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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1983Tagiri, Michio: A preliminary study on the distribution of detrital graphite in DSDP materials and ancient sedimentary basins
100%2010Mueller, R. Dietmar: Sedimentary basins feeling the heat from belowdownload
94%1992Kirillova, G. L.: Sturuktura kaynozoyskikh osadochnykh basseynov zony sochleneniya Vostochnoy Azii s Tikhim okeanom Structure of Cenozoic sedimentary basins of Eastern Asia-Pacific Ocean transition zone
83%211994Lafoy, Y.: The sedimentary basins of the New Caledonia region
83%1992Kirillova, Galina L.: Comparative characteristics of Cenozoic sedimentary basins of the East Asia-Pacific Ocean junction zone
83%1982Hughes, G. Wyn: Solomon Islands
83%351993Galushkin, Yu. I.; Dubinin, Ye. P. et al.: Printsipy chislennogo analiza termicheskoy evolyutsii litosfery i osadochnykh basseynov passivnykh kontinental'nykh okrain razlichnykh geodimamicheskikh tipov Principles of numerical analysis of thermal evolution of the lithosphere and sedimentary basins of passive continental margins of various geodynamic types
1988Iijima, Azuma; Tada, Ryuji et al.: Developments of Neogene sedimentary basins in the northeastern Honshu Arc with emphasis on Miocene siliceous deposits
2006Davies, Richard J.; Huuse, Mads et al.: Giant clastic intrusions primed by silica diagenesis
2006Bell, Robin E.; Studinger, Michael et al.: Identifying major sedimentary basins beneath the West Antarctic ice sheet from aeromagnetic data analysis
71%1975Weser, Oscar E.: A sedimentological and stratigraphical synthesis of the Indian Ocean
71%1995Underwood, Michael B.; Moore, Gregory F.: Trenches and trench-slope basins
71%1978Yuekler, A.: Quantitative determination of paleopressures and paleotemperatures
71%1980Ibach, Lynne E. Johnson: The relationship between sedimentation rate and total organic carbon content in ancient marine sediments
71%1987Dilli, K.: Clay mineral studies in the Somali Basin; prospects for hydrocarbons
71%1992Nishimura, Akira; Murakami, Fumitoshi: Arc volcanism control on sedimentation of the rift basins of the Izu-Bonin Arc, western Pacific
71%1012008Reijmer, John J. G.; Palmieri, Pauline et al.: Carbonate turbidites and debris flows; sea-level variations versus tectonic processes
71%1831997Schlich, R.; Schaming, M.: Kerimis cruise on the northern Kerguelen Plateau
71%2001Sun, Yoon: Tectonic history of the Japan Sea region and its implications for the formation of the Japan Sea
71%1998Bogdanov, N. A.; Basov, I. A.: Programma nauchnogo bureniya v Arktike Deep-sea drilling program in the Arctic
1998Revil, A.; Cathless, L. M., III et al.: Capillary sealing in sedimentary basins; a clear field exampledownload
67%2002Heine, Christian; Mueller, R. Dietmar et al.: Revised tectonic evolution of the Northwest Shelf of Australia and adjacent abyssal plains
61%2001Hill, P. J.; Moore, A. M. G. et al.: Sedimentary basins and structural framework of the South Tasman Rise and East Tasman Plateau
59%1981Biju-Duval, Bernard: Remarques sur l'evolution geodynamique de la Mediterranee Remarks about the geodynamic evolution of the Mediterranean
59%1802000Stover, S. Cheree; Ge, Shemin et al.: One-dimensional consolidation of shallow marine sediments; application of analytical solutions and experimental data to poroelastic and viscoplastic deformation in Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
59%1988Coffin, Millard F.; Rabinowitz, Philip D.: Evolution of the conjugate East African-Madagascan margins and the western Somali Basin
