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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 31 31-298 | 1974 | Moore, J. C.; Karig, D. E.: Structural geology and tectonics of the Shikoku subduction zone | |
98% | | 1985 | Bukovics, Christian; Ziegler, Peter A.: Tectonic development of the mid-Norway continental margin | |
98% | | 1979 | McGowran, B.: Comments on early Tertiary tectonism and lateritization | |
98% | 55 | 1978 | Greene, H. G.: Vertical tectonics of the Emperor seamount chain | |
98% | | 1969 | Peterson, M. N. A.; Edgar, N. T.: Deep ocean drilling with glomar challenger | |
98% | 66 | 1985 | Lucas, Stephen Ernest: Progressive cataclastic deformation in accretionary prisms; DSDP Leg 66, southern Mexico and onland examples from Barbados and Kodiak Islands | |
98% | | 1988 | Anonymous: Bildung des Himalaya vor 20 Millionen Jahren Development of the Himalayas before 20 Ma | |
98% | | 1992 | Enachescu, Michael E.: Carson-Bonnition Basin, strange crust and ODP drilling, offshore Newfoundland | |
98% | | 1983 | Klein, G. de Vries: Tectonics and sedimentation in back-arc basins, western Pacific Ocean | |
82% | | 1983 | Lundberg, Neil: Deformational styles in active margins; upper slope extension and lower slope shortening seen in DSDP cores | |
82% | 63 63-471 | 1981 | Yeats, Robert S.; Ness, Gordon E.: Neogene faulting west of Baja California Sur, Mexico | |
82% | 15 15-147 | 1981 | Schubert, Carlos: Origin of Cariaco Basin, southern Caribbean Sea | |
82% | | 1983 | Moore, J. Casey; Lundberg, N.: Macro- to microfabrics of modern convergent margins | |
82% | 110 | 1988 | Moore, J. C.; Mascle, A. et al.: Plumbing accretionary prisms; results from drilling and diving in contrasting hydrotectonic regimes | |
82% | | 1982 | Lundberg, Neil; Moore, J. Casey: Brittle versus ductile forearc areas; synthesis of macroscopic structural features from DSDP cores | |
82% | 77 | 1982 | Buffler, Richard T.; Phair, Ronald L. et al.: Early geologic evolution of the deep southeastern Gulf of Mexico | |
82% | | 1985 | Allerton, W. S. Q.; Vine, F. J.: Grabens in the Troodos; a preliminary investigation | |
82% | 18 | 1987 | Shi, Yaolin; Wang, Chi-yuen et al.: Thermal structures in the accretionary prism off the Pacific Coast of North America | |
82% | | 1987 | Breen, Nancy A.: Timing and mechanism of folding and thrust faulting in the north Panama thrust belt | |
82% | 42 42-378 | 1988 | Marinos, Paul G.: Greece | |
82% | | 1968 | Funnell, B. M.; Smith, A. Gilbert: Opening of the Atlantic Ocean | |
82% | | 1986 | Tankard, Anthony J.; Peirce, John W. et al.: Mesozoic extension tectonics and stratigraphic response, Atlantic Canada; opportunities for ODP | |
82% | 57 | 1986 | Knipe, R. J.: Microstructural evolution of vein arrays preserved in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from the Japan Trench, Leg 57 | |
82% | | 1982 | Kharin, G. S.; Udintsev, G. B.: Tektonicheskaya struktura i osadochnyye porody khrebta Yan-Mayen The tectonic structure and sedimentary rocks of Jan Mayen Ridge | |
82% | 28 28-270 | 1981 | Barrett, P. J.; Mckelvey, B. C.: Cenozoic glacial and tectonic history of the Transantarctic Mountains in the McMurdo Sound region; recent progress from drilling and related studies | |
82% | 6 31 59 60 | 1988 | Kirillova, G. L.: Stratigraphic zonation of sediments and basement rocks of the Philippine Sea floor and its tectonic interpretation | |
82% | 48 | 1981 | Pastouret, L.; Auffret, G. A. et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Shamrock Canyon area, Armorican continental margin | |
82% | | 1991 | Larter, R. D.; Barker, P. F.: Neogene interaction of tectonic and glacial processes at the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula | |
82% | 37 37-334 | 1984 | Leont'ev, O. K.: Principal structural and tectonic features of the ocean floors around Europe | |
82% | | 1979 | Boillot, G.; Auxietre, J. et al.: The northwestern Iberian margin; a Cretaceous passive margin deformed during Eocene | |
82% | 37 | 1979 | Lambert, R. St J.: The thermal history of the Earth in the Archean | |
82% | 66 | 1980 | McMillen, K. J.: Bathymetric and vertical tectonic history of the southern Mexico active margin; DSDP Leg 66 | |
82% | 117 | 1990 | Prell, Warren L.: Neogene tectonics and sedimentation of the SE Oman continental margin; results from ODP Leg 117 | |
82% | | 1992 | Raymo, M. E.; Ruddiman, W. F.: Tectonic forcing of late Cenozoic climate | |
82% | 122 | 1990 | Von Rad, Ulrich; Haq, B. U.: Mesozoic structural evolution, sedimentation and sea level fluctuations, Exmouth Plateau (NW Australia, ODP Leg 122) | |
