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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%2001Winterer, Edward L.: The oldest biogenous pelagic sediments above Mesozoic oceanic basement; a review
96%1973Schreiber, E.; Fox, P. J.: Compressional wave velocities of oceanic rocks and the geology of the oceanic crust; a brief summary
95%1977Drury, Malcolm J.: The electrical properties of ocean crust and oceanic island basalts and gabbros; results and implications of a laboratory study
91%1976Harrison, C. G. A.: Magnetization of the oceanic crust
91%1995Johnston, Joel Edward: Physical properties of rocks; shale anisotropy and basalt seismic velocities
91%1982005Fontilea, Kristin: A petrological and geochemical study of Cretaceous siliceous rocks from the Shatsky Rise
90%1997Muehe, R.; Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. et al.: On the redistribution of Pb in the oceanic crust during hydrothermal alteration
83%1982Anonymous: Heterogenitaet des Erdmantels durch Krustenbohrungen am Mittelatlantischen Ruecken nachgewiesen; Glomar Challenger, Fahrtabschnitt 82 Heterogeneity of the mantle proved by boreholes in the crust of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Glomar Challenger, Leg 82
83%1531994Karson, J. A.; Cannat, M. et al.: Upper mantle and lower crustal processes at slow-spreading ridges; new insights from serpentinites and gabbroic rocks drilled on ODP Leg 153 in the MARK area MAR at 23 degrees N
83%1989Vanko, David A.; Stakes, Debra S.: Petrology of alteration in oceanic layer 3, ODP Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge
83%341980Seyfried, W. E.; Janecky, D. R.: Serpentinites, spilites and the geochemical cycle of boron
83%1996Eckhardt, J. D.; Puchelt, H.: Platinum group and trace elements in a sediment core from Hess Deep and their relation to genetic processes
83%371975Bryan, W. B.: Compositional and regional variation in basalts from the FAMOUS area
82%821985Drake, Natalie E. R.: Geochemistry of DSDP Leg 82 basalts
82%1973Bass, Manuel N.: Secondary Traits of DSDP Leg 17 Igneous Rocks
82%1977Berkley, John Lee: A petrochemical characterization of certain DSDP subaqueous basalts and andesites from the Indian Ocean
82%461976Glass-rich basaltic sand and gravel within the oceanic crust at 22 degrees N
82%1990Alt, J. C.: Crustal alteration from the perspective of ocean drilling
82%1973Friesen, W. B.: Igneous and metamorphic rocks recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Legs 1-31
1978Meijer, A.: Petrology of volcanic rocks from the Mariana arc-trench gap and gabbros from the Mariana inter-arc basin, IPOD, Leg 60
77%1991Saboda, Kristine L.: Petrology of ultramafic rocks from Conical Seamount based on Alvin Submersible and Ocean Drilling Program studies
1982Hein, James R.; Koski, Randolph A. et al.: Uranium and thorium enrichment in rocks from the base of DSDP hole 465A, Hess Rise, central North Pacific
76%1998Matsukage, Kyoko; Arai, Shoji: Jadeite, albite and nepheline as inclusions in spinel of chromitite from Hess Deep, Equatorial Pacific; their genesis and implications for serpentinite diapir formation
76%1981Ramanathan, S.: Some aspects of Deccan volcanism of western Indian shelf and Cambay Basin
76%21975Kossovskaya, A. G.; Murav'yev, V. I.: O tozhdestve okeanicheskikh i platformennykh tseolit-kristobalitovykh porod Similarity of oceanic and platform zeolite-cristobalite rocks
76%1982Haggerty, Janet A.; Schlanger, Seymour O. et al.: Late Cretaceous and Eocene volcanism in the southern Line Islands and implications for hotspot theory
76%1982Smith, G. M.; Janecky, D. R. et al.: Magnetic characteristics of experimental natural serpentinites
76%1982Robertson, A. H. F.; Stillman, C. J.: Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of Maio, Cape Verde Islands; implications for Atlantic palaeo-environments
