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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1993 | Malpas, John: Deep drilling of the oceanic crust and upper mantle | |
100% | 115 | 1989 | Tatsumi, Y.; Nohda, S.: Geochemical stratification in the upper mantle; evidence from ODP Leg 114 basalts in the Indian Ocean | |
83% | 109 | 1988 | Di Donato, G.; Loubet, M.: Mid Atlantic Ridge peridotites (from ODP Leg 109) geochemical compositions and conditions of partial melting of the upper mantle at slow spreading ridges | |
83% | 153 | 1994 | Karson, J. A.; Cannat, M. et al.: Upper mantle and lower crustal processes at slow-spreading ridges; new insights from serpentinites and gabbroic rocks drilled on ODP Leg 153 in the MARK area MAR at 23 degrees N | |
83% | 153 | 1995 | Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Velocity behavior of the lower oceanic crust and upper mantle | |
83% | 144 | 1994 | Wilson, P. A.; Elderfield, H. et al.: Geochemistry of secondary carbonates in basalts from Pacific guyots; low-temperature upwelling of fluids totally exchanged with upper-mantle Sr? | |
83% | | 1993 | Kennedy, L. A.; Boudier, F. et al.: Deformation and recovery in the upper mantle and microstructural constraints on melt impregnation | |
83% | 37 37-334 | 1993 | Girardeau, Jacques; Francheteau, Jean: Plagioclase-wehrlites and peridotites on the East Pacific Rise (Hess Deep) and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (DSDP Site 334); evidence for magma percolation in the oceanic upper mantle | |
83% | 209 209-1274 | 2004 | Suhr, G.; Paulick, H.: Upper mantle geochemistry at peridotites of Site 1274 (ODP Leg 209); relation to melt-rock reaction and processes at the base of the lithosphere | |
83% | 103 103-637 | 1986 | Evans, Cynthia A.; Girardeau, Jacques: Upper mantle beneath an incipient ocean rift; evidence from Galicia Margin, Hole 637 | |
83% | 210 210-1277 | 2005 | Muntener, O.; Jagoutz, O. et al.: Petrology of upper mantle peridotites and gabbros at Site 1277 (ODP Leg 210); inherited high degrees of melting in a slow extensional system? | |
83% | | 1994 | Carlson, Richard L.; Johnson, H. Paul: On modeling the thermal evolution of the oceanic upper mantle; an assessment of the cooling plate model | download |
83% | 191 | 2002 | Araki, Eiichiro; Shinohara, Masanao et al.: Upper mantle structure of the northwestern Pacific Plate from WP2 borehole seismometer in the Pacific Ocean | |
83% | 209 | 2005 | Harvey, J.; Gannoun, A. et al.: Ancient melt extraction from the oceanic upper mantle revealed by 187Re-187Os isotopes in abyssal peridotites | |
83% | 147 | 1993 | Gillis, K. M.; Mevel, C. et al.: The lower crust and upper mantle at a fast-spreading ridge; drilling results of ODP Leg 147 to the Hess Deep | |
82% | | 1991 | Duncan, Robert A.: Ocean drilling and the volcanic record of hotspots | |
79% | | 2003 | Arai, Shoji; Abe, Natsue: Petrological model of sub-oceanic mantle and its bearing on the scientific strategy for IODP | |
71% | | 1979 | Uyeda, S.: Subduction zones; facts, ideas, and speculations | |
71% | | 1981 | Emiliani, Cesare: A new global geology | |
71% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 | 2004 | Yamamoto, Kiyohiko; Sato, Namiko et al.: Driving force of the intra-plate crust as inferred from the stresses measured in the eastern part of Kitakami Mountains, northeastern Honshu, Japan | |
71% | 149 149-899 149-901 173 173-1065 173-1070 | 2001 | Abe, Natsue: Petrochemistry of serpentinized peridotite from the Iberia abyssal plain (ODP Leg 173); its character intermediate between suboceanic and sub-continental upper mantle | |
71% | | 2005 | Kerr, Richard A.: Pursued for 40 years, the Moho evades ocean drillers once again | |
71% | | 1994 | Dick, Henry: ODP looks through tectonic windows | |
71% | | 2003 | Lundstrom, C.: A proposal for drilling to the base of a Lamont Seamount at 9 degrees 50 N EPR | |
71% | | 1994 | Lallemand, S. E.: Possible interaction between mantle dynamics and high rates of arc's consumption in East Asia | |
71% | 176 | 2000 | Mackie, Suzanne Mary: The abundances and distribution of chemical elements in oceanic gabbros drilled during ODP Leg 176; towards a realistic model composition of oceanic crust in the context of crust-mantle recycling | |
