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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 2000 | Marsaglia, Kathleen M.: Triple junction migration as reflected in the detrital modes of associated sand and sandstone | |
88% | | 1994 | Sisson, Virginia: Effects of triple junction interactions discussed | |
75% | 6 | 1982 | McCaslin, John C.: Southwest Pacific search moves to Palau | |
75% | | 1995 | Tamaki, Kensaku (ed.); Fujimoto, Hiromi (ed.): Preliminary cruise report; R/V Hakuho-maru KH93-3 research cruise, July 8-September 17, 1993; Rodriguez triple junction expedition in the Indian Ocean (InterRidge and ODP) | |
75% | | 2003 | Atwater, Tanya: When the plate tectonic revolution met western North America | |
63% | | 1996 | Blum, N.; Kuhn, T. et al.: Mantle uplifted block in the central tropic Indian Ocean | |
63% | | 1996 | Wright, Dawn J.; Bloomer, Sherman H.: New Sea Beam 2000 bathymetry and sidescan data on the Tonga Forearc and Trench; results from Boomerang Leg 8, an ODP site survey | |
63% | 134 141 | 1992 | Taira, Asahiko: Convergent margin ODP drilling and its implications to the study of orogenic belts | |
63% | 141 | 1992 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Deep drilling in the hanging wall of a subducting active oceanic spreading ridge at the Chile triple junction; objectives and achievements of Leg 141 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) | |
63% | | 1995 | Ohta, Suguru; Shimizu, Kenji: Bait trap sampling of deep-sea benthos around the rift system of the Indian Ocean | |
63% | | 1995 | Honsho, Chie; Tamaki, Kensaku et al.: Bathymetric mapping by SeaBeam | |
63% | | 1995 | Ohta, Suguru; Shimizu, Kenji et al.: Bottom observations searching hydrothermal vent communities by the Deep Sea Multi-Monitoring System (DESMOS) | |
63% | | 1991 | Sawlan, Michael G.: Magmatic evolution of the Gulf of California rift | |
63% | 141 | 1991 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 141 scientific prospectus, Chile triple junction | |
63% | 113 | 1987 | Lawver, Lawrence A.; Lonsdale, Malcolm et al.: Results from underway geophysics of ODP Leg 113 | |
63% | | 1995 | Tamaki, Kensaku; Fujimoto, Hiromi: Introduction; outline of the R/V Hakuho-maru KH93-3 research cruise | |
63% | | 1995 | Tamaki, Kensaku; Fukimoto, Hiromi: Preface | |
63% | | 1995 | Nakata, Setsuya; Yamashita, Shigeru et al.: Geology of sea floor in the Central and Southeastern Indian ridges by deep-sea cameras | |
63% | 141 | 1991 | Bangs, Nathan; Cande, Steven: Complex structures imaged at Chile Margin | |
63% | | 1994 | Allan, James F.: Development of diverse arc volcanism in the northern Colima Rift, Mexican volcanic belt | |
63% | | 1995 | Hirata, Naoshi; Kasahara, Junzo et al.: Seismic experiment in the Rodriguez triple junction area | |
63% | 141 141-862 | 1999 | Bourgois, J.; Lagabrielle, Y. et al.: Two phases of ophiolite emplacement at the Chile margin triple junction area (46-47S) | |
63% | | 1997 | Sager, W. W.; Kim, J. et al.: Tectonic implications of Shatsky Rise bathymetry, NW Pacific Ocean | |
63% | 141 | 2006 | Heberer, Bianca; Behrmann, J. H. et al.: Reaction of an upper plate to varying subduction regimes; concept and initial results from the southern Chile Trench | |
63% | | 1984 | Flores, Giovanni: The SE Africa triple junction and the drift of Madagascar | |
63% | | 1995 | Furuya, Keiichi; Honsho, Chie et al.: Measurement of geomagnetic trace-component anomalies over the Rodriguez triple junction | |
63% | | 2001 | Lee, Chao-Shing; Lo, Huann-Jih: Supplementary issue for the Ocean Drilling Program; pre-site survey results around Taiwan | |
63% | 28 28-274 | 2004 | Whittaker, Joanne; Mueller, Dietmar et al.: From mantle convection to climate change; a multidisciplinary analysis of the sedimentary and igneous history of the Adare Trough area, Antarctica | |
63% | 141 | 1993 | Strand, Kari: Valtamerikairaus aktiiviseen subduktio-kompleksiin Chilen kolmoispisteessa; Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 141 Ocean drilling at the active subduction complex at the Chile triple junction; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 141 | |
50% | 82 | 1983 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, S. et al.: Le Leg 82 du programme international de forages oceaniques profonds (I.P.O.D.); croute oceanique "normale" ou "anormale" sur la ride medio-Atlantique; proprietes geochimiques IPOD Leg 82; geochemical properties of "normal" and "abnormal" oceanic crust on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
