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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 172 172-1063 | 1999 | Burke, Benjamin C.: Paleoclimactic cyclicity in seismic reflection profiles at ODP Site 1063, northern Bermuda Rise sediment drift | |
99% | | 1999 | Gruetzner, J.; Mienert, J.: Lateral changes of mass accumulation rates derived from seismic reflection profiles; an example from the Western Atlantic | |
99% | 20 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Tharp, Marie: R/V Thomas Washington cruise Aries V; reconnaissance seismic reflection profiles of prospective DSDP sites in the Northwest Pacific | download |
99% | 178 178-1100 178-1102 178-1103 | 2001 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Glacial sediment transport and distribution on the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific continental shelf and slope; new results from seismic reflection profiles and ODP Leg 178 drilling | |
99% | | 2011 | Mataracioglu, Mehmet Onur; Magnani, Maria Beatrice et al.: Investigation of collisional styles of the Caribbean large igneous province (CLIP) vs. normal oceanic crust using seismic reflection profiles | |
85% | | 1993 | Mosher, David Cole: Seismic stratigraphy of the Ontong Java Plateau, western Equatorial Pacific; its paleoceanographic significance | |
85% | | 2004 | Ryan, William B. F.; Haxby, William F. et al.: Applying the CHRONOS model to deep-sea seismic reflection profiles and drilling | |
80% | 44 44-390 44-391 | 1979 | Sheridan, R. E.; Windisch, C. C. et al.: Structure and stratigraphy of the Blake Escarpment based on seismic reflection profiles | |
80% | | 1988 | Seno, Tetsuzo; Tokuyama, Hidekazu et al.: Interpretation of seismic reflection profiles in the north basin of the Boso-Oki triple junction off central Honshu | |
80% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1994 | Kuramoto, Shin'ichi; Moore, Greg et al.: Re-processing and re-interpretation of two JAPEX seismic reflection profiles from the Nankai accretionary prism | |
76% | 68 68-502 68-503 | 1982 | Gardner, James V.: Underway geophysics collected on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 68 | download |
76% | 135 | 1994 | Parson, Lindsay M.: Data Report; Underway geophysics; regional characteristics of seismic-reflection data for Leg 135 | download |
73% | 43 43-386 | 1979 | Bowles, F. A.: Site survey, DSDP Site 386 | download |
71% | 25 25-245 | 1974 | Naini, Bhoopal; Chute, John: Appendix V; a marine geophysical survey in the vicinity of DSDP Site 245, Madagascar Basin; Indian Ocean | download |
70% | 57 57-439 87 87-584 | 1987 | Leggett, J. K.; Lundberg, Neil et al.: Extensional tectonics in the Honshu fore-arc, Japan; integrated results of DSDP legs 57, 87 and reprocessed multichannel seismic reflection profiles | |
70% | 173 | 1996 | Whitmarsh, Robert B.; Beslier, Marie-Odile et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; Northwest Atlantic sediment drifts | |
70% | | 1989 | Stelting, Charles Edward: Sedimentologic interpretation of seismic characteristics of the youngest fanlobe, Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico | |
70% | | 1989 | Albertin, Martin Leopold: Interpretations and analysis of Guaymas Basin multi-channel seismic reflection profiles; implications for tectonic history | |
70% | 35 35-325 178 | 2004 | Hernandez-Molina, F. J.; Larter, R. D. et al.: Miocene changes in bottom current regime recorded in continental rise sediments on the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula | download |
70% | 178 178-1095 178-1096 178-1101 | 2001 | Camerlenghi, Angelo; Volpi, Valentina et al.: Deep sea sediment consolidation through the glacial history of the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula | |
70% | | 2012 | Mohriak, Webster Ueipass; Leroy, Sylvie: Architecture of rifted continental margins and break-up evolution; insights from the South Atlantic, North Atlantic and Red Sea-Gulf of Aden conjugate margins | |
69% | 38 38-338 38-339 38-340 38-341 38-342 38-343 | 1978 | Talwani, M.: Surveys and selection of sites 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, and 343 on the Voring Plateau | download |