82% | | 1980 | Huerta, Raul: Seismic stratigraphic and structural analysis of Northest Campeche Escarpment, Gulf of Mexico | |
82% | | 1990 | von Huene, Roland: Structure of the Andean convergent margin and some implications for hydrocarbon resources | |
82% | 112 112-688 | 1989 | Bourgois, J.: Tectonic history of the Peruvian margin with special reference to tectonic erosion | |
82% | 60 | 1980 | Blanchet, R.: Tectonique sur la marge active des Mariannes, dans le Pacifique occidental Tectonics of the Mariana active margin, in the western Pacific | |
82% | | 1980 | Hinz, K.: Geophysical reconnaissance surveys in the Norwegian Sea | |
82% | | 1990 | Church, W. R.: Serpentinite seamounts of Pacific fore-arcs drilled by the Ocean Drilling Program; Dr. Hess should be pleased; discussion | |
82% | 116 | 1988 | Cochran, J. R.: Implications of the sedimentation record of the distal Bengal Fan determined from ocean drilling for the uplift history of the Himalayas | |
82% | 13 13-132 107 | 1986 | In the Mediterranean; Young Tyrrhenian Sea evolved very quickly | |
82% | | 1986 | Barbier, F.; Duverge, J. et al.: Structure profonde de la marge Nord-Gascogne; implications sur le mecanisme de rifting et de formation de la marge continentale Deep structure of the northern Gascony margin; implications for rifting mechanism and genesis of the margin | |
82% | 12 12-117 | 1986 | Scrutton, R. A.: The subsidence of Rockall Trough | |
82% | | 1983 | Kazakov, O. V.; Mitulov, S. N. et al.: The structure of the sediment cover in the Alboran Sea according to seismoacoustic profiling data | |
82% | | 1987 | Schubert, Carlos: Paleoecological and neotectonic study of Cariaco Basin, central-eastern Venezuelan continental shelf | |
82% | | 1989 | Raymond, Carol Anne: Satellite elevation magnetic anomalies and their use in tectonic studies | |
82% | | 2006 | Gonzalez-Mieres, Ramon; Suppe, J.: Relief and shortening in detachment folds | |
82% | 77 | 1988 | Dallmeyer, R. D.: Tectonic implications of (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar ages from a pre-Mesozoic metamorphic basement penetrated on Leg 77 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico | |
81% | | 2001 | Anonymous: Bogdanov Nikita Alekseevich (for his 70th birthday) | |
70% | 110 | 1988 | Behrmann, Jan; Brown, Kevin et al.: Evolution of structures and fabrics in the Barbados accretionary prism; insights from Leg 110 of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
69% | | 1988 | Riedel, Karen: Ocean drilling; Indian Ocean expedition | |
69% | | 1979 | Spooner, E. T. C.: Ophiolitic rocks and evidence for hydrothermal convection of sea water within crust | |
69% | | 1986 | Carson, Bobb; Berglund, Peter L.: Sediment deformation and dewatering under horizontal compression; experimental results | |
69% | | 1982 | Flueh, Ernst Rudolf: Geodynamische Entwicklung der noerdlichen Anden Geodynamic evolution of the Northern Andes | |
69% | | 1987 | Moore, J. Casey; Mascle, Alan: Structural and hydrogeologic studies of the northern Barbados Ridge | |
69% | | 1987 | Mutter, John C.; Balch, Albert: Vertical seismic profiling (VSP) and the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) | |
69% | | 1990 | Quilty, P. G.: Cretaceous evolution of the southern Kerguelen Plateau | |
69% | | 1979 | Lowrie, W.: Geomagnetic reversals and ocean crust magnetization | |
69% | | 1979 | Kennett, J. P.: Late Cenozoic paleoceanography and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the South Pacific; tropics to poles | |
69% | | 1979 | Hall, J. M.: A model for the structural state of the upper half kilometer of North Atlantic Ocean layer 1 | |
69% | | 1988 | Karig, D. E.: Shear bands from the toe of the Nankai accretionary prism; characteristics and implications for finite strain | |
69% | | 1993 | Robertson, A. H. F.: Overview of the neotectonic evolution of the Mediterranean; insights to be gained from Deep Sea Drilling | |
69% | | 2003 | Morgan, Julia K.; Ask, Maria V. S.: Overpressures and lithification state of underthrust sediments along the Nankai accretionary margin; implications for decollement evolution | |
69% | 81 | 1983 | Keene, J. B.: Sedimentary facies on a passive margin; Rockall Plateau, DSDP Leg 81 | |
69% | | 1979 | Cann, J. R.: Metamorphism in the ocean crust | |
69% | | 1976 | Schlich, R.: Structure and age of the western Indian Ocean; results of Deep Sea Drilling | |
69% | | 1986 | Knipe, R. J.: Deformation mechanism path diagrams for sediments undergoing lithification | |
69% | | 1979 | Laughton, A. S.; Searle, R. C.: Tectonic processes on slow spreading ridges | |
