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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 145 145-882 145-883 145-887 | 2005 | Prueher, Libby M.: Use of tephrochronology in marine and paleoclimate studies | |
94% | | 1996 | Cambray, H.; Cadet, J. P.: Synchronisme de l'activite volcanique d'arc; mythe ou realite? Synchronism of arc volcanic activity; legend or fact? | |
94% | 18 18-178 19 19-183 19-192 | 1977 | Scheidegger, K. F.; Corliss, J. B. et al.: Ash layer record of explosive volcanic eruptions of the Aleutian and Kamchatkan volcanic arcs | |
94% | 145 145-882 145-883 145-887 | 2000 | Prueher, Libby; Rea, David: Tephrochronology of North Pacific volcanic arcs; evidence of synchronous and episodic volcanism? | |
94% | 145 145-882 145-883 145-887 | 2004 | Prueher, L.: Tephrochronology of North Pacific volcanic arcs; data from ODP Leg 145 | |
82% | 18 18-178 19 19-183 19-192 | 1978 | Scheidegger, K. F.; Corliss, J. B. et al.: Composition of ash layers derived from North Pacific volcanic arcs; variations in time and space | |
82% | 125 125-782 | 2006 | Schmidt, A.; Straub, S. M. et al.: How fast do volcanic arcs establish steady-state? | download |
82% | 18 18-178 19 19-183 19-192 | 1980 | Scheidegger, K. F.; Corliss, J. B. et al.: Compositions of deep sea ash layers derived from North Pacific volcanic arcs; variations in time and space | |
82% | | 2009 | James, Keith H.: Evolution of Middle America and the in situ Caribbean Plate model | |
71% | 31 31-297 58 58-442 58-443 59 59-450 | 2004 | Xu Shumei; Zhang Xiaodong et al.: The origin and evolution of the sedimentary environment of the Shikoku Basin | |
71% | 66 66-487 66-488 | 2001 | Verma, Surendra P.: Geochemical evidence for a lithospheric source for magmas from Acoculco Caldera, eastern Mexican volcanic belt | |
59% | 31 31-292 59 59-447 | 1999 | Pearce, J. A.; Kempton, P. D. et al.: Hf-Nd element and isotope perspective on the nature and provenance of mantle and subduction components in Western Pacific arc-basin systems | |
59% | 59 59-451 60 60-458 60-459 | 1998 | Clift, Peter D.; Lee, Jongman: Temporal evolution of the Mariana Arc during rifting of the Mariana Trough traced through the volcaniclastic rocks | |
58% | 124 | 1991 | Pubellier, Manuel; Spadea, Piera et al.: Correlations of tephras in Celebes and Sulu Sea basins; constraints on geodynamics | download |
47% | 27 27-262 | 1974 | Veevers, J. J.: Sedimentary sequences of the Timor Trough, Timor, and the Sahul Shelf | download |
41% | 124 | 1990 | Rangin, Claude; Silver, Eli A. et al.: General introduction | download |
41% | 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-198 20-199 | 1973 | Matti, J. C.; Zemmels, I. et al.: X-ray mineralogy of sediments from the far western Pacific, Leg 20, DSDP | download |
41% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 | 1980 | Chamley, Herve: Clay sedimentation and paleoenvironment in the Shikoku Basin since the middle Miocene (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58, North Philippine Sea) | download |
35% | 124 | 1990 | Rangin, Claude; Silver, Eli A.: Geological setting of the Celebes and Sulu seas | download |
35% | 34 | 1976 | Cann, J. R.; Heath, R.: Some trace elements in basalts from Leg 34 | download |
33% | 6 31 58 59 | 1980 | Curtis, Doris M.; Echols, Dorothy J.: Lithofacies of the Shikoku and Parece Vela basins | download |
33% | 31 31-290 31-291 31-292 31-294 31-296 | 1975 | Meijer, A.: Pb and Sr isotopic studies of igneous rocks cored during Leg 31 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
31% | 30 | 1975 | Packham, G.; Andrews, J. E.: Results of Leg 30 and the geologic history of the Southwest Pacific Arc and marginal sea complex | download |
29% | 57 57-439 | 1980 | Moore, George W.; Fujioka, Kantaro: Age and origin of dacite boulder conglomerate anomalously near the Japan Trench | download |
29% | 145 145-881 145-883 145-884 | 1995 | Kersting, Annie B.: Pb isotope ratios of North Pacific sediments, sites 881, 883, and 884; implications for sediment recycling in the Kamchatkan arc | download |
29% | 125 | 1992 | Fryer, Patricia; Pearce, Julian A.: Introduction to the scientific results of Leg 125 | download |
29% | 331 | 2012 | Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J. et al.: IODP Expedition 331; strong and expansive subseafloor hydrothermal activities in the Okinawa Trough | download |
25% | 205 205-1253 205-1255 301 | 2004 | Kastern, Mirian; Malone, Mitchell J.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Expedition 301T scientific prospectus; Costa Rica hydrogeology | download |
25% | 205 205-1253 205-1255 | 2004 | Kastner, Miriam; Hensley, Tabitha M. et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 301T preliminary report; Costa Rica hydrogeology; 20 August-10 September 2004 | download |
