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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1975 | Kennett, James P.; Thunell, Robert C.: Global Increase in Quaternary Explosive Volcanism | |
83% | 145 | 1993 | Cao, L. O.; Arculus, R. J. et al.: Major element geochemistry of volcanic ash layers from ODP Leg 145 | |
83% | 165 | 1998 | Carey, S. N.; Sigurdsson, H.: Modeling of volcanic ash dispersal in the western Caribbean; implications for the nature and location of explosive volcanism | |
83% | | 1973 | Scheidegger, K. F.; Kulm, L. D.: Explosive, cyclic Aleutian arc volcanism; evidence from volcanic ash layers recovered from DSDP Site 178, Gulf of Alaska | |
83% | | 2003 | Lackschewitz, K. S.; Mertz, D. F. et al.: Late Cenozoic volcanism in the western Woodlark Basin area, SW Pacific; the sources of marine volcanic ash layers based on their elemental and Sr-Nd isotope compositions | |
83% | 145 145-882 | 1997 | Prueher, Libby M.; Rea, David K.: Mass accumulation rates of volcanic ash from ODP Site 882 | |
83% | 165 185 | 1999 | Murray, R. W.; Carey, S. et al.: Dispersed volcanic ash in marine sediments | |
72% | 332 332-C0018 333 333-C0018 338 338-C0018 | 2012 | Sassa, K.; He, B. et al.: A hypothesis of the Senoumi submarine megaslide in Suruga Bay in Japan; based on the undrained dynamic-loading ring shear tests and computer simulation | download |
71% | | 1974 | Calvert, S. E.: Deposition and diagenesis of silica in marine sediments | |
71% | | 1984 | Shcherbakova, M. N.: Pliocene-Quaternary vulcanism and marine sedimentation in the Mediterranean region | |
71% | | 1995 | Haileab, Bereket: Geochemistry, geochronology and tephrostratigraphy of tephra from the Turkana Basin, southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya | |
71% | | 1977 | Kennett, J. P.; Thunell, R. C.: On explosive Cenozoic volcanism and climatic implications | |
71% | 145 | 1999 | Prueher, Libby M.: The Plio-Pleistocene history of explosive volcanic activity in North Pacific island arcs and possible links to regional and global climate change | |
71% | | 1996 | Baker, P. E.; Condliffe, E.: Compositional variations in submarine volcanic ashes from the vicinity of the Vanuatu island arc; a response to ridge-arc collision? | |
71% | | 1973 | Hsu, K. J.; Ryan, W. B. F.: Comments on "The crustal structure of the Balearic Sea"; in light of deep-sea drilling in the Mediterranean | |
71% | | 1973 | Lawrence, J. R.: Depleted O (super 18) /O (super 16) in DSDP pore waters | |
71% | | 2009 | Adhya, Soumava: Geochemical fingerprinting of volcanic airfall deposits; a tool in stratigraphic correlation | |
71% | | 1996 | Cambray, H.: Volcanic and climatic signals recorded by DSDP and ODP data | |
71% | 145 145-882 145-885 | 2011 | Bailey, Ian; Liu Qingsong et al.: Iron fertilisation and biogeochemical cycles in the sub-Arctic Northwest Pacific during the late Pliocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation | |
67% | 113 113-690 | 1988 | Wise, S. W.; Hamilton, N. et al.: Evidence of volcanic ash at a K/T boundary section; Ocean Drilling Program Hole 690C, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea off East Antarctica | |
67% | 66 67 84 | 1990 | Cadet, J. P.; Pouclet, A. et al.: Les cendres volcaniques sous-marines du Pacifique oriental, enregistrement du volcanisme explosif de l'Amerique centrale (large du Mexique et de Guatemala; Legs 66, 67 et 84 du Deep Sea Drilling Project) Submarine volcanic ash in the East Pacific; a record of explosive volcanism in Central America, largely Mexico and Guatemala, Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 66, 67 and 84 | |
67% | 9 9-84 15 15-154 16 16-158 | 1977 | Wilkens, R. H.: Windborne volcanic ash from DSDP sites 84, 154A, and 158 | |
67% | 29 29-284 | 1979 | Kennett, J. P.; Shackleton, N. J. et al.: Late Cenozoic oxygen and carbon isotopic history and volcanic ash stratigraphy; DSDP Site 284, South Pacific | |
67% | 112 201 201-1227 201-1228 | 2003 | Hart, Dawn; Miller, Jay: Correlation and analysis of volcanic ash in marine sediments from the Peru margin; explosive volcanic cycles of the north-central Andes | |
67% | 113 113-690 | 1988 | Pospichal, James; Wise, Sherwood W. et al.: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy across a high southern latitude, volcanic ash-bearing Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sequence | |
67% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1992 | Masuda, H.; Tanaka, H. et al.: Formation of authigenic smectite and zeolite and associated major element behavior during early diagensis of volcanic ash in the Nankai Trough, Japan, ODP Leg 131 | |
67% | 80 80-550 | 1984 | Knox, R. W. O.: Nannoplankton zonation and the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary beds of NW Europe; an indirect correlation by means of volcanic ash layers | |
67% | 112 201 201-1227 201-1228 201-1229 | 2005 | Hart, D.; Miller, J.: Correlation and analysis of volcanic ash in marine sediments from the Peru margin | |
67% | 120 120-747 | 1993 | Heider, Franz; Koerner, Ulrike et al.: Volcanic ash particles as carriers of remanent magnetization in deep-sea sediments from the Kerguelen Plateau | |
67% | 124 124-767 124-768 | 1995 | Woods, Mark; Hsu, Vindell: Multiple sequential transitional VGP paths for all the reversals in the past 4.5 m.y.; high density data from deep sea high sedimentation rate volcanic ash deposits | |
67% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 2000 | Demenocal, Peter B.; Brown, Francis H.: Correlation of East African volcanic ash layers into the deep-sea; constraining African climate and evolution hypotheses | |
61% | 131 131-808 196 196-808 | 2009 | Nakagawa, Seiko; Masuda, Harue et al.: Authigenic clay minerals in volcanic ash layers from ODP Site 808 in the Nankai Trough, and their formation condition estimated from those oxygen isotope ratios | |
59% | 19 | 1978 | Hein, J. R.; Scholl, D. W.: Diagenesis and distribution of late Cenozoic volcanic sediment in the southern Bering Sea | |
59% | 19 19-191 | 1976 | Stewart, R. J.: Petrology and diagenesis of Neogene sediments, Komandorsky Basin, western Bering Sea | |
59% | | 1975 | Stewart, R. J.: Late Cainozoic explosive eruptions in the Aleutian and Kuril Island arcs | |
59% | 2 | 1975 | Kossovskaya, A. G.; Gushchina, Ye. B. et al.: Mineralogiya i genezis mezozoysko-kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Atlanticheskogo okeana po materialam reysa 2 "Glomar Chellendzher" Mineralogy and genesis of Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments in the Atlantic Ocean, based on results from Leg 2 of the DSDP | |
59% | 35 35-323 | 1975 | Eslinger, Eric V.; Savin, Samuel M.: Mineralogy and O (super 18) /O (super 16) of clay-size minerals from DSDP Site 323, southeast Pacific | |
59% | | 1977 | Ninkovich, D.; Cadet, J. P. et al.: Implications of motion of North Pacific D.S.D.P. sites toward the Aleutian ash layer zone | |
59% | 113 | 1988 | Pudsey, C. J.; Hamilton, N. et al.: Grain-size and silica content of Weddell Sea hemipelagic sediments, ODP Leg 113; a record of Plio-Pleistocene climate | |
59% | 25 25-245 25-245 | 1974 | Gieskes, J. M.; Kastner, M. et al.: Geochemical Evidence for Extensive Diagenesis in Hole 245 of DSDP | |
59% | 19 | 1975 | Edsall, D. W.: Temporal variations in Rb, Sr, Ti and Zr concentrations in upper Miocene to Recent Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg XIX ashes; magmatic evolution at a consuming margin | |
59% | | 1976 | Ninkovich, D.; Donn, W. L.: Explosive Cenozoic volcanism and climatic implications | |
59% | | 1990 | Bristow, James F.; deMenocal, Peter: Downhole measurements and the generation of modal mineralogy logs in ODP Hole 798B | |
59% | 145 | 1995 | Rea, David K.; Prueher, Libby M.: Volcanic activity and global change; probable short-term and possible long-term linkages | |
59% | 60 125 | 1993 | Chen, W.; Arculus, R. J.: Ash geochemistry of Bonin and Mariana island arcs | |
59% | | 1981 | Gieskes, Joris M.: Deep-sea drilling interstitial water studies; implications for chemical alteration of the oceanic crust, layers I and II | |
59% | 121 121-758 | 1990 | Farrell, J. W.: N.E. Indian Ocean paleoceanography and tephrochronology | |
59% | 81 81-552 | 1989 | Diester-Haass, Liselotte: Volcanic ash layers in the North Atlantic (DSDP Site 552A); a stratigraphic tool? | |
59% | 157 | 1996 | Sumita, M.; Schmincke, H. U.: Submarine equivalents of Miocene ignimbrites in the volcaniclastic apron of Gran Canaria (ODP Leg 157) | |
59% | 19 | 1976 | Edsall, D. W.: Trace elements in tephra as indicators of magmatic composition in the Aleutian Arc | |
59% | | 1977 | Ninkovich, D.; Donn, W. L.: Cenozoic explosive volcanism related to East and Southeast Asian arcs | |