50% | 82 | 1983 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, S. et al.: Local versus regional mantle heterogeneities; IPOD Leg 82 of the Glomar Challenger | |
50% | 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Windom, Kenneth E.; Seifert, Karl E. et al.: Igneous evolution of Hess Rise; petrologic evidence from DSDP Leg 62 | download |
50% | 3 | 1987 | Cadet, Jean-Paul; Kobayashi, Kazuo et al.: The Japan Trench and its juncture with the Kuril Trench; cruise results of the Kaiko Project, Leg 3 | |
50% | 2 | 1987 | Renard, Vincent; Nakamura, Kazuaki et al.: Trench triple junction off central Japan; preliminary results of French-Japanese 1984 Kaiko cruise, Leg 2 | |
50% | | 1986 | Verhoef, J.; Collette, B. J. et al.: Magnetic anomalies in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean (35 degrees -50 degrees N) | |
50% | 84 84-565 | 1993 | McIntosh, Kirk; Silver, Eli et al.: Evidence and mechanisms for forearc extension at the accretionary Costa Rica convergent margin | download |
50% | 141 141-860 | 1993 | Zheng, Y.; Froelich, P. N. et al.: Fluid migration in the accretionary prism during Chile Ridge subduction (Chile-triple junction ODP Leg 141); pore fluid chemistry and (super 18) O/ (super 16) O | |
50% | 141 | 1993 | Strand, K. O.; Marsaglia, K. M. et al.: Glacial influence on Plio-Pleistocene trench-slope sedimentation at the Chile margin near the triple junction (ODP, Leg 141) | |
50% | 141 141-859 141-860 141-863 | 1992 | Lewis, Stephen D.; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Spatial temporal distributions of subduction accretion and erosion, ODP Leg 141, Chile margin triple junction | |
50% | 5 5-34 | 1986 | Sarna-Wojcicki, Andrei M.; Meyer, Charles E. et al.: Displacement of a ca. 6 Ma tuff across the San Andreas fault system, Northern California | |
50% | | 1991 | Allan, J. F.; Nelson, S. A. et al.: Pliocene-Holocene rifting and associated volcanism in Southwest Mexico; an exotic terrane in the making | |
50% | 141 141-859 141-860 141-862 | 1993 | Marsaglia, K. M.; Padilla, I. et al.: Provenance of Plio-Pleistocene forearc sand and sandstone near the Chile triple junction | |
50% | 2 | 1987 | Pautot, Guy; Nakamura, Kazuaki et al.: Deep-sea submersible survey in the Suruga, Sagami and Japan Trenches; preliminary results of the 1985 Kaiko cruise, Leg 2 | |
50% | | 1995 | Fujii, Toshitsugu; Yamashita, Shigeru et al.: Petrological sampling at the Rodriquez triple junction in the Indian Ocean | |
50% | 37 37-335 82 82-557 | 1983 | Cande, S. C.; Bougault, Henri et al.: North Atlantic hotspot tracks and the pattern of enriched and depleted basalts in Leg 82 drillholes | |
50% | 141 | 1995 | George, Annette D.; Hegarty, Kerry A.: Fission track analysis of detrital apatites from sites 859, 860, and 862, Chile triple junction | |
50% | 66 67 84 | 1986 | Finley, Patrick; Krason, Jan: Geological evolution and analysis of confirmed or suspected gas hydrate localities; Volume 9, Formation and stability of gas hydrates of the Middle America Trench | |
50% | 135 | 1995 | Hawkins, James W.: Evolution of the Lau Basin; insights from ODP Leg 135 | |
50% | 115 115-709 115-711 | 2003 | Touchard, Yannick; Rochette, Pierre et al.: High-resolution magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic study of Ethiopian traps-related products in Oligocene sediments from the Indian Ocean | |
50% | 21 21-205 91 91-595 | 2007 | Downey, Nathan J.; Stock, Joann M. et al.: History of the Cretaceous Osbourn spreading center | |
50% | 63 63-471 | 2004 | Marsaglia, Kathleen M.: Sandstone detrital modes support Magdalena Fan displacement from the mouth of the Gulf of California | |
50% | 206 206-1256 | 2008 | Park, S.; Maclennan, J. et al.: Did the Galapagos Plume influence the ancient EPR? A geochemical study of basaltic rocks from Hole 1256D | |
50% | 141 141-859 141-863 | 1994 | Sawyer, Dale S.; Bangs, Nathan L. et al.: Deconvolving Ocean Drilling Program temperature logging tool data to improve borehole temperature estimates; Chile triple junction | download |
50% | 2 | 1987 | Nakamura, Kazuaki; Renard, Vincent et al.: Oblique and near collision subduction, Sagami and Suruga troughs; preliminary results of the French-Japanese 1984 Kaiko cruise, Leg 2 | |
50% | | 1995 | Fujimoto, Hiromi; Koizumi, Kin-ichiro et al.: Mapping of gravity anomalies around the Rodriguez triple junction | |
