian Arctic)
83%1982Harjes, H. P.; Redanz, M.: Seismische Stratigraphie anhand der DSDP-Bohrung 416 (Marokkanisches Becken) Seismic stratigraphy of DSDP 416, Moroccan Basin
83%1511994Larsen, Hans Christian; Saunders, Andrew D. et al.: East Greenland margin

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