24% | 66 66-493 | 1982 | Bellon, H.; Maury, R. C. et al.: Dioritic basement, Site 493; petrology, geochemistry, and geodynamics | download |
24% | 124 | 1990 | Rangin, Claude; Silver, Eli A. et al.: Summary of shipboard results | download |
24% | 124 | 1991 | Pouclet, Andre; Pubellier, Manuel et al.: Volcanic ash from Celebes and Sulu Sea basins off the Philippines (Leg 124); petrography and geochemistry | download |
24% | 330 | 2012 | Kalnins, Lara M.; Koppers, Anthony A. P. et al.: Underway geophysics | download |
21% | 170 | 1996 | Kimura, Gaku; Silver, Eli et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; Costa Rica accretionary wedge | download |
21% | 124 124-768 124-769 | 1991 | Smith, Terence E.; Huang, C. H. et al.: Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the volcanic rocks from holes 768 and 769, Sulu Sea | download |
21% | 185 | 1998 | Plank, Terry; Ludden, John N. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 185 scientific prospectus; Izu-Mariana margin | download |
21% | 87 87-582 87-583 | 1986 | Chamley, Herve; Cadet, Jean-Paul et al.: Nankai Trough and Japan Trench late Cenozoic paleoenvironments deduced from clay mineralogic data | download |
21% | 20 20-196 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Pliocene volcanogenic sediments and Mesozoic chalks southeast of Japan; DSDP Site 196 | download |
21% | | 1992 | Forsythe, Randy; Prior, David J.: Cenozoic continental geology of South American and its relations to the evolution of the Chile triple junction | download |
21% | 107 107-652 107-653 107-654 107-656 | 1990 | Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Geochemistry and mineralogy of iron- and trace-metal-rich Messinian and Pliocene mudstones cored on the Sardinian margin; ODP Leg 107, Tyrrhenian Sea (central Mediterranean) | download |
21% | 126 | 1992 | Usui, Akira: Hydrothermal manganese minerals in Leg 126 cores | download |
20% | 129 129-801 185 185-801 185-1149 | 2006 | Ludden, John N.; Plank, Terry et al.: Leg 185 synthesis; sampling the oldest crust in the ocean basins to understand Earth's geodynamic and geochemical fluxes | download |
20% | 126 | 1992 | Taylor, Brian: Rifting and the volcanic-tectonic evolution of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc | download |
18% | 135 | 1994 | Hawkins, James W.; Parson, Lindsay M. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Lau Basin; covering Leg 135 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Suva Harbor, Fiji, to Honolulu, Hawaii, sites 834-841, 17 December 1990-28 February 1991 | download |
18% | 66 | 1982 | Introduction; scientific objectives and explanatory notes | download |
18% | 66 | 1982 | Lee, Mariana (ed.); Watkins, Joel S. et al.: Leg 66 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Mazatlan, Mexico to Manzanillo, Mexico; March-May, 1979 | download |
18% | 66 | 1982 | Watkins, Joel S.; McMillen, Kenneth J. et al.: Tectonic synthesis, Leg 66; transect and vicinity | download |
18% | 126 126-792 | 1992 | Egeberg, Per Kristian; Brunfelt, Arild O. et al.: Characterization and correlation of megascopic tephras in Site 792 cores from the Izu-Ogasawara forearc basin (Japan) by trace elements and (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr and (super 143) Nd/ (super 144) Nd isotopes | download |
18% | 134 134-832 134-833 | 1994 | Collins, Margaret R. Goud: Volcaniclastic sediments of the North Aoba Basin; depositional processes and geologic history | download |
18% | 124 124-767 124-768 | 1991 | von Breymann, Marta T.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Pore-water chemistry of the Sulu and Celebes seas; extensive diagenetic reactions at sites 767 and 768 | download |
18% | 145 145-885 145-886 | 1995 | Ingram, B. Lynn: Ichthyolith strontium isotopic stratigraphy of deep-sea clays; sites 885 and 886 (North Pacific Transect) | download |
18% | 90 90-588 90-590 90-591 90-592 90-593 | 1986 | Gardner, James V.; Nelson, Campbell S. et al.: Distribution and character of pale green laminae in sediment from Lord Howe Rise; a probable late Neogene and Quaternary tephrostratigraphic record | download |
18% | 32 | 1975 | Lancelot, Y.; Larson, R. L. et al.: Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the northwestern Pacific | download |
18% | | 2010 | Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 scientific prospectus; Deep hot biosphere | download |
18% | 205 | 2006 | Kastner, Miriam; Solomon, Evan A. et al.: Chemical and isotopic compositions of pore fluids and sediments from across the Middle America Trench, offshore Costa Rica | download |
