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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1994 | Lichtfouse, Eric; Rullkoetter, Juergen: Accelerated transformation of organic matter below the silica transition zone in immature sediments from the Japan Sea | |
85% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Lipid geochemistry of sediments from Site 462 in the Nauru Basin | download |
80% | 71 71-511 | 1988 | Peakman, Torren M.; Maxwell, James R.: Early diagenetic pathways of steroid alkenes | |
80% | 75 | 1986 | Michaelis, W.; Mycke, B. et al.: Organic chemical indicators for reconstructions of Angola Basin sedimentation processes | |
80% | 63 64 64-477 65 66 | 1991 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Organic geochemistry of Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from legs 63 to 66; a synthesis of sources, preservation, and maturation of organic matter in Quaternary and Neogene sediments from an active continental margin | |
80% | 169 169-1037 169-1038 | 2002 | Rushdi, Ahmed I.; Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Hydrothermal alteration of organic matter in sediments of the Northeastern Pacific Ocean; Part 2, Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge | |
80% | 96 | 1992 | Kennicutt, Mahlon C., II; Comet, Paul A.: Resolution of sediment hydrocarbon sources; multiparameter approaches | |
80% | 122 122-762 122-763 | 1993 | Meyers, Philip A.; Snowdon, Lloyd R.: Types and thermal maturity of organic matter accumulated during Early Cretaceous subsidence of the Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australian margin | |
76% | 119 119-739 119-739C 119-741 | 1991 | McDonald, Thomas J.; Kennicutt, Mahlon C., II et al.: Source and maturity of organic matter in glacial and Cretaceous sediments from Prydz Bay, Antarctica, ODP Holes 739C and 741A | download |
72% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Thomson, I. D.; Brassell, S. C. et al.: Preliminary lipid analyses of cores 49, 54, and 59 from Hole 462 | download |
71% | 79 79-545 171A 171A-1049 171B | 2008 | Wagner, Thomas; Herrle, Jens O. et al.: Rapid warming and salinity changes of Cretaceous surface waters in the subtropical North Atlantic | |
70% | 135 | 1994 | Fowler, Martin G.: Organic geochemistry of sediments from Leg 135 (Lau Basin) and of an oil seep (Tonga) | download |
70% | 63 63-467 63-471 64 64-479 | 1983 | Rullkoetter, J.; Welte, D. H.: Maturation of organic matter in areas of high heat flow; a study of sediments from DSDP Leg 63, offshore California, and Leg 64, Gulf of California | |
70% | 198 198-1207 198-1213 | 2005 | Dumitrescu, Mirela; Brassell, Simon C.: Biogeochemical assessment of sources of organic matter and paleoproductivity during the early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event at Shatsky Rise, ODP Leg 198 | download |
70% | 139 139-858 169 169-858 169-1036 | 2002 | Rushdi, Ahmed I.; Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Hydrothermal alteration of organic matter in sediments of the northeastern Pacific Ocean; Part 1, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
69% | 63 63-467 | 1981 | McEvoy, J.; Eglinton, G. et al.: Preliminary lipid analyses of sediments from sections 467-3-3 and 467-97-2 | download |
66% | 79 79-545 79-547 | 1984 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Vuchev, Vassil T. et al.: Organic matter along the sedimentary sequences of the Moroccan continental margin, Leg 79, sites 545 and 547 | download |
64% | 113 | 1990 | Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Hostettler, Frances D. et al.: Hydrocarbons in sediment of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica | download |
61% | 62 62-466 | 1981 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Organic geochemistry of Albian sediment from Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 466 | download |
61% | 77 77-535 | 1984 | Palacas, James G.; King, J. David et al.: Origin of asphalt and adjacent oil stains in Lower Cretaceous fractured limestones, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 77 | download |
60% | 39 39-356 | 1996 | Trindade, L. A. F.; Porsche, E. et al.: Geochemical and biostratigraphic characterization of an Upper Cretaceous organic-rich condensed section in the Santos Basin, Brazil | |
