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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1981Yeats, Robert S.; Ness, Gordon E.: Neogene faulting west of Baja California Sur, Mexico
100%1988McLean, Hugh; Barron, John A.: A late middle Eocene diatomite in northwestern Baja California Sur, Mexico; implications for tectonic translation
92%1971Creager, Joe S.: Past and present deep sea drilling program
82%1071986Tisseau, C.; Rehault, J. P. et al.: Modeles thermiques et hypotheses sur la nature de la croute au centre de la Mer Tyrrhenienne Thermal models and hypotheses on the nature of the crust in the middle of the Tyrrhenian Sea
82%1341992Collot, J. Y.; Greene, H. G. et al.: Tectonique collisionnelle le long de la zone de subduction des Nouvelles-Hebrides; resultats des forages du Leg ODP 134 Collision tectonics along the New Hebrides subduction zone; results of ODP Leg 134
69%1973Edgar, T.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Plans for future drilling in the Mediterranean and Black Sea
1996Ingle, James C., Jr.: Subsidence of Neogene basins in the southern Gulf of California
69%1984Coulon, Herve; Debrabant, Pierre et al.: Donnees petrographiques, mineralogiques et geochimiques sur la transition basalts-sediments dans l'Atlantique Nord Petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data on North Atlantic basalt-sediment transitions
69%1984Boltovskoy, E.: Oligocene through Quaternary bathyal foraminifera of world-wide distribution
65%1581994Hannington, M. D.; Jonasson, I. R. et al.: Active volcanoes and ore deposits on the ocean floor--Volcans actifs et gisements de minerai sur le plancher oceanique
2003Kimbrough, David L.; Grove, Marty et al.: Provenance investigation of the middle Miocene Magdelena Fan of Baja California Sur, Mexico
58%1981Biju-Duval, Bernard: Remarques sur l'evolution geodynamique de la Mediterranee Remarks about the geodynamic evolution of the Mediterranean
58%1990Giraudeau, J.; Pujos, A.: Fonction de transfert basee sur les nannofossiles calcaires du Pleistocene des Caraibes Calcareous nannofossil-based transfer function in Caribbean Pleistocene sediments
58%1987Saint-Marc, P.: Donnees paleoceanographiques sur le Paleocene de la partie nord-orientale de la Walvis Ridge, Atlantique Sud Paleo-oceanographic data on the Paleocene of the north-eastern part of the Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic
58%1994Mascle, Jean; Lohmann, G. Patrick et al.: The Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin, eastern Equatorial Atlantic
58%1031988Boillot, Gilbert: Extensional tectonics of the West Galicia margin (Spain)
58%701982Lalou, C.; Brichet, E. et al.: Chronologie et evolution des depots hydrothermaux des Galapagos (DSDP Leg 70) Chronology and evolution of hydrothermal deposits of the Galapagos, DSDP Leg 70
58%251974Pozzi, J.-P.; Schlich, R. et al.: Effet de compressions uniaxiales sur les aimantations remanentes et induites de basaltes oceaniques (25-eme campagne du Glomar Challenger) Effect of uniaxial compression on the remanent and induced magnetization of oceanic basalts, 25th expedition of the Glomar Challenger
1999Bethoux, Jean-Pierre; Pierre, Catherine: Mediterranean functioning and sapropel formation; respective influences of climate and hydrological changes in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean
58%1702000Kopf, A.; Deyhle, A. et al.: Evidence for deep fluid circulation and gas hydrate dissociation using boron and boron isotopes of pore fluids in forearc sediments from Costa Rica (ODP Leg 170)
58%1992Mascle, G.; Lemoine, M. et al.: Croute oceanique et ophiolite; comparaison des donnees de forages en mer Tyrrhenienne et des ophiolites des Alpes occidentales Oceanic crust and ophiolite; comparison of drilling data from the Tyrrhenian Sea and ophiolites of the Western Alps