50% | | 1991 | Teng, Louis S.; Gorsline, Donn S.: Stratigraphic framework of the continental borderland basins, Southern California | |
50% | | 1988 | Otsuka, Keni'ichi; Guo, Xiaoli: Trench fill sediment thickness distribution pattern, fracture of Pacific Plate oceanic crust and accretion history at the triple junction | |
50% | 115 115-709 115-711 | 1999 | Touchard, Yannick; Rochette, Pierre et al.: Correlation of the 30 Ma Ethiopian traps with the Oligocene marine record through the identification of tephra layers in Leg 115 (South Indian Ocean) | |
50% | 156 | 1995 | Maltman, Alex J.; Labaume, Pierre et al.: Deformation microstructures and their implications for fluid flow in the Barbados and other accretionary prisms | |
50% | | 1995 | Gamo, Toshitaka; Hasumoto, Hiroshi et al.: Search and discovery of hydrothermal plumes from water chemistry at the Rodriguez triple junction, Indian Ridge | |
50% | 141 | 1995 | Kopf, Achim: Feststoffbilanzierung akkretierten und subduzierten Sediments und computergestuetzte Rueckwaertsmodellierung deformierter Krustenquerschnitte am Kontinentalrand von Suedchile; quantitative geometrische und kinematische Rekonstruktion der Forearc-Entwicklung nahe des Chile-Tripelpunktes (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 141) Solid material balance between accreting and subducting sediments and computer-aided reverse modelling of deformed crustal sections on the continental margine of southern Chile; quantitative geometric and kinematic reconstruction of fore-arc development near the Chile triple junction (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 141) | |
44% | 32 32-306 | 2005 | Sager, William W.: What built Shatsky Rise, a mantle plume or ridge tectonics? | |
44% | 141 | 1994 | Behrmann, J. H.; Lewis, S. D. et al.: Tectonics and geology of spreading ridge subduction at the Chile triple junction; a synthesis of results from Leg 141 of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
44% | 141 141-859 | 1995 | Brown, Kevin M.; Bangs, Nathan L.: Thermal regime of the Chile triple junction; constraints provided by downhole temperature measurements and distribution of gas hydrate | |
44% | 31 31-297 31-298 87 87-582 87-583 | 1992 | Marsaglia, Kathleen M.; Ingersoll, Raymond V. et al.: Tectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands as reflected in modal compositions of Cenozoic forearc and backarc sand and sandstone | download |
44% | 141 | 1995 | Froelich, Philip N.; Kvenvolden, Keith A. et al.: Geochemical evidence for gas hydrate in sediment near the Chile triple junction | |
44% | 141 | 1995 | Lindsley-Griffin, Nancy; Prior, David J. et al.: Textural and microstructural evidence for sediment diagenesis in the vicinity of the Chile triple junction | |
44% | | 1993 | Allan, James F.; Chase, Richard L. et al.: The Tuzo Wilson volcanic field, NE Pacific; alkaline volcanism at a complex, diffuse, transform-trench-ridge triple junction | download |
38% | 141 | 1996 | Brown, K. M.; Bangs, N. L. et al.: The nature, distribution, and origin of gas hydrate in the Chile triple junction region | |
38% | 37 37-332 37-335 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 49 49-411 78 78-395 109 | 1980 | Bougault, Henri; Treuil, Michel: Ride medio-atlantique; variations geochimiques a age zero entre les Acores et 22 degrees N The Mid-Atlantic Ridge; geochemical variations of age zero between the Azores and 22 degrees N | |
38% | 63 63-471 | 2003 | Marsaglia, Kathleen M.: Detrital modes of Magdalena Fan sandstone support northward displacement of the fan from a sediment source at the mouth of the proto-Gulf of California | |
38% | | 2003 | Sdrolias, M.; Mueller, R. Dietmar et al.: Tectonic evolution of the Southwest Pacific using constraints from backarc basins | |
38% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 2007 | Nakamura, Kentaro; Kato, Yasuhiro et al.: Geochemistry of hydrothermally altered basaltic rocks from the Southwest Indian Ridge near the Rodriguez triple junction | download |
38% | 191 191-1179 198 198-1213 | 2005 | Mahoney, J. J.; Duncan, R. A. et al.: Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary age and mid-ocean-ridge-type mantle source for Shatsky Rise | |
38% | 141 141-859 141-860 141-861 141-862 141-863 | 1992 | Lewis, Stephen D.; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Geology and tectonics of the Chile triple junction | |
