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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1994Stagg, H. M. J.; Willcox, J. B.: Investigation of a lower-plate continental margin; a proposal for drilling in the Great Australian Bight region by the Ocean Drilling Program
100%1994Stagg, H. M. J.; Willcox, J. B.: Crustal transects of the Great Australian Bight; a cruise proposal in support of the Ocean Drilling Program and the Law of the Sea
99%1981Murray, Grover E.: Static science transformed
99%1980Trumpy, R.: Geology 1976-1980; trends, discoveries, failures
99%1982Hodgson, B.; Miller, A.: Quality control of 3D surveys
85%951983Deep Sea Drilling Project; testing the Vail depositional model
85%1981Mountain, Gregory Stuart: Stratigraphy of the western North Atlantic based on the study of reflection profiles and DSDP results
85%1988Mudie, P. J.; Jackson, H. R. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program proposal for Arctic Ocean drilling
85%1041986Reflector identified; glacial onset seen
1987Sauter, Allan Wayne: Studies of the upper oceanic floor using ocean bottom seismometers
85%1987Mutter, John C.; Balch, Albert: Vertical seismic profiling (VSP) and the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
85%1974Davies, T. A.; Edgar, N. Terence: Some geophysical aspects of deep-sea drilling
85%1031986ODP Leg 103 drills into rift structures
85%1979White, S. M.: Downhole experiments; Deep Sea Drilling Project
85%1979Garkalenko, I. A.; Ushakov, S. A.: Earth crust in the Kurile Trench (from continuous seismic Profiling Data)
85%1973Bellaiche, Gilbert; Recq, Maurice: Off-shore seismological experiments south of Provence in relation to "Glomar Challenger" deep sea drillings (JOIDES-DSDP, Leg 13) [letter]
85%1979Ewing, J. I.; Houtz, R.: Acoustic stratigraphy and structure of the oceanic crust
85%1995Underwood, Michael B.; Moore, Gregory F.: Trenches and trench-slope basins
85%1989Chudyk, C. E.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Dipping reflectors on the Kerguelen Plateau
85%1991Zehnder, Carolyn Marie: Magmatic processes attending the initiation of seafloor spreading in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; a deep seismic study of conjugate margins
85%1993Kastner, M.; Brown, K. A. et al.: Gas hydrates and bottom simulating reflectors in the Cascadia Margin
85%1981Challenger devotes 78B to old hole
85%1979Blackinton, G.; Duennebier, F. K.: The downhole experiment
85%1990Masson, Douglas G.: Multichannel seismic reflection survey of the southern margin of the Rockall Plateau
85%1980Neprochnova, A. F.; Neprochnov, Yu. P.: Rezul'taty GSZ i MOV The results of deep seismic sounding and seismic surveying
85%1984Shipley, T. H.; Winterer, E. L. et al.: Equatorial Pacific seismic stratigraphy and the significance of seismic reflectors
85%1991Klaus, Adam; Taylor, Brian: Submarine canyon development in the Izu-Bonin Forearc; a SeaMARC II and seismic survey of Aoga Shima Canyon
85%1984Stephen, R. A.: Borehole seismic experiments and the structure of upper oceanic crust
85%881984Cessaro, R. K.; Duennebier, F. K.: Borehole seismic results from DSDP Leg 88
85%1995Johnston, Joel Edward: Physical properties of rocks; shale anisotropy and basalt seismic velocities
85%181972Kulm, L. D.: Results of leg XVIII DSDP
85%1980Neprochnov, Yu. P.: Koppelyatsiya seysmicheskikh dannykh s fizicheskimi svoystvami i litologiey osadkov Correlating seismic data with the physical properties and lithology of sediments
85%1980Neprochnov, Yu. P.: Poputnyye geofizicheskiye izmereniya v reyse 42B BS "Glomar Chellendzher" Geophysical measurements in Leg 42B of the Glomar Challenger expeditions
85%1983Talwani, Manik: New geophysical techniques for offshore exploration
85%1990Ostrovsky, A. A.: On the spectra shape of seismic noise and earthquakes recorded in the ocean
85%1992Litvinov, E. M.: Neodnorodnosti vtorogo sloya okeanicheskoy kory Heterogeneity of the second layer of the oceanic crust
85%1986Colwell, Jim; Coffin, Mike et al.: French expeditions to the southern Kerguelen Plateau