58%1071988Mascle, Jean; Rehault, Jean-Pierre: Seismic stratigraphy of the Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean Sea) based on ODP Leg results; consequences for the basin evolution
58%1081991Latouche, C.; Maillet, N. et al.: Impact des echanges paleohydrologiues et des paleoclimats sur la sedimentation argileuse (Leg 108, Atlantique N.E.) The impact of paleohydrologic exchanges and paleoclimate and their impact upon clay sedimentation, Leg 108, Northeast Atlantic
58%251974Wolejszo, J.; Schlich, R. et al.: Resultats de mesures paleomagnetiques effectuees sur les basaltes de l'Ocean Indien occidental (25e campagne du Glomar Challenger) Results of paleomagnetic measurements obtained on basalts of the western Indian Ocean, Glomar Challenger, Leg 25
1993Robin, E.; Froget, L. et al.: Evidence for a K/T impact event in the Pacific Ocean
58%1981Camus, A. L.: Etudes de la transition continent-ocean sur la marge continentale Nord Gascogne a partir des documents enregistres lors de la campagne sismique refraction a deux bateaux IPOD 79 Study of the continent-ocean transition on the North Biscay margin from the data recorded during the two-ship seismic refraction survey IPOD 79
58%601980Blanchet, R.: Tectonique sur la marge active des Mariannes, dans le Pacifique occidental Tectonics of the Mariana active margin, in the western Pacific
58%1987Moullade, M.; Maalouleh, K.: Crises climatiques et fluctuations sedimentaires sur la marge nord-americaine de l'Atlantique au Neogene-Quaternaire, d'apres les donnees microfaunistiques de recents forages du DSDP Climatic crises and sedimentary fluctuations on the North American margin of the Atlantic during the Neogene-Quaternary from microfaunal data from recent DSDP boreholes
58%174A1999Vanderaveroet, P.; Berne, S.: ODP Leg 174A; variations eustatiques de l'Oligocene au Pleistocene sur la marge continentale du New Jersey; un test pour la stratigraphie sequentielle ODP Leg 174A; Oligocene to Pleistocene eustatic variations on the New Jersey continental margin; a test for sequence stratigraphy
58%1751999Giraudeau, J.; Pierre, C.: ODP Leg 175 "Benguela"; dynamique des systemes de resurgence oceanique sur la marge sud-ouest africaine au cours du Neogene "Benguela", ODP Leg 175; dynamics of oceanic resurgence in the southwestern African margin during the Neogene
1989Chamley, H.; Debrabant, P.: Diagenese d'enfouissement et diagenese thermique; effets sur les silicates argileux Effects of burial and thermal diagenesis on clay silicates
58%1979Schlich, R.; Muller, C. et al.: Le Maestrichtien du site 239 (D.S.D.P. ocean Indien) dans son cadre regional et son incidence sur l'echelle chronologique des inversions du champ magnetique terrestre The Maestrichtian at DSDP Site 239, Indian Ocean; regional framework and significance for the time-scale of terrestrial magnetic field reversals
58%1301992Gallet, Y.; Gee, J. et al.: Mise en evidence de periodes d'intensite geomagnetique faible dans le chrone Matuyama; implications sur l'observation d'intervalles de polarite magnetique de courte duree Evidence of periods of low-level geomagnetic intensity in the Matuyama Epoch; inferences based on the observation of short-range magnetic polarity intervals
1975Chamley, H.: Enseignement du Leg XIII DSDP sur la sedimentation argileuse Plio-Pleistocene en mers Tyrrhenienne et Ionienne Data of Leg XIII of DSDP on the Plio-Pleistocene clay sedimentation in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas
58%2004Mascle, Jean: Combined-swath bathymetry and seismic; a tool for marine geological mapping?