38% | 63 63-467 63-468 63-469 | 2006 | Marsaglia, Kathleen M.; Davis, Alice S. et al.: Evidence for interaction of a spreading ridge with the outer California borderland | download |
22% | 148 148-896 | 1996 | Tartarotti, Paola; Vanko, David A. et al.: Crack-seal veins in upper layer 2 in Hole 896A | download |
22% | 207 207-1258 207-1259 | 2009 | Schulte, P.; Deutsch, A. et al.: A dual-layer Chicxulub ejecta sequence with shocked carbonates from the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary, ODP Leg 207, western Atlantic | download |
19% | 147 147-895 | 1996 | Kennedy, Lori A.; Kronenberg, Andreas K. et al.: Structural history and significance of gabbroic rocks in the uppermost mantle; Hess Deep, EPR (Site 895) | download |
19% | 153 153-920 | 1997 | Ceuleneer, Georges; Cannat, Mathilde: High-temperature ductile deformation of Site 920 peridotites | download |
18% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Scott, Robert B.: Geochemistry of igneous rocks in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 465A, Hess Rise; significance to oceanic plateau petrology and evolution | download |
18% | 132 132-810 | 1993 | Storms, Michael A.; Blanchard, Fulton et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results; western and Central Pacific; covering Leg 132 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Pusan, South Korea, to Apra Harbor, Guam, sites 809-810, 1 June-4 August 1990 | download |
16% | 57 57-439 | 1980 | Moore, George W.; Fujioka, Kantaro: Age and origin of dacite boulder conglomerate anomalously near the Japan Trench | download |
16% | 153 | 1997 | Agar, Susan M.; Lloyd, Geoffrey E.: Deformation of Fe-Ti oxides in gabbroic shear zones from the MARK area | download |
15% | | 1976 | Vanney, J. R.; Johnson, G. L.: Geomorphology of the Pacific continental margin of the Antarctic Peninsula | download |
14% | | 2009 | Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 324 scientific prospectus; Testing plume and plate models of ocean plateau formation at Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean | download |
14% | 64 | 1982 | Moore, David G.; Curray, Joseph R.: Geologic and tectonic history of the Gulf of California | download |
13% | 118 118-735 118-735B 176 176-735 176-735B | 1991 | Cannat, Mathilde: Plastic deformation at an oceanic spreading ridge; a microstructural study of the Site 735 gabbros (Southwest Indian Ocean) | download |
13% | 141 | 1995 | Strand, Kari: SEM microstructural analysis of a volcanogenic sediment component in a trench-slope basin of the Chile margin | download |
13% | | 1974 | Luyendyk, B. P.: Gondwanaland dispersal and the early formation of the Indian Ocean | download |
13% | | 2008 | Fournier, Marc; Chamot-Rooke, Nicolas et al.: In situ evidence for dextral active motion at the Arabia-India plate boundary | download |
13% | 141 | 1995 | Bangs, Nathan L.; Brown, Kevin M.: Regional heat flow in the vicinity of the Chile triple junction constrained by the depth of the bottom-simulating reflection | download |
12% | | 2010 | Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Expedition 324 summary | download |
11% | 11 33 | 1976 | Clague, D. A.: Petrology of basaltic and gabbroic rocks dredged from the Danger Island Troughs, Manihiki Plateau | download |
11% | 118 118-735 118-735B 176 176-735 176-735B | 1991 | Cannat, Mathilde; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Normal ductile shear zones at an oceanic spreading ridge; tectonic evolution of Site 735 gabbros (Southwest Indian Ocean) | download |
11% | 148 148-896 | 1996 | Harper, Gregory D.; Tartarotti, Paola: Structural evolution of upper layer 2, Hole 896A | download |
11% | 141 | 1995 | Strand, Kari; Marsaglia, Kathleen et al.: Outer margin depositional systems near the Chile margin triple junction | download |
11% | 64 | 1982 | Moore, David G.; Curray, Joseph R.: Objectives of drilling on young passive continental margins; application to the Gulf of California | download |
11% | 147 147-894 | 1996 | MacLeod, Christopher J.; Boudier, Francoise et al.: Gabbro fabrics from Site 894, Hess Deep; implications for magma chamber processes at the East Pacific Rise | download |
11% | | 1992 | Forsythe, Randy; Prior, David J.: Cenozoic continental geology of South American and its relations to the evolution of the Chile triple junction | download |
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