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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1983 | Karl, S. M.: Geochemical and depositional environments of upper Mesozoic radiolarian cherts from the Marin Headlands, California, and from Pacific DSDP cores | |
99% | | 1974 | Larson, Roger L.: An Updated Time Scale of Magnetic Reversals for the Late Mesozoic | |
85% | | 1975 | Edwards, A. R.: Biostratigraphy and regional unconformities | |
85% | | 1979 | Klootwijk, C. T.; Peirce, J. W.: India's and Australia's pole path since the late Mesozoic and the India-Asia collision | |
85% | | 1984 | Timofeyev, P. P. (ed.): Problemy litologii Mirovogo okeana; mineralogiya i geokhimiya Atlanticheskogo okeana Problems of lithology of the world ocean; mineralogy and geochemistry of the Atlantic Ocean | |
85% | | 1988 | Arthur, M. A.; Barron, E. A. et al.: Response of the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic ocean to climatic forcing on tectonic time scales | |
85% | | 2000 | Ivanova, Ye. V.: Biogeograficheskaya zonal'nost' Indiyskokgo okeana v pozdnem mezozoye Biogeographic zoning in Indian Ocean in late Mesozoic | |
85% | | 1978 | Kidd, R. B.; Davies, T. A.: Indian Ocean sediment distribution since the Late Jurassic | |
71% | | 1981 | Thiede, Joern: Reworked neritic fossils in upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic central Pacific deep-sea sediments monitor sea-level changes | |
71% | 13 | 1981 | Thiede, J.: Reworking in upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic central Pacific deep-sea sediments | |
71% | | 1982 | Karl, Susan Margaret: Geochemical and depositional environments of upper Mesozoic radiolarian cherts from the northeastern Pacific rim and from Pacific DSDP cores | |
71% | 129 | 2000 | Foellmi, Karl B.: Phosphogenesis, the phosphorus cycle, and environmental change | |
71% | | 1982 | Timofeev, P. P.; Koporoulin, V. I.: Conditions of the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentation in the North-west Pacific | |
71% | | 1976 | Kolla, Venkatarathnam; Biscaye, Pierre E.: Fine-grained mineralogy and sedimentation during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the Indian Ocean | |
71% | 73 | 1983 | Tauxe, L.; Besse, J. et al.: Paleolatitudes from DSDP Leg 73 sediment cores; implications for the apparent polar wander path for Africa during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic | |
71% | 71 71-511 | 1984 | Varentsov, I. M.: Geokhimicheskaya istoriya pozdnemezozoyskoy sedimentatsii; rasseyannyye elementy (plato Folklend, skv. 511) Geochemical history of late Mesozoic sedimentation; trace elements, Falkland Plateau, DSDP Site 511 | |
71% | | 1986 | Thiede, Jorn; Ehrmann, Werner U.: Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediment flux to the central North Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | | 1997 | Liu Guangding; Li Qingmou: The Ocean Drilling Program and logging geology | |
57% | 71 71-511 85 85-573 | 1984 | Varentsov, I. M.; Sakharov, B. A. et al.: Glinistyye komponenty postsredneyurskikh otlozheniy; istoriya sedimentatsii i postsedimentatsionnyye izmeneniya Clay components in post-Middle Jurassic deposits; history of sedimentation and post-sedimentary transformations | |
57% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1984 | Varentsov, I. M.: Geokhimicheskaya istoriya postsredneyurskoy sedimentatsii; Ba, Sr i glavnyye komponenty Geochemical history of post Middle Jurassic sedimentation; Ba, Sr and major components | |
57% | 41 41-367 43 43-386 | 1997 | Chamley, Herve: Clay mineral sedimentation in the ocean | |
57% | | 1998 | Hanada, Masaaki: Study on distribution of shallow water sediments and volcanic rocks on deep sea floor in relation to sealevel changes | |
49% | 11 11-105 58 58-442 58-446 | 1981 | Chamley, H.; Bonnot-Courtois, C.: Argiles authigenes et terrigenes de l'Atlantique et du Pacifique NW (Legs 11 et 58 DSDP); apport des terres rares Authigenic and terrigenous clay of the Atlantic and Northwest Pacific (Legs 11 and 58, DSDP); rare earth studies | |
49% | 129 129-801 185 185-801 191 191-1179 200 200-1224 | 2007 | Teagle, Damon A. H.; Coggon, Rosalind M. et al.: Reconstructing the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca history of seawater from ocean ridge-flank hydrothermal carbonate veins | |
42% | 17 17-165 33 33-315 33-316 | 1993 | Wang Gongnian: Geological interpretation of a high-order satellite gravity anomaly in the Central Pacific | |
42% | 104 104-642 192 192-1185 | 2001 | Coffin, Millard F.; Eldholm, Olav: Large igneous provinces; progenitors of some ophiolites? | |
31% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Kotova, Ida Z.: Palynological study of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments, Site 511, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 (Falkland Plateau) | download |
28% | 36 36-327 36-330 | 1977 | Hedlund, R. W.; Beju, D.: Stratigraphic palynology of selected Mesozoic samples, DSDP Hole 327A and Site 330 | download |
28% | 17 17-167 20 20-195 20-196 62 62-463 | 1990 | Ogg, Gabi: Early Cretaceous palynomorphs of the western Pacific Ocean | download |
20% | 95 95-612 | 1987 | Tocher, Bruce A.: Campanian to Maestrichtian dinoflagellate cysts from the United States Atlantic Margin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 612 | download |
20% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Varentsov, I. M.: Trace element geochemical history of late Mesozoic sedimentation in the Southwest Atlantic, Falkland Plateau, Site 511 | download |
20% | 41 41-367 41-370 | 1978 | Kotova, I. Z.: Spores and pollen from Cretaceous deposits of the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 41, Sites 367 and 370 | download |
18% | 29 29-280 29-281 29-282 29-283 29-284 | 1975 | Haskell, T. R.; Wilson, G. J.: Palynology of sites 280-284, DSDP Leg 29, off southeastern Australia and western New Zealand | download |
18% | 113 113-692 113-693 | 1990 | Mohr, Barbara A. R.: Early Cretaceous palynomorphs from ODP sites 692 and 693, the Weddell Sea, Antarctica | download |
18% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1995 | Damotte, Renee: Data report; Cretaceous ostracodes from holes 865A and 866A (Mid-Pacific Mountains) | download |
18% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Moberly, Ralph; Jenkyns, Hugh C.: Cretaceous volcanogenic sediments of the Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 | download |
18% | 81 81-552 81-553 81-555 | 1984 | Brown, S.; Downie, C.: Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of late Paleocene and early Eocene sediments from holes 552, 553A, and 555, Leg 81, Deep Sea Drilling Project (Rockall Plateau) | download |
15% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Thiede, Joern; Boersma, Anne et al.: Reworked fossils in Mesozoic and Cenozoic pelagic central Pacific Ocean sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 463, 464, 465, and 466, Leg 62 | download |
15% | 120 120-750 | 1992 | Mohr, Barbara A. R.; Gee, Carole T.: An early Albian palynoflora from the Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean (Leg 120) | download |
15% | 120 120-748 120-750 | 1992 | Mohr, Barbara A. R.; Gee, Carole T.: Late Cretaceous palynofloras (sporomorphs and dinocysts) from the Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean (sites 748 and 750) | download |
14% | | 1979 | Larson, R. L.: Late Mesozoic plate tectonics | download |
14% | 40 40-361 | 1978 | Brown, J. T.: Pagiophyllum maritimum sp. nov., and descriptive notes on the dispersed cuticles from Leg 40, Site 361 | download |
14% | 143 143-866 | 1995 | Tarduno, John A.; Sager, William W. et al.: Early Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy and paleolatitudes from the Mid-Pacific Mountains; preliminary results bearing on guyot formation and Pacific Plate translation | download |
13% | 122 122-762 122-763 | 1992 | Brenner, Wolfram W.: Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous sequence at sites 762 and 763, Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australia | download |
13% | 103 103-638 103-639 | 1988 | Masure, Edwige: Berriasian to Aptian dinoflagellate cysts from the Galicia margin, offshore Spain, sites 638 and 639, ODP Leg 103 | download |
13% | 81 81-552 81-553 81-554 81-555 | 1984 | Edwards, Lucy E.: Miocene dinocysts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 81, Rockall Plateau, eastern North Atlantic Ocean | download |
13% | 17 71 71-511 | 1983 | Bratzeva, Greta M.: Spores and pollen from Cenozoic sediments of the Falkland Plateau, Site 511, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 | download |
12% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Varentsov, I. M.; Sakharov, B. A. et al.: Clay components of post-Middle Jurassic sediments of the Southwest Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 71; depositional history and authigenic transformations | download |
12% | 118 118-734 | 1991 | Swift, Stephen A.: Gravels in the Atlantis II fracture zone | download |
12% | 22 | 1974 | von der Borch, Christopher C.; Sclater, John G. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, covering Leg 22 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Darwin, Australia to Colombo, Ceylon, January-March 1972 | download |
