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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1986Honza, E.; Murakami, F.: Accretion in the Nankai Trough
100%1986Karig, Daniel E.: Physical properties and mechanical state of accreted sediments in the Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan Arc
100%1993Bourgois, J.: La fosse d'Amerique centrale; convergence, accretion, erosion tectonique The Middle America Trench; convergence, accretion, tectonic erosion
100%1341992Collot, J. Y.; Greene, H. G. et al.: Tectonique collisionnelle le long de la zone de subduction des Nouvelles-Hebrides; resultats des forages du Leg ODP 134 Collision tectonics along the New Hebrides subduction zone; results of ODP Leg 134
80%661982Moore, J. Casey; Watkins, Joel S. et al.: Geology and tectonic evolution of a juvenile accretionary terrane along a truncated convergent margin; synthesis of results from Leg 66 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, southern Mexico
1986Lucas, Stephen E.; Moore, J. Casey: Cataclastic deformation in accretionary wedges; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 66, southern Mexico, and on-land examples from Barbados and Kodiak Island
80%1101986Wilkens, Roy H.; Taylor, E. et al.: Physical properties measurements, Leg 110 ODP
80%1101988Beck, C.; Blanc, G. et al.: Anatomie et physiologie d'un prisme d'accretion; premiers resultats des forages du complexe de la ride de la Barbade, Leg ODP 110 Anatomy and physiology of an accretionary prism; first results of the drilling of the Barbados Ridge, ODP Leg 110
80%1101986Moore, J. Casey; Mascle, A. et al.: Structural and hydrologic framework of the northern Barbados Ridge; results of Leg 110 ODP
60%2008Ogawa, Yujiro; Dilek, Yildirim et al.: Tertiary-Recent subduction zone products along the Japanese island arcs as modern analogues of ancient orogenic belts; emplacement of trench sediments, metamorphic and ophiolitic rocks into forearc areas

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