76%1986Herbin, J. P.; Magniez-Jannin, F. et al.: Mesozoic organic rich sediments in the South Atlantic; distribution in time and space
76%1973Anderson, Thomas F.: Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of altered carbonates from the western Pacific, core 53.0, Deep Sea Drilling Project
1978Fujioka, K.; Nasu, N.: Chemical composition of the volcanic rocks from the Oyashio ancient landmass
76%1984Bourgois, J.; Desmet, A. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic rocks drilled during DSDP Leg 84 (landward slope of the Middle America Trench off Guatemala)
1994Ross, Daniel Kent: Geochemistry of cumulate rocks from the Stillwater layered intrusion and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; magma evolution recorded by cumulus mineral compositions
76%1131988Schandl, Eva S.; Wicks, F. J.: Ice-rafted dropstones from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
1988Lisitsyna, N. A.; Isaeva, A. B. et al.: Carbonate-phosphate rocks of submarine seamounts of the eastern Mariana Basin (Pacific Ocean)
1975Fountain, David M.; Carlson, R. L. et al.: Possible lower crustal rocks recovered on Leg 31 by deep-sea drilling in the Philippine Sea
76%1973Christensen, N. I.; Frey, F. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; Properties of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks of the Oceanic Crust; Summary of the topical AGU conference held at Airlie House, Virginia, August 27-29, 1973
76%2006Barnes, Jaime Danielle: Tectonic and metamorphic implications of high chlorine contents in serpentinites
75%1990Beggs, J. M.; Challis, G. A. et al.: Basement geology of the Campbell Plateau; implications for correlation of the Campbell magnetic anomaly system
2004Kurnosov, V. B.; Zolotarev, B. P. et al.: Mineralogy and geochemistry of the altered basalts and dolerites from underwater high temperature hydrothermal system, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge, ODP Leg 169
2005Bartetzko, A.; Delius, H. et al.: Effect of compositional and structural variations on log responses of igneous and metamorphic rocks; I, Mafic rocks
1981Natland, James H.; Tarney, John: Petrological evolution of the Mariana arc and backarc basin system
72%1581996Humphris, Susan E.; Alt, Jeffrey C. et al.: Geochemical changes during hydrothermal alteration of basement in the stockwork beneath the TAG active hydrothermal mound, ODP Leg 158
1973Hekinian, R.: Petrology of rocks from the northeastern Indian Ocean basins and the Ninety East Ridge
1983Briqueu, L.; Lancelot, Joel R.: Sr isotopes and K, Rb, Sr balance in sediments and igneous rocks from the subducted plate of the Vanuatu (New Hebrides) active margin
72%1977Naylor, M. A.: Symposium on the ophiolite-related geology of the Eastern Mediterranean (London, 18 April 1977)
72%372010Orlicky, Oto: A realistic approach to explanation of the normal and reversed remanent magnetization of rocks; application for submarine volcanics
71%1981Rapeyev, A. K.; Pecherskiy, D. M. et al.: Magnetic and mineralogical study of alterations in titanomagnetites from oceanic basalts
71%531981Gitlin, Ellen C.: Remobilization of sulfides and low temperature alteration of submarine basaltic rocks from Leg 53 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
71%1975McKelvey, B. C.: Naturaliste Plateau
71%1979Spooner, E. T. C.: Ophiolitic rocks and evidence for hydrothermal convection of sea water within crust
71%1121994Yeh, Chiu-Chuan: Uranium-series disequilibrium dating of ODP Leg 112 and other phosphorites from the Peru margin
71%1974Calvert, S. E.: Deposition and diagenesis of silica in marine sediments
71%1974Lancelot, Yves: Formation of deep-sea chert; role of the sedimentary environment
71%1976Ellwood, B. B.; Watkins, N. D.: Emplacement modes of DSDP igneous rocks; higher intrusive fraction than expected from ophiolite complex analogs?