59%961986Marzi, R.; Rullkoetter, J.: Organic matter accumulation and migrated hydrocarbons in deep sea sediments of the Mississippi Fan and adjacent intraslope basins, northern Gulf of Mexico
59%1261990Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Chemostratigraphy of a forearc; preliminary results from insitu downhole nuclear measurements in the Izu-Bonin Arc region
59%1331990Feary, D. A.; Pigram, C. J. et al.: Leg 133 - northeast Australia; safety package
59%1521996Stax, R.: Marine vs. terrigenous organic matter accumulation in the Irminger Basin during Cenozoic times (ODP-Leg 152); paleoenvironmental implications
59%2002Concheyro, Andrea; Angelozzi, Gladys N.: Nanofosiles calcareos Calcareous nannofossils
1993Ingle, James C., Jr.: Neogene basin subsidence in the Gulf of California, Mexico; evidence from onshore and offshore sequences
59%1331991Davies, P. J.; McKenzie, J. A.: Horizontal and vertical interactions - key to the evolution of the Cainozoic carbonate platforms of northeast Australia - Leg 133 results
1985Schlager, W.; Austin, James A., Jr.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101; Bahama carbonate platforms and basins
59%1985Cepek, P.; Koethe, A. et al.: Paleogeographic evolution of the Atlantic Ocean during the Late Cretaceous; a synthesis of micropaleontological and lithological data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project and from adjacent continental areas
59%1986Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: Correlation of terrigenous and biogenic sediment fluxes in the North Atlantic Ocean during the past 150 my
59%1996Konnecke, L. K.; Coffin, M. F.: Terrigenous sediment and subaerial lava flows on the Cretaceous Kerguelen Plateau; implications from ocean bottom seismometer and multichannel seismic data
59%1996Bleil, U.; Spiess, V. et al.: The Neogene evolution of the Benguela Current System drill site proposals in the Cape Basin based on the ODP pre site survey M34/1 with R/V Meteor
59%1591996Benkhelil, J.; Mascle, J. et al.: Structural records in the Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments of the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin after the ODP Leg 159 data
1987Raha, R. K.; Rajendran, C. P. et al.: Record of early Tertiary deposits in Kerala, India and its palaeogeographic significance
59%2000Ergun, M.; Dondurur, D. et al.: Mid-Black Sea Ridge and its importance towards the ODP drilling
59%2007Shipilov, E. V.; Raznitsyn, Yu. N. et al.: New geodynamic model of the evolution of the northern Norwegian-Greenland Basin
59%1988Behrmann, J. H.: Projekte geowissenschaftlicher Forschung in der Karibik in den neunziger Jahren im Rahmen des Ocean Drilling Program Geological research projects in the Caribbean region in the 90's within the framework of the Ocean Drilling Program
1978Stewart, R. J.: Neogene volcaniclastic sediments from Atka Basin, Aleutian Ridge
1978Yuekler, A.; Cornford, C. et al.: One-dimensional model to simulate geologic, hydrodynamic and thermodynamic development of a sedimentary basin
59%2004Niitsuma, Nobuaki: Classification of plate motions and tectonic response on the sedimentary sequences drilled from forearc basin along the Japan Trench
59%2004Gorsline, Donn: Contour currents in California borderland; San Clemente, Tanner, San Nicolas, and East Cortes basins