67% | 26 26-251 | 1974 | Naini, Bhoopal; Chute, John: Geophysical investigations around DSDP Site 251, southwestern Indian Ocean | download |
66% | 20 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Jones, E. John W.: Seismic reflection profiles between Fiji, Guam, and Japan | download |
61% | 65 65-482 65-483 65-484 65-485 | 1983 | Benson, Richard N.: Rates of sediment accumulation at Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 65 sites at the mouth of the Gulf of California | download |
61% | 47 47-398 | 1979 | Auzende, J. P.; Jonquet, H. et al.: The continental margin off Galicia and Portugal; acoustical stratigraphy, dredge stratigraphy, and structural evolution | download |
60% | 32 32-310 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1983 | Vallier, Tracy L.; Dean, Walter E. et al.: Geologic evolution of Hess Rise, central North Pacific Ocean | |
60% | 7 20 | 1973 | Davies, Thomas A.: A seismic reflection profile between the Bonin Trench and 160 degrees E | download |
60% | 47 47-398 | 1987 | Gardner, James V.; Kidd, Robert B.: Sedimentary processes on the northwestern Iberian continental margin viewed by long-range side-scan sonar and seismic data | |
60% | 174A 174A-1072 174A-1073 | 2003 | McCarthy, Francine M. G.; Gostlin, Kevin E. et al.: Terrestrial and marine palynomorphs as sea-level proxies; an example from Quaternary sediments on the New Jersey margin, U.S.A. | |
60% | 64 64-475 | 2003 | Ingle, James C.: Marine deposition and Neogene basin subsidence in the Gulf of California-Salton Trough | |
60% | 64 64-475 | 2001 | Ingle, James C.: Patterns of Neogene basin subsidence in the Gulf of California-Salton Trough | |
60% | 28 28-270 28-272 28-273 | 2008 | Luyendyk, Bruce; Wilson, Doug et al.: Antarctic drilling targets on the Coulman High; potential ANDRILL sites in the Ross Sea | |
60% | | 1999 | Rea, David K.; Moore, Theodore C., Jr. et al.: Circulation of the Eocene Pacific Ocean | |
60% | | 1998 | Ingle, James C., Jr.: Subsidence and depositional history of Neogene basins in the Gulf of California; responses to tectonic, oceanographic, and climatic events | |
60% | 5 5-35 | 1997 | Zuffa, Gian G.; De Rosa, Rosanna et al.: Shifting sources and transport paths for the late Quaternary Escanaba Trough sediment fill (Northeast Pacific) | |
60% | 18 19 19-186 19-187 | 1984 | McCarthy, Jill; Stevenson, Andrew J. et al.: Speculations on the petroleum geology of the accretionary body; an example from the central Aleutians | |
60% | 167 167-1015 | 2006 | Normark, William R.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Sea-level and tectonic control of middle to late Pleistocene turbidite systems in Santa Monica Basin, offshore California | |
60% | 12 12-115 | 2008 | Elliott, Gavin M.; Parson, Lindsay M.: Influence of sediment drift accumulation on the passage of gravity-driven sediment flows in the Iceland Basin, NE Atlantic | |
60% | 151 151-910 | 2011 | Gebhardt, A. Catalina; Jokat, W. et al.: Ice sheet grounding and iceberg plow marks on the northern and central Yermak Plateau revealed by geophysical data | |
60% | 18 18-178 | 2011 | Reece, Robert S.; Gulick, Sean P. S. et al.: Tectonic and climatic influence on the evolution of the Surveyor Fan and Channel system, Gulf of Alaska | |
60% | 47 103 149 173 210 | 2012 | Soares, Duarte M.; Alves, Tiago M. et al.: The breakup sequence and associated lithospheric breakup surface; their significance in the context of rifted continental margins (west Iberia and Newfoundland margins, North Atlantic) | |
60% | 4 110 156 171A | 2012 | Pichot, T.; Patriat, M. et al.: The Cenozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Barracuda Ridge and Tiburon Rise, at the western end of the North America-South America Plate boundary zone | |
60% | | 2003 | Reid, Jane A.; Normark, William R.: Tufts submarine fan; turbidity current gateway to Escanaba Trough | download |
57% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-433 | 1980 | Greene, H. Gary; Clague, David A. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and vertical tectonics of the Emperor Seamounts, DSDP Leg 55 | download |
57% | 151 | 1995 | Myhre, Annik M.; Thiede, Joern et al.: Underway geophysics | download |
