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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1979 | Gordon, R. L.: Tidal interactions in a region of large bottom slope near Northwest Africa during JOINT-1 | |
94% | 56 57 60 66 67 67-494 84 84-567 87 | 1986 | Hesse, Reinhard: Subduction effects on modern trench slopes; review of DSDP results | |
87% | 314 314-C0001 314-C0004 315 315-C0001 316 316-C0004 316-C0008 | 2011 | Ikari, Matt J.; Strasser, Michael et al.: Submarine landslide potential near the megasplay fault at the Nankai subduction zone | |
83% | 43 43-386 | 1983 | Lavoie, Dawn L.; Matthews, J. E.: Sediments on the southeastern flank of the Bermuda Pedestal | |
83% | | 1972 | Simoneit, Bernd R.; Burlingame, A. L.: Preliminary Organic Analyses of the DSDP (JOIDES) Cores, Legs V-IX | |
83% | 101 | 1989 | Dix, George R.: Shallow-burial diagenesis of Neogene deep-water periplatform carbonates, Bahamas; providing a new prospective for petroleum-prospective ancient carbonate slopes | |
83% | | 1980 | Winterer, E. L.: Sedimentary facies on the rises and slopes of passive continental margins | |
83% | | 1989 | Einsele, G.: In-situ water contents, liquid limits, and submarine mass flows due to a high liquefaction potential of slope sediment (results from DSDP and subaerial counterparts) | |
83% | | 1977 | Drugg, W. S.; Sullivan, F. R. et al.: Nannofossils and dinoflagellates in JOIDES core holes 1-6 | |
83% | 128 | 1998 | Gardner, J. M.; Shor, A. N. et al.: Acoustic imagery evidence for methane hydrates in the Ulleung Basin | |
83% | 150 | 1995 | Hoppie, Bryce W.: Sea-level records from sequence stratigraphic data on continental slopes; use caution (and multi-disciplinary data) | |
82% | 90 90-594 | 1996 | Williams, Paul W.: A 230 ka record of glacial and interglacial events from Aurora Cave, Fiordland, New Zealand | |
82% | | 1999 | Bart, Philip J.; De Batist, Marc et al.: Interglacial collapse of Crary Trough-mouth fan, Weddell Sea, Antarctica; implications for Antarctic glacial history | |
72% | 90 90-594 181 181-1125 | 2003 | Rodger, J. S.: Planktic foraminiferal evidence of paleoceanographic changes across the subtropical front during the late Pleistocene | |
71% | 150 174A | 2000 | McHugh, Cecilia M. G.; Damuth, John E. et al.: Late Pleistocene to Recent sedimentary activity on the New Jersey continental margin | |
67% | | 1999 | Droz, L.; Auffret, G. A. et al.: L'Eventail profond de la marge celtique; stratigraphie et evolution sedimentaire The Celtic deep-sea fan; stratigraphic and sedimentary evolution | |
67% | 105 105-645 | 1988 | Aksu, Ali E.; Hiscott, Richard N.: Seismic evidence for upper-slope erosion, lower-slope debrite sheets, and base-of-slope mud diapirs on the western Baffin Bay slope around ODP Site 645 | |
67% | 165 165-999 165-1000 | 1998 | Mutti, Maria: Early to middle Miocene carbonate chemostratigraphy and compositional changes of shelf-derived turbidites from ODP Leg 165, Site 1000, northern Nicaraguan Rise and Site 999, Colombian Basin | |
67% | 136 136-842 | 1996 | Garcia, Michael O.: Turbidites from slope failure on Hawaiian volcanoes | |
61% | 86 86-576 | 1985 | Jacobi, Robert D.; Hayes, Dennis E. et al.: High-resolution seismic studies and site survey results near Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 576 and 578, Northwest Pacific | download |
59% | 133 133-819 133-820 133-821 | 1996 | Alpay, Selma: Diagenetic patterns and processes within a Pleistocene continental slope of mixed carbonate and siliciclastic lithologies; an investigation of results from deep ocean drilling off the Northeast Australian margin | |
59% | 307 307-U1316 307-U1317 307-U1318 | 2008 | Williams, Trevor; Kano, Akihiro et al.: Modern carbonate mounds; Porcupine drilling on IODP Expedition 307 | |
58% | | 1990 | Hill, Peter J.; Coulbourn, William T. et al.: Manihiki Plateau; results of recent resource-oriented shipboard investigations and discovery of a major ?mud volcano complex | |
58% | 122 122-759 122-760 122-761 122-764 | 1991 | Roehl, Ursula; Dumont, Thierry et al.: Upper Triassic Tethyan carbonates off Northwest Australia (Wombat Plateau, ODP Leg 122) | |
58% | 79 | 1984 | Auzende, Jean-Marie; Monti, S. et al.: Multibeam echo-sounding bathymetry of El Jadida Plateau and escarpment, Mazagan, West Morocco | download |
58% | 182 182-1127 | 2005 | Betzler, Christian; Saxena, S. et al.: Cool-water carbonate sedimentology and eustasy; Pleistocene upper slope environments, Great Australian Bight (Site 1127, ODP Leg 182) | download |
