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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1986 | Mart, Yossi; Rabinowitz, Philip D.: The northern Red Sea and the Dead Sea Rift | |
100% | 13 13-125 42 42-377 | 1991 | Kastens, Kim A.: Rate of outward growth of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex | |
99% | | 1981 | Anderson, Roger N.: Surprises from the Glomar Challenger | |
99% | | 1988 | Tang Nianjiang: Marine drilling in the last two decades | |
99% | | 1982 | Hsu, Kenneth J.: Thirteen years of deep-sea drilling | |
99% | | 1974 | Alexander, George: Holes Drilled in Theory of Islands | |
99% | | 1988 | Pisias, Nicklas G.: Results of the first four years of ocean drilling; introduction | |
99% | 21 | 1972 | Anonymous: Glomar Challenger probes Australia's history | |
99% | | 1991 | Kerr, Richard A.: Coming up short in a crustal quest | |
99% | | 1971 | Ewing, J.: Preliminary results from Leg 17 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
99% | | 1978 | Herron, E. M.: Implications of the International Phase of Ocean Drilling for geology education | |
85% | | 1983 | Kobayashi, Kazuo: Cycles of subduction and Cenozoic arc activity in the northwestern Pacific margin | |
85% | | 1983 | Pelletier, B.; Stephan, J. F. et al.: De la fosse des Mariannes a l'ile de Taiwan; geologie regionale The Marianna Trench at the island of Taiwan; regional geology | |
85% | 92 | 1983 | Deep-Sea Drilling Project Leg 92, Advection in the East Pacific | |
85% | 76 | 1981 | Anonymous: Mid-Jurassic rocks cored off Florida | |
85% | 121 | 1988 | Leg 121 traces rifting and hot spots | |
85% | | 1988 | Zdorovenin, V. V.: Nauchnoye bureniye v Arktike; mechta ili real'nost'? Scientific drilling in the Arctic; a dream or reality? | |
85% | | 1988 | Riedel, Karen: Ocean drilling; Indian Ocean expedition | |
85% | 35 | 1982 | Craddock, Campbell: Antarctica and Gondwanaland | |
85% | 66 | 1982 | Lundberg, Neil Scott: Evolution of the forearc landward of the Middle America Trench, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica and southern Mexico | |
85% | | 1982 | Flueh, Ernst Rudolf: Geodynamische Entwicklung der noerdlichen Anden Geodynamic evolution of the Northern Andes | |
85% | 38 | 1982 | Udintsev, G. B. (ed.): Geologiya dna Mirovogo okeana; Atlantika; biostratigrafiya i tektonika (rezul'taty bureniya v 38-m reyse "Glomar Chellendzher") Geology of the floor of the world ocean; Atlantic; biostratigraphy and tectonics; results of drilling during the 38th voyage of the Glomar Challenger | |
85% | | 1980 | Jarrand, R. D.; Sasajima, S.: Paleomagnetic synthesis for Southeast Asia; constraints on plate motions | |
85% | | 1987 | Sano, Yuji; Wakita, Hiroshi: Helium isotopes and heat flow on the ocean floor | |
85% | | 1987 | Anderson, Roger N.: Hole 504B; the quest for the Moho | |
85% | | 1987 | Moore, J. Casey; Mascle, Alan: Structural and hydrogeologic studies of the northern Barbados Ridge | |
85% | | 1974 | Van Andel, T. H.: Cenozoic Migration of the Pacific Plate, Northward Shift of the Axis of Deposition, and Paleobathymetry of the Central Equatorial Pacific | |
85% | | 1974 | Churkin, Michael, Jr.: Deep-Sea Drilling for Landlubber Geologists; The Southwest Pacific, and Accordion Plate Tectonics Analog for the Cordilleran Geosyncline | |
85% | | 1985 | Sclater, John G.: The depth of the ocean through the Neogene | |
85% | 109 | 1986 | On the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; ODP Leg 109 explores normal ocean crust | |
85% | 76 79 | 1982 | Jansa, Lubomir F.: The early North Atlantic | |
85% | | 1979 | Garkalenko, I. A.; Ushakov, S. A.: Earth crust in the Kurile Trench (from continuous seismic Profiling Data) | |
85% | | 1973 | Winterer, Edward L.: Sedimentary Facies and Plate Tectonics of Equatorial Pacific | |
85% | | 1973 | Hay, William W.: Significance of Paleontologic Results of Deep-Sea Drilling Project Legs 1-9 | |
85% | 121 | 1989 | Smith, Guy M.; Gee, Jeffrey S. et al.: Magnetic petrology of seamount basalts from Ninetyeast Ridge | |
