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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1981Sheridan, Robert E.: Pulsation tectonics and rifting of continental margins
100%1986Barbier, F.; Duverge, J. et al.: Structure profonde de la marge Nord-Gascogne; implications sur le mecanisme de rifting et de formation de la marge continentale Deep structure of the northern Gascony margin; implications for rifting mechanism and genesis of the margin
1991Hughes, G. Wyn; Varol, Osman et al.: Evidence for middle Oligocene rifting of the Gulf of Aden and for late Oligocene rifting of the southern Red Sea
98%1211988Leg 121 traces rifting and hot spots
98%1261990Taylor, Brian: Rifting of the Izu-Bonin Arc
90%2009Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Manatschal, Gianreto: The final rifting evolution at deep magma-poor passive margins from Iberia-Newfoundland; a new point of view
85%2010Kirschner, Joshua P.; Kominz, Michelle A. et al.: Quantifying extension of passive margins; implications for sea-level changedownload
1982Einsele, G.; Niemitz, J.: Budget of post-rifting sediments in the Gulf of California and denudation rate in neighboring land areas
82%1986Klein, George deVries: Sedimentation patterns in relation to rifting, arc volcanism and tectonic uplift in back-arc basin of the western Pacific Ocean
82%501977Lancelot, Y.; Winterer, E. L. et al.: In the Atlantic; documenting early rifting
82%1995Clift, Peter D.: Volcaniclastic sedimentation and volcanism during the rifting of western Pacific backarc basins
1990Ludden, J. N.; Plank, T. et al.: Geochemistry of oceanic crust at the onset of rifting in the Indian Ocean
82%1991Humphreys, Eugene D.; Weldon, Ray J., II: Kinematic constraints on the rifting of Baja California
82%1521994Hansen, H.; Nielsen, T. F. D. et al.: Magma types and stratigraphic variations in the earliest lavas of East Greenland during rifting of the North Atlantic
82%1979Montadert, L.; de Charpel, O. et al.: Northeast Atlantic passive continental margins; rifting and subsidence processes
1993Owen, R. M.; Dickens, G. R.: Chinook Trough rifting and Late Cretaceous hydrothermal deposition at ODP Site 886
82%1996Parson, L. M.; Wright, I. C.: The Lau-Havre-Taupo back-arc basin; a southward-propagating, multi-stage evolution from rifting to spreading
1993Tappin, D. R.: Sedimentation, volcanism and tectonism during rifting and backarc basin formation; the evidence from Site 840 on the southern Tonga Ridge
1990Tamaki, K.; Pisciotto, K.: Rifting and opening process of the Japan Sea derived from ODP Leg 127 drilling results
82%1999Goodliffe, Andrew M.; Martinez, Fernando et al.: A reconstruction of the margins of the Woodlark Basin; predictions of pre-rifting continental thickness
82%1801999Taylor, Brian; Huchon, Philippe et al.: Continental rifting, low-angle normal faulting and deep biosphere; results of Leg 180 drilling in the Woodlark Basin
82%1999Hansen, Henriette; Nielsen, Troels F. D.: Crustal contamination in Palaeogene East Greenland flood basalts; plumbing system evolution during continental rifting
82%1984Udintsev, G. B.: Norwegian-Greenland basin; rifting and oceanization
82%2008Huismans, Ritske; Planke, Sverre et al.: IODP drilling of conjugate north Atlantic volcanic rifted margins, causes and Implications of excess magmatism
82%1993Clift, Peter D.; Dixon, John E. et al.: The effect of Lau Basin rifting on the trace element and isotopic characteristics of the Tonga/Tofua Arc
1996Cornen, Guy; Feraud, G. et al.: Les Etapes du rifting continental enregistrees par les gabbros et basaltes de la plaine abyssale Iberique Continental rifting steps recorded by the gabbros and basalts of the Iberian abyssal plain
80%811998Buecker, C. J.; Delius, H. et al.: Physical signature of basaltic volcanics drilled on the Northeast Atlantic volcanic rifted margins
77%2102006Alves, Tiago M.; Moita, Carlos et al.: Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution of North Atlantic continental-slope basins; the Peniche Basin, western Iberian margin
2001Minshull, T. A.; Dean, S. M. et al.: Anomalous melt production after continental break-up in the southern Iberia abyssal plain
2007Manatschal, G.; Muentener, O. et al.: Observations from the Alpine Tethys and Iberia-Newfoundland margins pertinent to the interpretation of continental breakup
2007Goodliffe, A. M.; Taylor, B.: The boundary between continental rifting and sea-floor spreading in the Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