58%2007Bassinot, F. C.: Paleoceanography, physical and chemical proxies; oxygen isotope stratigraphy of the oceans
58%1986Barbier, F.; Duverge, J. et al.: Structure profonde de la marge Nord-Gascogne; implications sur le mecanisme de rifting et de formation de la marge continentale Deep structure of the northern Gascony margin; implications for rifting mechanism and genesis of the margin
58%1211975Montenat, C.; Bizon, J.-J. et al.: Remarques sur le Neogene du forage Joides 121 en mer d'Alboran (Mediterranee occidentale) The Neogene of JOIDES Leg 121 in the Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean
1999Mazaud, A.; Channell, J. E. T.: The top Olduvai polarity transition at ODP Site 983 (Iceland Basin)
1996Guerrero-Garcia, J. C.: Anomalous paleomagnetic inclinations of deep-sea basalts at the tip of the Baja California peninsula
1973Zarudzki, E. F. K.; Wong, H. K. et al.: Correlation of a trans-Tyrrhenian reflection profile with DSPD Site 132
58%1391992Malpas, John; Scott, Steven et al.: Focus on Canada, (gros plan sur Canada)
2002Kissel, C.; Laj, C. et al.: Magnetic properties and environmental changes in monsoonal regime (ODP Leg 184, South China Sea)
58%1984Lalou, C.; Brichet, E. et al.: The Galapagos hydrothermal mounds; history from about 600,000 years to present
58%1973Nesteroff, W. D.: La crise de salinite messinienne en Mediterranee; enseignements des forages JOIDES et du bassin de Sicile The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean; data from JOIDES drilling and the Sicily Basin
1991Dromart, G.: Slope microbial biostromes as evidence of marine flooding maxima in Jurassic carbonate sequences stratigraphy
1991Droz, L.; Bellaiche, G.: Seismic facies and geologic evolution of the central portion of the Indus Fan
2009Vazquez Riveiros, N.; Waelbroeck, C. et al.: Constraints on the evolution of climate during marine isotope stage 11
57%1721999Ternois, Y.; Cortijo, E. et al.: La Campagne de forage "Leg ODP 172" sur la marge continentale nord-ouest Atlantique; des resultats preliminaires prometteurs ODP Leg 172 on the Northwest Atlantic continental margin; preliminary results
46%821983Bougault, Henri; Cande, S. et al.: Le Leg 82 du programme international de forages oceaniques profonds (I.P.O.D.); croute oceanique "normale" ou "anormale" sur la ride medio-Atlantique; proprietes geochimiques IPOD Leg 82; geochemical properties of "normal" and "abnormal" oceanic crust on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
46%791985Jaffrezo, M.; Medina, F. et al.: Donnees microbiostratigraphiques sur le Jurassique superieur du Bassin de l'Ouest marocain; comparaison avec les resultats du Leg 79 D.S.D.P. et de la Campagne Cyamaz (1982) Microbiostratigraphic data on the Upper Jurassic of the western Moroccan Basin, comparison with the results of DSDP Leg 79 and Cyamaz expedition, 1982
1994Vanderaveroet, Patricia; Deconinck, Jean-Francois: Sedimentation argileuse cenozoique sur la marge passive du New Jersey (NW Atlantique, Leg ODP 150) Cenozoic clay sedimentation on the passive margin off New Jersey (Northwest Atlantic, ODP Leg 150)
46%1071986Kastens, K.; Mascle, J. et al.: Principaux resultats de la campagne 107 du JOIDES resolution (Ocean Drilling Program) en mer Tyrrhenienne Principle results of Leg 107 of the JOIDES Resolution (Ocean Drilling Program) in the Tyrrhenian Sea
1994Munschy, M.; Fritsch, B. et al.: Tectonique extensive sur le plateau de Kerguelen Extensive tectonics on the Kerguelen Plateau
46%1994Bassinot, Franck C.; Labeyrie, Laurent D. et al.: The astronomical theory of climate and the age of the Brunhes-Matuyama magnetic reversal
46%1391994Goodfellow, W. D.; Leybourne, M. et al.: The Middle Valley hydrothermal system and associated sulphide deposits, Juan de Fuca Ridge; recent results of Leg 139, Ocean Drilling Program--Reseau hydrothermal et gisements sulfures associes de la vallee du Milieu, dorsale Juan de Fuca; resultats recents du troncon 139, Programme de sondage des fonds marins
1994France-Lanord, Christian; Derry, Louis A.: Variations de delta (super 13) C du carbone organique terrigene enfoui dans le cone du Bengale au Ne2.ogene; effet sur le cycle du carbone delta (super 13) C variations of terrigeneous organic carbon buried in the Neogene of the Bengal Fan; their effect on the carbon cycle
46%1031987Boillot, G.; Recq, M. et al.: Tectonic denudation of the upper mantle along passive margins; a model based on drilling results (ODP Leg 103, western Galicia margin, Spain)