85%2003Meschede, Martin: The Costa Rica convergent margin; a textbook example for the process of subduction erosion
85%2004Lubick, Naomi: Detecting marine gas hydrates
85%2007Morita, Sumito; Kuramoto, Shinichi et al.: Geologic structure of Nankai accretionary prism visualized by three-dimensional seismic examination
85%2008Monteverde, Donald H.: Sequence stratigraphic analysis of early and middle Miocene shelf progradation along the New Jersey margin
85%1999Anonymous: A wealth of geophysical data is available from government sources
85%1662005Bergman, Kelly L.: Seismic analysis of paleocurrent features in the Florida Straits; insights into the paleo-Florida Current, upstream tectonics, and the Atlantic-Caribbean connection
85%1994Lyle, Mitchell: Northern California margin sites surveyed
85%3022007O'Regan, Matthew Aaron: A Cenozoic history of the central Arctic Ocean
85%2000Jackson, H. R.: Arctic Ocean drilling
85%1999Horsfall, K.: Seismic survey on the Marion Plateau, northeast Australia, provides site survey data for ODP drilling
85%1672003Janik, Aleksandra: Application of seismic data for improving paleoceanographic models in the California Borderland basins; results from ODP Leg 167 drilling
85%2006Dale, Sylvie: Recent advances session casts critical but hopeful eye at new technologies and methods
85%1997Barker, Peter F. (ed.); Cooper, Alan K. (ed.): Geology and seismic stratigraphy of the Antarctic margin, 2
85%1997Johnston, Joel E.; Christensen, Nikolas I.: Seismic properties of layer 2 basalts
85%1551995Drilling the fantastic Amazon fan
85%1996Weigel, W.; Herber, R. et al.: SEEBOSEIS; a method for on-bottom seismic refraction measurements in the deep sea
85%1996Anonymous: Seismic images of Mesozoic-aged oceanic crust of the South Atlantic
85%1996Yuan, Tianson: Seismic studies of the northern Cascadia accretionary prism; sediment consolidation and gas hydrates
85%1983Rabinowitz, P. D.; Brenner, Carl: The IPOD geological/geophysical data bank
85%1983Biart, Brian N. M.; Smith, S. G.: The nature of seismic reflecting horizons within deep-sea sediments
85%2006Moore, Gregory F.; Mutter, John C.: 3-D seismic reflection imaging workshop 2005; opportunities for IODP site survey collaboration
85%1977Barker, P. F.; Burrell, J.: The opening of Drake Passage
85%1984Pautot, Guy: Les moyens et les programmes de l'oceanologie geologique Means and programs in geologic oceanography
80%1981Camus, Anne-Lise: Etude de la transition continent-ocean sur la marge continentale Nord Gascone a partir des documents enregistres lors de la campagne sismique refraction a deux bateaux IPOD 79 Study of land to ocean transition on the continental margin of northern Bay of Biscay from data recorded in the frame of IPOD 79 two-ship refraction seismics campaign
2003De Santis, L.; Brown, B. et al.: Tectonic evolution of the continental shelf of the Wilkes Land (East Antarctica)
80%1642000Pecher, Ingo A.; Holbrook, W. Steven: Seismic methods for detecting and quantifying marine methane hydrate/free gas reservoirs
71%1998Elverhoi, A.; Hooke, R. LeB. et al.: Late Cenozoic erosion and sediment yield from the Svalbard-Barents Sea region; implications for understanding erosion of glacierized basins
71%1983Woodward, Madison: Depositional environments and seismic character of progradational clinoforms in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico
71%1983Masson, D. G.; Parson, L. M.: Eocene deformation on the continental margin SW of the British Isles
1981Schubert, Carlos: Origin of Cariaco Basin, southern Caribbean Sea
71%1981Sheridan, Robert E.: Recent research on passive continental margins
71%1981Honza, E.: Subduction and accretion in the Japan Trench
71%2000Shreyder, A. A.; Shreyder, Al. A.: Morskiye geologo-geofizicheskiye issledovaniya i ikh ekologicheskiye posledstviya Marine geologic-geophysical investigations and their ecological consequences
71%1462000Hyndman, R. D.; Dallimore, S. R.: Natural gas hydrate studies in Canada; offshore west coast and arctic Mackenzie Delta