12% | 50 50-416 | 1980 | Williams, G. L.; Bujak, J. P.: Palynological stratigraphy of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 416 | download |
12% | 71 | 1983 | Ludwig, William J.: Geological framework of the Falkland Plateau | download |
12% | 120 120-748 120-748C | 1992 | Mao, Shaozhi; Mohr, Barbara A. R.: Late Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts (?Santonian-Maestrichtian) from the southern Indian Ocean (Hole 748C) | download |
12% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Thiede, Joern; Dean, Walter E. et al.: The geologic history of the Mid-Pacific Mountains in the central North Pacific Ocean; a synthesis of deep-sea drilling studies | download |
12% | 183 183-1138 | 2003 | Mohr, Barbara A. R.; Waehnert, Veronika et al.: Mid-Cretaceous paleobotany and palynology of the central Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean (ODP Leg 183, Site 1138) | download |
12% | 159 159-959 159-960 159-961 159-962 | 1998 | Masure, E.; Rauscher, R. et al.: Cretaceous-Paleocene palynology from the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin, sites 959, 960, 961, and 962 | download |
11% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Thiede, Joern; Rea, David K.: Mass-accumulation rates of Barremian to Recent biogenic sediments from the Mid-Pacific Mountains (Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463) and Hess Rise (sites 464, 465, and 466), central North Pacific Ocean | download |
11% | 90 90-594 | 1986 | Heusser, Linda E.: Palynology of selected Neogene samples from holes 594 and 594A, Chatham Rise | download |
11% | 48 48-400 | 1979 | Harland, R.: Dinoflagellate biostratigraphy of Neogene and Quaternary sediments at holes 400/400A in the Bay of Biscay (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 48) | download |
11% | 48 48-403 48-404 48-405 48-406 | 1979 | Costa, L. I.; Downie, C.: Cenozoic dinocyst stratigraphy of sites 403 to 406 (Rockall Plateau), IPOD, Leg 48 | download |
11% | 12 | 1972 | Laughton, A. S.: The southern Labrador Sea, a key to the Mesozoic and early Tertiary evolution of the North Atlantic | download |
11% | 103 103-638 103-638B 103-638C 103-641 103-641C | 1988 | Taugourdeau-Lantz, Josette: Stratigraphic implications of Early Cretaceous spores and pollen grains at holes 638B, 638C, and 641C, Leg 103, off the Iberian Margin, eastern North Atlantic | download |
11% | 28 28-264 28-274 | 1975 | Kemp, E. M.: Palynology of Leg 28 drill sites, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
11% | 160 | 1998 | Mart, Yossi; Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Eratosthenes Seamount; an oceanographic yardstick recording the Late Mesozoic-Tertiary geological history of the eastern Mediterranean | download |
10% | 145 | 1995 | Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A. et al.: Scientific results of drilling the North Pacific Transect | download |
9% | 71 | 1983 | Varentsov, I. M.: Geochemical history of post-middle Jurassic sedimentation in the southwestern Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71; Ba, Sr, and major components | download |
9% | 80 80-548 | 1985 | Poag, C. Wylie; Reynolds, Leslie A. et al.: Foraminiferal, lithic, and isotopic changes across four major unconformities at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 548, Goban Spur | download |
9% | 74 | 1984 | Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Simpson, E. S. W.: Geophysical site survey results on the Walvis Ridge | download |
9% | 32 32-303 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 303; Japanese magnetic lineations | download |
9% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Site 463; western Mid-Pacific Mountains | download |
9% | 87 87-582 87-583 87-584 | 1986 | Coulbourn, William T.: Sedimentologic summary, Nankai Trough sites 582 and 583, and Japan Trench Site 584 | download |
9% | 40 40-364 | 1978 | Morgan, R.: Albian to Senonian palynology of Site 364, Angola Basin | download |
9% | 41 41-367 41-370 | 1978 | Williams, G. L.: Palynological biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 367 and 370 | download |
9% | 40 40-361 | 1978 | McLachlan, I. R.; Pieterse, E.: Preliminary palynological results; Site 361, Leg 40, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
9% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Thiede, Joern; Vallier, Tracy L. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62, North central Pacific Ocean; introduction, cruise narrative, principal results, and explanatory notes | download |
9% | 145 145-883 145-884 | 1995 | Basov, Ivan A.: Paleogene planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of sites 883 and 884, Detroit Seamount (subarctic Pacific) | download |