67% | 153 153-920 153-921 153-922 153-923 | 1994 | Cannat, M.; Karson, J. A. et al.: The lower crust and upper mantle from a slow-spreading ridge; drilling results of ODP Leg 153 at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge South of the Kane Transform (MARK) | |
67% | 103 | 1987 | Boillot, G.; Recq, M. et al.: Tectonic denudation of the upper mantle along passive margins; a model based on drilling results (ODP Leg 103, western Galicia margin, Spain) | |
67% | | 2000 | Guo Zhaojie: Extensional deformation of the ophiolite and spreading structures of paleo-oceanic crust | |
67% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Bougault, H.; Cambon, P. et al.: Evidence for variability of magmatic processes and upper mantle heterogeneity in the axial region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 22 degrees and 36 degrees N | |
67% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1993 | Richter, Carl; Kelso, Paul et al.: Magnetic properties and anisotropies of upper mantle and lower crustal rocks (ODP Sites 894 and 895) | |
67% | 153 153-920 | 1995 | Hunter, A. G.; Kempton, P. D.: Upper mantle and lower crustal processes; insights from Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotopes in gabbros, peridotites and diabase dikes from the MARK area, ODP Leg 153 | |
67% | 147 147-894 | 1993 | Gillis, K. M.; Mevel, C.: Drilling the lower crust and upper mantle at a fast-spreading ridge; results of ODP Leg 147 | |
67% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1998 | Kikawa, Eiichi; Sakai, Hideo et al.: Paleomagnetism of deep ocean crust and upper mantle; new data from Oman Samail Ophiolite | |
67% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1999 | Kikawa, Eiichi; Sakai, Hideo et al.: Paleomagnetic study of the deeper part of the oceanic crust and the upper mantle; results from ODP Leg 176, MODE98 Leg 4, and Oman Semail Ophiolite | |
67% | | 2008 | Shinohara, Masanao; Fukano, Tetsuo et al.: Upper mantle and crustal seismic structure beneath the northwestern Pacific Basin using a sea-floor borehole broad-band seismometer and ocean bottom seismometers | |
67% | 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2009 | Ildefonse, Benoit; Abe, Natsue et al.: Mission Moho; rationale for drilling deep through the ocean crust into the upper mantle | |
67% | 153 153-920 | 1998 | Brandon, A. D.; Walker, R. J. et al.: (super 190) Pt- (super 186) Os isotopic systematics of the upper mantle and some plumes | |
67% | 17 20 32 | 1997 | Janney, Philip E.; Castillo, Paterno R.: Geochemistry of Mesozoic Pacific mid-ocean ridge basalt; constraints on melt generation and the evolution of the Pacific upper mantle | download |
67% | 186 191 195 | 2007 | Shinohara, Masanao; Fukano, Tetsuo et al.: Seafloor borehole seismic observations in the western Pacific and upper mantle and crustal structure beneath the northwestern Pacific Basin | |
67% | 187 188 | 2002 | Basov, I. A.: "Dzhoides Rezolushn" 187-y i 188-y reysy JOIDES Resolution cruises 187 and 188 | |
67% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2007 | Teagle, Damon A. H.: Beyond the Moho; plans for a complete penetration of in situ ocean crust into the upper mantle | |
67% | 153 | 1997 | Karson, J. A.; Cannat, M. et al.: Drilling tectonic windows into the lower crust and upper mantle; ODP Leg 153 | |
67% | 103 149 173 | 2004 | Henning, Alison T.; Sawyer, Dale S. et al.: Exhumed upper mantle within the ocean-continent transition on the northern west Iberia margin; evidence from prestack depth migration and total tectonic subsidence analyses | download |
67% | 149 | 1993 | Whitmarsh, Bob; Sawyer, Dale S. et al.: Upper mantle drilling in the ocean-continent transition west of Iberia | |
59% | 54 | 1979 | Dmitriyev, Yu. I.: Peculiarities in composition and crystallization of the East Pacific Rise basalts | |
59% | | 1982 | Chave, Alan D.; Cox, Charles S.: Controlled electromagnetic sources for measuring electrical conductivity beneath the oceans; 1, Forward problem and model study | download |
59% | | 1989 | Shimkus, K. M.: Kharakteristika razreza mezozoyskikh i kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy; Neogen-chetvertichnyye otlozheniya po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya i drugim materialam Characteristic section of Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits; Neogene-Quaternary deposits based on deep-drilling and other materials | |
