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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1988 | de Verteuil, Laurent: Paleogene Spiniferites cysts from the southern Labrador Sea (ODP Leg 105) taxonomy and interpretation | |
100% | | 1991 | Barker, P. F.; Pudsey, C. J. et al.: The record of global change in circum-Antarctic marine sediments | |
100% | | 1983 | von der Dick, Hans: Organisch-geochemische und kohlenpetrographische Untersuchungen an kuestennahen Sedimenten. (Ein Beitrag zum "Deep Sea Drilling Project") Organic geochemistry and coal petrography in sediments near the coast; a contribution to Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
100% | | 1980 | Rouchy, J. M.: La genese des evaporites messiniennes de Mediterranee; un bilan Genesis of Mediterranean Messinian evaporites; an evaluation | |
100% | | 1998 | Johnson, Leonard: The Nansen Arctic Drilling Program | |
100% | | 2004 | James, Noel: The oceanography of cool-water carbonates; southern Australia | |
100% | | 2000 | Yin, Wyss: International Geological Correlation Programme Project No. 396; continental shelves in the Quaternary | |
83% | 112 117 | 1988 | Caulet, J. P.; Nigrini, C. A.: A comparison of upwelling radiolarian faunas from the Peru and Arabian margins (ODP legs 112 and 117) | |
83% | 101 | 1986 | Dix, George R.; Mullins, Henry T.: Burial diagenesis of periplatform carbonates, ODP Leg 101, Bahamas | |
83% | | 1990 | Macleod, Norman; Keller, Gerta: Chronostratigraphy of K/T boundary sequences | |
83% | 162 | 1996 | Solheim, A.; Andersen, E. S. et al.: Late Cenozoic depositional history of the western Svalbard continental shelf, controlled by subsidence and climate | |
83% | 80 80-548 | 1991 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: On the destruction of foraminiferal tests (laboratory experiments) | |
83% | 23 23-219 | 1980 | Mohan, Madan; Kumar, P.: Biostratigraphy of Kerala offshore | |
83% | 150 | 1993 | Reynolds, David J.; Steckler, Michael S.: Reconstruction of sequence evolution using two-dimensional backstripping | |
83% | | 1995 | Scott, Robert W.; Combes, Janet M. et al.: High-precision late Pleistocene chronostratigraphy of a Gulf Coast shelf-edge delta | |
83% | 159 | 1996 | Watkins, David K.; Bellier, J. P. et al.: Evidence from the Ivorian Basin on the opening of the Equatorial Atlantic gateway | |
83% | 122 | 1990 | Droser, Mary L.; O'Connell, Suzanne: Shallow and marginal marine Triassic trace fossils and ichnofabric from Northwest Australia (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122) | |
83% | | 1992 | Krasheninnikov, Valery A.; Basov, Ivan A.: Bathymetric assemblages of benthic foraminifers in the Pliocene-Quaternary sediments of the Timor Trough | |
83% | 302 | 2004 | Backman, Jan; Moran, Kate: Arctic Coring EXpedition; palaeoceanographic and tectonic evolution of the central Arctic Ocean | |
83% | 41 41-369 | 1981 | Morlotti, E.; Rio, D. et al.: Calcareous plankton biostratigraphy of Site 369A (Spanish Sahara slope-Western African continental margin) | |
83% | | 1999 | Barker, Peter F.; Barrett, Peter J. et al.: Antarctic glacial history from numerical models and continental margin sediments | |
83% | 114 114-704 | 1994 | Ishman, Scott E.: Paleoclimatic implications of a late Neogene Antarctic marginal marine record | |
83% | | 1994 | Dromart, G.; Gaillard, C. et al.: Deep-marine microbial structures in the Upper Jurassic of western Tethys | |
83% | | 1990 | Dolan, James F.: Eustatic, volcanic, and tectonic controls on redeposition of shallow-water carbonate; a reanalysis of Pacific DSDP examples | |
83% | 159 | 1998 | Wagner, T.; Pletsch, T. et al.: Evolution of organic and sedimentary facies along the opening Equatorial Atlantic gateway (ODP Leg 159) | |