59%1986Barbier, F.; Duverge, J. et al.: Structure profonde de la marge Nord-Gascogne; implications sur le mecanisme de rifting et de formation de la marge continentale Deep structure of the northern Gascony margin; implications for rifting mechanism and genesis of the margin
59%2001Kuijpers, Marcel Martinus Maria: Mechanisms and biogeochemical implications of the Mid-Cretaceous global organic carbon burial events
2009Lyman, J.; Norris, R.: Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum not a transient event for North Atlantic
59%1962008Kinoshita, M.; Kasaya, T. et al.: 6 years of borehole pore-pressure monitoring at the toe of Nankai accretionary prism using two ACORK observatories
59%1161992Subrahmanyam, C.; Singh, R. N.: Geotectonics of the Bay of Bengal
59%1611998Alvarez-Marron, J.; Comas, M. C. et al.: Structure of the Alboran Basin, tectonics at the Iberia-Africa plate boundary from Neogene times
59%1992002Lyle, Mitchell W.; Wilson, Paul A.: The Eocene and Oligocene Pacific equatorial region from ODP Leg 199 drilling
59%1991Schlich, R.; Fritsch, B. et al.: Structure and evolution of the Kerguelen Plateau deduced from seismic stratigraphy and ODP drilling
1994Robertson, A. H. F.; Kidd, R. B. et al.: Probing continental collision in the Mediterranean Sea
59%2006Huebscher, Christian: IODP; perspectives for scientific drilling in the Levantine Basin (IODP)
2005Arnaboldi, M.; Meyers, P. A.: Multi-proxy geochemical characterization of Mid-Cretaceous black shales in the Newfoundland Basin
59%1892001Hill, P. J.; Moore, A. M. G.: Geological framework of the South Tasman Rise and East Tasman Plateau
59%1979Katz, B. J.; Harrison, C. G. A. et al.: Potential organic indicators of diagenesis and early catagenesis
1981Raffi, I.; Rio, D.: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich); a paleotemperature indicator in the late Pliocene Mediterranean deep sea record
59%1996Anonymous: Seismic reflection studies on the Laptev Sea shelf (East Siberian Arctic)
59%801982Masson, Douglas G.: Regional aspects of IPOD Leg 80 drilling
59%2007Christie-Blick, Nicholas; Pekar, Stephen F. et al.: Is there a role for sequence stratigraphy in chronostratigraphy?
1991Ballance, P. F.: Sedimentary basins of the South Pacific; many questions, fewer answers
58%2012Mohriak, Webster Ueipass; Leroy, Sylvie: Architecture of rifted continental margins and break-up evolution; insights from the South Atlantic, North Atlantic and Red Sea-Gulf of Aden conjugate margins
1993Carter, Lionel; Carter, Robert M.: Sedimentary evolution of the Bounty Trough; a Cretaceous rift basin, southwestern Pacific Ocean
2010Long Van Hoang; Clift, Peter D. et al.: Large-scale erosional response of SE Asia to monsoon evolution reconstructed from sedimentary records of the Song Hong-Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan Basins, South China Sea
50%1997Abreu, Vitor S.; Droxler, A. W. et al.: Towards a pre-Pleistocene sea-level calibration; sequence stratigraphy and oxygen isotope stratigraphy of Pelotas Basin, offshore Southeast Brazil
50%2013Richards, P. C.; Stone, P. et al.: Mesozoic magmatism in the Falkland Islands (South Atlantic) and their offshore sedimentary basins
1990Harvey, P. K.; Lovell, M. A. et al.: Geochemical characterization of volcanoclastic sediments in the Izu-Bonin Arc from downhole nuclear measurements
1986Whitman, Jill M.: Sedimentation and subsidence history of the East Mariana Basin, western Pacific
1987Kaminski, Michael A.; Schroder, Claudia J.: Environmental analysis of deep-sea agglutinated foraminifera; can we distinguish tranquil from disturbed environments?