57% | 23 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.: Geophysical appendix | download |
57% | 42 42-379 42-380 42-381 | 1978 | Letouzey, J.; Gonnard, R. et al.: Black Sea; geological setting and Recent deposits distribution from seismic reflection data | download |
56% | 32 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Gardner, J. V. et al.: Magnetic, bathymetric, seismic reflection, and positioning data collected underway on Glomar Challenger, Leg 32 | download |
55% | 164 164-994 164-995 164-997 | 1996 | Dillon, William P.; Hutchinson, Deborah R. et al.: Seismic reflection profiles on the Blake Ridge near sites 994, 995, and 997 | download |
53% | 80 80-548 80-549 80-550 80-551 | 1985 | Masson, D. G.; Montadert, Lucien et al.: Regional geology of the Goban Spur continental margin | download |
50% | 5 5-35 169 169-1037 169-1038 | 2000 | Zuffa, G. G.; Normark, W. R. et al.: Turbidite megabeds in an oceanic rift valley recording jokulhlaups of late Pleistocene glacial lakes of the Western United States | |
50% | 38 38-344 | 1978 | Talwani, M.: Survey at Site 344, rift mountains east of Knipovich Rift | download |
50% | 207 207-1261 | 2011 | Ingram, Wesley C.; Mosher, David C. et al.: Biostratigraphy of an upper Miocene mass-transport deposit on Demerara Rise, northern South American margin | |
49% | 139 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Mottl, Michael J. et al.: Introduction | download |
49% | 94 94-608 94-610 94-611 | 1987 | Jacobs, Colin L.: Site surveys of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 608, 610, and 611 | download |
49% | 18 18-174 18-175 | 1973 | Kulm, La Verne D.; Prince, Roger A. et al.: Appendix I, Part A; Site survey of the northern Oregon continental margin and Astoria Fan | download |
49% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-433 | 1980 | Greene, H. Gary: Geophysical observations taken underway on Glomar Challenger, Leg 55 | download |
47% | 155 | 1997 | Piper, David J. W.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: Mass-transport deposits of the Amazon Fan | download |
43% | 22 22-216 | 1974 | Naini, Bhoopal R.; Eittreim, Stephen L.: Appendix III; A marine geophysical survey (Site 216 DSDP) on the Ninetyeast Ridge, equatorial Indian Ocean | download |
43% | 75 75-530 | 1984 | Stow, Dorrik A. V.: Anatomy of debris-flow deposits | download |
43% | 7 | 1971 | Winterer, Edward L.; Riedel, William R. et al.: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, covering Leg 7 of the cruises of the drilling vessel "Glomar Challenger"; Apra, Guam to Honolulu, Hawaii, August-September 1969; Part 2 | download |
43% | 92 92-597 92-599 92-600 92-601 92-602 | 1986 | Lonsdale, Peter: Site surveys in the South Pacific with a Seabeam swath-mapping system | download |
43% | 126 | 1990 | Cooper, Patricia Ann; Taylor, Brian et al.: Underway geophysics data collected on Leg 126 | download |
43% | 7 7-61 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 | 1971 | Winterer, Edward L.; Riedel, William R.: Introduction | download |
43% | 71 | 1983 | Ludwig, William J.: Geological framework of the Falkland Plateau | download |
42% | 22 22-211 | 1974 | Naini, Bhoopal R.: Appendix I; A marine geophysical survey (Site 211 DSDP) in the Wharton Basin, Indian Ocean | download |
42% | 22 22-214 | 1974 | Naini, Bhoopal R.; Eittreim, Stephen L.: Appendix II; A marine geophysical survey (Site 214 DSDP) on the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean | download |
42% | 141 | 1992 | Lewis, Stephen D.; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Underway geophysics | download |
42% | 302 | 2004 | Jakobsson, Martin; Floden, Tom et al.: Expedition 302 geophysics; integrating past data with new results | download |
42% | 160 | 1998 | Kempler, Ditza: Eratosthenes Seamount; the possible spearhead of incipient continental collision in the eastern Mediterranean | download |
40% | 110 | 1990 | Ladd, John W.; Westbrook, Graham K. et al.: Wide-aperture seismic reflection profiles across the Barbados Ridge Complex | download |
40% | 152 | 1994 | Larsen, Hans Christian; Saunders, Andrew D. et al.: Pre-cruise site survey | download |
40% | 149 149-897 149-899 149-900 173 173-1070 210 210-1276 210-1277 | 2007 | Tucholke, B. E.; Sawyer, D. S. et al.: Breakup of the Newfoundland-Iberia Rift | |