60% | 59 59-447 59-448 | 1980 | Brassell, Simon C.; Eglinton, G.: Organic geochemical studies of two samples from holes 447A and 448 from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
58% | 96 96-618 96-619 | 1986 | Requejo, A. G.; Whelan, Jean K. et al.: Hydrocarbon geochemistry and biological markers in Orca and Pigmy basin sediments (sites 618 and 619) | download |
57% | 36 36-330 | 1980 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Organic geochemistry of Mesozoic sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 330, Falkland Plateau | download |
57% | 41 41-367 41-368 | 1977 | Deroo, G.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: Organic geochemistry of some Cretaceous black shales from sites 367 and 368; Leg 41, eastern North Atlantic | download |
55% | 119 | 1991 | Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Hostettler, Frances D. et al.: Aliphatic hydrocarbons in sediments from Prydz Bay, Antarctica | download |
52% | 207 207-1257 207-1258 | 2004 | Forster, Astrid; Sturt, Helen et al.: Molecular biogeochemistry of Cretaceous black shales from the Demerara Rise; preliminary shipboard results from Sites 1257 and 1258, ODP Leg 207 | download |
50% | 64 64-477 64-478 64-481 | 1982 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Philp, R. P.: Organic geochemistry of lipids and kerogen and the effects of basalt intrusions on unconsolidated oceanic sediments; sites 477, 478, and 481, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California | download |
50% | 139 | 1994 | Boni, Maria; Simoneit, Bernd R. T. et al.: Organic matter and carbon isotope composition of carbonate nodules and associated sediments from Middle Valley, Leg 139 | download |
47% | 63 63-467 63-468 63-469 | 1981 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Mazurek, M. A.: Organic geochemistry of sediments from the Southern California borderland, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63 | download |
46% | 75 75-530 | 1984 | Brassell, Simon C.: Aliphatic hydrocarbons of a Cretaceous black shale and its adjacent green claystone from the southern Angola Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75 | download |
45% | 123 123-766 | 1992 | Heggie, David T.; Boreham, C. J. et al.: Biomarker and pyrolysis geochemistry of organic matter from Argo and Gascoyne abyssal plain sediments, northeastern Indian Ocean | download |
45% | 77 77-535 | 1984 | Rullkoetter, Juergen; Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. et al.: Geochemistry and petrography of organic matter in Cretaceous sediments from the southeastern Gulf of Mexico, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 535; preliminary results | download |
45% | 107 107-652 107-652A 107-654 107-654A | 1990 | Emeis, Kay-Christian; Mycke, Bernd et al.: Provenance and maturity of organic carbon in late Tertiary to Quaternary sediments from the Tyrrhenian Sea (ODP Leg 107/holes 652A and 654A) | download |
43% | 86 86-577 | 1985 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Beller, Harry R.: Lipid geochemistry of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sediments, Hole 577, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 86 | download |
43% | 172 172-1063 | 2001 | Eglinton, Lorraine B.; Whelan, Jean K.: Organic geochemical screening of a Bermuda Rise sample from Site 1063 | download |
43% | 151 151-909 | 1996 | Rinna, Joachim; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Hydrocarbons as indicators for provenance and thermal history of organic matter in late Cenozoic sediments from Hole 909C, Fram Strait | download |
41% | 48 50 50-416 | 1980 | Brassell, S. C.; Comet, P. A. et al.: Preliminary lipid analyses of cores 14, 18, and 28 from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 416A | download |
40% | 15 15-147 15-148 | 1973 | Hunt, John M.: Organic geochemical studies; introduction and summary | download |
40% | 77 77-535 | 1984 | Katz, Barry Jay: Source quality and richness of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 535 sediments, southeastern Gulf of Mexico | download |
40% | 63 63-467 63-471 | 1981 | Rullkoetter, Juergen; von der Dick, Hans et al.: Organic petrography and extractable hydrocarbons of sediments from the eastern North Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63 | download |
