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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 32 | 1976 | Keene, John B.: The distribution, mineralogy, and petrography of biogenic and authigenic silica from the Pacific Basin | |
100% | | 1987 | Dilli, K.: Clay mineral studies in the Somali Basin; prospects for hydrocarbons | |
100% | | 2004 | Arnold, J.; Anferova, S. et al.: Calibration of mobile NMR instruments in respect to porosity and pore size distribution of drill cores | |
83% | 29 29-284 | 1983 | Scott, George H.: Divergences and phyletic transformations in the history of the Globorotalia inflata lineage | |
83% | 50 | 1979 | Lancelot, Y.; Sliter, W. V. et al.: Evidence of direct transformation of radiolarians into zeolites in mid-Cretaceous deep sea clays | |
83% | 157 | 1996 | Segschneider, B.; Schmincke, H. U.: Hyaloclastites of the shoaling to subaerial stage of the Gran Canaria seamount-island system | |
83% | 160 161 | 1999 | Bouloubassi, Ioanna; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Origin and transformation of organic matter in Pliocene-Pleistocene Mediterranean sapropels; organic geochemical evidence reviewed | |
83% | 108 108-661 | 1989 | Bohrmann, G.; Stein, R. et al.: Authigenic zeolites and their relation to silica diagenesis in ODP Site 661 sediments (Leg 108, Eastern Equatorial Atlantic) | |
83% | | 1990 | Kohnen, Mathieu E. L.; Sinninghe-Damste, Jaap S. et al.: Origin and diagenetic transformations of C (sub 25) and C (sub 30) highly branched isoprenoid sulphur compounds; further evidence for the formation of organically bound sulphur during early diagenesis | |
83% | 110 | 1988 | Tribble, Jane Schoonmaker: Diagenesis of smectite in an accretionary complex; implications for the hydrology and dynamics of the subduction process | |
83% | 63 | 1983 | Grechin, V. I.: Vulkanogennyye osadki i porody; sedimentatsionnyye preobrazovaniya Volcanic sediments and rocks; sedimentary and post-sedimentary transformations | |
83% | 207 | 2005 | Junium, C. K.; Mawson, D. H. et al.: Diversity and variability of geoporphyrins and chlorins during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event II | |
83% | | 2004 | Fisk, M.; Josef, J. A. et al.: The impact of microbes on the composition of the ocean crust and seawater | |
83% | | 1979 | Riech, V.; von Rad, U.: Silica diagenesis in the Atlantic Ocean; diagenetic potential and transformations | |
71% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 2002 | Kurnosov, V. B.: Veshchestvennyye preobrazovaniya porod okeanicheskoy kory i ikh rol' v protsesse vertikal'noy akkretsii Material transformations of oceanic crust rocks and their value in vertical accretion processes | |
67% | 71 71-511 85 85-573 | 1984 | Varentsov, I. M.; Sakharov, B. A. et al.: Glinistyye komponenty postsredneyurskikh otlozheniy; istoriya sedimentatsii i postsedimentatsionnyye izmeneniya Clay components in post-Middle Jurassic deposits; history of sedimentation and post-sedimentary transformations | |
67% | 128 128-799 | 1992 | Griffin, John R.; Lindsley-Griffin, Nancy: Diagenetic changes in texture and fabric from unconsolidated sediments to rock across the opal A/opal CT and opal CT/quartz transformations of Japan Sea sediments from Hole 799, ODP Leg 128 | |
67% | 64 64-477 64-478 64-481 | 1983 | Kastner, Miriam; Siever, Raymond: Siliceous sediments of the Guaymas Basin; the effect of high thermal gradients on diagenesis | |
67% | 56 56-436 57 57-440 | 1989 | Petrova, V. I.; Danyushevskaya, A. I.: Polycyclic arene catagenesis in world ocean sediments | |
67% | 184 184-1148 | 2005 | Li Qianyu; Jian Zhimin et al.: Late Oligocene rapid transformations in the South China Sea | download |
67% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 58-445 58-446 | 1980 | Waples, D. W.; Sloan, J. R.: Carbon and nitrogen diagenesis in deep sea sediments | |
