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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1977 | Moore, T. C., Jr.; Heath, G. R.: Survival of deep-sea sedimentary sections | |
98% | 80 80-550 82 82-557 | 1998 | Aubry, Marie-Pierre: Stratigraphic (dis)continuity and temporal resolution of geological events in the upper Paleocene-lower Eocene deep sea record | |
94% | 171A 171A-1049 171B | 2007 | Villasante-Marcos, Victor; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca et al.: Magnetic characterization of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments | |
88% | 11 | 1972 | Lehmann, Roger: Microfossils in thin sections from the Mesozoic deposits of Leg 11, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
83% | | 1999 | Nederbragt, Alexandra J.: Quantitative biogeography of Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera from the North Atlantic and circum-Mediterranean | |
83% | 107 | 1993 | van Dijk, J. P.: Three-dimensional quantitative restoration of central Mediterranean Neogene basins; the dynamic geohistory approach | |
82% | 80 80-550 | 1998 | Aubry, Marie-Pierre: Is the architecture of upper Paleocene-lower Eocene stratigraphic sequences on the North Atlantic margins a record of tectonic history? | |
82% | 119 119-745 | 2007 | Sharma, Girish Kumar; Bora, Jyoti: Pleistocene Radiolaria from the Kerguelen Plateau, Leg 119, sections 1H and 2H | |
79% | 42 42-372 | 2008 | Di Stefano, Agata; Foresi, Luca Maria et al.: Calcareous plankton high-resolution bio-magnetostratigraphy for the Langhian of the Mediterranean area | |
79% | 108 108-659 | 1999 | Clemens, Steven C.: An astronomical tuning strategy for Pliocene sections; implications for global-scale correlation and phase relationships | |
79% | 80 80-550 113 113-690 | 2000 | Aubry, Marie-Pierre; Cramer, Benjamin S. et al.: Late Paleocene event chronology; unconformities, not diachrony | |
79% | 204 | 2011 | Rees, Emily V. L.; Priest, Jeffery A. et al.: The structure of methane gas hydrate bearing sediments from the Krishna-Godavari Basin as seen from Micro-CT scanning | |
77% | 48 | 1979 | Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S.: Geochemistry of carbon; Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 48 | download |
73% | | 2006 | Ivarsson, Magnus: Advantages of doubly polished thin sections for the study of microfossils in volcanic rock | download |
71% | 174A 174A-1071 | 2001 | Tiffin, Sarah Heather: Dinocyst biochronology and palynofacies- inferred systems tract character of Miocene sequences from the New Jersey Mid-Atlantic Transect (ODP Legs 174A and 174AX) | |
71% | | 2002 | Ortega-Huertas, M.; Martinez-Ruiz, F. et al.: Review of the mineralogy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary clay; evidence supporting a major extraterrestrial catastrophic event | |
71% | | 1988 | Kennett, James: Neogene oxygen and carbon isotopic strarigraphy; correlation and paleo-oceanography | |
71% | | 1976 | Schrader, H. J.: Correlation of the neostratotype of the Messinian with Pacific and Indian Ocean deep-sea drilling sections based on marine planktonic diatoms | |
71% | | 1978 | Trotsyuk, V. Ya.: Volumetric concentrations of hydrocarbon gases in bottom waters, sediments, and Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits of the ocean | |
71% | 34 | 1974 | Hart, Stanley R.: Leg 34; oceanic basalt and the Nazca Plate | |
71% | | 1996 | Spiess, V.; Grobe, H. et al.: The ocean drilling stratigraphic network | |
71% | | 1997 | Frank, Tracy D.; Arthur, Michael A.: Paleoceanography and mid-Maastrichtian marine extinction events | |
71% | | 1987 | Partridge, Alan D.; Marshall, Neil G.: A new Eocene acritarch and its importance for age dating of submarine canyons, sea-level changes and DSDP sections in the Australasian region | |