59% | | 1980 | Donn, W. L.; Ninkovich, D.: Rate of Cenozoic explosive volcanism in the North Atlantic Ocean inferred from deep sea cores | download |
59% | 56 57 | 1983 | Fujioka, K.: History of the explosive volcanism of the Tohoku Arc from the core sediments samples of the Japan Trench | |
59% | 19 19-186 | 1978 | Stewart, R. J.: Neogene volcaniclastic sediments from Atka Basin, Aleutian Ridge | |
59% | | 1983 | Gieskes, J. M.; Elderfield, H.: (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr strontium in DSDP interstitial waters; carbonate diagenesis and alteration of volcanic matter | |
59% | | 1983 | Morton, A. C.; Backman, J. et al.: A reassessment of the stratigraphy of DSDP Hole 117 A, Rockall Plateau; implications for the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in N.W. Europe | |
59% | | 1975 | Kennett, J. P.; Thunell, R. C. et al.: Correlation of Neogene volcanic episodicity recorded in marine and terrestrial deposits, western North America | |
59% | 110 110-672 | 1988 | Staudigel, Hubert; Gieskes, J. M.: Constraining the origin of mobile Sr in sediments from ODP Site 672A; interstital water and NH (sub 4) Cl extractions | |
59% | 127 128 | 1992 | Pouclet, A.: Tephrochronology, geochemistry and mineralogy of ash layers from the Sea of Japan, the ODP legs 127 and 128 results | |
59% | | 2005 | Straub, S. M.: Fallout tephra as tool for reconstructing the geochemical evolution of arcs; a case study from Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc/trench system | |
59% | 86 | 1987 | Burkett, Gerald R.: A detailed grain size analysis of DSDP Leg 86 Northwest Pacific ash layers to determine the history of explosive volcanism on Japan and the Kuril Islands | |
59% | 26 26-253 | 1975 | Cockerham, R. S.; Luyendyk, B. P. et al.: Paleomagnetic study of sediments from Site 253 DSDP, Ninetyeast Ridge | |
59% | 30 | 1975 | Klein, George deVries: Resedimented Pelagic Carbonate and Volcaniclastic Sediments and Sedimentary Structures in Leg 30 DSDP Cores from the Western Equatorial Pacific | |
59% | 198 198-1208 | 2005 | Gadley, Kyle L.: Petrography and correlation of Cenozoic ash layers recovered on Shatsky Rise ODP Leg 198 | |
59% | | 1994 | Wei, Wuchang: Revised magnetobiostratigraphy of the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and implications for revision of the magnetic polarity time scale | |
59% | | 1975 | Lawrence, J. R.; Gieskes, J. M. et al.: Oxygen isotope and cation composition of DSDP pore waters and the alteration of Layer II basalts | |
59% | | 1997 | Deng, Xinhua: Fine-grained sediments in Barbados accretionary complex; mineralogy, sedimentation, diagenesis, geochemistry, and fault mechanisms | |
59% | | 1991 | Cambray, Herve: Etude des tephra des sediments marins; comparaison entre les episodes d'activite volcanique des arcs et l'evolution tectonique Tephra among marine sediments; a comparison between episodes of arc volcanic activity and tectonic evolution | |
59% | | 1981 | Lawrence, J. R.; Gieskes, Joris M.: Constraints on water transport and alteration in the oceanic crust from the isotopic composition of pore water | |
59% | | 1978 | Hein, J. R.; Scholl, D. W. et al.: Episodes of Aleutian Ridge explosive volcanism | |
59% | | 1994 | Cambray, H.; Cadet, J. P.: Ash layers in deep-sea sediments as tracers of a global synchronism of arc volcanic activity around Pacific Ocean | |
59% | | 2002 | Plank, Terry: Subduction factory input and output | |
59% | 185 185-1149 | 2009 | Scudder, R.; Murray, Rick W. et al.: Dispersed volcanic ash in marine sediment; revisiting an old issue with a new geochemical and statistical approach | |
56% | 6 6-60 | 1971 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Fischer, Alfred G. et al.: Site 60 | download |
53% | 6 | 1971 | Manheim, Frank T.; Sayles, Frederick L.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 6 | download |
53% | 190 190-1173 190-1174 190-1175 190-1176 190-1177 190-1178 196 196-1173 | 2001 | Moore, Gregory F.; Taira, Asahiko et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, initial reports, deformation and fluid flow processes in the Nankai Trough accretionary prism; covering Leg 190 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Sydney, Australia, to Yokohama, Japan; sites 1173-1178, 6 May-16 July 2000 | download |
51% | 16 16-158 16-162 | 1973 | Yeats, R. S.: Volcanic ash; Leg 16, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