59% | | 1996 | Castillo, P. R.; Janney, P. R.: Isotopic evolution of Pacific MORB; implications for the isotopic diversity of modern MORB | |
59% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Hirth, G.: Microstructural constraints on the rheology of the lower crust | |
59% | | 1993 | Arculus, R. J.: New concepts of arc volcanism and tectonics from recent Ocean Drilling Program results | |
59% | 153 | 1993 | Karson, Jeffrey A.; Cannat, Mathilde et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 153 scientific prospectus; drilling in the western wall of the MARK area | |
59% | | 1989 | Dick, H. J. B.: Drilling the oceanic lower crust and mantle | |
59% | 91 | 1985 | Sereno, T.; Orcutt, J. A.: Oceanic S (sub n) synthesis using wave number integration | |
59% | | 1981 | Camus, A. L.: Etudes de la transition continent-ocean sur la marge continentale Nord Gascogne a partir des documents enregistres lors de la campagne sismique refraction a deux bateaux IPOD 79 Study of the continent-ocean transition on the North Biscay margin from the data recorded during the two-ship seismic refraction survey IPOD 79 | |
59% | 15 15-153 | 1979 | Stoffa, P. L.; Mauffret, A. et al.: Subcrustal layering in the Aruba Gap | |
59% | | 1979 | Dmitriev, L. V.; Sobolev, A. V. et al.: The primary melt of the oceanic tholeiite and the upper mantle composition | |
59% | 91 | 1983 | Jordan, T. H.; Orcutt, J. A. et al.: Ngendie seismic experiment; teleseismic and noise studies | |
59% | 147 | 1992 | Gillis, Kathryn; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 147 Scientific Prospectus; Hess Deep rift valley | |
59% | | 1986 | El margen Atlantico Iberico al w de Galicia; Evolucion en regimen extensional y sedimentacion The Atlantic-Iberian margin in western Galicia; extension tectonics and sedimentation evolution | |
59% | 209 209-1271 | 2004 | Abe, N.: An ocean floor prospecting; implications from the petrological insights of the abyssal chromitites from ODP Leg 209, MAR 15 20 N FZ | |
59% | | 2007 | Kodolanyi, J.; Spandler, C. et al.: Geochemistry of ocean-floor serpentinites; implications for subduction zone inventory | |
59% | 91 | 1984 | Jordan, Thomas H.; Orcutt, J. A.: Overview of scientific results from the marine seismic system | |
59% | | 2005 | Janney, P. E.: Hafnium isotope constraints on the longevity and distribution of the Indian Ocean mantle signature | |
59% | 147 147-895 | 1994 | Allan, J. F.: Melt impregnation of Hess Deep peridotites; constraints from spinel petrogenesis | |
59% | 1 1-5 | 1975 | Kasahara, J.; Hussong, D. M. et al.: Seismic refraction survey near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23 degrees N (IPOD Site 5) using ocean bottom seismometers | |
59% | | 2000 | Gillis, Kathryn M.: Creation and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere; contributions from ocean drilling | |
59% | 157 | 1999 | Gurenko, Andrey A.; Chaussidon, Marc et al.: S and O isotopes in Cpx-hosted glass inclusions from Miocene submarine hyaloclastites of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands); constraints on magma degassing and contamination | |
59% | | 2002 | Pearce, Julian: The oceanic lithosphere | |
59% | 191 | 2002 | Nakahigashi, Kazuo; Shinohara, Masanao et al.: Uppermost mantle and crustal structure beneath the WP-2 borehole seismic observatory, the northwestern Pacific Basin | |
59% | | 2003 | Karson, Jeffrey A.; Christeson, Gail L.: Comparison of geologic and seismic structure of uppermost fast-spreading oceanic crust; insights from a crustal cross-section at the Hess Deep rift | |
59% | 206 206-1256 | 2004 | Teagle, Damon A. H.; Wilson, Douglas S. et al.: The "Road to the MoHole" four decades on; deep drilling at site 1256 | |
59% | | 2009 | Searle, Roger: Composition and structure of oceanic core complexes | |
59% | | 2006 | Engstrom, Anna; Skelton, Alasdair et al.: Simulated drilling profiles from a magma-poor margin on land | |
59% | 125 | 1998 | Parkinson, Ian J.; Hawkesworth, Chris J. et al.: Ancient mantle in a modern arc; osmium isotopes in Izu-Bonin-Mariana Forearc peridotites | |
59% | 43 | 2007 | Vogt, Peter R.; Jung, Woo-Yeol: Origin of the Bermuda volcanoes and the Bermuda Rise; history, observations, models, and puzzles | |
59% | | 2000 | Winterer, Edward L.: Scientific ocean drilling, from AMSOC to COMPOST | |