40% | 14 14-138 14-144 | 1973 | Simoneit, B. R.; Scott, E. S. et al.: Preliminary organic analyses of DSDP cores, Leg 14, Atlantic Ocean | download |
38% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Comet, P. A.; McEvoy, J. et al.: Lipids of an upper Albian limestone, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465, Section 465A-38-3 | download |
37% | 139 | 1994 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Lipid/bitumen maturation by hydrothermal activity in sediments of Middle Valley, Leg 139 | download |
35% | 111 111-677 111-678 | 1989 | Ishiwatari, R.; Yamamoto, S. et al.: Molecular composition and diagenesis of organic matter (geolipids) in sediments from site 677 and 678, Leg 111 | download |
35% | 44 44-391 | 1978 | Deroo, G.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: Organic geochemistry of some Cretaceous claystones from Site 391, Leg 44, western North Atlantic | download |
35% | 38 38-339 38-345 | 1976 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Sources of the solvent-soluble organic matter in the glacial sequence of DSDP samples from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Leg 38 | download |
32% | 77 77-535 77-540 | 1984 | Patton, James W.; Choquette, Philip W. et al.: Organic geochemistry and sedimentology of Lower to Mid-Cretaceous deep-sea carbonates, sites 535 and 540, Leg 77 | download |
32% | 66 | 1982 | Brassell, S. C.; Eglington, G. et al.: Preliminary lipid analyses of two Quaternary sediments from the Middle America Trench, southern Mexico transect, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 66 | download |
31% | 64 64-474 64-478 64-479 64-481 | 1982 | Rullkoetter, Jurgen; von der Dick, Hans et al.: Organic petrography and extractable hydrocarbons of sediments from the Gulf of California, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64 | download |
30% | 48 48-402 | 1979 | Barnes, P. J.; Brassel, S. C. et al.: Preliminary lipid analysis of core sections 18, 24, and 30 from Hole 402A | download |
30% | 40 40-364 | 1978 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Lipid analyses of sediments from Site 364 in the Angola Basin, DSDP Leg 40 | download |
28% | 122 122-762 122-763 | 1992 | Meyers, Philip A.; Snowdon, Lloyd R.: Data report; Extractable hydrocarbon and carbon isotope geochemistry of Lower Cretaceous sediments from sites 762 and 763 on the Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australian margin | download |
28% | 47 47-397 47-398 | 1979 | Barnes, R. O.; Gieskes, J. M. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Legs 47A, B | download |
28% | 48 48-402 48-404 | 1979 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Lipid geochemistry of Cretaceous black shales from the Bay of Biscay, Site 402, and of Eocene mudstone from the Rockall Plateau, Site 404 | download |
28% | 42 42-379 42-380 42-381 | 1978 | Anders, D. E.; Claypool, G. E. et al.: Preliminary results, organic geochemical investigation of Black Sea sediments; Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 42B | download |
28% | 56 56-436 57 57-440 | 1980 | Brassell, S. C.; Comet, P. A. et al.: Preliminary lipid analyses of sections 440A-7-6, 440b-8-4, 440B-3-5, 440B-68-2, and 436-11-4; legs 56 and 57, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
28% | 96 96-615 96-616 96-617 96-618 96-619 96-620 96-621 96-622 96-623 | 1986 | Whelan, Jean K.: Geochemistry summary; Leg 96, the Mississippi Fan | download |
28% | 93 | 1987 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Beller, Harry R.: Lipid geochemistry of Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sediments, Hole 605, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93, and Stevns Klint, Denmark | download |
28% | 141 | 1995 | Littke, Ralf; Disko, Ulrich et al.: Characterization of organic matter in deep-sea sediments on the Chile continental margin with special emphasis on maturation in an area of high geothermal heat flow | download |
25% | 41 41-367 41-369 | 1977 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Leg 41 sediment lipids; search for eolian organic matter in Recent samples and examination of a black shale | download |
25% | 42 42-379 42-380 42-381 | 1978 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Organic geochemistry of terrigenous muds and various shales from the Black Sea, DSDP Leg 42B | download |