71% | | 2004 | Saxena, Sabine; Gottwald, Eckehard: Gefriertrocknung und Haertung unverfestigter pleistozaener Karbnatsande zur Duennschliffherstellung Freeze-drying and hardening of unconsolidated Pleistocene carbonate sands for thin section production | |
71% | 143 143-866 | 2011 | Blaettler, Clara L.; Jenkyns, Hugh C. et al.: Significant increases in global weathering during Oceanic Anoxic Events 1a and 2 indicated by calcium isotopes | |
71% | 85 85-572 85-573 85-574 | 2012 | Lazarus, David; Weinkauf, Manuel et al.: Pacman profiling; a simple procedure to identify stratigraphic outliers in high-density deep-sea microfossil data | |
70% | 6 | 1971 | Blow, W. H.: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 6, foraminifera from selected samples | download |
67% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1993 | Morgan, Julia K.; Karig, Daniel E.: Numerically-driven strain estimates and balanced cross-section across the toe of the eastern Nankai accretionary prism | |
67% | 80 80-549 80-550 | 1993 | Sinha, A.; Stott, L. D.: Recognition of the Paleocene/Eocene epoch boundary in the northwestern European stratotype sections on the basis of carbon isotope stratigraphy | |
67% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1995 | Morgan, J. K.; Karig, D. E.: Kinematics and a balanced and restored cross-section across the toe of the eastern Nankai accretionary prism | |
67% | 31 31-292 90 90-592 | 1986 | Keller, Gerta: Eocene-Oligocene boundary reference sections in the Pacific | |
67% | 90 90-593 | 1987 | Jenkins, D. G.: Oligocene-Miocene unconformities in North Otago and the Tasman Sea | |
67% | 94 94-608 | 1991 | Miller, Kenneth G.; Feigenson, Mark D. et al.: Miocene isotope reference section, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 608; an evaluation of isotope and biostratigraphic resolution | download |
67% | 80 80-548 | 1996 | Schoenfeld, J.; Schmid, F. et al.: Biostratigraphical long-distance correlation of the lower Maastrichtian between Boreal and Tethyan oceanic realms; NW Germany, E Atlantic and Bavaria | |
66% | 178 178-1095 178-1096 | 2002 | Barker, Peter F.: Composite depths and spliced section for Leg 178 sites 1095 and 1096, Antarctic Peninsula continental rise | download |
64% | | 1970 | Blow, W. H.: Deep sea drilling project, leg 4 foraminifera from selected samples, Chapter 18 | download |
64% | 76 76-534 | 1983 | Baumgartner, Peter O.: Summary of Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous radiolarian biostratigraphy of Site 534 (Blake-Bahama Basin) and correlation to Tethyan sections | download |
61% | 80 80-548 80-550 113 113-690 | 1996 | Aubry, Marie-Pierre; Berggren, William A. et al.: Fine tuning the chronostratigraphic record; integrated upper Paleocene-lower Eocene chemobiostratigraphic correlations | |
61% | 62 62-463 | 2003 | Ando, Atsushi: Multidisciplinary paleoenvironmental analysis for the Mid-Cretaceous using terrestrial and marine carbon isotope records from Pacific regions | |
61% | 76 76-534 | 2010 | Casellato, Cristina Emanuela: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of upper Callovian-lower Berriasian successions from the southern Alps, north Italy | |
61% | 79 79-545 171A 171A-1049 171B | 2005 | Friedrich, Oliver; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Millennial- to centennial-scale interruptions of the oceanic anoxic event 1b (early Albian, mid-Cretaceous) inferred from benthic foraminiferal repopulation events | |
61% | 119 119-742 188 188-1166 | 2002 | Erohina, Tzvetina V.; Cooper, Alan K. et al.: Records of Cenozoic climate changes from ODP drilling in the Prydz Bay, East Antarctica | |