2001Wilson, R. C. L.; Manatschal, Gianreto et al.: Rifting along non-volcanic passive margins; stratigraphic and seismic evidence from the Mesozoic successions of the Alps and western Iberia
72%1491996Tett, David L.; Sawyer, Dale S.: Dynamic models of multiphase continental rifting and their implications for the Newfoundland and Iberia conjugate marginsdownload
1998Clift, Peter D.; Lee, Jongman: Temporal evolution of the Mariana Arc during rifting of the Mariana Trough traced through the volcaniclastic rocks
70%1261990Lapierre, H.; Taylor, B. et al.: Ouverture intra-arc et evolution du bassin avant-arc izu-bonin (Pacifique occidental) (Leg 126) Intra-arc opening and evolution of the Izu-Bonin fore-arc basin, West Pacific, Leg 126
2004Fuller, Michael; Touchard, Yannick: On the magnetostratigraphy of the East Tasman Plateau, timing of the opening of the Tasmanian Gateway and paleoenvironmental changes
69%1982Timofeev, P. P.; Eremeev, V. V. et al.: Evolution of sedimentary mantle in the Atlantic Ocean
69%1631996Exploring the volcanic-rifted margins of the North Atlantic
69%1985Bukovics, Christian; Ziegler, Peter A.: Tectonic development of the mid-Norway continental margin
69%1031986ODP Leg 103 drills into rift structures
1982Jansa, Lubomir F.: The early North Atlantic
69%1996Pearce, J. A.: Mantle dynamics and crustal accretion above subduction zones; evidence from western Pacific drilling
69%1979Berger, W. H.: Impact of deep-sea drilling on paleoceanography
69%1987Speed, Robert C.: Background and introduction to Caribbean tectonic evolution
69%1993Crawford, A. J.; Varne, R. et al.: Mantle reservoirs and magmatism associated with Australia-Antarctic rifting
69%1979Uyeda, S.: Subduction zones; facts, ideas, and speculations
69%1979Laughton, A. S.; Searle, R. C.: Tectonic processes on slow spreading ridges
69%1990Childers, V. A.; Weissel, Jeffrey K.: ODP drilling results from the Indian Ocean constrain flexural models of lithospheric deformation
69%1980Kelts, Kerry: Sedimentation controls in an obliquely rifted nascent ocean basin; lessons for land from the Gulf of California
69%1980Curray, J. R.: The IPOD Programme on passive continental margins
69%1989Konyukhov, A. I.: Geologiya okeana; zagadki, gipotezy, otkrytiya Geology of the ocean; mysteries, hypotheses, discoveries
69%1999Jansa, L. F.: Paleogeography and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic during the Cretaceous; an overview
69%1987Saunders, J. B.: Caribbean drilling possibilities and priorities
69%1996Eckhardt, J. D.; Stueben, D. et al.: Drilling in the Tyrrhenian Sea? The Quaternary igneous seafloor and hydrothermal deposits
69%1992Nishimura, Akira; Murakami, Fumitoshi: Arc volcanism control on sedimentation of the rift basins of the Izu-Bonin Arc, western Pacific
69%1992Austin, J. A., Jr.: ODP and rifted continental margins; past, present and future
69%2001Subramanian, K. S.: Possible cause of easterly tilt of the southern part of India
69%1992Fritsch, Bernard; Schlich, Roland: Tectonique extensive et mouvements verticaux du plateau de Kerguelen (ocean Indien) Extension tectonics and vertical movements of the Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean
69%3022007O'Regan, Matthew Aaron: A Cenozoic history of the central Arctic Ocean
69%1975Frakes, L. A.: Review of the Southern Ocean
69%1987Jackson, T. A.; Hendry, M. D.: Jamaica Passage
2001Gardien, V.; Poupeau, G. et al.: The evolution of amphibolites from Site 1067, ODP Leg 173 (Iberia abyssal plain); Jurassic rifting to the Pyrenean compression
69%1983Klein, G. de Vries: Tectonics and sedimentation in back-arc basins, western Pacific Ocean
69%2008Liu, S.: Geodynamics of continental lithospheric rupturing; progress and challenge
2012Haraguchi, Satoru; Ishii, Teruaki et al.: The early Miocene ( approximately 25 Ma) volcanism in the northern Kyushu-Palau Ridge, enriched mantle source injection during rifting prior to the Shikoku back-arc basin opening
1985Winterer, E.; Boillot, G. et al.: Early Cretaceous rifting and exposure of peridotite on the Galicia continental margin; preliminary results of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 103
1975Bryan, W. B.; Thompson, G. et al.: Mesozoic basalts associated with early stages of Atlantic rifting
65%1802000Martinez, Fernando; Goodliffe, Andrew M. et al.: Geothermal study of continental rifting in the Woodlark Basin
