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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
2006Miller, Kenneth G.; Kominz, Michelle et al.: Phanerozoic sea level changes; ODP drilling constrains the last 100 million years
100%2000Hanada, Masaaki: The sea level changes estimated from the results of drillings on the deep sea
92%2003Zhong Guangfa; Geng Jianhua et al.: Late Cenozoic history of sea level changes documented from high-resolution seismic data on the northern Sunda Shelf, South China Sea
83%1981Thiede, Joern: Reworked neritic fossils in upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic central Pacific deep-sea sediments monitor sea-level changes
83%1988Kirillova, G. L.: Pereryvy i nesoglasiya v razreze dna Filippinskogo morya i prilegayushchikh ostrovov Breaks and unconformities in section of the ocean floor of the Philippine Sea and adjoining islands
83%1988Partridge, Alan D.; Marshall, Neil G.: A new Eocene acritarch and its importance for age dating of submarine canyons, sea-level changes, and DSDP sections in the Australasian region
83%1980Enos, Paul: Lower Cretaceous reefs and sea-level changes in the Atlantic and Gulf coasts
83%174A1998Austin, James A., Jr.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas et al.: Miocene to Pleistocene sand-rich sequences and sea-level changes at the New Jersey outer shelf; results from Leg 174A
83%1991Aubry, Marie-Pierre: Sequence stratigraphy; eustasy or tectonic imprint?download
83%1221992Dumont, Thierry; Roehl, Ursula: Tectonics and sea-level changes recorded in Late Triassic sequences at rifted margins of eastern and western Tethys (Northwest Australia, Leg 122; Western Europe)
83%1551995Nanayama, Futoshi: Growth pattern of the Amazon deep-sea fan by glacio-eustatic sea-level changes; results of the ODP Leg 155
83%1996Stoll, Heather M.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Evidence for glacial control of rapid sea level changes in the Early Cretaceous
1986Hart, Malcolm B.; Ball, Kim C.: Late Cretaceous anoxic events, sea-level changes and the evolution of the planktonic foraminifera
83%1501993Blum, P.; Miller, K. G. et al.: Sea-level changes and slope processes reflected on the New Jersey continental slope; ODP Leg 150
83%1992Karner, G. D.; McGinnis, J. P. et al.: The link between deep sea erosion and relative sea level changes; implications for the Oligocene eustatic event
83%1998Abreu, Vitor dos Santos: Geologic evolution of conjugate volcanic passive margins; Pelotas Basin (Brazil) and offshore Namibia (Africa); implication for global sea level changes
83%1996Barker, Peter F.; Larter, Robert D. et al.: Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level changes (Proposal 452-REV)
83%1601999Major, Candace; Ryan, William B. F.: Eratosthenes Seamount; record of late Miocene sea-level changes and facies related to the Messinian salinity crisis
83%2007Glebov, Alexander Yu.; Shel'ting, Sergey K.: Sea-level changes and coastline migrations in the Russian sector of the Black Sea; application to the Noah's Flood hypothesis
83%1998Stoll, Heather Marie: Strontium geochemistry in the ocean; records of past climate and sea level changes
83%2001Stoll, Heather M.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Sr/Ca variations in Cretaceous carbonates; relation to productivity and sea level changes
82%2000Van Sickel, William Alan: Eustasy determination from borehole data, onshore New Jersey; new boreholes and new porosity estimates
82%1978Degens, E. T.; Paluska, A.: Quaternary geology of Black Sea region
82%2002Miller, Kenneth G.; Sugarman, Peter et al.: A Late Cretaceous chronology of large, rapid sea-level changes; glacioeustasy during the greenhouse world
82%1980Jenkyns, H. C.: Cretaceous anoxic events; from continents to oceans
79%1661996Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: The record of Neogene sea-level changes on the slopes of western Great Bahama Bank; results from ODP Leg 166
72%1942010Eberli, Gregor P.; Anselmetti, Flavio S. et al.: Timing of changes in sea-level and currents along Miocene platforms on the Marion Plateau, Australia
71%1999Olson, Hilary C.; Gary, Anthony: Integrated approaches to studying sea-level changes; examples from the Gulf of Mexico and the New Jersey margin using IPS software
71%1978Carter, A. N.: Contrasts between oceanic and continental 'unconformities' in the Oligocene of the Australian region
71%1986Curtis, Doris M.: Chronostratigraphy of the continental slope; an historic overview
71%1987Cotillon, Pierre: Bed-scale cyclicity of pelagic Cretaceous successions as a result of world-wide control
71%1974Berger, W. H.; Winterer, E. L.: Plate stratigraphy and the fluctuating carbonate line
71%1993Firth, John V.: Dinoflagellate assemblages and sea-level fluctuations in the Maastrichtian of Southwest Georgia
71%1991Jansa, L. F.: Processes affecting paleogeography, with examples from the Tethys
71%1995Furukawa, Masahide: Investigation of latitude effects on cosmic-ray intensity near the sea-level
71%3132007Hesselbo, Stephen: New Jersey shallow shelf; IODP Expedition 313
71%1999Barnes, Christopher R.: Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology; an Earth system perspective
71%1980Cita, M. B.: Quand la Mediterranee etait assechee When the Mediterranean was dry
71%2004Finkel, Zoe; Katz, Mimi et al.: Cope's rule, environmental change, and the evolution of diatoms through the Cenozoic
71%2008Monteverde, Donald H.: Sequence stratigraphic analysis of early and middle Miocene shelf progradation along the New Jersey margin
71%2004Averyt, Kristen: Reconstructing seawater strontium concentrations using marine barite
71%1992Davies, P. J.; Pigram, C. et al.: The effects of sea level change on the growth of the proto Barrier Reef and the Great Barrier Reef
71%2010Fox, Douglas: Could East Antarctica be headed for big melt?