59% | | 1983 | Verdenius, J. G.; Van Hinte, J. E.: Central Norwegian-Greenland Sea; Tertiary arenaceous foraminifera, biostratigraphy and environment | |
59% | 28 28-270 | 1981 | Barrett, P. J.: Late Cenozoic glaciomarine sediments of the Ross Sea, Antarctica | |
59% | | 1981 | Jenkins, D. G.: Planktonic foraminifera and the Palaeogene/Neogene boundary in the Southwest Pacific | |
59% | 54 | 1983 | Anonymous: Litologiya i mineralogiya pliotsen-pleystotsenovykh otlozheniy zapadnoy chasti Vostochno-Tikhookeanskogo podnyatiya (rejs 54 j) Lithology and mineralogy of Plio-Pleistocene formations of western East Pacific Rise, Leg 54 | |
59% | 63 | 1983 | Timofeyev, P. P.; Rengarten, N. V.: Litologiya i usloviya obrazovaniya miotsen-pleystotsenovykh otlozheniy Characteristics and lithofacies of the California continental margin | |
59% | 63 | 1983 | Anonymous: Litologiya, mineralogiya i geokhimiya miotsen-pleystsenovykh otlozheniy prikaliforniyskoy zony Tikhogo okeana (reys 63-y) Lithology, mineralogy and geochemistry of Mio-Pleistocene sediments in the California zone of Pacific Ocean; Leg 63 | |
59% | 54 | 1983 | Timofeyev, P. P.; Rengarten, N. V.: Litologo-fatsial'noye izucheniye pliotsen-pleystotsenovykh otlozheniy Lithofacies of Plio-Pleistocene formations | |
59% | 8 9 | 1975 | Cook, Harry E.: North American stratigraphic principles as applied to deep-sea sediments | |
59% | | 1988 | Frydas, D.: Nannoplankton-Stratigraphie von Karpathos und Kreta (Griechenland) Nannoplankton stratigraphy from Karpathos and Crete, Greece | |
59% | | 1988 | Kirillova, G. L.: Pereryvy i nesoglasiya v razreze dna Filippinskogo morya i prilegayushchikh ostrovov Breaks and unconformities in section of the ocean floor of the Philippine Sea and adjoining islands | |
59% | 38 38-336 | 1986 | Onishchenko, B. A.: Relative synchroneity of hiatuses in the Paleogene deposits of the Scythian Platform and ocean basins | |
59% | 38 38-344 | 1986 | Savostin, L. A.; Baturin, D. G.: Seismic stratigraphy and Cenozoic history of the continental margin of the Greenland Sea near the south end of the Spitsbergen Archipelago | |
59% | 143 | 2000 | Iskhakov, Albert: Ocean floor secondary minerals in volcanoclastites; an attempt of thermodynamic analysis | |
59% | | 1988 | Partridge, Alan D.; Marshall, Neil G.: A new Eocene acritarch and its importance for age dating of submarine canyons, sea-level changes, and DSDP sections in the Australasian region | |
59% | 64 64-480 | 1982 | Crawford, Steve; Schrader, Hans: Microfossil distribution in coarse-fraction (>150 mu m) analysis of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 480, central Gulf of California; preliminary results | download |
59% | 62 | 1983 | Timofeyev, P. P.; Rateyev, M. A. et al.: Glinistyye mineraly mezozoyskikh i kanozoyskikh otlozheniy gor Markus-Nekker i vozvyshennosti Khessa Clay minerals of Meso-Cenozoic rocks in the submarine mountains of Central Pacific and Hess Ridge | |
59% | | 2000 | Hilgen, Frederik J.; Krijgsman, Wout et al.: Integrated stratigraphy and astronomical calibration of the Serravallian/Tortonian boundary section at Monte Gibliscemi (Sicily, Italy) | |
59% | | 1985 | Huessner, H.: Jurassische Karbonate des westlichen Hohen Atlas (Marokko); Mikrofaziesanalyse und plattentektonischer Rahmen Jurassic carbonates of the western High Atlas (Morocco); microfacies analysis and plate tectonic framework | |
59% | 37 37-332 | 1979 | Gruver, N. A.: Additional proof of the segregation vesicle technique of rock orientation and structural interpretation of some DSDP basement cores | |
59% | 76 76-533 | 1993 | Rahman, Atiur: Late Neogene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Blake Outer Ridge, DSDP Site 533, northwestern Atlantic Ocean | |
