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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1995 | Channell, James E. T.; Erba, Elisabetta et al.: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous time scales and oceanic magnetic anomaly block models | |
98% | | 1988 | Arthur, M. A.; Barron, E. A. et al.: Response of the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic ocean to climatic forcing on tectonic time scales | |
92% | 57 57-438 145 145-884 | 1998 | Motoyama, Isao; Maruyama, Toshiaki: Neogene diatom and radiolarian biochronology for the middle-to-high latitudes of the Northwest Pacific region; calibration to the Cande and Kent's geomagnetic polarity time scales (CK 92 and CK 95) | |
81% | | 1974 | Larson, Roger L.: An Updated Time Scale of Magnetic Reversals for the Late Mesozoic | |
70% | 202 202-1233 | 2010 | Euler, Christine; Ninnemann, Ulysses S.: Climate and Antarctic Intermediate Water coupling during the late Holocene | |
69% | | 1994 | Raymo, M. E.: The initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation | |
69% | | 1974 | Van Andel, Tjeerd H.; Moore, T. C., Jr.: Cenozoic Calcium Carbonate Distribution and Calcite Compensation Depth in the Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean | |
69% | | 1986 | Bralower, Timothy James: Part A; An integrated Mesozoic biochronology and magnetochronology; Part B, Studies of Cretaceous black shales | |
69% | | 1972 | Cita, M. B.; Ryan, W. B. F.: Time scale and general synthesis | |
69% | | 1996 | Smolka, Peter P.: Stratabs; a new method for worldwide correlation | |
69% | 138 | 1992 | Moore, T. C., Jr.: Synchroneity and diachroneity of radiolarian biostratigraphic datums in ODP Leg 138 sites | |
69% | | 1999 | Bruns, P. (ed.); Hass, H. C. (ed.): On the determination of sediment accumulation rates | |
69% | | 1995 | Lazarus, Dave: On improving the utilization of Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program stratigraphic data | download |
69% | | 2008 | Locklair, Robert; Hinnov, Linda et al.: Construction of the Cretaceous astronomical time scale; Part 2, Late Cretaceous | |
69% | | 2000 | Heslop, D.; Langereis, C. G. et al.: A new astronomical timescale for the loess deposits of Northern China | |
69% | | 1985 | Barron, John A.; Keller, Gerta et al.: A multiple microfossil biochronology for the Miocene | |
69% | | 1998 | Alverson, Keith: Focus on international geoscience initiatives PAGES; past global changes | |
65% | 76 76-534 | 1989 | Lowrie, W.: Magnetic polarity time scales and reversal frequency | |
65% | 121 121-758 | 1995 | Hall, Chris M.; Farrell, John W.: Laser (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar ages of tephra from Indian Ocean deep-sea sediments; tie points for the astronomical and geomagnetic polarity time scales | |
65% | 138 138-850 199 199-1215 206 206-1256 | 2007 | Ziegler, Christa L.: Terrigenous deposition in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean; determining its composition and relationship to export production at multiple time scales | |
65% | | 2010 | Martin, Ellen E.; Blair, Susanna W. et al.: Extraction of Nd isotopes from bulk deep sea sediments for paleoceanographic studies on Cenozoic time scales | |
65% | 162 162-980 162-983 162-984 | 2000 | McManus, J. F.; Oppo, D. W. et al.: The North Atlantic deep-sea record of late Quaternary climate variability on millennial time scales | |
60% | 171B 171B-1050 | 1999 | MacLeod, K. G.; Huber, B. T. et al.: Maastrichtian foraminiferal and paleoceanographic changes on Milankovitch time scales | |
60% | 22 22-214 117 117-723 | 2005 | Gupta, Anil K.; Anderson, David M.: Mysteries of the Indian Ocean monsoon system | |
60% | 94 94-609 104 104-644 | 1998 | Joeris, Olaf; Weninger, Bernhard: Extension of the (super 14) C calibration curve to ca. 40,000 cal BC by synchronizing Greenland (super 18) O/ (super 16) O ice core records and North Atlantic Foraminifera profiles; a comparison with U/Th coral data | |
60% | | 2006 | Hilgen, Frederik J.; Krijgsman, Wout et al.: Astronomical calibration of geological time and intercalibration with (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar and U/Pb dating | |
60% | 130 130-807 | 2010 | Fantle, M. S.; Maher, K. M. et al.: Isotopic approaches for quantifying the rates of marine burial diagenesis | |