85% | | 1990 | Kikawa, E.; Pariso, Janet E.: Magnetic properties of gabbros from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B at the southwest Indian Ridge | |
85% | | 1978 | Castle, J. W.: Comparative sedimentology of some modern Pacific trenches and the Caples Group (Permo-Triassic?), New Zealand | |
85% | | 1979 | Lowrie, W.: Geomagnetic reversals and ocean crust magnetization | |
85% | | 1979 | Klootwijk, C. T.; Peirce, J. W.: India's and Australia's pole path since the late Mesozoic and the India-Asia collision | |
85% | | 1979 | Hall, J. M.: A model for the structural state of the upper half kilometer of North Atlantic Ocean layer 1 | |
85% | | 1987 | Speed, Robert C.: Background and introduction to Caribbean tectonic evolution | |
85% | 116 | 1988 | Scientists explore Himalayan uplift | |
85% | | 1978 | Le Pichon, X.; Melguen, M. et al.: A schematic model of the evolution of the South Atlantic | |
85% | | 1983 | Sheridan, Robert E.: Pulsation tectonics related to the breakup of continents | |
85% | | 1991 | Zehnder, Carolyn Marie: Magmatic processes attending the initiation of seafloor spreading in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; a deep seismic study of conjugate margins | |
85% | | 1974 | Pautot, Guy; Le Pichon, Xavier: Resultats scientifiques du programme JOIDES The JOIDES Program scientific results | |
85% | | 1979 | Matveyenkov, V. V.; Baranov, B. V.: Magmaticheskiye porody khrebta Makkuori (yugo-zapadnaya chast' Tikhogo okeana) Magmatic rocks from the Macquarie Ridge, Southwest Pacific | |
85% | | 1981 | Challenger devotes 78B to old hole | |
85% | | 1985 | Storetvedt, K. M.: The pre-drift central Atlantic; a model based on tectonomagmatic and sedimentological evidence | |
85% | | 1978 | Carreon, Herminio: Prospeccion internacional de geologia y geofisica en el Golfo de California International geological and geophysical prospecting in the Gulf of California | |
85% | 76 | 1981 | Anonymous: Deep sea drilling recovers oldest oceanic sediments | |
85% | | 1981 | Beiersdorf, H.: Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des internationalen Tiefseebohrprojekts The principal results of Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
85% | | 1981 | Beiersdorf, H.: Ein deutscher Beitrag zur Geoforschung A German contribution to research in the earth sciences | |
85% | | 1979 | Uyeda, S.: Subduction zones; facts, ideas, and speculations | |
85% | 67 | 1979 | Anonymous: The Caribbean connection | |
85% | | 1977 | Veevers, J. J.: Models of the evolution of the eastern Indian Ocean | |
85% | | 1972 | Scholl, D. W.: JOIDES leg 19; northwest Pacific and Bering Sea; significant findings | |
85% | | 1972 | van der Lingen, G. J.: Nieuw Zeeland en "plate tectonics" New Zealand and "plate tectonics" | |
85% | | 1990 | Childers, V. A.; Weissel, Jeffrey K.: ODP drilling results from the Indian Ocean constrain flexural models of lithospheric deformation | |
85% | | 1984 | Newmark, Robin L.; Zoback, Mark D. et al.: Determination of in-situ stress directions in the crust; DSDP Hole 597C | |
85% | | 1976 | Peirce, J. W.: The origin of the Ninetyeast Ridge and the northward motion of India, based on DSDP paleolatitudes | |
85% | | 1973 | Sclater, John G.; Detrick, Robert: Elevation of Midocean Ridges and the Basement Age of JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Sites | |
85% | | 1987 | Anonymous: Report of the Second conference on Scientific Ocean Drilling (COSOD II) | |
85% | | 1984 | Coulon, Herve; Debrabant, Pierre et al.: Donnees petrographiques, mineralogiques et geochimiques sur la transition basalts-sediments dans l'Atlantique Nord Petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data on North Atlantic basalt-sediment transitions | |
85% | | 1984 | Bogdanov, N. A. (ed.); Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M. (ed.): Geologiya dna okeanov po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Geology of the ocean floor based on deep-sea drilling data | |