58% | 311 | 2007 | Jackson, Peter; Long, Dave et al.: Investigating methane hydrates | |
58% | | 1994 | Soloviev, V.; Ginsburg, G. D.: Formation of submarine gas hydrates | |
55% | | 1984 | Fontas, Pascale; Valery, Pierre et al.: Multibeam bathymetric survey of the Leg 78A drilling area and comparison with the southern part of the Barbados Ridge deformation front | download |
55% | 76 | 1983 | van Buren, H. Mark; Mullins, Henry T.: Seismic stratigraphy and geological development of an open-ocean carbonate slope; the northern margin of Little Bahama Bank | download |
54% | 113 | 1993 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Davies, Peter J.: Cenozoic evolution of carbonate platforms on the northeastern Australian margin; synthesis of Leg 133 drilling results | download |
53% | 112 112-679 112-682 112-683 112-684 112-685 112-688 | 1988 | Hussong, Donald M.; Reed, Thomas B., IV et al.: SeaMarc II sonar imagery and bathymetry of the Nazca Plate and Peru forearc, ODP Leg 112 | download |
52% | | 1990 | Faugeres, Jean Claude; Gonthier, Eliane et al.: Morphology, microphysiography, sedimentary, and biology patterns of surficial deposits in the South Barbados prism; record of Recent and present active tectonics | download |
50% | 174A 174A-1073 | 2000 | Savrda, Charles E.; Krawinkel, Hannelore: Ichnologic signature of sequence boundaries in Tertiary deep-water clinoform-toe deposits, New Jersey slope (ODP Site 1073) | |
50% | 169 | 1998 | Huntley, David; Bobrowsky, Peter et al.: Integrated geomorphic and limnologic study; Saanich Inlet watershed, Vancouver Island, British Columbia | |
50% | | 1996 | Pomel, S.; Salomon, J. N.: Les Croutes volcaniques aux Canaries Volcanic crusts in the Canary Islands | |
50% | 155 155-939 155-944 | 1998 | Audet, D. Marc: Mechanical properties of terrigenous muds from levee systems on the Amazon Fan | |
50% | | 1991 | Ballance, Peter F.: Gravity flows and rock recycling on the Tonga landward trench slope; relation to trench-slope tectonic processes | |
50% | 11 11-99 | 1984 | Schlager, Wolfgang; Austin, J. A., Jr. et al.: Early Cretaceous platform re-entrant and escarpment erosion in the Bahamas | |
50% | 194 | 2004 | Isern, Alexandra R.; Anselmetti, Flavio S. et al.: A Neogene carbonate platform, slope, and shelf edifice shaped by sea level and ocean currents, Marion Plateau (northeast Australia) | |
50% | 194 | 2002 | Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Isern, Alexandra R. et al.: The Marion plateau carbonates (NE Australia); a platform-slope-shelf edifice shaped by sea level change and ocean currents | |
50% | 162 162-986 | 1998 | Elverhoi, Anders; Solheim, Anders et al.: Shelf-to-deep sea episodic sediment transport processes along a glaciated margin; examples from the western Svalbard-Barents Sea margin | |
50% | 107 107-651 | 2009 | Gamberi, Fabiano; Marani, Michael: Control of regional geology on the style of basin-plain depositional systems in the Tyrrhenian Sea | |
50% | 308 | 2006 | Prather, Bradford E.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: Stratigraphic evolution of linked basins within the Brazos-Trinity slope system; western Gulf of Mexico | |
50% | 166 | 1996 | Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: The record of Neogene sea-level changes on the slopes of western Great Bahama Bank; results from ODP Leg 166 | |
50% | 194 | 2006 | Ehrenberg, Stephen N.; Eberli, Gregor P. et al.: Porosity-permeability relationships in Miocene carbonate platforms and slopes seaward of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (ODP Leg 194, Marion Plateau) | |
50% | 209 | 2008 | Schroeder, Timothy; Joens, Niels et al.: Non-volcanic seafloor spreading and oceanic core complexes; you can have one without the other | |
50% | 150 | 1997 | McHugh, C. M. G.; Miller, K. G. et al.: Effects of relative sea-level changes on the diagenesis of Eocene sediment, New Jersey slope and coastal plain | |
50% | 310 | 2012 | Camoin, Gilbert F.; Seard, Claire et al.: Reef response to sea-level and environmental changes during the last deglaciation; Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310, Tahiti Sea Level | |
50% | 177 177-1090 | 2011 | Mahowald, Natalie; Albani, Samuel et al.: Model insight into glacial-interglacial paleodust records | |
47% | 42 | 1978 | Shimkus, K. M.; Malovitsky, Ya. P. et al.: The bedrocks from the Black Sea bottom and some features of the deep sea basin structure | download |