46%1071988Mascle, Jean; Kastens, Kim et al.: A land-locked back-arc basin; preliminary results from ODP Leg 107 in the Tyrrhenian Sea
1980Lalou, Claude; Brichet, Evelyne: Les desequilibres de la famille de l'uranium dans les depots hydrothermaux des Galapagos, DSDP Leg 54, Hole 424 Uranium disequilibrium in the Galapagos hydrothermal deposits, DSDP Leg 54, Hole 424
46%1999Orszag-Sperber, F.; Blanc-Valleron, M. M. et al.: La transition messinien-pliocene en Mediterranee orientale; changements paleoenvironnementaux et discussion sur la signification du "Lago Mare" The Messinian-Pliocene transition in the East Mediterranean; changes in paleoenvironment and the significance of the "Lago Mare"
2000Mazaud, A.; Channell, J. E. T.: Geomagnetic field variability during the Matuyama recorded in ODP Site 983
2000Labeyrie, Laurent: Glacial climate instability
46%1985Latouche, Claude; Maillet, Noele: Le deficit sedimentaire de la periode Eocene moyen-Miocene moyen en Atlantique nord-Oriental; discussion sur la base de l'evolution mineralogique des depots Sedimentary deficit between the middle Eocene and middle Miocene in the Northeast Atlantic; discussion based on the mineralogical evolution of deposits
46%1221991Robin, E.; Boclet, D. et al.: The stratigraphic distribution of Ni-rich spinels in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary rocks at El Kef (Tunisia), Caravaca (Spain) and Hole 761C (Leg 122)
1978Storzer, D.; Selo, M.: Chronothermometrie par traces de fission des basaltes provenant des legs 51-52 et quelques reflexions sur l'alteration de ces roches par l'eau de mer Chrono-thermometry by fission-track methods of basalts from Legs 51-52 and some aspects of the alteration of these rocks by sea water
1988Fiolet-Piette, A.; Chamley, H. et al.: Sedimentation argileuse plio-quaternaire sur la marge armoricaine (Leg 80 DSDP) Plio-Quaternary clay sedimentation on the Armorican margin, DSDP Leg 80
1993Bard, E.; Stuiver, M. et al.: How accurate are our chronologies of the past?
46%1993Bougault, H.; Charlou, J. L. et al.: L'Hydrothermalisme oceanique Oceanic hydrothermalism
1995Mascle, J.; Lohmann, G. P. et al.: Transform tectonics of the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana margin; initial results of ODP Leg 159
46%1221989Dumont, T.; Galbrun, B. et al.: Distensions, subsidence, surelevation et variations du niveau marin sur la marge continentale sud-tethysienne du plateau d'Exmouth (NW de l'Australie); resultats preliminaires du Leg O.D.P. 122 Rift related subsidence, uplift and sea-level fluctuations on the Exmouth marginal plateau (Northwest Australian continental margin); preliminary results of ODP Leg 122
1991Saint-Marc, P.: Le Paleocene et le passage paleocene-eocene sur la bordure septentrionale du golfe de Biscaye (Atlantique nord, site DSDP 401, Leg 48); biostratigraphie et paleoceanographie Biostratigraphy and paleo-oceanography of the Paleocene and the Paleocene-Eocene boundary at DSDP Site 401 (Leg 48), at the northern bordern of the Gulf of Biscay, North Atlantic
1976Pastouret, L.; Benson, W. E. et al.: Sur les ecoulements en masse d'age miocene dans la plaine abyssale de Blake-Bahama (Leg 44) The massive flows of Miocene age in the Blake-Bahamas abyssal plain, Leg 44
1978De Graciansky, P. C.; Muller, C. et al.: Reconstitution de l'evolution des milieux de sedimentation sur la marge continentale iberique au Cretace; le flanc sud du haut-fond de Vigo et le foraage D.S.D.P.-I.P.O.D. 398D; problemes concernant la surface de compensation des carbonates Reconstruction of the sedimentation-environment evolution of the Cretaceous Iberian continental margin; south side of Vigo Seamount and D.S.D.P.-I.P.O.D. 398D site; problems concerning the compensation surface of carbonates
46%1981Camus, Anne-Lise: Etude de la transition continent-ocean sur la marge continentale Nord Gascone a partir des documents enregistres lors de la campagne sismique refraction a deux bateaux IPOD 79 Study of land to ocean transition on the continental margin of northern Bay of Biscay from data recorded in the frame of IPOD 79 two-ship refraction seismics campaign
1991Jean-Baptiste, P.; Charlou, J. L. et al.: Helium and methane measurements in hydrothermal fluids from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; the Snake Pit site at 23 degrees N
1996Rocchia, R.; Robin, E. et al.: Stratigraphic distribution of extraterrestrial markers at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Gulf of Mexico area; implications for the temporal complexity of the event