58% | 73 73-522 138 | 1994 | Gallet, Yves; Valet, Jean-Pierre: From the superchron to the microchron; magnetic stratigraphy in deep sea sediments | |
58% | 41 41-369 | 1980 | Diester-Haass, L.; Chamley, H.: Oligocene climatic, tectonic and eustatic history off NW Africa (DSDP Leg 41, Site 369) | |
58% | | 1986 | Verosub, Kenneth L.; Steiner, Maureen et al.: Paleomagnetic objectives for the Ocean Drilling Program | |
58% | | 2000 | Hilgen, Frederik J.; Krijgsman, Wout et al.: Integrated stratigraphy and astronomical calibration of the Serravallian/Tortonian boundary section at Monte Gibliscemi (Sicily, Italy) | |
58% | 162 162-983 | 1996 | Kleiven, Helga F.; Jansen, Eystein: Mid Pleistocene climate variability changes in the North Atlantic on orbital and sub-orbital time scales | |
58% | 130 | 1996 | Tarduno, John A.; Wilkison, Sarah L.: Non-steady state magnetic mineral reduction, chemical lock-in, and delayed remanence acquisition in pelagic sediments | |
58% | 143 144 | 1995 | Ogg, James G.: Aptian-Albian sequences in Pacific guyot carbonate systems and implications for Mid-Cretaceous time scale | |
58% | | 1995 | D'Hondt, Steven; Donaghay, Percy: Carbon isotopic recovery from mass extinctions; no Strangelove oceans on geologic timescales? | |
58% | 13 | 1974 | Cita, M. B.; Gelati, R. et al.: Proposal for the definition of superstages for the middle and upper Miocene | |
58% | | 1994 | Spencer-Cervato, Cinzia; Thierstein, Hans R. et al.: How synchronous are Neogene marine plankton events? | download |
58% | | 1995 | Shackleton, N. J.; Hagelberg, Teresa King et al.: Evaluating the success of astronomical tuning; pitfalls of using coherence as a criterion for assessing pre-Pleistocene timescales | download |
58% | 111 111-677 | 1990 | Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Berger, A. et al.: An alternative astronomical calibration of the lower Pleistocene timescale based on ODP Site 677 | |
58% | 111 111-677 | 1991 | Park, Jeffrey; Maasch, Kirk A.: Plio-Pleistocene time evolution of the 100-ky ice age cycle in marine paleoclimate records | |
58% | 94 94-609 | 1995 | Bond, Gerard C.; Rusty, Lotti: Iceberg discharges into the North Atlantic on millennial time scales during the last glaciation | |
58% | | 1973 | Melson, W. G.: Basaltic glasses from the Deep Sea Drilling Project; chemical characteristics, compositions of alteration products, and fission track "ages" | |
58% | 154 | 1999 | Franz, Sven-Oliver: Pliozaene Zeitreihen zur Rekonstruktion der Tiefenwasserzirkulation und der siliziklastischen Amazonasfracht im aequatorialen Westatlantik (Ceara Schwelle, ODP leg 154) Pliocene time scales in the reconstruction of deep-water circulation and the silicoclastic Amazon materials in the equatorial West Atlantic, Ceara Rise, ODP Leg 154 | |
58% | | 1979 | Schlich, R.; Muller, C. et al.: Le Maestrichtien du site 239 (D.S.D.P. ocean Indien) dans son cadre regional et son incidence sur l'echelle chronologique des inversions du champ magnetique terrestre The Maestrichtian at DSDP Site 239, Indian Ocean; regional framework and significance for the time-scale of terrestrial magnetic field reversals | |
58% | | 1995 | Hilgen, F. J.; Krijgsman, W. et al.: Extending the astronomical (polarity) time scale into the Miocene | |
58% | | 1990 | Herbert, Timothy D.; D'Hondt, Steven Lawrence: Precessional climate cyclicity in Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary marine sediments; a high resolution chronometer of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary events | |
58% | | 1982 | Schroeder, E.: Ueber einige Ergebnisse des Tiefseebohrprojekts und ihre Bedeutung fuer den mobilismus Some results of Deep Sea Drilling Project and significance for mobilism | |
58% | 162 162-984 | 2003 | DePaolo, Donald J.; Maher, Katherine et al.: Measuring the timescales of sediment production, transport, and deposition; U-234 sediment comminution ages | |
58% | 202 | 2004 | Schmittner, A.: Changes in Southeastern Pacific circulation and productivity on tectonic, orbital and millennial timescales in simulations with a global climate model | |
58% | 145 145-884 | 1994 | Thibal, J.; Dubuisson, G. et al.: Downhole magnetostratigraphy in sediments at Site 884 of ODP Leg 145 (North Pacific); examples of core-log correlations | |
58% | 177 177-1092 | 2003 | Evans, Helen F.; Westerhold, Thomas et al.: ODP Site 1092; revised composite depth section has implications for upper Miocene 'cryptochrons' | |