71%341976Seidemann, D. E.: K-Ar and Ar (super 40) /Ar (super 39) dating of deep-sea igneous rocks
71%1992Taylor, R. N.; Nesbitt, R. W.: A geochemical transect of the Izu-Bonin arc-trench system
71%1973Watkins, N. D.: Paleomagnetic studies of long DSDP basement cores
71%1973Christensen, N. I.: Seismic structure of the upper portion of layer 2
71%261973Hyndman, R. D.: Seismic velocities of basalts from D. S. D.P. Leg 26
71%1996Pearce, J. A.: Mantle dynamics and crustal accretion above subduction zones; evidence from western Pacific drilling
71%1989Rothe, P.: Mineral composition of sedimentary formations in the North Atlantic Ocean
71%1979Muehlenbachs, K.; Scarfe, C. M.: (super 18) O exchange between Layer 2 and seawater; evidence from DSDP
71%1987Cotillon, Pierre: Bed-scale cyclicity of pelagic Cretaceous successions as a result of world-wide control
71%171974Shih, C.: Rare earth geochemistry of basaltic rocks from Leg 17 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
71%1973Ade-Hall, J. M.; Kitazawa, K.: A quantitative assessment of supposed differences between the palaeomagnetic properties of oceanic submarine and subaerial basalts
71%1976Kolodny, Y.; Epstein, S.: Stable isotope geochemistry of deep sea cherts
71%1976Perry, E. A., Jr.: Submarine alteration of volcanogenic sediments and basalts; results from the DSDP
71%1986Yamamoto, Satoshi: Correlation between iron and magnesium and its significance on the distribution of heavy metals in deep-sea cherts
71%1973Macdougall, D.: Uranium distribution in weathered marine basalts
71%321976Keene, John B.: The distribution, mineralogy, and petrography of biogenic and authigenic silica from the Pacific Basin
71%1973Macdougall, D.: Fission track dating of oceanic basalts
71%1980Ibach, Lynne E. Johnson: The relationship between sedimentation rate and total organic carbon content in ancient marine sediments
71%1151989Tatsumi, Y.; Nohda, S.: Geochemical stratification in the upper mantle; evidence from ODP Leg 114 basalts in the Indian Ocean
71%1989Erzinger, J.: Chemical alteration of the oceanic crust
71%1989Semenov, G. A.; Buravtsev, A. A.: Density dependence of elastic wave velocity in deep-sea cores of the Atlantic Ocean
71%1990Murray, Richard W.; Buchholtz-ten Brink, Marilyn R.: Rare earth element sources to fine-grained marine sediments; assessing the marine and terrestrial records
71%1990Pezard, Phillipe Adrien: On electrical properties of rocks, with implications for the structure of the upper oceanic crust
71%1983Book, Patricia O'Donnell: A study of vein minerals in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 462A
71%1983Govorov, I. N.; Golubeva, E. D. et al.: Basalt geochemical types and provinces in the Pacific Ocean
71%1975Eberhart, Jonathan: Ever Downward Beneath the Ocean Deep
71%531981Mathez, Edmond Albigese: The geochemistry of sulfur and carbon in basaltic melts
71%1978Keene, J. B.: Deep-sea sediment and the chert problem
71%1977Barash, M. S.; Lavrov, V. M.: Outcrops of Eocene rocks in the equatorial part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and their tectonic significance
71%341973Hart, S. R.; Yeats, R. S.: DSDP Leg 34
71%1998Johnson, H. Paul; Tivey, Maurice A.: A re-evaluation of a contribution to marine magnetic anomalies from lower crustal rocks
71%1992Murray, Richard W.: Identifying depositional environments of chert using chemical techniques; an overview of general principles and a synthesis of 45 published results
71%1984Field, Cyrus W.; Sakai, H. et al.: Isotopic constraints on the origin of sulfur in oceanic igneous rocks
71%1973Fink, L. Kenneth, Jr.; Harrison, C. G. A.: Maghemitization and alteration of Class I titanomagnetites in pillow lavas
71%1973Lowrie, W.: Magnetic properties of DSDP basalts
71%1762000Mackie, Suzanne Mary: The abundances and distribution of chemical elements in oceanic gabbros drilled during ODP Leg 176; towards a realistic model composition of oceanic crust in the context of crust-mantle recycling
71%2003Whitmarsh, Bob: Rupturing continents exposed mantle rocks
71%2009Adhya, Soumava: Geochemical fingerprinting of volcanic airfall deposits; a tool in stratigraphic correlation
71%1977Thiede, J.; Van Andel, T. H.: The paleoenvironment of anaerobic sediments in the late Mesozoic South Atlantic Ocean
1980Fujioka, Kantaro: Conglomerates of volcanic rocks of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 439download
68%321983Keene, J. B.: Chalcedonic quartz and occurrence of quartzine (length-slow chalcedony) in pelagic sediments
68%851983Stout, Paul M.: Diagenesis of biogenic sediments from the eastern Equatorial Pacific, DSDP Leg 85
68%341981Dungan, M. A.; Vance, Joseph A. et al.: Retention of primary MOR tholeiite geochemistry by Shuksan greenschists and blueschists, Easton Formation, North Cascades, Washington
68%911983Natland, James H.; Menard, H. W.: Old ocean crust in the SW Pacific; volcanism hydrothermal processes, and sedimentary history revealed by DSDP Leg 91 coring
68%1985DePaolo, Donald J.: Correlation of strontium and carbon isotope variations in Neogene marine carbonate rocks

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