58% | 129 | 1995 | Rice, S. B.; Freund, H. et al.: Application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to silica diagenesis; the opal-A to opal-CT transformation | |
58% | 75 75-530 75-532 | 1989 | Kodina, L. A.: Tetrapyrrole pigments in the Angola Basin sediments from boreholes 530 and 532 on the 75th voyage of the Glomar Challenger | |
58% | | 1999 | Chang, Alice S.; Grimm, Kurt A.: Speckled beds; distinctive gravity-flow deposits in finely laminated diatomaceous sediments, Miocene Monterey Formation, California | |
58% | | 1999 | Malone, Mitchell J.; Baker, Paul A.: Temperature dependence of the strontium distribution coefficient in calcite; an experimental study from 408 degrees to 2008 degrees C and application to natural diagenetic calcites | |
58% | 131 131-808 190 190-1173 190-1177 196 196-808 196-1173 | 2008 | Saffer, Demian M.; Underwood, Michael B. et al.: Evaluation of factors controlling smectite transformation and fluid production in subduction zones; application to the Nankai Trough | |
58% | 184 184-1148 | 2005 | Zhao Quanhong: Late Cainozoic ostracod faunas and paleoenvironmental changes at ODP Site 1148, South China Sea | download |
58% | 95 95-612 150 150-903 150-904 | 2001 | Glass, B. P.; Liu, S. et al.: Discovery of a naturally-occurring, shock-produced, high-pressure zircon polymorph | |
58% | 178 178-1095 178-1096 | 2009 | Neagu, R. C.; Tinivella, U. et al.: Estimation of biogenic silica contents in marine sediments using seismic and well log data; Sediment Drift 7, Antarctica | |
58% | 178 178-1098 178-1099 | 2009 | Solovyov, V. D.; Bakhmutov, V. G. et al.: Crustal structure of Palmer Deep (west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula) by geophysical data | |
50% | 189 | 2003 | Malone, Mitchell J.; Spivack, Arthur J. et al.: Origin of low-chloride pore fluids on a passive continental margin, offshore Tasmania (ODP Leg 189) | |
50% | 160 160-970 160-971 | 2003 | Dahlmann, A.; de Lange, Gert J.: Fluid-sediment interactions at eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes; a stable isotope study from ODP Leg 160 | download |
50% | 165 165-1002 | 2003 | Werne, Josef P.; Lyons, Timothy W. et al.: Reduced sulfur in euxinic sediments of the Cariaco Basin; sulfur isotope constraints on organic sulfur formation | download |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1999 | Adnan, J.; O'Reilly, W.: The transformation of gamma Fe (sub 2) O (sub 3) to alpha Fe (sub 2) O (sub 3) ; thermal activation and the effect of elevated pressure | |
50% | 193 | 2009 | Giorgetti, Giovanna; Monecke, Thomas et al.: Low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of trachybasalt at Conical Seamount, Papua New Guinea; formation of smectite and metastable precursor phases | |
50% | 146 146-888 146-889 146-890 146-891 146-892 | 2001 | Chamov, N. P.; Kurnosov, V. B.: Epigenesis of sediments in the Cascadia accretionary prism, western continental margin of United States | |
50% | 61 161 161-976 | 2002 | Lopez-Sanchez-Vizcaino, Vicente; Soto, Juan Ignacio: Reaction zones developed between corundum metapelite and marble, Alboran Sea basement, western Mediterranean; origin and phase relations | |
42% | 166 166-1006 166-1007 | 2008 | Turpin, Melanie; Emmanuel, Laurent et al.: Nature and origin of carbonate particles along a transect on the western margin of Great Bahama Bank (middle Miocene); sedimentary processes and depositional model | |
33% | 105 105-647 | 1989 | Nielsen, Ole Bjorslev; Cremer, Michel et al.: Analysis of sedimentary facies, clay mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Paleogene sediments of the Site 647, Labrador Sea | download |
33% | 32 32-311 | 2008 | Koh, C. A.; Hester, K. C. et al.: Investigating gas clathrate hydrate structure, formation and decomposition | download |
33% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Varentsov, I. M.; Sakharov, B. A. et al.: Clay components of post-Middle Jurassic sediments of the Southwest Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 71; depositional history and authigenic transformations | download |