71%2010Mueller, R. Dietmar: Sedimentary basins feeling the heat from belowdownload
71%1987Partridge, Alan D.; Marshall, Neil G.: A new Eocene acritarch and its importance for age dating of submarine canyons, sea-level changes and DSDP sections in the Australasian region
71%1996Barker, Peter F.: Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change from margin sediments; the ANTOSTRAT proposals
71%1997Zhou Zuyi; Lao Qiuyuan: Scientific ocean drilling and the research on global climate change
71%2000Belopolsky, Andrei Victorovich: Tectonic and eustatic controls on the evolution of the Maldive carbonate platform
71%1997White, M. Catherine: Sedimentary cores reveal timing, extent of change in sea level
71%1997Bornhold, B. D.: One hundred centuries of environmental change in southern Vancouver Island
71%2000Yin, Wyss: International Geological Correlation Programme Project No. 396; continental shelves in the Quaternary
1996Zhang, Jijun; Scott, David B.: Messinian deep-water turbidites and glacioeustatic sea-level changes in the North Atlantic; linkage to the Mediterranean salinity crisisdownload
67%1501995Miller, K. G.; Pekar, S. F. et al.: Onshore and offshore sequences on the New Jersey Transect linked to icehouse sea-level changes
2003Barker, Peter; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: History of the Antarctic ice sheet
2005Clauzon, Georges; Suc, Jean-Pierre et al.: Influence of Mediterranean sea-level changes on the Dacic Basin (eastern Paratethys) during the late Neogene; the Mediterranean Lago Mare facies deciphered
2005Reijmer, John J. G.; Lantzsch, Hendrik et al.: Sea-level changes marked by slope adjustment processes and turbidite deposition
2010Pierau, Roberto; Hanebuth, Till J. J. et al.: Late Quaternary climatic events and sea-level changes recorded by turbidite activity, Dakar Canyon, NW Africa
2004Wade, Bridget; Palike, Heiko: Oligocene paleoceanography, glaciation events and sea-level changes
67%1996Rebesco, M.; Camerlenghi, A. et al.: Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin; antarctic glacial history and sea-level changes (ODP proposal 452-Rev)
67%1999Shulmeister, James; Soons, Jane M. et al.: Environmental and sea-level changes on Banks Peninsula (Canterbury, New Zealand) through three glaciation-interglaciation cycles
1997Keller, Gerta; Li, Liangquan et al.: Maastrichtian sea-level changes; relationship to Antarctic glaciation?