25% | 64 64-479 64-480 | 1982 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Preliminary organic geochemistry of laminated versus non-laminated sediments from Holes 479 and 480, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64 | download |
25% | 64 64-481 | 1982 | Thompson, I. D.; Brassell, S. C. et al.: Preliminary lipid analysis of section 481-2-2 | download |
24% | 79 79-545 79-547 | 1984 | Rullkotter, Juergen; Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. et al.: Geochemistry and petrography of organic matter in sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 545 and 547, Mazagan Escarpment | download |
23% | 317 317-U1351 | 2010 | George, Simon C.; Lipp, Julius S. et al.: IODP Expedition 317, Canterbury Basin, offshore NZ; on-board geochemistry results | download |
22% | 15 15-147 | 1973 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Howells, W. Glenn et al.: Preliminary organic geochemical analysis of the Cariaco Basin cores; Leg 15 | download |
22% | 12 12-113 12-114 13 13-128 13-130 13-134 | 1973 | Simoneit, B. R.; Burlingame, A. L.: Preliminary organic analyses of DSDP cores, Leg 12 and 13 | download |
21% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Cornford, C.; Rullkoetter, J. et al.: Organic geochemistry of DSDP Leg 47A, Site 397, eastern North Atlantic; organic petrography and extractable hydrocarbons | download |
20% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Deroo, G.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: Organic geochemistry of some organic-rich shales from DSDP Site 397, Leg 47A, eastern North Atlantic | download |
20% | 43 43-386 43-387 | 1979 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Organic geochemistry of the shales from the northwestern proto-Atlantic, DSDP Leg 43 | download |
20% | 64 64-474 64-475 64-476 64-477 64-478 64-479 64-480 64-481 | 1982 | Gilbert, Deborah; Summerhayes, Colin P.: Organic facies and hydrocarbon potential in the Gulf of California | download |
20% | 81 81-552 81-553 81-554 81-555 | 1984 | Kaltenback, Alfred J.; Guennel, G. K. et al.: Analysis of organic matter from Leg 81 (Rockall Plateau) | download |
20% | 80 80-550 | 1985 | Hartung, Birgitta; Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. et al.: Petrography and geochemistry of organic matter in Cretaceous sediments from the Goban Spur, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80 | download |
18% | 71 | 1983 | von der Dick, Hans; Rullkoetter, Jurgen et al.: Content, type, and thermal evolution of organic matter in sediments from the eastern Falkland Plateau, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 71 | download |
18% | 157 157-955 157-956 | 1998 | Littke, Ralf; Lueckge, Andreas et al.: Organic matter in Neogene sediments of the southern Canary Channel, Canary Islands (Sites 955 and 956) | download |
18% | 75 75-530 75-532 | 1984 | Rullkoetter, Juergen; Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. et al.: Geochemistry and petrography of organic matter in sediments from Hole 530A, Angola Basin, and Hole 532, Walvis Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
18% | 172 172-1054 172-1055 172-1056 172-1057 172-1058 172-1059 172-1060 172-1061 172-1062 172-1063 172-1064 | 2001 | Keigwin, Lloyd D.; Rio, Domenico et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Northwest Atlantic sediment drifts; covering Leg 172 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Charleston, South Carolina, to Lisbon, Portugal; sites 1054-1064, 14 February-15 April 1997 | download |
18% | 167 167-1016 | 2000 | Yamamoto, Masanobu; Yamamuro, Masumi et al.: Late Quaternary records of organic carbon, calcium carbonate, and biomarkers from Site 1016 off Point Conception, California margin | download |
18% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Cornford, C.: Organic deposition at a continental rise; organic geochemical interpretation and synthesis at DSDP Site 397, eastern North Atlantic | download |
18% | 48 | 1979 | Doran, T.; Johnson, P. G. et al.: Basic organic geochemical data of Leg 48 material | download |
18% | 40 40-362 | 1978 | Boon, J. J.; van der Meer, F. W. et al.: Organic geochemical analyses of core samples from Site 362, Walvis Ridge, DSDP Leg 40 | download |