40% | 38 38-337 | 1978 | Talwani, M.; Sandal, S.: Survey at Site 337, near the extinct axis in the Norway Basin | download |
40% | 159 159-959 159-960 159-962 | 1998 | Edwards, Rosemary Anne: Integration of seismic reflection, physical properties, and downhole logging data | download |
39% | 67 67-499 67-500 | 1982 | Coulbourn, William T.: Stratigraphy and structures of the Middle America Trench; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 67 transect off Guatemala | download |
39% | 94 94-610 | 1987 | Masson, D. G.; Kidd, Robert B.: Revised Tertiary seismic stratigraphy of the southern Rockall Trough | download |
38% | 36 36-327 36-329 36-330 | 1977 | Barker, P. F.: Correlations between sites on the eastern Falkland Plateau by means of seismic reflection profiles, Leg 36, DSDP | download |
38% | 157 157-950 157-951 157-952 | 1998 | Rothwell, R. G.; Alibes, B. et al.: Seismic facies of the Madeira abyssal plain; a correlation between seismic reflection profile and borehole data | download |
37% | 135 | 1994 | Bruns, Terry R.; Geist, E. L. et al.: Synthetic seismograms, migrated seismic reflection profiles, and lithologic correlations for Leg 135 sites in the Lau Basin and Tonga arc | download |
37% | 143 143-866 | 1995 | Kenter, Jeroen A. M.; Stafleu, Jan: Synthetic seismograms at Site 866; origin of reflections and implications for recognizing the limestone/basalt transition in Cretaceous Mid-Pacific guyots | download |
35% | 23 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Weser, O. E. et al.: Colombo, Ceylon to Djibouti, F.T.A.I.; March-May 1972 | download |
35% | 35 35-325 | 1976 | Schroeder, F. W.: A geophysical survey at Site 325 in the Bellingshausen Basin | download |
35% | 38 38-346 38-347 38-348 38-349 38-350 | 1978 | Talwani, M.; Udintsev, G. et al.: Survey at sites 346, 347, 348, 349, and 350, the area of the Jan-Mayen Ridge and the Icelandic Plateau | download |
35% | 23 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Weser, O. E. et al.: Introduction | download |
35% | 119 | 1991 | Cooper, Alan K.; Stagg, Howard et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and structure of Prydz Bay, Antarctica; implications from Leg 119 drilling | download |
35% | 6 | 1971 | Heezen, B. C.; Fischer, A. G.: Regional problems | download |
35% | 26 | 1974 | Markl, R. G.: Bathymetric map of the eastern Indian Ocean | download |
35% | 58 58-446 | 1980 | Tonouchi, Shoji; Kobayashi, Kazuo: Paleomagnetism of a piston core collected in the Daito Basin near Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 446 | download |
35% | 152 | 1994 | Larsen, Hans Christian; Saunders, Andrew D. et al.: Underway geophysics | download |
35% | 13 13-120 13-121 13-132 | 1973 | Christofferson, Eric; Fisk, Martin R.: Geophysical surveys at sites 120, l2l, and 132 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
35% | 125 | 1990 | Marlow, Michael S.; Merrill, Dean L. et al.: Underway geophysics | download |
35% | | 1979 | Roberts, D. G.; Montadert, L.: Objectives of passive margin drilling | download |
35% | 9 16 16-155 16-158 | 1973 | Truchan, M.; Aitken, T.: Site surveys (drill sites 155 and 158) on the Coiba and Cocos ridges in the Panama Basin | download |
35% | 25 25-243 25-244 | 1974 | Simpson, E. S. W.: Sites 243 and 244 | download |
35% | 23 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.: Some aspects of plate tectonics in the Arabian Sea | download |
35% | 48 48-400 48-401 48-402 48-403 48-404 48-405 48-406 | 1979 | Montadert, L.; Roberts, D. G. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 48 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel Glomar Challenger, Brest, France to Aberdeen, Scotland, May-July, 1976 | download |
35% | 80 80-548 80-549 80-550 80-551 | 1985 | Scrutton, Roger A.: Modeling of magnetic and gravity anomalies at Goban Spur, northeastern Atlantic | download |
35% | 92 92-597 92-598 92-599 92-600 92-601 92-602 | 1986 | Rea, David K.: Southeast Pacific Ocean transect, Tahiti to Panama; geophysical profiles from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 92 | download |
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