83% | 74 74-525 | 2002 | Abramovich, Sigal: Paleoecology and paleoenvironment of Maastrichtian planktonic Foraminifera; examples from low and middle latitude localities | |
83% | | 1992 | Cusminsky, G. C.: Foraminiferos bentonicos provenientes de testigos del oceano Atlantico sudoccidental austral Benthonic foraminifera from cores of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | | 1992 | Kuvaas, Berit; Leitchenkov, German: Glaciomarine turbidite and current controlled deposits in Prydz Bay, Antarctica | |
83% | | 1998 | Olsson, R. K.; Miller, G. K. et al.: The K/T boundary at Bass River, New Jersey (ODP Leg 174AX) | |
83% | | 2007 | Glebov, Alexander Yu.; Shel'ting, Sergey K.: Sea-level changes and coastline migrations in the Russian sector of the Black Sea; application to the Noah's Flood hypothesis | |
83% | | 1998 | Sugarman, Peter J.; Miller, K. G. et al.: Stratigraphic architecture of onshore sequences, New Jersey coastal plain | |
83% | | 2001 | Stoll, Heather M.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Sr/Ca variations in Cretaceous carbonates; relation to productivity and sea level changes | |
83% | 178 | 2001 | Basov, I. A.: Evolyutsiya ledovogo shchita Antarktidy (178-y reys "DZHOIDES Rezolyushn") Evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet; Leg 178 of the "JOIDES Resolution" | |
83% | 112 | 2001 | Wolf, A.: Holozaene Klimarekonstruktion an laminierten Sedimenten aus dem Auftriebsgebiet vor Peru Holocene climate reconstruction based on laminated sediments from the upwelling area off Peru | |
83% | 155 | 1996 | Maslin, Mark; Mikkelsen, Naja: Sea level controlled catastrophic failures of the Amazon Fan | |
83% | | 2009 | Zellers, Sarah D.; Ullrich, Alexander D. et al.: Characterization of late Neogene benthic Foraminifera in a fjord to slope transect, northern Gulf of Alaska | |
83% | 150 | 1996 | Hoppie, Bryce William: The sequence stratigraphy of fine-grained sediments and transform margin basins | |
83% | | 1982 | von Huene, Roland; Arthur, Michael A.: Sedimentation across the Japan Trench off northern Honshu Island | |
83% | 165 165-1002 | 2005 | Mertens, Kenneth: Coccolithophores as indicators of dissolution in the Cariaco Basin, ODP Site 1002 | |
83% | | 1998 | Firth, John V.; Clark, David L.: An early Maastrichtian organic-walled phytoplankton cyst assemblage from an organic-rich black mud in core Fl-533, Alpha Ridge; evidence for upwelling conditions in the Cretaceous Arctic Ocean | |
83% | 133 | 2000 | Dunbar, G. B.; Dickens, G. R. et al.: Sediment flux across the Great Barrier Reef shelf to the Queensland Trough over the last 300 ky | |
83% | 201 | 2010 | Teichert, Barbara M. A.; Meister, P. et al.: Ca-isotopes of early diagenetic dolomite and porewater from the Peru margin | |
83% | 313 | 2010 | Kothoff, Ulrich; Stadler, Susanne: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 313 (New Jersey shallow shelf) | |
83% | | 2012 | Stassen, Peter: The impact of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on benthic foraminiferal shelf communities; paleoenvironmental reconstructions and stratigraphic correlations | |
67% | 62 69 | 1983 | Hein, James R.; Karl, S. M.: Comparisons between open-ocean and continental margin chert sequences | |
67% | 89 89-586 101 101-626 | 1988 | Fulthorpe, Craig Stephen: Paleoceanographic and tectonic controls on Neogene carbonate deposition in shelf, slope and pelagic settings | |
67% | 71 77 130 130-803 130-806 | 1996 | Dong Junshe: Neogene sedimentation rates in the northern part of the South China Sea | |
67% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1989 | Holmes, Mary Anne: Lateral distribution of detrital clay minerals in Lower Cretaceous sediment, western North Atlantic and its continental margin | |
67% | 80 80-549 80-551 | 2011 | Linnert, Christian; Mutterlose, Joerg et al.: Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Maastrichtian) calcareous nannofossils from Goban Spur (DSDP Sites 549, 551); implications for the palaeoceanography of the proto North Atlantic | |
67% | 96 96-615 96-616 96-624 | 1989 | Fang, Jiasong; Sassen, Roger et al.: Organic geochemistry of sediments of the deep-water Gulf of Mexico Basin | |
67% | 25 25-246 | 1976 | Ducasse, O.; Grekoff, N.: Quelques Ostracodes de l'Eocene inferieur du Sud-Ouest de l'ocean Indien; Site 246, Croisiere 25, "Glomar Challenger", Deep Sea Drilling Project Some lower Eocene ostracods from the southwestern Indian Ocean; Site 246, Leg 25, Glomar Challenger, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
67% | 80 80-548 80-549 | 1988 | Fiolet-Piette, A.; Chamley, H. et al.: Sedimentation argileuse plio-quaternaire sur la marge armoricaine (Leg 80 DSDP) Plio-Quaternary clay sedimentation on the Armorican margin, DSDP Leg 80 | |
67% | 150 | 1995 | Austin, J. A., Jr.; Fulthorpe, C. S. et al.: Unraveling the stratigraphic complexities of the last deglaciation; ultra-high resolution 3D seismic images of the New Jersey continental shelf | |
67% | 165 165-1002 | 1996 | Peterson, L. C.; King, J. et al.: A high-resolution climate record from the Caribbean; initial results from ocean drilling in the anoxic Cariaco Basin | |
67% | 19 19-191 | 1990 | Gladenkov, A. Yu.: Geology of the western Bering Sea region; Chapter 2, Oligocene and Neogene of the Commander Basin and its rim | |
67% | | 1986 | Dromart, G.; Elmi, S.: Developpement de structures cryptalgaires en domaine pelagique au cours de l'ouverture des bassins jurassiques (Atlantique Central, Tethys occidentale) Cryptalgal structure development in pelagic environments during the opening of the Jurassic basins; Central Atlantic, Western Tethys | |
67% | 11 11-106 43 43-382 | 1977 | Laine, E. P.: Atlantic deep-sea sediments; the influence of contrasting Pleistocene/Neogene patterns of terrigenous weathering | |
67% | 155 | 1995 | Flood, R. D.; Piper, D. J. W. et al.: Initial results of ODP Leg 155 drilling on Amazon deep-sea fan; implications for depositional processes and distribution of reservoir sands in mud-rich submarine fans | |
67% | | 1998 | Strong, C. P.; Webb, P. N.: Lower Miocene Foraminifera from CRP-1 Drillhole | |
67% | 23 23-219 | 1989 | Dolan, James F.: Eustatic and tectonic controls on deposition of hybrid siliciclastic/carbonate basinal cycles; discussion with examples | |
67% | | 1999 | Holbourn, A.; Kuhnt, Wolfgang et al.: Palaeoenvironments and palaeobiogeography of the Late Cretaceous Casamance transect (Senegal, NW Africa); distribution patterns of benthic Foraminifera, organic carbon and terrigenous flux | |
67% | 105 105-645 | 1989 | Osterman, Lisa E.; Miller, Ann A. L. et al.: Benthic foraminiferal evidence for warm water in Baffin Bay (ODP Site 645) during oxygen isotope Stage 5 | |
67% | 25 25-249 | 1989 | Riegraf, W.: Benthonische Schelf-Foraminiferen aus dem Valanginium-Hauterivium (Unterkreide) des Indischen Ozeans suedwestlich Madagaskar (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 25, Site 249) Benthic shelf foraminifers of the Valanginian through the Hauterivian, Lower Cretaceous, of the Indian Ocean, southwestern Madagascar, DSDP Site 249, Leg 25 | |
67% | 159 | 1996 | Lohmann, Kyger C.; Marcano, Maria: Petrographic & geochemical evolution of Upper Cretaceous reefal, peri-platform limestones, Ivorian-Ghana Basin ODP Leg 159; implications for uplift and burial history of the marginal ridge | |