65%1991Allan, J. F.; Nelson, S. A. et al.: Pliocene-Holocene rifting and associated volcanism in Southwest Mexico; an exotic terrane in the making
1997Saunders, Andrew D.; Fitton, J. Godfrey: Contribution of the Iceland Plume to Palaeogene rifting and volcanism in the N Atlantic
65%481977Montadert, L.; Roberts, D. G. et al.: Rifting and subsidence on passive continental margins in the North East Atlantic
1990Fujioka, K.; Nishimura, A. et al.: Bimodal arc volcanism and backarc rifting along Izu-Bonin Arc
1990Yamashita, S.; Fukii, T.: Presence of primary high-Al basalt magmas associated with rifting of the Japan Sea? Results of ODP Leg 127
65%1802007Little, Timothy A.; Baldwin, S. L. et al.: Continental rifting and metamorphic core complex formation ahead of the Woodlark spreading ridge, D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guineadownload
65%1031989Boillot, G.; Mougenot, D. et al.: Rifting processes on the West Galicia margin, Spain
1997Tandon, Kush; Lorenzo, Juan M. et al.: Timing of rifting in the Alboran Sea basin; correlation of borehole (ODP Leg 161 and Andalucia A-1) to seismic reflection data; implications for basin formation
65%1999Verzhbitskii, E. V.; Kaz'min, V. G.: Geothermal regime and specific features of the tectonic evolution of the western Mediterranean basins
65%1991Wood, R. A.: Structure and seismic stratigraphy of the western Challenger Plateau
2002Beard, James S.; Fullagar, Paul D. et al.: Gabbroic pegmatite intrusions, Iberia Abyssal Plain, ODP Leg 173, Site 1070; magmatism during a transition from non-volcanic rifting to sea-floor spreading
2001Chian, D.; Reid, I. D. et al.: Crustal structure beneath Orphan Basin and implications for nonvolcanic continental riftingdownload
2001Whitmarsh, R. B.; Manatschal, G. et al.: Evolution of magma-poor continental margins from rifting to seafloor spreading
65%1032002Shillington, Donna J.; Holbrook, W. Steven et al.: Seismic evidence for compositional asymmetry on the Newfoundland-Iberia nonvolcanic rifted margin pair; new results from SCREECH Transect 2
65%1031995Reston, T. J.; Krawczyk, C. M. et al.: Detachment tectonics during Atlantic rifting; analysis and interpretation of the S reflection, the West Galicia margin
1983Lemoine, Marcel: Rifting and early drifting; Mesozoic Central Atlantic and Ligurian Tethysdownload
2000Beard, James S.: Petrology and mineral chemistry of gabbroic pegmatites, ODP Leg 173, Site 1070, Iberia abyssal plain
2005Wallrabe-Adams, H. J.; Altenbach, A. V. et al.: Facies development of ODP Leg 173 sediments and comparison with tectono-sedimentary sequences of compressional Iberian plate margins; a general overview
60%3022008Moore, Thomas; Pitman, Janet K. et al.: A first look at the Lomonosov Ridge as a petroleum province
60%2072005Mosher, David; Erbacher, Jochen et al.: Stratigraphy of the Demerara Rise, Suriname, South America; a rifted margin, shallow stratigraphic source rock analogue
2001Manatschal, Gianreto; Froitzheim, N. et al.: The role of detachment faulting in the formation of an ocean-continent transition; insights from the Iberia abyssal plain
2012Zhu Junjigan; Qiu Xuelin et al.: Shallow anatomy of a continent-ocean transition zone in the northern South China Sea from multichannel seismic data
58%641985Curray, Joseph R.: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64 in the Gulf of California; a new ocean basin
58%1988Exon, N. F.; von Rad, U. et al.: Ocean drilling on the Exmouth Plateau and Argo abyssal plain in mid-1988
58%1979Roberts, D. G.; Montadert, L.: Objectives of passive margin drillingdownload
58%1979Tissot, B.; Deroo, G. et al.: Organic matter in Cretaceous sediments of the North Atlantic; contribution to sedimentology and paleogeography
58%1985Tamaki, Kensaku: Recent study of the sea floor around the Japanese Islands
58%1041986Viereck, L.; Parson, L. et al.: Rift-andesites and drift-tholeiites; early Tertiary magmatic evolution of the NE-Atlantic, ODP Leg 104, Voring Plateau
58%771982Buffler, Richard T.; Phair, Ronald L. et al.: Early geologic evolution of the deep southeastern Gulf of Mexico
1982Geothermal regimes of the Costa Rica Rift, East Pacific, investigated by drilling, DSDP-IPOD legs 68, 69, and 70
58%1732000Abe, Natsue: Petrochemistry of the passive continental margin peridotite from Iberia abyssal plain (ODP Leg 173)
58%1521994Clift, P. D.; Turner, J.: Tectonic evolution of the NE Atlantic volcanic margins and the influence of the Icelandic hotspot

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