58% | | 1994 | Wei, Wuchang: Revised magnetobiostratigraphy of the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and implications for revision of the magnetic polarity time scale | |
58% | 138 154 | 1999 | Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Palike, Heiko et al.: Improved astronomically tuned timescales for the late Neogene | |
58% | 184 184-1146 | 2002 | Kissel, C.; Laj, C. et al.: Magnetic properties and environmental changes in monsoonal regime (ODP Leg 184, South China Sea) | |
58% | | 2002 | Levy, Richard H.; Harwood, David M. et al.: The development of an integrated timescale to connect Antarctic glacial and climatic history with global proxy records | |
58% | 31 31-298 | 1997 | Takahashi, M.; Danhara, T.: Fission track age of Miocene Kn-3 tuff in central Japan; towards better age-control on magneto-biostratigraphic time scale | |
58% | | 1998 | Stoll, Heather Marie: Strontium geochemistry in the ocean; records of past climate and sea level changes | |
58% | 24 24-231 | 2006 | Feakins, Sarah Janette: Geochemical constraints on northeast African environmental variability during the late Neogene | |
58% | | 2002 | Kennett, James P.; Peterson, Larry C.: Rapid climate change; ocean responses to Earth system instability in the late Quaternary | |
58% | 106 106-648 109 109-648 148 148-896 | 2010 | Costa, Fidel; Coogan, Laurence A. et al.: The time scales of magma mixing and mingling involving primitive melts and melt-mush interaction at mid-ocean ridges | |
58% | 73 | 1981 | LaBrecque, John L.; Hsue, Kenneth J.: Contributions of DSDP Leg 73 to Paleogene correlation | |
58% | 154 | 2004 | Lourens, Lucas; Hilgen, Frederik Johan et al.: Geologic Time Scale 2004; the Neogene period | |
58% | 159 159-959 | 2004 | Wagner, Thomas: Mid-Cretaceous anoxic events and paleoclimate; the land-ocean linkage at orbital time scales | |
58% | 138 | 1994 | Meynadier, Laure; Valet, Jean-Pierre et al.: Asymmetrical saw-tooth pattern of the geomagnetic field intensity from equatorial sediments in the Pacific and Indian oceans | |
58% | | 2010 | Murphy, Daniel Patrick: Intermediate- to deep-water circulation changes on short and long time scales | |
57% | 73 73-522 154 154-929 | 1999 | Raffi, Isabella: Precision and accuracy of nannofossil biostratigraphic correlation | |
57% | 39 39-357 72 72-516 74 74-529 | 1995 | Herbert, Timothy D.; Premoli-Silva, Isabella et al.: Orbital chronology of Cretaceous-Paleocene marine sediments | |
57% | 154 | 1999 | Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Crowhurst, S. J. et al.: Astronomical calibration of Oligocene-Miocene time | |
57% | | 1999 | Hilgen, F. J.; Abdul Aziz, H. et al.: Present status of the astronomical (polarity) time-scale for the Mediterranean late Neogene | |
57% | 189 189-1171 | 2008 | Adamic, Jessica; Latimer, Jennifer C.: Phosphorus geochemistry and export production in the subantarctic South Pacific Ocean | |
49% | 44 44-390 171A 171A-1049 171B 171B-1050 171B-1052 | 2005 | MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Huber, Brian T. et al.: North Atlantic warming during global cooling at the end of the Cretaceous | |
49% | 177 | 2003 | Latimer, Jennifer C.; Filippelli, Gabriel M.: Paleo-Fe inputs to the Southern Ocean on glacial/interglacial time scales | |
49% | | 2004 | Meyers, Stephen Richard; Sageman, Bradley: Cenomanian/Turonian orbital chronologies and burial flux estimates; calibrating the biogeochemical reconstruction of oceanic anoxic event II | |
49% | | 2010 | Crux, Jason A.; Gary, Anthony et al.: Recent advances in the application of biostratigraphy to hydrocarbon exploration and production | |
49% | 165 165-1002 | 2001 | Poore, R. Z.; Dowsett, H. J.: Pleistocene reduction of polar ice caps; evidence from Cariaco Basin marine sediments | |
49% | 198 198-1212 208 208-1262 | 2006 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Geleskie, Sara et al.: Quantification of plankton size and flux changes across the Cretaceous/Paleocene extinction | |
49% | 177 177-1089 177-1094 | 2011 | Freeman, Tiffany C.; Latimer, Jennifer C.: Fine fraction mineralogy as an indicator of detrital provenance in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean | |
49% | 130 130-806 165 165-999 | 2011 | Schmidt, Matthew W.; Spero, Howard J.: Meridional shifts in the marine ITCZ and the tropical hydrologic cycle over the last three glacial cycles | |
46% | 167 167-1019 167-1020 167-1021 | 1998 | Lyle, M.; Heusser, L. et al.: Kyr-scale carbonate deposition events in the Northern California current system and their links coastal North American climate; initial results from ODP Leg 167 | |
46% | 154 154-925 154-926 154-929 | 2000 | Delaney, Margaret L.; Anderson, L. D.: Phosphorus accumulation in Western Equatorial Atlantic sediments; the impact of astronomically calibrated timescales | |
46% | | 1994 | Bassinot, Franck C.; Labeyrie, Laurent D. et al.: The astronomical theory of climate and the age of the Brunhes-Matuyama magnetic reversal | |
46% | | 1974 | Larson, R. L.: The early Cretaceous-late Jurassic magnetic reversal time scale, and the Phoenix magnetic lineations revisited | |
46% | 85 85-573 85-574 85-575 | 1986 | Weinreich, N.; Theyer, F.: Magnetostratigraphy of Neogene equatorial Pacific pelagic sediment | |
46% | 94 94-607 94-609 | 1986 | Ruddiman, W. F.; Raymo, M. et al.: Matuyama 41,000-year cycles; North Atlantic Ocean and Northern Hemisphere ice sheets | |
46% | 43 43-384 | 2000 | Berggren, W. A.; Aubry, M. P. et al.: Integrated Paleocene calcareous plankton magnetobiochronology and stable isotope stratigraphy; DSDP Site 384 (NW Atlantic Ocean) | |
46% | 15 15-151 15-152 | 2000 | Hauff, F.; Hoernle, K. et al.: Large volume recycling of oceanic lithosphere over short time scales: geochemical constraints from the Caribbean Large Igneous Province | |
46% | 171B 171B-1050 | 2006 | Isaza-Londono, Carolina; MacLeod, Kenneth G. et al.: Maastrichtian North Atlantic warming, increasing stratification, and foraminiferal paleobiology at three timescales | download |
46% | 94 94-607 94-609 | 1989 | Raymo, Maureen E.; Ruddiman, W. F. et al.: Late Pliocene variation in Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and North Atlantic Deep Water circulation | |
46% | 157 157-953 | 2002 | Herr, B.; Fuller, M. et al.: New tie-points for the geomagnetic polarity time scale during the Middle Miocene from the Mogan Group on Gran Canaria and Ocean Drilling Program Leg 157 site 953 | |
46% | 121 121-758 | 1995 | Chen, Jiajie; Farrell, John W. et al.: Timescale and paleoceanographic implications of a 3.6 m.y. oxygen isotope record from the Northeast Indian Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Site 758) | download |
46% | 130 130-805 130-806 | 1995 | Berger, Wolfgang H.; Bickert, T. et al.: Brunhes-Matuyama boundary; 790 k.y. date consistent with ODP Leg 130 oxygen isotope records based on fit to Milankovitch template | download |
46% | | 1995 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: An integrated Cretaceous microfossil biostratigraphy | |
46% | 111 111-677 130 130-805 | 1994 | Berger, W. H.; Jansen, E.: Fourier stratigraphy; spectral gain adjustment of orbital ice mass models as an aid in dating late Neogene deep-sea sediments | download |
46% | 121 121-758 | 1994 | Hall, Chris M.; Farrell, John W.: Laser (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar dating of tephra in marine sediments; calibrating the GPTS | |
46% | 82 82-558 82-563 | 1985 | Miller, Kenneth G.; Aubry, Marie-Pierre et al.: Oligocene-Miocene biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, and isotopic stratigraphy of the western North Atlantic | |
46% | 94 94-607 | 1993 | Hilgen, F. J.; Lourens, L. J. et al.: Evaluation of the astronomically calibrated time scale for the late Pliocene and earliest Pleistocene | download |
46% | 73 73-522 113 113-689 | 1996 | Reilly, Timothy J.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Sr-isotopic changes during the late Eocene to Oligocene; a revised record from Site 522, eastern South Atlantic | |
46% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 1997 | Brown, Francis H.; deMenocal, Peter B.: Continuous marine sediment record of East African tephrostratigraphy; intercalibrations of astronomic and radiometric timescales | |
46% | 86 86-576 86-578 91 91-596 92 92-598 | 1989 | Rea, David K.: Geologic record of atmospheric circulation on tectonic time scales | |
46% | | 1980 | Haq, B. U.; Worsley, T. R. et al.: Late Miocene marine carbon-isotopic shift and synchroneity of some phytoplanktonic biostratigraphic events | |
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