9% | 11 | 1972 | Habib, Daniel: Dinoflagellate stratigraphy Leg 11, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
9% | 40 40-361 | 1978 | Davey, R. J.: Marine Cretaceous palynology of Site 361, DSDP Leg 40, off southwestern Africa | download |
9% | 101 101-627 101-635 | 1988 | Masure, Edwige: Albian-Cenomanian dinoflagellate cysts from sites 627 and 635, Leg 101, Bahamas | download |
9% | 4 20 20-199 89 89-585 | 1986 | Petersen, Lisa D.; Duennebier, Fred K. et al.: Site surveys in the western Pacific conducted aboard the Kana Keoki, Cruise KK810626 Leg 4 | download |
9% | 113 113-693 113-696 | 1990 | Mohr, Barbara A. R.: Eocene and Oligocene sporomorphs and dinoflagellate cysts from Leg 113 drill sites, Weddell area, Antarctica | download |
9% | 207 207-1257 207-1258 207-1259 207-1260 207-1261 | 2007 | Mosher, David C.; Erbacher, Jochen et al.: Leg 207 synthesis; extreme warmth, organic-rich sediments, and an active deep biosphere; Cretaceous-Paleogene paleoceanographic depth transect at Demerara Rise, western tropical Atlantic | download |
9% | 178 178-1095 178-1097 178-1100 178-1103 | 2002 | Iwai, Masao; Kameo, K. et al.: Calcareous nannofossils, pollen, and spores from Leg 178 Sites 1095, 1097, 1100, and 1103, western Antarctic Peninsula; age constraints and environmental implications | download |
9% | 79 79-545 79-547 | 1984 | Below, R.: Aptian to Cenomanian dinoflagellate cysts from the Mazagan Plateau, Northwest Africa (sites 545 and 547, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 79) | download |
7% | 103 | 1988 | Thurow, Juergen; Moullade, Michel et al.: The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event (CTBE) at Hole 641A, ODP Leg 103 (compared with the CTBE interval at Site 398) | download |
7% | 47 47-398 47-398D | 1979 | Bourbon, M.: Petrographic and sedimentologic study of the Cretaceous-Paleocene sequence of Hole 398D | download |
7% | 39 | 1977 | Supko, P. R.; Perch-Nielsen, K.: General synthesis of central and South Atlantic drilling results, Leg 39, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
7% | 36 | 1977 | Barker, P. F.; Dalziel, I. W. D. et al.: Evolution of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean basin; results of Leg 36, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
7% | 80 80-548 80-549 80-550 80-551 | 1985 | de Graciansky, Pierre Charles; Poag, C. Wylie: Geologic history of Goban Spur, Northwest Europe continental margin | download |
7% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1987 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Joern et al.: Summary and preliminary conclusions, ODP Leg 104 | download |
7% | 48 48-400 48-402 | 1979 | Davey, R. J.: Marine Apto-Albian palynomorphs from holes 400A and 402A, IPOD Leg 48, northern Bay of Biscay | download |
7% | 113 113-689 113-690 113-692 113-693 113-696 | 1990 | Wei, Wuchang; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Middle Eocene to Pleistocene calcareous nannofossils recovered by Ocean Drilling Program Leg 113 in the Weddell Sea | download |
7% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1980 | Kozarek, R. J.; Orr, W. N.: Ichthyoliths, Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 51 through 53 | download |
7% | 115 115-705 115-706 115-707 115-708 115-709 115-710 115-711 115-712 115-713 115-714 115-715 115-716 | 1990 | Mikkelsen, Naja: Cenozoic diatom biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of the western equatorial Indian Ocean | download |
7% | 113 113-689 113-690 | 1990 | Pospichal, James J.; Sherwood, W. Wise, Jr.: Maestrichtian calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of Maud Rise, ODP Leg 113 sites 689 and 690, Weddell Sea | download |
7% | 122 | 1992 | Gorur, Naci; Sengor, A. M. C.: Paleogeography and tectonic evolution of the eastern Tethysides; implications for the Northwest Australian margin breakup history | download |
7% | 94 94-607 94-611 | 1987 | Mudie, Peta J.: Palynology and dinoflagellate biostratigraphy of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 94, sites 607 and 611, North Atlantic Ocean | download |
7% | | 1997 | de Verteuil, Laurent: Palynological delineation and regional correlation of lower through upper Miocene sequences in the Cape May and Atlantic City boreholes, New Jersey coastal plain | download |
6% | 189 | 2004 | Williams, G. L.; Brinkhuis, Henk et al.: Southern Ocean and global dinoflagellate cyst events compared; index events for the Late Cretaceous-Neogene | download |
6% | 101 | 1988 | Melillo, Allan J.: Neogene planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy, ODP Leg 101, Bahamas | download |
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