51% | 190 190-1173 190-1174 190-1177 196 196-1173 | 2005 | Wilson, Moyra E. J.; Hirano, Satoshi et al.: Sedimentological and petrographic characteristics of volcanic ashes and siliceous claystones (altered ashes) from Sites 1173, 1174, and 1177, Leg 190 | download |
50% | | 1975 | Edsall, Douglass W.: Submarine geology of volcanic ash deposits; stratigraphy, age, and magmatic composition of Hawaiian and Aleutian tephra; Eocene to Recent | |
50% | 165 | 2001 | Jordan, Benjamin R.; Sigurdsson, Haraldur et al.: Geochemical correlation of volcanic ash layers in the Caribbean Sea with ignimbrites of Nicaragua and Honduras | |
50% | 128 128-798 128-799 | 1992 | Pouclet, Andre; Scott, Steven D.: Volcanic ash layers in the Japan Sea; tephrochronology of sites 798 and 799 | |
50% | 145 145-882 145-883 145-887 | 2005 | Prueher, Libby M.: Use of tephrochronology in marine and paleoclimate studies | |
49% | 171B | 2001 | Pletsch, Thomas K.; Reicherter, Klaus: Hole-to-hole correlation of Eocene volcanic ash layers from the Blake Nose depth transect | download |
48% | 56 56-436 57 57-438 57-439 87 87-584 | 1986 | Fujioka, Kantaro: Synthesis of Neogene explosive volcanism of the Tohoku Arc, deduced from the marine tephra drilled around the Japan Trench region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 56, 57, and 87B | download |
47% | 18 18-178 | 1975 | Scheidegger, K. F.; Kulm, L. D.: Late Cenozoic volcanism in the Aleutian Arc; information from ash layers in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska | |
47% | | 1988 | Blum, Peter: Piston cores P4 and P5 from the Muroto Trough | |
47% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1990 | Bitschene, P. R.; Schmincke, H. U.: Fallout tephra layers; composition and significance | |
47% | 60 125 126 145 | 1994 | Arculus, R. J.; Chen, W. et al.: Geochemical evolution of western Pacific arc systems; the ash record for Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) and Kurile-Kamchatka (KK) recovered by ocean drilling | |
47% | 59 59-450 | 1987 | Warner, Russell J.; Flower, Martin F. J. et al.: Geochemical evidence for sundering of the West Mariana Arc in Miocene ash from the Parece Vela Basin | |
47% | 68 68-502 68-503 | 1980 | Zimmerman, Herman B.; Prell, Warren L. et al.: Mineral stratigraphy of the western Caribbean and eastern Equatorial Pacific, DSDP Leg 68 | |
47% | 59 60 | 1982 | Carey, Steven Norman: Studies on the generation, dispersal and deposition of tephra in the marine and terrestrial environment | |
47% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1989 | Holmes, Mary Anne: Lateral distribution of detrital clay minerals in Lower Cretaceous sediment, western North Atlantic and its continental margin | |
47% | 19 19-192 | 1978 | Scheidegger, K. F.; Jezek, P. A. et al.: Chemical and optical studies of glass shards in Pleistocene and Pliocene ash layers from DSDP Site 192, Northwest Pacific Ocean | |
47% | 35 35-323 | 1979 | Lawrence, J. R.; Drever, J. I. et al.: Importance of alteration of volcanic material in the sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Site 323; chemistry, (super 18) O/ (super 16) O and (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr | |
47% | 145 145-881 | 1993 | Cao, L. Q.; Arculus, R. J. et al.: Kamchatka and Kurile volcanism; the explosive record recovered during ODP Leg 145 | |
47% | 119 119-737 119-738 | 1991 | Chambers, Steven Ralph: Geochemical studies of sediments and interstitial waters from the Kerguelen Plateau and Prydz Bay, Antarctica | |
47% | 128 128-798 128-799 | 1991 | Charvet, J.; Pouclet, A. et al.: Histoire tectono-sedimentaire des rides d'Oki et de Yamato (Mer du Japon); resultats des sites 798 et 799 du Leg ODP 128 Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Oki Ridge and Yamato Rise, Japan Sea; results from ODP Leg 128, sites 798 and 799 | |
47% | 34 34-319 34-320 34-321 | 1974 | Bass, Manuel N.: Secondary minerals in basalt, DSDP Leg 34 | |
47% | 111 111-677 | 1994 | Hooghiemstra, Henry; Ran, Eva T. H.: Late Pliocene-Pleistocene high resolution pollen sequence of Colombia; an overview of climatic change | |
47% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1992 | Masuda, Harue; O'Neil, James R. et al.: Smectites formation during early diagenetic alteration of ash layers from ODP Site 808, Nankai Trough, Leg 131 | |
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