69% | | 1992 | Kinoshita, H.; Kulinich, R. et al.: Tectonic feature of the Sea of Japan | |
69% | | 1990 | Evans, C. D. R.: The geology of the western English Channel and its western approaches | |
69% | | 1992 | Fritsch, Bernard; Schlich, Roland: Tectonique extensive et mouvements verticaux du plateau de Kerguelen (ocean Indien) Extension tectonics and vertical movements of the Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean | |
69% | | 1986 | Moore, J. Casey (ed.): Structural fabric in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from forearcs | |
69% | | 1986 | Von-Huene, R.: To accrete or not accrete, that is the question | |
69% | | 1998 | Maltman, Alex J.: Deformation structures from the toes of active accretionary prisms | |
69% | | 1998 | Fryer, Patricia: Survey of along-strike variability in forearcs of the Mariana/Izu-Bonin convergent margin system | |
69% | | 2001 | Sun, Yoon: Tectonic history of the Japan Sea region and its implications for the formation of the Japan Sea | |
69% | | 1982 | Anonymous: Salzstock vor Marokko Salt stock off Morocco | |
69% | | 1977 | Dobson, M. R.: The geological structure of the Irish Sea | |
69% | | 2011 | Jones, Nicola: Drilling ship to probe Japanese quake zone; fast-tracked expedition will measure fault's residual heat | |
65% | | 1986 | Moore, J. Casey; Roeske, Sarah M. et al.: Scaly fabrics from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from forearcs | |
65% | 28 28-270 | 1987 | Davey, Frederick J.: Geology and structure of the Ross Sea region | |
65% | 28 28-270 | 1987 | Davey, Frederick J.; Cooper, Alan K.: Gravity studies of the Victoria Land Basin and Iselin Bank | |
65% | 28 28-270 | 1987 | Cooper, Alan K.; Davey, Frederick J. et al.: Structure of extensionally rifted crust beneath the western Ross Sea and Iselin Bank, Antarctica, from sonobuoy seismic data | |
65% | 114 114-698 114-700 114-702 114-703 | 1987 | Kristoffersen, Yngve; Ciesielski, Paul F. et al.: The tectonic history of the Northeast Georgia Rise, Islas Orcadas Rise, and Meteor Rise based upon ODP Leg 114 drilling results and site survey data | |
65% | 36 36-327 36-330 71 71-511 | 1986 | Lorenzo, Juan M.: Basin history of fracture zone setting; Falkland Plateau | |
65% | 66 66-488 66-492 | 1986 | Lucas, Stephen E.; Moore, J. Casey: Cataclastic deformation in accretionary wedges; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 66, southern Mexico, and on-land examples from Barbados and Kodiak Island | |
65% | | 1968 | Ewing, Maurice; Worzel, J. Lamar: Geophysical oceanographic studies at Lamont Geological Observatory | |
65% | 78 78-541 | 1982 | Moore, J. Casey; Biju-Duval, B. et al.: Thrust faulting and decollement development at the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge complex | |
65% | 173 173-1067 173-1069 173-1070 | 1999 | Rubenach, M.: Microstructures, metamorphism, and tectonic significance of metabasic rocks, ocean-continent transition, Iberia abyssal plain | |
65% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1998 | Gutscher, Marc-Andre; Kukowski, Nina et al.: Material transfer in accretionary wedges from analysis of a systematic series of analog experiments | |
65% | 107 | 1990 | Kastens, Kim A.; Mascle, Jean: The geological evolution of the Tyrrhenian Sea; an introduction to the scientific results of ODP Leg 107 | |
65% | 127 127-794 127-795 127-796 127-797 128 128-794 | 1989 | Exploring the Japan Sea; drilling reaches basement for first time during ODP's Leg 127 | |
65% | 135 136 137 138 139 140 | 1992 | Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Francis, Timothy J. G. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; results from seventh year of drilling operations | |
65% | 60 60-459 87 | 1986 | Knipe, R. J.: Faulting mechanisms in slope sediments; examples from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores | |
65% | 315 | 2008 | Byrne, Timothy; Famin, Vincent et al.: Structural geology of the hanging wall of a seismogenic splay fault; results from Exp. 315 to the Nankai Trough | download |
65% | 110 | 1986 | Moore, J. Casey; Mascle, A. et al.: Structural and hydrologic framework of the northern Barbados Ridge; results of Leg 110 ODP | |
65% | 27 27-262 | 1986 | Audley-Charles, M. G.: Timor-Tanimbar Trough; the foreland basin of the evolving Banda Orogen | |
65% | 55 55-433 | 1994 | Craddock, John P.; Pearson, Alene M.: Non-coaxial horizontal shortening strains preserved in twinned amygdule calcite, DSDP Hole 433, Suiko Seamount, Northwest Pacific Plate | |
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