29% | 29 29-280 29-281 | 1975 | Hampton, M.: Detrital and biogenic sediment trends at DSDP sites 280 and 281, and evolution of middle Cenozoic currents | download |
29% | | 1997 | McHugh, Cecilia M. G.: Effect of relative sea-level changes on the diagenesis of Eocene sediment; New Jersey slope and coastal plain | download |
26% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Timofeev, P. P.; Koporulin, V. I. et al.: Composition and conditions of genesis of sedimentary rocks in the lower part of Site 462, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 | download |
25% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Timofeev, P. P.; Renngarten, N. V. et al.: Lithologic-genetic characteristics of sediments in a section at Site 463, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
25% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Hein, James R.; Yeh, Hsueh-Wen: Oxygen-isotope composition of chert from the Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
25% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 148-896 | 1996 | Giovannoni, Stephen J.; Fisk, Martin R. et al.: Genetic evidence for endolithic microbial life colonizing basaltic glass/seawater interfaces | download |
25% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Basov, V. A.; Lopatin, B. G. et al.: Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphy of the continental rise off the western Sahara | download |
25% | 138 | 1995 | Harris, S.; Hagelberg, T. et al.: Sediment depths determined by comparisons of GRAPE and logging density data during Leg 138 | download |
24% | 207 | 2008 | Arndt, Sandra: Biogeochemical transformations and fluxes in redox-stratified environments; from the shallow coastal ocean to the deep subsurface | download |
24% | 159 | 1998 | Benkhelil, Jean; Mascle, Jean et al.: Sedimentary and structural characteristics of the Cretaceous along the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin and in the Benue Trough; a comparison | download |
23% | 117 117-720 117-722 117-723 117-728 117-731 | 1991 | Callaway, J. Sybil; Busch, William H.: Burial transformation of sediment fabric at Ocean Drilling Program sites in the western Arabian Sea | download |
22% | | 1997 | Pucci, Amleto A., Jr.; Szabo, Zoltan et al.: Variations in pore-water quality, mineralogy, and sedimentary texture of clay-silts in the lower Miocene Kirkwood Formation, Atlantic City, New Jersey | download |
22% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1980 | McKenzie, J. A.; Kelts, K. R.: A study of interpillow limestones from the M-Zero anomaly, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 51, Hole 417D | download |
21% | 63 63-467 63-468 63-469 63-470 63-471 63-472 63-473 | 1981 | Grechin, V. I.; Pisciotto, Kenneth A. et al.: Neogene siliceous sediments and rocks off Southern California and Baja California, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63 | download |
21% | 41 | 1977 | von Rad, U.; Riech, V. et al.: Silica diagenesis in continental margin sediments off Northwest Africa | download |
21% | | 1992 | Compton, John S.; Mallinson, David et al.: Regional correlation of mineralogy and diagenesis of sediment from the Exmouth Plateau and Argo Basin, northwestern Australian continental margin | download |
21% | 175 175-1084 | 2002 | Marlow, J. R.; Ferrimond, P. et al.: Analysis of lipid biomarkers in sediments from the Benguela Current coastal upwelling system (Site 1084) | download |
21% | 138 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site surveys | download |
21% | 84 84-565 84-566 84-567 84-568 84-569 84-570 | 1985 | Kennicutt, M. C., II; Brooks, James M. et al.: Nonvolatile organic matter at sites 565-570, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 84 | download |
21% | 38 38-346 | 1978 | Rateev, M. A.; Renngarten, N. V. et al.: Lithology and clay mineralogy of sediments from Hole 346 | download |