1987Davey, Frederick J.: Geology and structure of the Ross Sea region
1982Butt, A.: Micropaleontological bathymetry of the Cretaceous of western Morocco
1996Pletsch, T.; Daoudi, L. et al.: Palaeogeographic controls on palygorskite occurrence in Mid-Cretaceous sediments of Morocco and adjacent basins
1982Chamley, Herve; Maillot, Henri: Tectonic activity and paleoenvironment of the Walvis Ridge at the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition, deduced from sedimentological data
47%1842004Wu Nengyou; Huang Yongyang et al.: Prospect and indicative characteristics of gas hydrate in the northern continental slope of the South China Sea
47%192004Barth, Ginger; Scholl, David et al.: Quantifying the methane content of natural gas and gas hydrate accumulations in the Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea; case studies based on interval time anomalies
1978Wiedmann, V. J.; Butt, A. et al.: Vergleich von marokkanischen Kreide-Kuestenaufschluessen und Tiefseebohrungen (DSDP); Stratigraphie, Palaeoenvironment und Subsidenz an einem passiven Kontinentalrand Comparison of data from Cretaceous outcrops in the Morocco coastal area and from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites; stratigraphy, paleoenvironment, and subsidence at a passive continental margin
1993Berggren, William A.: NW European and NE Atlantic Paleocene-Eocene boundary interval bio- and sequence stratigraphy and geochronology
1994Savelli, C.; Schreider, A. A.: Geomagnetism and age study of volcanic seamounts and adjacent sedimentary basins (oceanic crust of the Tyrrhenian Sea)
1993Eidvin, Tor; Jansen, Eystein et al.: Chronology of Tertiary fan deposits off the western Barents Sea; implications for the uplift and erosion history of the Barents shelf
1993Hooghiemstra, H.; Melice, J. L. et al.: Frequency spectra and paleoclimatic variability of the high-resolution 30-1450 ka Funza I pollen record (Eastern Cordillera, Colombia)
1996Schmitz, B.; Heilmann-Clausen, C. et al.: Stable isotope and biotic evolution in the North Sea during the early Eocene; the Albaek Hoved section, Denmark
1991Marsaglia, Kathleen M.: Provenance of sands and sandstones from a rifted continental arc, Gulf of California, Mexico
1996Abreu, Vitor S.; Condi, Francis J. et al.: Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of a volcanic rifted margin; offshore Namibia
1996Richards, P. C.; Gatliff, R. W. et al.: The geological evolution of Falkland Islands continental shelf
2003Tivey, Maurice A.; Sager, William W. et al.: Deeptow magnetic survey of the Pacific Jurassic quiet zone; implications for the marine magnetic anomaly timescale
47%2003Amore, O. F.; Bonardi, G. et al.: Il progresso delle conoscenze sui depositi miocenici dell'Appennino centro-meridionale a partire dai lavori di Selli del 1957 e del 1962 Miocene stratigraphic units of the Central and Southern Apennines, Italy, after Selli's work of 1957 and 1962
47%2003Purdy, E. G.; MacGregor, Duncan S.: Map compilations and synthesis of Africa's petroleum basins and systems
2003Higginson, Matthew J.; Altabet, Mark A. et al.: Millennial-scale abrupt changes in strength of the monsoons during the last glacial; event sequence during low latitude stadial/interstadial transitions
47%2004Maldonado, Andres; Bohoyo, F. et al.: Contourite deposits of the central Scotia Sea and northern Weddell Sea, Miocene to Recent; Antarctica
2004Mauffret, Alain; Frizon de Lamotte, D. et al.: E-W opening of the Algerian Basin (western Mediterranean)
47%2007Huebscher, Christian; Cartwright, Joe et al.: Global look at salt giants
2010Grassmann, S.; Cramer, B. et al.: pT effects of Pleistocene glacial periods on permafrost, gas hydrate stability zones and reservoir of the Mittelplate oil field, northern Germany
47%2004Manatschal, Gianreto: New models for evolution of magma-poor rifted margins based on a review of data and concepts from West Iberia and the Alps
47%1842004Murray, Mychal R.; Dorobek, Steven Louis: Sediment supply, tectonic subsidence, and basin-filling patterns across the southwestern South China Sea during Pliocene to Recent time
47%2004Viana, Adriano; Rebesco, Michele: Sedimentary record of bottom currents from the southern Atlantic to Antarctica
2004Lima, Andrea Franca; Faugeres, Jean-Claude et al.: Sedimentary record of the paleoceanographic events in the Columbia channel-levee system; south Brazilian Basin

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