67% | 178 182 188 | 2004 | Escutia, Carlota; De Santis, Laura et al.: Cenozoic ice sheet history from the East Antarctic Wilkes Land margin | |
67% | 119 119-738 198 198-1209 | 2004 | Gibbs, S. J.; Bralower, T. J. et al.: Decoupled shelf-ocean phytoplankton productivity responses across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum | |
67% | 152 152-915 152-916 152-917 152-918 | 1995 | Holmes, Mary Anne; Heiden, Kraig: Tertiary-age, laterite-derived facies from the East Greenland continental margin | |
67% | 184 | 2004 | Murray, Mychal R.; Dorobek, Steven Louis: Sediment supply, tectonic subsidence, and basin-filling patterns across the southwestern South China Sea during Pliocene to Recent time | |
67% | 18 18-173 | 1981 | Morrison, S.; Sarna-Wojcicki, A.: Time equivalent bay and outer shelf faunas of the Neogene Humboldt Basin, California and correlation to the North Pacific microfossil zones of DSDP 173 | |
67% | | 2008 | Lippert, Peter C.: Big discovery for biogenic magnetite; discussion | |
67% | 310 310-M0005 | 2010 | Iryu, Yasufumi; Takahashi, Yasunari et al.: Sealevel history recorded in the Pleistocene carbonate sequence in IODP Hole 310-M0005D, off Tahiti | |
67% | 133 133-819 133-820 133-821 | 1992 | Feary, David A.; Symonds, Philip A. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy of the Great Barrier Reef shelf edge/upper slope; initiation of reef growth adjacent to ODP sites 819 to 821 | |
67% | 174A 174A-1071 | 1998 | Christie-Blick, Nicholas; Austin, James A., Jr.: Unexpected facies architecture in sequences of late Miocene to Pleistocene age at the New Jersey outer continental shelf | |
67% | 150 150-902 150-903 150-904 | 1994 | Christensen, Beth A.; Thunell, Robert C. et al.: Middle Pleistocene stratigraphy and paleoceanography of the New Jersey Transect, ODP Leg 150 | |
67% | 82 82-558 90 90-588 | 1994 | Carr, Maria E.; Isphording, Wayne C.: Mineralogy and chemistry of shelf, mid-ocean and active margin limestones | |
67% | 22 22-217 121 121-752 | 1994 | MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Huber, Brian T.: Paleoceanographic changes during the Maastrichtian | |
67% | 144 | 1998 | Camoin, G. F.; Arnaud-Vanneau, A. et al.: Development and demise of mid-oceanic carbonate platforms, Wodejebato Guyot (NW Pacific) | |
67% | 165 165-999 165-1000 | 1998 | Mutti, Maria: Early to middle Miocene carbonate chemostratigraphy and compositional changes of shelf-derived turbidites from ODP Leg 165, Site 1000, northern Nicaraguan Rise and Site 999, Colombian Basin | |
67% | 29 90 | 1998 | Buening, Nancy; Carlson, Sandra J. et al.: Evidence for the early Oligocene formation of a proto-subtropical convergence from oxygen isotope records of New Zealand Paleogene brachiopods | |
67% | 105 105-645 | 1987 | Andrews, John T.: Late Quaternary marine sediment accumulation in fiord-shelf-deep-sea transects, Baffin Island to Baffin Bay | |
67% | 165 165-1002 | 2009 | Lane-Serff, Gregory F.; Pearce, R. B.: Modeling hydrography and marine sedimentation in the Cariaco Basin since the last glacial maximum | download |
67% | 138 138-846 | 1998 | Kamp, Peter J. J.; Journeaux, T. D. et al.: Cyclostratigraphy of middle Pliocene mid shelf to upper slope strata, eastern Wanganui Basin (New Zealand); correlations to the deep sea isotope record | |
67% | | 1999 | Steckler, Michael S.; Mountain, Gregory S. et al.: Reconstruction of Tertiary progradation and clinoform development on the New Jersey passive margin by 2-D backstripping | |
67% | 165 165-1002 | 1996 | Lyons, T. W.; Degler, G. et al.: An overview of geochemical pathways in Holocene and latest Pleistocene sediments of the anoxic Cariaco Basin; paleooceanographic implications | |