71%801983Gillot, Eric: La Marge celtique au Cretace d'apres la campagne 80 du DSDP-IPOD 1 (Atlantique NE) The Celtic margin during Cretaceous time from the DSPD-IPOD 1 Leg 80, NE Atlantic
71%1983Moore, J. Casey; Lundberg, N.: Macro- to microfabrics of modern convergent margins
71%1985Poag, C. Wylie: Cenozoic and Upper Cretaceous sedimentary facies of New Jersey continental slope and rise
71%771985Angstadt, David Moris; Austin, James A., Jr. et al.: Early Late Cretaceous to Holocene seismic stratigraphy and geologic history of southeastern Gulf of Mexico
1985Fujioka, Kantaro: Geology of volcanogenic sediments of the Japan Trench area and Tertiary explosive volcanism of the NE Japan Arc
71%1988Hinz, K.: Neue geophysikalische Ergebnisse ueber den geologischen Aufbau und die Entwicklung des Argentinischen Kontinentalrandes New geophysical results on the geological structure and evolution of the Argentinian continental margin
71%1988Abrams, Lewis J.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and crustal structure of the Kane fracture zone transverse ridgedownload
71%1994Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Seismic signature of an island arc; a new model of seismic stratigraphy of the Kohistan accreted terrane
71%1994Denny, Walter M., III; Austin, James A., Jr. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and geologic history of Middle Cretaceous through Cenozoic rocks, southern Straits of Florida
71%1461994Tobin, H. J.; Moore, J. C. et al.: Seismic velocity at an indicator of high fluid pressure in thrust faults of the Oregon accretionary prism; laboratory and modeling results
71%1969Gealy, E. L.; Davies, T. A.: How the scientific work is carried out
71%1985Tamaki, Kensaku: Recent study of the sea floor around the Japanese Islands
71%1011985Austin, James A., Jr.; Schlager, Wolfgang: Seismic stratigraphy in the Bahamas; highlights from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101
71%191982Hammond, Roger D.; Gaither, John R.: Anomalous seismic character of Bering Sea Shelf being explored for OCS lease sales
71%191982Hammond, Roger D.; Gaither, John R.: Anomalous seismic character; Bering Sea
71%1982Symonds, P. A.: BMR's international co-operative geoscience programs offshore from Australia
1986Brew, David Scott: Seismic modelling at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603; the Lower Continental Rise Hills
1986Tanahashi, Manabu: Seismic reflection survey in eastern part of Central Pacific Basin (GH81-4 area)
1986Savostin, L. A.; Baturin, D. G.: Seismic stratigraphy and Cenozoic history of the continental margin of the Greenland Sea near the south end of the Spitsbergen Archipelago
1982Smythe, D. K.: Dipping reflectors at passive margins off NW Europe
71%771982Buffler, Richard T.; Phair, Ronald L. et al.: Early geologic evolution of the deep southeastern Gulf of Mexico
71%1982Harbert, W. P.; Scholl, David W. et al.: Geologic and tectonic history of Atka Basin, Aleutian Ridge
71%1681996Zuehlsdorff, L.; Spiess, V. et al.: Fluid migration through sediments on the eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge flank; evidence from high resolution seismic surveys?
71%1977Grow, J. A.; Markl, R. G.: IPOD-USGS multichannel seismic reflection profile from Cape Hatteras to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
71%961986Pickering, Kevin; Coleman, James et al.: A high sinuosity, laterally migrating submarine fan channel-levee-overbank; results from DSDP Leg 96 on the Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico
1986Sauter, A. W.; Dorman, L. M. et al.: A study of sea floor structure using ocean bottom shots and receivers
1986Winkler, H.; Phillips, J. D. et al.: A vertical seismic profile at ODP Site 642; the base of the seaward-dipping reflectors
71%1986Honza, E.; Murakami, F.: Accretion in the Nankai Trough
71%1071987Rehault, J. P.; Moussat, E. et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Tyrrhenian Sea new multichannel seismic reflexion data (ODP Leg 107 sites survey)

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