19% | 69 | 1983 | Hein, James R.; Sancetta, Constance A. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of silicified upper Miocene chalk, Costa Rica Rift, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 69 | download |
18% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Comet, P. A.; McEvoy, J. et al.: Lipids of an upper Albian limestone, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465, Section 465A-38-3 | download |
18% | 201 | 2006 | Blake, Ruth E.; Surkov, Alexander V. et al.: Oxygen isotope composition of dissolved sulfate in deep-sea sediments; eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean | download |
18% | 146 146-893 | 1995 | Schaaf, M.; Thurow, Juergen: Late Pleistocene-Holocene climatic cycles recorded in Santa Barbara Basin sediments; interpretation of color density logs from Site 893 | download |
18% | 155 155-932 155-942 | 1997 | Ruttenberg, K. C.; Goni, Miguel A.: Depth trends in phosphorus distribution and C:N:P ratios of organic matter in Amazon Fan sediments; indices of organic matter source and burial history | download |
18% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Riech, Volkher: Siliceous sediments from the Nauru Basin; diagenetic alteration of biogenic opal and authigenesis of silica and silicates | download |
18% | 42 42-379 42-380 | 1978 | Huc, A. Y.; Durand, B. et al.: Humic compounds and kerogens in cores from Black Sea sediments, Leg 42B; holes 379A, B, and 380A | download |
18% | 152 152-917 | 1998 | Demant, Alain; Muench, Philippe et al.: Distribution and chemistry of secondary minerals (zeolites and clay minerals) from Hole 917A, Southeast Greenland margin | download |
18% | 172 | 2001 | Borowski, Walter S.; Cagatay, Namik et al.: Carbon isotopic composition of dissolved CO (sub 2) , CO (sub 2) gas, and methane, Blake-Bahama Ridge and Northeast Bermuda Rise, ODP Leg 172 | download |
18% | 202 202-1237 | 2006 | Chun, Cecily O. J.; Delaney, Margaret L.: Phosphorus, barium, manganese, and uranium concentrations and geochemistry, Nazca Ridge Site 1237 sediments | download |
17% | 103 103-639 | 1988 | Loreau, Jean-Paul; Cros, Pierre: Limestone diagenesis and dolomitization of Tithonian carbonates at ODP Site 639 (Atlantic Ocean, west of Spain) | download |
17% | 51 | 1980 | Borella, P. E.; Adelseck, C.: Manganese micronodules in sediments; a subsurface in-situ origin, Leg 51, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
17% | 121 | 1991 | Gibson, Ian L.: Diagenesis, heat flow, and rifting at Broken Ridge, Indian Ocean | download |
17% | 26 26-251 | 1974 | Kempe, D. R. C.; Easton, A. J.: Metasomatic garnets in calcite (micarb) chalk at Site 251, southwest Indian Ocean | download |
17% | 57 | 1980 | Moore, George W.; Gieskes, Joris M.: Interaction between sediment and interstitial water near the Japan Trench, Leg 57, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
17% | 44 | 1978 | Letolle, R.; Renard, M. et al.: O (super 18) and C (super 13) isotopes in Leg 44 carbonates; a comparison with the Alpine series | download |
17% | 56 56-434 56-435 56-436 | 1980 | Louda, J. William; Palmer, Susan E. et al.: Early products of chlorophyll diagenesis in Japan Trench sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 434, 435, and 436 | download |
17% | 172 | 2001 | Giosan, Liviu; Flood, Roger D. et al.: High-resolution carbonate content estimated from diffuse spectral reflectance for Leg 172 sites | download |
17% | 42 42-374 | 1978 | Hahn-Weinheimer, P.; Fabricius, F. H. et al.: Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon in carbonates and organic material from Pleistocene to upper Miocene sediments at Site 374 (DSDP Leg 42A) | download |
17% | 42 | 1978 | Shishkina, C. V.: Distribution of bromine, Cl/Br relationships and iodine in interstitial water of the Black Sea, based on DSDP Leg 42B | download |
17% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-726 117-727 117-728 117-729 117-730 117-731 | 1991 | Prell, Warren L.; Niitsuma, Nobuaki et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Oman Margin; covering Leg 117 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port Louis, Mauritius, to Port Louis, Mauritius, sites 720-731, 19 August 1987-17 October 1987 | download |
15% | 139 | 1994 | Mao, Shaozhi; Eglinton, Lorraine Buxton et al.: Thermal evolution of sediments from Leg 139, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge; an organic petrological study | download |
15% | 80 80-548 80-549 80-550 80-551 | 1985 | Otsuka, Kenichi: Silicified sediments and silica diagenesis in the Goban Spur area of the Northeast Atlantic, Leg 80 | download |
15% | 101 | 1988 | Dix, George R.; Mullins, Henry T.: A regional perspective of shallow-burial diagenesis of deep-water periplatform carbonates from the northern Bahamas | download |
15% | 64 64-477 64-478 64-481 | 1982 | Einsele, Gerhard: Mechanism of sill intrusion into soft sediment and expulsion of pore water | download |
15% | 89 89-585 | 1986 | Baltuck, Miriam: Authigenic silica in Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous sediments of the East Mariana Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 585 | download |
15% | 35 35-322 35-323 35-325 | 1976 | Gorbunova, Z. N.; Shirshov, P. P.: Clay-size minerals from cores of the Southeast Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 35 | download |
15% | 110 110-671 110-671B 110-672 | 1990 | Capet, X.; Chamley, H. et al.: Clay mineralogy of sites 671 and 672, Barbados Ridge accretionary complex and Atlantic abyssal plain; paleoenvironmental and diagenetic implications | download |
15% | 40 | 1978 | Baker, E. W.; Palmer, S. E. et al.: Chlorin and porphyrin geochemistry of DSDP Leg 40 sediments | download |
15% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1993 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Gamo, Toshitaka et al.: Major and minor element geochemistry of interstitial waters of Site 808, Nankai Trough; an overview | download |
15% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1983 | Hein, James R.; Yeh, Hsueh-Wen: Oxygen-isotope composition of secondary silica phases, Costa Rica Rift, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 69 | download |
15% | 115 115-706 115-707 115-713 115-715 | 1990 | Tatsumi, Yoshiyuki; Nohda, Susumu: Geochemical stratification in the upper mantle; evidence from Leg 115 basalts in the Indian Ocean | download |
15% | 48 48-403 48-404 48-405 48-406 | 1979 | Timofeev, P. P.; Rateev, M. A. et al.: Mineralogy of the clay fraction of the Atlantic Ocean sediments, DSDP Leg 48 | download |
15% | 108 108-658 108-659 108-661 108-665 | 1989 | Bloemendal, Jan; King, J. W. et al.: Rock-magnetic stratigraphy of Leg 108 sites 658, 659, 661, and 665, eastern tropical Atlantic | download |
15% | 58 58-442 58-442B 58-443 58-443 58-444 58-444A 58-446 58-446A | 1980 | Anderson, Thomas F.: Stable-isotope evidence for the origin of secondary carbonate veins in Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58 basalts | download |
15% | 96 96-618 96-619 | 1986 | Requejo, A. G.; Whelan, Jean K. et al.: Hydrocarbon geochemistry and biological markers in Orca and Pigmy basin sediments (sites 618 and 619) | download |
15% | 119 | 1991 | Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Hostettler, Frances D. et al.: Aliphatic hydrocarbons in sediments from Prydz Bay, Antarctica | download |
15% | 155 155-940 | 1997 | Budzinski, H.; Garrigues, P. et al.: Identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from the Amazon Fan; occurrence and diagenetic evolution | download |
15% | 41 41-370 50 50-416 | 1980 | Vincent, E.; Lehmann, R. et al.: Calpionellids from the Upper Jurassic and Neocomian of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 416, Moroccan Basin, eastern North Atlantic | download |
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