59% | 13 | 1974 | Cita, M. B.; Gelati, R. et al.: Proposal for the definition of superstages for the middle and upper Miocene | |
59% | 1 2 4 | 1974 | Parker, F. L.: Late Cenozoic biostratigraphy (planktonic foraminifera) of tropical Atlantic deep-sea sections | |
59% | 56 56-436 | 1986 | Tochilina, S. V.; Popov, V. S.: Correlation analysis of mineral composition and Radiolaria in the Cenozoic reference section of the West Pacific Plate (Site 436, Glomar Challenger Leg 56) | |
59% | 67 | 1980 | Hesse, Reinhard; Harrison, William E.: Abnormally low pore-water salinities in deep marine sections of the continental margins related to gas-hydrate (clathrate) occurrence | |
59% | 77 77-540 | 1991 | Buffler, Richard T.; Marton, Gyorgy et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and geological history of the southeastern Gulf of Mexico | |
59% | 57 | 1981 | von Huene, Roland; Arthur, M. et al.: Ambiguity in interpretation of seismic data from modern convergent margins; an example from the IPOD Japan Trench transect | |
59% | 133 | 1993 | Kronen, John D., Jr.: Recognition of condensed sections and flooding events as deduced from high-resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia; 0-1.5 Ma | |
59% | | 1995 | Antipov, M. P.; Shlezinger, A. Ye. et al.: Influence of stratigraphy on acoustic wave fields | |
59% | 71 71-511 | 1989 | Mutterlose, Joerg: Temperature-controlled migration of calcareous nannofloras in the North-west European Aptian | |
59% | | 1987 | Emeis, K. C.: Cretaceous black shales of the South Atlantic Ocean; the role and origin of recycled organic matter | |
59% | 175 | 1999 | Giraudeau, J.; Pierre, C.: ODP Leg 175 "Benguela"; dynamique des systemes de resurgence oceanique sur la marge sud-ouest africaine au cours du Neogene "Benguela", ODP Leg 175; dynamics of oceanic resurgence in the southwestern African margin during the Neogene | |
59% | 110 | 1989 | Brueckmann, W.: Porosity modeling and stress evaluation in the Barbados Ridge Accretionary Complex | |
59% | 161 | 1996 | Aubourg, C.; Murat, A. et al.: Evidence de niveaux sapropeliques en Mediterranee occidentale et caracterisation du socle metamorphique en mer d'Alboran Evidence of sapropel levels in the West Mediterranean and characterization of the metamorphic basement of the Alboran Sea | |
59% | | 1995 | Hilgen, F. J.; Krijgsman, W. et al.: Extending the astronomical (polarity) time scale into the Miocene | |
59% | 125 125-786 | 1995 | Alt, Jeffrey C.; Brewer, Tim: Submarine alteration and mineralization of volcanic basement from the Izu-Bonin Forearc; comparison with MORB and ophiolite sections | |
59% | | 1983 | Morton, A. C.; Backman, J. et al.: A reassessment of the stratigraphy of DSDP Hole 117 A, Rockall Plateau; implications for the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in N.W. Europe | |
59% | 57 | 1983 | Chiou, W. A.; Shephard, L. E. et al.: A technique for preparing high water content clayey sediments for thin and ultrathin section study | |
59% | | 1983 | Muller, C.; Schaaf, A. et al.: Biochronostratigraphie des formations d'age cretace dans les forages du DSDP dans l'Ocean Atlantique nord; Premiere partie Biochronostratigraphy of Cretaceous formations in DSDP boreholes in the North Atlantic; Part one | |
59% | | 1986 | Tochilina, S. V.; Popov, V. S.: Korrelyatsionnyy analiz mineral'nogo sostava radiolyariy (na primere opornogo razreza kaynozoya, Zapadno-Tikhookeanskaya plita, skv. 436,56-y reys b/s "Glomar Chellendzher") Correlative analysis of the chemical composition of Radiolaria; the first example of a Cenozoic diversion of the western Pacific Plate sounding 436, 56-j transect B/S of the Glomar Challenger | |
59% | 75 | 1986 | Child, C. J.; Saltzman, E. S.: Late Cretaceous deep sea paleochemistry from Inoceramus | |