45% | 135 135-841 | 1994 | MacLeod, C. J.; Lothian, A. M.: Comparison of GLORIA sidescan sonar and core-derived structural data from Site 841 (Tonga Trench) | download |
44% | 154 154-926 | 1997 | Backman, Jan; Raffi, Isabella: Calibration of Miocene nannofossil events to orbitally tuned cyclostratigraphies from Ceara Rise | download |
43% | 101 101-628 101-632 101-635 | 1988 | Kuhn, Gerhard; Meischner, Dieter: Quaternary and Pliocene turbidites in the Bahamas, Leg 101, sites 628, 632, and 635 | download |
43% | 142 142-864 | 1995 | Brophy, James G.: ATM melting study of a Leg 142 basalt; implications for fractionation processes beneath the East Pacific Rise at 9 degrees 30'N | download |
43% | 43 43-386 | 1979 | Bowles, F. A.: Site survey, DSDP Site 386 | download |
42% | 34 34-319 | 1976 | Yeats, R. S.; Heath, G. R.: Bathymetry and structure of the Bauer Deep around DSDP Site 319 | download |
42% | 133 133-815 | 1997 | Dix, George R.: Stratigraphic patterns of deep-water dolomite, Northeast Australia | |
42% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2007 | Ildefonse, Benoit; Blackman, D. K. et al.: Oceanic core complexes and crustal accretion at slow-spreading ridges | |
42% | 194 | 2010 | Eberli, Gregor P.; Anselmetti, Flavio S. et al.: Timing of changes in sea-level and currents along Miocene platforms on the Marion Plateau, Australia | |
42% | 207 207-1261 | 2011 | Ingram, Wesley C.; Mosher, David C. et al.: Biostratigraphy of an upper Miocene mass-transport deposit on Demerara Rise, northern South American margin | |
42% | 178 178-1096 178-1101 | 2011 | Volpi, Valentina; Amblas, David et al.: Late Neogene to recent sea floor instability on the deep Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula | |
40% | 64 64-481 | 1982 | Einsele, Gerhard; Kelts, Kerry: Pliocene and Quaternary mud turbidites in the Gulf of California; sedimentology, mass physical properties, and significance | download |
38% | 101 | 1988 | Fourcade, Eric; Butterlin, Jacques: Reworked and redeposited larger foraminifers on slopes and in basins of the Bahamas, Leg 101 | download |
36% | 101 | 1988 | Austin, James A., Jr.; Schlager, Wolfgang et al.: Leg 101; an overview | download |
36% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Propach, G.: Decorated vesicles in basaltic glasses from Hole 396, drilled on Leg 45, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
36% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Barker, Peter F.; Buffler, Richard T. et al.: A seismic reflection study of the Rio Grande Rise | download |
35% | 64 | 1982 | Einsele, Gerhard; Niemitz, Jeffrey W.: Budget of post-rifting sediments in the Gulf of California and calculation of the denudation rate in neighboring land areas | download |
35% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Arthur, M. A.; von Rad, U.: Early Neogene base-of-slope sedimentation at Site 397, DSDP Leg 47A; sequential evolution of gravitative mass transport processes and redeposition along the Northwest African passive margin | download |
35% | 19 19-186 19-187 | 1973 | Grow, J. A.: Implications of deep sea drilling, sites 186 and 187 on island arc structure | download |
35% | 78 78-541 78-542 78-543 | 1984 | Belderson, R. H.; Kenyon, N. H. et al.: Morphology and structural trends of the Barbados Ridge complex in the vicinity of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 541, 542, and 543 as revealed by GLORIA long-range side-scan sonar | download |
34% | 110 110-672 | 1990 | Dolan, James F.; Beck, Christian et al.: Eocene-Oligocene sedimentation in the Tiburon Rise/ODP Leg 110 area; an example of significant upslope flow of distal turbidity currents | download |
33% | 112 112-683 112-685 | 1988 | Bourgois, Jacques; von Huene, Roland et al.: Jean Charcot Seabeam survey along ODP Leg 112 northern transect | download |
33% | 7 7-65 7-66 7-67 | 1971 | Heath, G. Ross; Moberly, Ralph, Jr.: Deep-sea turbidites from the western Pacific; Leg 7, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
33% | 24 24-237 36 36-328 40 40-362 48 48-400 74 74-525 81 81-553 93 93-605 112 112-688 113 113-690 114 114-702 120 120-748 121 121-752 149 149-897 198 198-1209 199 199-1220 | 2013 | Arreguin-Rodriguez, Gabriela J.; Alegret, Laia et al.: Glomospira acme during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum; response to CaCO (sub 3) dissolution or to ecological forces? | |