67%2000Yim, Wyss W. S.: The record of the Quaternary on continental shelves; their interpretation, correlation and applications
67%2008Browning, James V.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: 100 Myr record of sequences, sedimentary facies and sea-level change from Ocean Drilling Program onshore core holes, US Mid-Atlantic coastal plain
67%2008Monteverde, Donald H.; Mountain, Gregory S. et al.: Early Miocene sequence development across the New Jersey margin
2013Eberli, Gregor P.: The uncertainties involved in extracting amplitude and frequency of orbitally driven sea-level fluctuations from shallow-water carbonate cycles
63%1662000Eberli, Gregor P.: The record of Neogene sea-level changes in the prograding carbonates along the Bahamas Transect; Leg 166 synthesisdownload
61%1998Scott, R. W.; Combes, J. M. et al.: High-precision chronostratigraphy of a late Pleistocene shelf-edge delta, Louisiana
2006Mizintseva, Svetlana; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Paleowater depth change and deposition during the late Santonian-early Campanian (77-83.5 Ma) on the New Jersey Coastal Plain
61%1661997Eberli, Gregor P.; Anselmetti, F. S. et al.: Lithology and log signature of the Neogene seismic sequences of western Great Bahama Bank; results of a seven hole transect
61%1942001Eberli, Gregor P.; Anselmetti, Flavio S. et al.: The remarkable similarity in the architecture of isolated tropical and cool subtropical carbonate platforms
2006Kanfoush, Sharon L.; Washburn, Michael W.: Preliminary study of morphology of ice-rafted debris in the Southeast Atlantic across Termination V
2011Chen, Huei-Fen; Chang, Yuan-Pin et al.: Mineralogical and geochemical investigations of sediment-source region changes in the Okinawa Trough during the past 100 ka (IMAGES core MD012404)
59%1501994Mountain, Gregory S.; Miller, Kenneth: Sea-level and slope processes reflected off New Jersey
59%1551994McDaniel, D. K.; McLennan, S. M. et al.: Sediment mixing and recycling in the Amazon River basin as recorded by the geochemistry of muds from the Amazon continental shelf and deep-sea fan
59%1822000Li, Qianyu; McGowran, Brian: ODP drilling in the Great Australian Bight reveals the evolution history of the southern margin
59%1782000Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Moerz, T. et al.: Pacific continental rise sites; sedimentological results (ODP Leg 178, Western Antarctic Peninsular)
1982Cita, Maria Bianca: Impact of paleoceanographic events on marine biotas of the Mediterranean in the last ten million years
59%1982Cita, M. B.; Grignani, D.: Nature and origin of late Neogene Mediterranean sapropels
1980Diester-Haass, L.; Chamley, H.: Oligocene climatic, tectonic and eustatic history off NW Africa (DSDP Leg 41, Site 369)
59%1986Schlanger, S. O.; Premoli Silva, I.: Oligocene sea-level falls recorded in mid-Pacific atoll and archipelagic apron settings
59%1011986Watkins, D. K.; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Micropaleontological results from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101 on carbonate platform growth and sea level changes
59%1990Macleod, Norman; Keller, Gerta: Chronostratigraphy of K/T boundary sequences
1985Melillo, Allan Joseph: Late Oligocene to Pliocene sea-level cycle events in the Baltimore Canyon trough and western North Atlantic Basin
59%1996Barron, John A.; Cronin, Thomas M. et al.: Middle Pliocene paleoenvironments of the Northern Hemisphere
1989Emelyanov, E. M.; Trimonis, E. S. et al.: New Mesozoic and Cenozoic patholithological and geochemical maps and Atlantic development
59%1995Camerlenghi, A.; Rebesco, M. et al.: Site survey of ODP Proposal 2 (Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change)
59%1331996McKenzie, J. A.; Isern, A.: Influence of late Neogene paleoceanography on carbonate platform development; the NE Australian margin archetype
59%1996Andersen, Espen S.; Dokken, Trond M. et al.: Late Quaternary sedimentation and glacial history of the western Svalbard continental margin
59%1992Rea, David K.: Delivery of Himalayan sediment to the northern Indian Ocean and its relation to global climate, sea level, uplift, and seawater strontium
59%1979von Rad, U.; Arthur, M. A.: Geodynamic, sedimentary and volcanic evolution of the Cape Bojador continental margin; Northwest Africa
59%1984Cousminer, H. L.; Habib, D.: Palynological evidence for long term (9.6 m.y.) sea level periodicity; cyclic sedimentation in North Atlantic deep sea sediments, mid-Callovian to Cenomanian
2005Naish, T. R.: New Zealand's shallow marine record of Pliocene-Pleistocene global sea-level and climate change
59%1987Jacquin, T.: Analogies et differences entre les "black shales" du Cretace inferieur et superieur de l'Atlantique Sud Analogies and differences between Upper and Lower Cretaceous "black shales" of the South Atlantic
59%1221988Exon, N. F.; Williamson, P. E. et al.: Sea level, climatic and tectonic implications of Mesozoic and Cainozoic sedimentary sequences in continuously cored ODP holes on the Exmouth Plateau
1995Ogg, James G.: Aptian-Albian sequences in Pacific guyot carbonate systems and implications for Mid-Cretaceous time scale
59%1501993Mountain, Gregory S.; Miller, Kenneth et al.: New Jersey sea level; Mid-Atlantic transect
59%1993Frank, Gabriela: Paleobiological changes and the influence of geochemical and extraterrestrial aspects concerning black shale developments
59%1995Barker, Peter F.: The proximal marine sediment record of Antarctic climate since the late Miocene
1995van Eijden, A. J. M.; Ganssen, G. M.: An Oligocene multi-species foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope record from ODP Hole 758A (Indian Ocean); paleoceanographic and paleo-ecologic implications
59%1983Arthur, Michael A.; Dean, Walter E.: Paleoceanographic models for Cretaceous organic carbon deposition

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