59% | | 2003 | Lackschewitz, K. S.; Mertz, D. F. et al.: Late Cenozoic volcanism in the western Woodlark Basin area, SW Pacific; the sources of marine volcanic ash layers based on their elemental and Sr-Nd isotope compositions | |
59% | 207 | 2004 | Erbacher, Jochen: Diagenetically uncompromised sections give new insights for a better understanding of Cretaceous palaeoceanography and palaeoclimate | |
59% | | 1995 | Schnuerle, Philippe; Lallemand, Serge E. et al.: Tectonic regime of the southern Kurile Trench as revealed by multichannel seismic lines | |
59% | | 1992 | Jiang Yanwen; Wu Zhiyong: The advance in Tertiary chronostratigraphy | |
59% | | 1999 | Kaminski, M. A.; Kuhnt, Wolfgang et al.: The evolution and paleobiogeography of abyssal agglutinated Foraminifera since the Early Cretaceous; a tale of four faunas | |
59% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2008 | Halfpenny, Angela: Expedition 305; post-cruise results | |
59% | 160 161 | 1998 | Nijenhuis, I. A.: Comparison of single sapropels in ODP sites and land sections | |
59% | 67 67-497 67-498 | 1980 | Hesse, Reinhard: Gas-hydrates (clathrates) as a cause of pore-water freshening and possible retardation of diagenetic reactions in deep-water sedimentary sections of the continental margins | |
59% | 308 | 2007 | Urgeles, R.; Locat, J. et al.: Recursive failure of the Gulf of Mexico continental slope; timing and causes | |
59% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Fairhurst, Robert Jason: Inferring magmatic sources in gabbroic rocks from hole 735B of the Ocean Drilling Program and EBSD analysis of YBCO thin films | |
59% | | 1990 | Bohrmann, G.: Junge Porzellanite aus antarktischen Tiefseesedimenten und ihre Beziehung zur Chertgenese Young porcellanite from Antarctic deep sea sediments and their relationship to chert genesis | |
59% | | 1984 | Heath, Robert S.; McGowran, Brian: Neogene datum planes; foraminiferal successions in Australia with reference sections from the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Ontong-Java Plateau | |
59% | 156 156-947 156-948 | 1994 | Jurado, M. J.: First results on the interpretation of ODP Leg 156 LWD data; evidence of faulting in uncored sections of the northern Barbados accretionary prism | |
59% | 179 179-1105 | 2002 | Banerji, Debleena; Casey, John F.: Syntectonic melt transport in cumulates; evidence from gabbroic rocks from hole 1105A, ODP Leg 179, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
59% | 104 | 1994 | Hoelemann, Jens A.: Akkumulation von autochthonem und allochthonem organischem Material in den kaenozoischen Sedimenten der Norwegischen See (ODP Leg 104) Accumulation of autochthonous and allochthonous organic material in the Cenozoic sediments of the Norwegian Sea (ODP Leg 104) | |
59% | 135 | 1996 | Walbaum, Bettina: Auswertung von Bohrlochmessungen zur Rekonstruktion der Lithologie und der geologischen Entwicklungsgeschichte der ozeanischen Kruste (ODP-Bohrungen Leg 135/Lau Becken) Evaluation of borehole measurements in the reconstruction of lithology and the geologic development history of the oceanic crust (ODP Leg 135, Lau Basin) | |
59% | 75 75-530 207 207-1260 | 2012 | Du Vivier, Alice; Selby, David et al.: Osmium isotope stratigraphy of proto-Pacific and South Atlantic sections from the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval reveal the global extent of the OAE 2 | |
59% | 119 119-744 | 2013 | Jaramillo-Vogel, David; Strasser, Andre et al.: Neritic isotope and sedimentary records of the Eocene-Oligocene greenhouse-icehouse transition; the Calcare di Nago Formation (northern Italy) in a global context | |
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