18% | 199 | 2002 | Vanden Berg, Michael D.; Jarrard, Richard D.: Determination of Equatorial Pacific mineralogy using light absorption spectroscopy | download |
18% | 59 59-447 59-448 60 60-458 60-459 | 1980 | Armstrong, Richard Lee; Nixon, Graham T.: Chemical and Sr-isotopic composition of igneous rocks from Deep Sea Drilling project legs 59 and 60 | download |
18% | 145 145-887 | 1995 | Cao, L. Q.; Arculus, R. J. et al.: Data report; Geochemistry of volcanic ashes recovered from Hole 887A | download |
18% | 206 206-1256 | 2007 | Teagle, Damon A. H.; Wilson, Douglas S.: Leg 206 synthesis; initiation of drilling an intact section of upper oceanic crust formed at the superfast spreading rate at Site 1256 in the eastern Equatorial Pacific | download |
17% | 126 | 1992 | Marsaglia, Kathleen M.: Petrography and provenance of volcaniclastic sands recovered from the Izu-Bonin Arc, Leg 126 | download |
17% | 60 60-458 60-459 60-460 60-461 | 1982 | Meijer, Arend; Anthony, Elizabeth et al.: Petrology of volcanic rocks from the fore-arc sites | download |
15% | 134 | 1994 | Greene, H. Gary; Collot, Jean-Yves: Ridge-arc collision; timing and deformation determined by Leg 134 drilling, central New Hebrides island arc | download |
15% | 124 | 1991 | Bellon, H.; Rangin, Claude: Geochemistry and isotopic dating of Cenozoic volcanic arc sequences around the Celebes and Sulu seas | download |
15% | 124 124-767 124-768 | 1991 | Betzler, Christian; Nederbragt, Alexandra J. et al.: Significance of turbidites at Site 767 (Celebes Sea) and Site 768 (Sulu Sea) | download |
15% | | 1990 | Bouysse, Philippe; Westercamp, Denis et al.: The Lesser Antilles island arc | download |
15% | 205 | 2006 | Solomon, Evan A.; Kastner, Miriam et al.: Barium cycling at the Costa Rica convergent margin | download |
15% | 134 | 1992 | Collot, Jean-Yves; Greene, H. Gary et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Vanuatu (New Hebrides), covering Leg 134 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port of Townsville, Queensland, Australia, to Suva, Republic of Fiji, sites 827-833, 11 October 1990-17 December 1990; Introduction | download |
15% | 129 129-801 185 185-801 185-1149 | 2006 | Ludden, John N. (ed.); Plank, Terry (ed.) et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results, Izu-Mariana Margin; covering Leg 185 of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Hong Kong, People's Republic of China, to Yokohama, Japan; Sites 801 and 1149; 12 April-14 June 1999 | download |
15% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 58-445 58-446 | 1980 | White, Stan M.; Chamley, Herve et al.: Sediment synthesis; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58, Philippine Sea | download |
15% | 126 | 1992 | Hiscott, Richard N.; Gill, James B.: Major and trace element geochemistry of Oligocene to Quaternary volcaniclastic sands and sandstones from the Izu-Bonin Arc | download |
15% | | 2010 | Mottl, Michael; Takai, Ken et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 preliminary report; deep hot biosphere | download |
13% | 135 | 1992 | Parson, Lindsay M.; Hawkins, James W. et al.: Introduction, background, and principal results of Leg 135, Lau Basin | download |
13% | 103 149 173 210 | 2007 | Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Evidence of continental breakup from the Newfoundland rifted margin (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 210); Lower Cretaceous seafloor formed by exhumation of subcontinental lithosphere and the transition to seafloor spreading | download |
12% | 60 | 1982 | Hussong, Donald M.; Uyeda, Seiya et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60; cruise objectives, principal results, and exploration notes | download |
12% | 195 | 2000 | Salisbury, Matthew H.; Shinohara, Masanao et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 195 scientific prospectus; Mariana convergent margin/west Philippine Sea seismic observatory | download |
12% | 60 | 1982 | Lee, Marianna (ed.); Powell, Robert (ed.) et al.: Leg 60 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Apra, Guam to Apra, Guam; March-May 1978 | download |
12% | 60 | 1982 | Hussong, Donald M.; Uyeda, Seiya: Tectonic processes and the history of the Mariana Arc; a synthesis of the results of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60 | download |
12% | 165 165-998 165-999 165-1000 165-1001 165-1002 | 2000 | Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Kelley, S. et al.: History of circum-Caribbean explosive volcanism; (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar dating of tephra layers | download |