85% | 126 | 1991 | Koyama, Masato: Tectonic evolution of the Philippine Sea Plate based on paleomagnetic results | |
85% | | 1989 | Hailwood, E. A.; Stumpp, C. et al.: Soft sediment sampling errors in palaeomagnetic and magnetic fabric data | |
85% | | 1980 | Gruver, Nancy: Structural complexities of DSDP basement cores from the North Atlantic Ocean | |
85% | 88 | 1984 | Cessaro, R. K.; Duennebier, F. K.: Borehole seismic results from DSDP Leg 88 | |
85% | 112 | 1987 | Convergent tectonics and coastal upwelling; a history of the Peru continental margin | |
85% | 111 | 1987 | Costa Rica Rift hole deepened and logged | |
85% | | 1987 | Barron, Eric J.: Cretaceous plate tectonic reconstructions | |
85% | 115 | 1989 | Tatsumi, Y.; Nohda, S.: Geochemical stratification in the upper mantle; evidence from ODP Leg 114 basalts in the Indian Ocean | |
85% | 116 | 1989 | Williams, Colin Francis: Heat and fluid flow within the Earth's crust; in situ measurements and mathematical models | |
85% | 18 | 1972 | Kulm, L. D.: Results of leg XVIII DSDP | |
85% | | 1987 | Speed, Robert C.: Caribbean geological evolution; report of a workshop to define Caribbean geological problems, needed investigations, and initiatives for ocean drilling | |
85% | | 1989 | Semenov, G. A.; Buravtsev, A. A.: Density dependence of elastic wave velocity in deep-sea cores of the Atlantic Ocean | |
85% | | 1980 | Bott, M. H. P.: Problems of passive margins from the viewpoint of the geodynamics project; a review | |
85% | 126 | 1990 | Taylor, Brian: Rifting of the Izu-Bonin Arc | |
85% | 116 | 1988 | Sager, W.; Stow, D. et al.: Interplate deformation and Himalayan uplift, ODP Leg 116 | |
85% | | 1990 | Pezard, Phillipe Adrien: On electrical properties of rocks, with implications for the structure of the upper oceanic crust | |
85% | | 1982 | Jarrard, R. D.; Cande, S. C.: A Pacific polar wandering curve based on the skewness of marine magnetic anomalies | |
85% | | 1981 | Goerlich, F.: Birgt der Tiefseeboden neue Schaetze? Aufgaben fuer das neue Tiefseebohrschiff "Glomar Explorer" The bottom of deep seas, does it hide treasures? Missions of the new deep sea drilling ship "Glomar Explorer" | |
85% | 3 | 1986 | Cande, Steven C.: Systematic variations in basement morphology in the South Atlantic | |
85% | | 1986 | Wezel, Forese-Carlo: The Pacific island arcs; produced by post-orogenic vertical tectonics? | |
85% | | 1986 | Von-Huene, R.: To accrete or not accrete, that is the question | |
85% | | 1984 | Leclaire, L. (ed.): Les archives de l'ocean The archives of the ocean | |
85% | | 1991 | Speed, Robert: Buried accretionary prism drilled on Barbados | |
85% | | 1973 | Vine, F. J.: Continental Fragmentation and Ocean Floor Evolution during thh past 200 m.y | |
85% | | 1973 | Edgar, N. Terence: Discoveries from deep ocean drilling | |
85% | | 1984 | Erickson, Albert J.: Theory, techniques, and interpretation of downhole temperature measurements | |
85% | 139 | 1992 | Researchers drill new sea floor | |
85% | | 1984 | Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M. (ed.); Neprochnov, Yu. P. (ed.): Stroyeniye dna severo-zapada tikhogo okeana Structure of the Northwest Pacific; geophysics, magmatism and tectonics | |
85% | | 1990 | Brett, Robin: International programs in the solid Earth sciences and the U. S. role | |
85% | | 1980 | Tokuyama, Hidekazu: Cretaceous volcanism in the central Pacific Ocean | |
85% | | 1971 | Gealy, Elizabeth Lee: Results of the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project; 1968-1971 | |
85% | | 1985 | Shor, Elizabeth N.: A chronology from Mohole to JOIDES | |
85% | | 1982 | Anonymous: Salzstock vor Marokko Salt stock off Morocco | |
85% | | 1971 | Ryan, William B. F.: New evidence concerning compressional tectonics of the seabed; results from Leg 13 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
85% | | 1977 | Barker, P. F.; Burrell, J.: The opening of Drake Passage | |
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