67% | | 1996 | Feary, David A.; James, Noel P. et al.: Cenozoic cool-water carbonates of the Great Australian Bight; an ODP proposal to decipher the record of Southern Ocean evolution, sealevel, paleoclimate, and biogenic production | |
67% | 28 28-272 28-273 | 2002 | Bart, Philip J.; Chow, Juan M.: Timing of West Antarctic ice sheet grounding events in Ross Sea during the middle Miocene; implications on the phase relationships with the East Antarctic ice sheet | |
67% | 174A 174A-1071 174A-1072 | 2002 | Malone, Mitchell J.; Claypool, George et al.: Variable methane fluxes in shallow marine systems over geologic time; the composition and origin of pore waters and authigenic carbonates on the New Jersey shelf | |
67% | 138 138-846 177 177-1089 177-1094 | 2007 | Filippelli, Gabriel M.; Latimer, Jennifer C. et al.: Productivity records from the Southern Ocean and the equatorial Pacific Ocean; testing the glacial shelf-nutrient hypothesis | |
67% | 168 168-1026 | 2002 | Kenig, F.; Simons, H. Dirk-Jan et al.: Alkanes with a quaternary carbon centre; a 2,200 Myr record of sulfide oxidizing bacteria | |
67% | 182 182-1129 182-1131 182-1132 | 2001 | Holbourn, Ann; Kuhnt, Wolfgang et al.: Late Pleistocene paleo-oceanography of a cool-water carbonate margin; the Great Australian Bight | |
67% | 159 159-959 | 2001 | Giresse, P.; Wiewiora, A.: Stratigraphic condensed deposition and diagenetic evolution of green clay minerals in deep water sediments on the Ivory Coast-Ghana Ridge | |
67% | 182 182-1127 | 2001 | Saxena, S.; Betzler, C.: The building block of non-tropical periplatform carbonates; new insights from southern Australia | |
67% | 178 178-1095 178-1096 | 2001 | Hillenbrand, C. D.; Ehrmann, W. U. et al.: Tonminerale in Kontinentalrandsedimenten westlich der Antarktischen Halbinsel; Anzeiger fuer Sedimenteintrag und Vereisungsdynamik waehrend des Neogens und Quartaers Clay minerals in continental margin sediments west of the Antarctic Peninsula; indicators of sediment input and glacial dynamics during the Neogene and Quaternary | |
67% | 181 181-1121 | 2006 | Hoff, U.: IODP; Marine Diatomeen im Palaeozaen des SW-Pazifik; Dokumentation des Produktivitaetsmaximums IODP; marine diatoms in the Paleocene of Southwest Pacific; documentation of maximum productivity | |
67% | 181 | 2002 | Hayward, Bruce W.; Neil, Helen et al.: Factors influencing the distribution patterns of Recent deep-sea benthic Foraminifera, east of New Zealand, Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
67% | 182 182-1127 | 2002 | Andres, M. S.; Bernasconi, S. M. et al.: High-resolution, Southern-Hemisphere record of rapid climate change at Termination I and subsequent cold reversal; Great Australian Bight, ODP Leg 182 | |
67% | 35 35-325 178 | 2004 | Hernandez Molina, Francisco Javier; Maldonado, Andres et al.: The stacking pattern of contourite deposits and late Miocene to Quaternary evolution of the continental rise of the Antarctic Peninsula offshore from Adelaide Island | |
67% | 174A 174A-1073 | 2001 | Savrda, Charles E.; Krawinkel, Hannelore et al.: Ichnofabrics of a Pleistocene slope succession, New Jersey margin; relations to climate and sea-level dynamics | |
67% | 178 178-1095 | 2001 | Moerz, T.; Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.: Implications for shelf evolution and the built-up of drift deposits; grain-size distribution Site 1095 (ODP Leg 178, western Antarctic Peninsula) | |
67% | 151 151-909 | 2009 | Berger, Daniela; Jokat, Wilfried: Sediment deposition in the northern basins of the North Atlantic and characteristic variations in shelf sedimentation along the East Greenland margin | |
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