18% | 180 180-1108 180-1109 | 2002 | Katz, Barry J.: Geochemical investigation of sites 1108 and 1109, Leg 180 | download |
15% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Rullkotter, Jurgen; Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. et al.: Geochemistry and petrography of organic matter from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, lower continental rise off Cape Hatteras | download |
15% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Emeis, K. C.; Mycke, B. et al.: Organic carbon and nitrogen, sediment composition, and clay mineralogy of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, Western Atlantic Ocean | download |
15% | 146 146-893 | 1995 | Hinrichs, K. U.; Rullkoetter, J. et al.: Preliminary assessment of organic geochemical signals in sediments from Hole 893A, Santa Barbara Basin, offshore California | download |
14% | 175 | 2002 | Schefuss, Enno; Versteegh, Gerard J. M. et al.: Marine and terrigenous lipids in Southeast Atlantic sediments (Leg 175) as paleoenvironmental indicators; initial results | download |
14% | 108 108-657 108-658 108-659 | 1989 | Stein, Ruediger; ten Haven, H. L. et al.: Accumulation of marine and terrigenous organic carbon at upwelling Site 658 and nonupwelling sites 657 and 659; implications for the reconstruction of paleoenvironments in the eastern subtropical Atlantic through late Cenozoic times | download |
13% | 103 103-638 103-640 103-641 | 1988 | Stein, Ruediger; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Organofacies reconstruction and lipid geochemistry of sediments from the Galicia margin, Northeast Atlantic (ODP Leg 103) | download |
13% | 5 6 7 8 | 1971 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Burlingame, A. L.: Further preliminary results on the higher weight hydrocarbons and fatty acids in the Deep Sea Drilling Project cores, legs 5-8 | download |
13% | 11 | 1972 | Simoneit, Bernd R.; Scott, E. Sloan et al.: Preliminary organic analyses of the Deep Sea Drilling Project cores, Leg 11 | download |
13% | | 1992 | Rullkoetter, Juergen; Littke, Ralf et al.: Petrography and geochemistry of organic matter in Triassic and Cretaceous deep-sea sediments from the Wombat and Exmouth plateaus and nearby abyssal plains off Northwest Australia | download |
13% | 75 75-530 | 1984 | Deroo, G.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: Organic geochemistry of Cretaceous black shales from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 530, Leg 75, eastern South Atlantic | download |
13% | 9 | 1972 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Burlingame, A. L.: Further preliminary results on the higher weight hydrocarbons and fatty acids in the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 9 | download |
13% | 175 175-1084 | 2002 | Marlow, J. R.; Ferrimond, P. et al.: Analysis of lipid biomarkers in sediments from the Benguela Current coastal upwelling system (Site 1084) | download |
13% | 177 177-1093 | 2011 | Wetzel, F.; Shemesh, A. et al.: Diatom Si isotope variations from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (ODP Site 1093) record environmental changes of the last 170 ka | download |
13% | 323 323-U1341 | 2011 | Wehrmann, L. M.; Maerz, C. et al.: Long-term development of diagenetic signals of past sulfate-methane transition zones in subseafloor sediments | download |
13% | 71 71-511 113 113-693 | 2012 | Jenkyns, Hugh C.; Schouten-Huibers, L. et al.: Warm Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous high-latitude sea-surface temperatures from the Southern Ocean | download |
12% | 157 | 1998 | Weaver, Philip P. E.; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results; Gran Canaria and Madeira Abyssal Plain; covering Leg 157 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Bridgetown, Barbados, to Las Palmas, Canary Islands, sites 950-956, 24 July-23 September 1994 | download |
12% | 167 167-1010 167-1011 167-1012 167-1013 167-1014 167-1015 167-1016 167-1017 167-1018 167-1019 167-1020 167-1021 167-1022 | 2000 | Lyle, Mitchell; Koizumi, Itaru et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, California margin; covering Leg 167 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Acapulco, Mexico, to San Francisco, California, sites 1010-1022, 20 April-16 June 1996 | download |
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