33% | 101 | 1988 | Eberli, Gregor P.: Physical properties of carbonate turbidite sequences surrounding the Bahamas; implications for slope stability and fluid movements | download |
33% | 84 84-565 | 1985 | Baltuck, Miriam; Taylor, Elliott et al.: Mass movement along the inner wall of the Middle America Trench, Costa Rica | download |
33% | 54 | 1980 | Lonsdale, Peter; Spiess, F. N.: Deep-tow observations at the East Pacific Rise, 8 degrees 45'N, and some interpretations | download |
33% | 133 | 1993 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Isern, Alexandra R. et al.: Strontium isotope dating of paleoceanographic, lithologic, and dolomitization events on the northeastern Australian margin, Leg 133 | download |
33% | | 1984 | Bouysse, Philippe: The Lesser Antilles island arc; structure and geodynamic evolution | download |
33% | 112 | 1988 | von Huene, Roland; Miller, John: Migrated multichannel seismic-reflection records across the Peru continental margin | download |
33% | 146 146-892 | 1995 | Brown, Kevin M.: The variation of the hydraulic conductivity structure of an overpressured thrust zone with effective stress | download |
30% | 118 | 1991 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Schouten, Hans et al.: Tectonic evolution of the Atlantis II fracture zone | download |
30% | 133 133-823 | 1993 | Watts, K. F.; Varga, L. L. et al.: Origins, timing, and implications of Miocene to Pleistocene turbidites, debris flows, and slump deposits of the Queensland Trough, northeastern Australia (Site 823) | download |
29% | 10 10-93 | 1970 | Worzel, J. Lamar; Bryant, William et al.: Site 93 | download |
29% | 124 124-775 | 1990 | Harding, Barry W.; Storms, Michael A. et al.: Site 775 | download |
29% | 118 118-734 | 1991 | Swift, Stephen A.: Gravels in the Atlantis II fracture zone | download |
29% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Hussong, D. M.; Fryer, P. B. et al.: The geological and geophysical setting near DSDP Site 395, North Atlantic Ocean | download |
29% | 96 96-615 | 1986 | Brooks, Gregg R.; Doyle, Larry J. et al.: A massive carbonate gravity-flow deposit intercalated in the lower Mississippi Fan | download |
29% | 152 | 1998 | Larsen, Lotte Melchior; Fitton, J. Godfrey et al.: XRF analyses of volcanic rocks from Leg 152 by laboratories in Edinburgh and Copenhagen; implications for the mobility of yttrium and other elements during alteration | download |
28% | 101 101-634 101-634A | 1988 | McClain, W. R.; Freeman-Lynde, Raymond P. et al.: Petrography and stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of Campanian grainstones and redstones, Northeast Providence Channel, Bahamas; ODP Leg 101, Hole 634A | download |
28% | 42 | 1978 | Cita, M. B.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Sedimentation rates in Neogene deep-sea sediments from the Mediterranean and geodynamic implications of their changes | download |
28% | 118 118-734 | 1989 | Robinson, Paul T.; Von Herzen, Richard P. et al.: Site 734 | download |
28% | 59 | 1980 | Langseth, Marcus G.; Mrozowski, Cary L.: Geophysical surveys for Leg 59 sites, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
28% | | 1978 | Bourbon, M.: Mesozoic evolution of western North Atlantic and North Tethyan margins; a comparison | download |
28% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Ferry, S.; Schaaf, Andre: The Early Cretaceous environment at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463 (Mid-Pacific Mountains), with reference to the Vocontian Trough (French subalpine ranges) | download |
28% | 160 | 1998 | Mart, Yossi; Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Eratosthenes Seamount; an oceanographic yardstick recording the Late Mesozoic-Tertiary geological history of the eastern Mediterranean | download |
28% | 154 | 1997 | Weedon, Graham P.; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: The Oligocene time scale and cyclostratigraphy on the Ceara Rise, western Equatorial Atlantic | download |
28% | 166 166-1003 166-1005 166-1006 166-1007 | 2000 | Henderson, Gideon M.; Rendle, Rebecca H. et al.: U-Th dating and diagenesis of Pleistocene highstand sediments from the Bahamas slope | download |
28% | 160 160-965 160-967 160-968 | 1998 | Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Late Miocene paleoenvironments and tectonic setting of the southern margin of Cyprus and the Eratosthenes Seamount | download |
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