12% | 125 195 195-1200 | 2006 | Fryer, Patricia B.; Salisbury, Matthew H.: Leg 195 synthesis; Site 1200; serpentinite seamounts of the Izu-Bonin/Mariana convergent plate margin, ODP Leg 125 and 195 drilling results | download |
12% | 130 | 1993 | Krissek, Lawrence A.; Janecek, Thomas R.: Eolian deposition on the Ontong Java Plateau since the Oligocene; unmixing a record of multiple dust sources | download |
12% | 124 124-767 124-768 124-769 124-770 124-771 | 1991 | Silver, Eli A.; Rangin, Claude et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Celebes and Sulu seas; covering Leg 124 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Singapore, Republic of Sing., to Manila, Philippines, Sites 767-771, 1 November 1988-4 January 1989 | download |
12% | 125 125-778 125-779 125-780 125-781 125-782 125-783 125-784 125-785 125-786 | 1992 | Fryer, Patricia; Pearce, Julian A. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Bonin/Mariana region; covering Leg 125 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution, Apra Harbor, Guam, to Tokyo, Japan, sites 778-786, 15 February 1989-17 April 1989 | download |
12% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1993 | Underwood, Michael B.; Pickering, Kevin et al.: Sediment geochemistry, clay mineralogy, and diagenesis; a synthesis of data from Leg 131, Nankai Trough | download |
12% | 134 134-832 | 1992 | Collot, Jean-Yves; Greene, H. Gary et al.: Site 832 | download |
12% | 135 | 1994 | Allan, James F.: Cr-spinel in depleted basalts from the Lau Basin backarc; petrogenetic history from Mg-Fe crystal-liquid exchange | download |
12% | 107 | 1990 | Sartori, Renzo: The main results of ODP Leg 107 in the frame of Neogene to Recent geology of Perityrrhenian areas | download |
12% | 125 | 1992 | Pearce, Julian A.; Thirlwall, Matthew F. et al.: Isotopic evidence for the origin of boninites and related rocks drilled in the Izu-Bonin (Ogasawara) forearc, Leg 125 | download |
12% | 173 | 2001 | Whitmarsh, Robert B.; Wallace, Paul J.: The rift-to-drift development of the West Iberia nonvolcanic continental margin; a summary and review of the contribution of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 173 | download |
12% | 134 134-827 134-829 134-830 | 1994 | Coltorti, Massimo; Baker, Peter E. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the New Hebrides forearc region, sites 827, 829, and 830 | download |
12% | 205 | 2001 | Morris, Julie D.; Villinger, Heinrich W. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 205 scientific prospectus; fluid flow and subduction fluxes across the Costa Rica convergent margin; implications for the seismogenic zone and subduction factory | download |
12% | 340 | 2011 | Le Friant, Anne; Ishizuka, Osamu et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 340 scientific prospectus; Lesser Antilles volcanism and landslides; drilling volcanic landslides deposits and volcanoclastic sediments in the Lesser Antilles Arc; implications for hazard assessment and long-term magmatic evolution of the arc | download |
10% | | 1990 | Tamaki, Kensaku; Pisciotto, Kenneth A. et al.: Site 795 | download |
10% | 59 | 1980 | Mattey, David P.; Marsh, Nicholas G. et al.: The geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrology of basalts from the West Philippine and Parece Vela basins and from the Palau-Kyushu and West Mariana ridges, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
10% | 340 340-U1393 340-U1394 340-U1395 340-U1396 340-U1397 340-U1398 340-U1399 340-U1400 340-U1401 | 2012 | Le Friant, Anne; Ishizuka, Osamu et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program; Expedition 340 preliminary report; Lesser Antilles volcanism and landslides; implications for hazard assessment and long-term magmatic evolution of the arc; 2 March-17 April 2012 | download |
10% | 205 | 2006 | Morris, Julie D.; Villinger, Heinrich W.: Leg 205 synthesis; subduction fluxes and fluid flow across the Costa Rica convergent margin | download |
10% | 135 135-836 | 1992 | Parson, Lindsay M.; Hawkins, James W. et al.: Site 836 | download |
10% | 135 135-837 | 1992 | Parson, Lindsay M.; Hawkins, James W. et al.: Site 837 | download |
10% | 129 | 1990 | Karl, Susan M.; Wandless, G. A. et al.: Sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of Leg 129 siliceous deposits | download |
10% | 195 | 2002 | Salisbury, Matthew H.; Shinohara, Masanao et al.: Leg 195 summary | download |
10% | 134 | 1994 | Greene, H. Gary; Collot, Jean-Yves et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results; Vanuatu, covering Leg 134 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port of Townsville, Queensland, Australia, to Suva, Republic of Fiji, sites 827-833, 11 October-17 December 1990 | download |
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