46%571979Cadet, J. P.; von Huene, R. et al.: Sur les zones de subduction Ouest-Pacifique: un profil de la fosse du Japon (D.S.D.P., Leg 57) Western Pacific subduction zones; a profile of the Japan Trench; Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 57
1989Boillot, Gilbert; Feraud, Gilbert et al.: Undercrusting by serpentinite beneath rifted margins
46%1341992Laporte, C.; Briqueu, Louis: Magmatisme d'arc et heterogeneites isotopiques; exemple des Nouvelles Hebrides a partir des resultats de la campagne O.D.P. 134 Arc magmatism and isotopic heterogeneity; the example of New Hebrides from the results of OPD Leg 134
46%1591995Mascle, J.; Lohmann, G. P. et al.: La marge transformante de Cote-d'Ivoire-Ghana; premiers resultats de la campagne ODP 159 (janvier-fevrier 1995) The Ivory Coast-Ghana transform margin; results from ODP Leg 159, January-February 1995
1994Rocchia, R.; Froget, L. et al.: Stratigraphical distributions of cosmic markers at the KT boundary in the Caribbean area
46%1171989Prell, W. L.; Niitsuma, N. et al.: Tectonique et sedimentation neogene sur la marge d'Oman; resultats preliminaires du Leg 117 ODP Neogene tectonics and sedimentation on the Oman Margin; first results of ODP Leg 117
1980Le Mut, Claudine: L'exoscopie des quartz; contribution a l'etude des marges actives dans le cadre d'I.P.O.D.; une approche sedimentologique sur deux sites de la fosse du Japon, campagne N (super o) 57 du Glomar Challenger Exoscopy of quartz; contribution to the IPOD study of active margins; sedimentology of two sites in the Japan Trench; Glomar Challenger Leg 57
1983Lalou, Claude; Brichet, Evelyne et al.: Hydrothermal manganese oxide deposits from Galapagos mounds, DSDP Leg 70, Hole 509B and "Alvin" dives 729 and 721
46%1491995Beslier, M. O.; Bitri, A. et al.: Structure de la transition continent-ocean d'une marge passive; sismique reflexion multitrace dans la Plaine Abyssale Iberique (Portugal) Structure of the ocean-continent transition on a passive continental margin; multichannel seismic reflection in the Iberia abyssal plain, Portugal
1979Debrabant, P.; Foulon, J.: Expression geochimique des variations du paleoenvironnement depuis le Jurassique superieur sur les marges nord-atlantiques Geochemical expression of the variations in the paleoenvironment of the North Atlantic margins since the Upper Jurassic
2004Ducea, Mihai N.; Valencia, Victor A. et al.: Rates of sediment recycling beneath the Acapulco Trench; constraints from (U-Th)/He thermochronologydownload
2004Marsaglia, Kathleen M.: Sandstone detrital modes support Magdalena Fan displacement from the mouth of the Gulf of California
2007Govin, Aline; Labeyrie, Laurent et al.: Circulation changes in the Southern Ocean during the last glacial inception, induced by an atmospheric coupling with the Northern Hemisphere
2005Genty, Dominique; Nebout, Nathalie Combourieu et al.: Rapid climatic changes of the last 90 kyr recorded on the European continent
1994Rocchia, R.; Robin, E. et al.: Ni-rich spinels (meteoric spinels) as indicators of the KT event timing
1994Beslier, M. O.; Cornen, G. et al.: Petro-structural evolution of basement rocks drilled at the ocean-continent transition of the Iberia abyssal plain passive margin during the ODP Leg 149
2010Genty, Dominique; Combourieu-Nebout, Nathalie et al.: Isotopic characterization of rapid climatic events during OIS3 and OIS4 in Villars Cave stalagmites (SW-France) and correlation with Atlantic and Mediterranean pollen records
1983Blanc, P. L.; Fontugne, M. R. et al.: The time-transgressive initiation of boreal ice-caps; continental and oceanic evidence reconciled
1994Robin, E.; Froget, L. et al.: Characteristics and origin of spinel-bearing spheroids at the KT boundary
46%1031989Boillot, G.; Mougenot, D. et al.: Rifting processes on the West Galicia margin, Spain
1998Chartrousse, Alexandre; Masse, Jean-Pierre: Coalcomaninae (Rudistes, Caprindae) nouveaux de l'Aptien inferieur des Mid Pacific Mountains New early Aptian Coalcomaninae (Rudistae, Caprinidae) from the Mid-Pacific Mountains
46%752001Huc, A. Yves; Bertrand, P. et al.: Organic sedimentation in deep offshore settings; the Quaternary sediments approach
2005Guyodo, Y.; Ohno, M. et al.: Paleomagnetic results from IODP Exp. 306; shipboard and preliminary post-cruise studies

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