59% | 147 147-895 | 1993 | Mevel, C.; Cannat, M.: Two types of magmatic intrusions in oceanic peridotites | |
59% | 147 | 1995 | Arai, Shoji: Oceanic lithosphere and ophiolites; their similarities and differences | |
59% | | 2008 | Janney, P. E.: Hf isotope constraints on the longevity of the Indian Ocean mantle signature; new results from Tethyan ophiolites | |
58% | 103 | 1985 | Boillot, G.; Winterer, E. L. et al.: Resultats preliminaires de la campagne 103 du Joides resolution (Ocean drilling program) au large de la Galice (Espagne); sedimentation et distension pendant le "rifting" d'une marge stable, hypothese d'une denudation tectonique du manteau superieur Preliminary results of Leg 103 of the drilling vessel Joides Resolution (Ocean Drilling Program); sedimentation and distension during rifting of a stable margin off Galicia (Spain); hypothesis of tectonic denudation of the upper mantle | |
58% | | 1999 | Neprochnov, Yu. P.; Grin'ko, B. N. et al.: Structure of the Earth's crust in the East Mariana Basin from the data of detailed seismic studies | |
58% | 153 153-920 | 2009 | Gose, Juergen; Schmaedicke, Esther et al.: Water in enstatite from Mid-Atlantic Ridge peridotite; evidence for the water content of suboceanic mantle? | |
58% | 209 209-1274 | 2006 | Harvey, Jason; Gannoun, Abdelmouhcine et al.: Ancient melt extraction from the oceanic upper mantle revealed by Re-Os isotopes in abyssal peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
51% | 149 173 | 1999 | Clark, Stephen Anthony: Along-strike variation of a non-volcanic rifted margin; a concurrent MCS and OBS investigation of Galicia Bank and the Iberia abyssal plain | |
50% | | 1998 | Minshull, T. A.; Muller, M. R. et al.: Is the oceanic Moho a serpentinization front? | |
50% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1989 | Chaput, Teresa Ann: An oxygen isotopic profile of Layer 3 gabbros, ODP Site 735B | |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1984 | Christensen, Nikolas I.: Geophysical studies of the oceanic crust and upper mantle | |
50% | 123 123-765 | 2005 | Zhang, S. Q.; Mahoney, J. J. et al.: Evidence for a widespread tethyan upper mantle with Indian-Ocean-type isotopic characteristics | |
50% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2007 | Morishita, Tomoaki; Maeda, Jinichiro et al.: Petrology of local concentration of chromian spinel in dunite from the slow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge | |
50% | 66 66-487 66-488 | 2001 | Verma, Surendra P.: Geochemical evidence for a lithospheric source for magmas from Acoculco Caldera, eastern Mexican volcanic belt | |
50% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 129 129-802 | 2004 | Castillo, Paterno R.: Geochemistry of Cretaceous volcaniclastic sediments in the Nauru and East Mariana Basins provides insights into the mantle sources of giant oceanic plateaus | |
47% | | 1998 | Hickey-Vargas, Rosemary: Origin of the Indian Ocean-type isotopic signature in basalts from Philippine Sea plate spreading centers; an assessment of local versus large-scale processes | download |
47% | 109 | 1988 | Hebert, Rejean; Komor, S. C. et al.: Leg 109 partly serpentinized harzburgites and their significance in slow-spreading ridge environments | |
47% | 147 147-895 | 1994 | Mevel, C.; Stamoudi, C.: Serpentinization of the shallow mantle at a fast spreading ridge (ODP Site 895 at Hess Deep, East Pacific Rise) | |
47% | 149 149-899 149-900 149-901 | 1994 | Sawyer, D. S.: The case for slow-spreading oceanic crust landward of the peridotite ridge in the Iberia abyssal plain | |
47% | 74 74-525 74-527 74-528 | 1982 | Richardson, S. H.; Erlank, A. J. et al.: Correlated Nd, Sr and Pb isotope variation in Walvis Ridge basalts and implications for the evolution of their mantle source | |
47% | 147 147-895 153 153-920 | 1999 | Rehkaemper, Mark; Halliday, A. N. et al.: Non-chondritic platinum-group element ratios in abyssal peridotites; petrogenetic signature of melt percolation? | |
47% | 147 147-894 147-895 | 1993 | Gillis, Kathryn; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 147 preliminary report, Hess Deep Rift Valley | |
47% | 28 29 | 1993 | Pyle, Douglas G.; Christie, D. M. et al.: Geochemical signature of Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific seafloor; DSDP legs 28 and 29 basement revisited | |
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