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Data sets | Publications | Expeditions | Thesaurus |
Russian ![]() | |
RT | catalogs |
dictionaries | |
glossaries | |
lexicons | |
SN | Used for studies about the language. |
Russian Arctic ![]() | |
BT | Commonwealth of Independent States |
.Russian Federation | |
..Russian Arctic | |
BT | Arctic region |
.Russian Arctic | |
NT | New Siberian Islands |
UF | Soviet Arctic |
RT | Asia |
Europe | |
Taymyr Dolgan-Nenets Russian Federation | |
SN | That area N of the Arctic Circle in European Russian Federation and Siberia, and including Russian islands in the Arctic Ocean. In Siberia, arctic climatic conditions prevail far S of the Arctic Circle because of its great continental expanse. Before 1978 |
Russian Basin ![]() | |
USE | Russian Plain |
Russian Far East ![]() | |
BT | Commonwealth of Independent States |
.Russian Federation | |
..Russian Far East | |
BT | Asia |
.Russian Far East | |
UF | Siberia-Soviet Far East |
Soviet Far East | |
RT | Amur Basin |
Baikal-Amur Railroad region | |
Khabarovsk Russian Federation | |
Argun River | |
Amur Russian Federation | |
Kamchatka Peninsula | |
Primorye Russian Federation | |
Far East | |
Okhotsk-Chukchi | |
Dzhagdy Range | |
Kuril Islands | |
Karymskaya Sopka | |
Komsomolsk Russian Federation | |
Sa | |
SN | Region occupying easternmost Siberia including Amur Oblast, Khabarovsk Kray, Primorye Kray, and Sakhalin Oblast. Before 1978, also search USSR AND Far East. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1993. |
Russian Fennoscandia ![]() | |
BT | Commonwealth of Independent States |
.Russian Federation | |
..Russian Fennoscandia | |
BT | Russian Platform |
.Russian Fennoscandia | |
BT | Europe |
.Fennoscandia | |
..Russian Fennoscandia | |
UF | Soviet Fennoscandia |
SN | Region of Russian Federation in Fennoscandia. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1993. |
Russian Pacific region ![]() | |
BT | Commonwealth of Independent States |
.Russian Federation | |
..Russian Pacific region | |
BT | Asia |
.Russian Pacific region | |
NT | Kamchatka Peninsula |
Koryak Range | |
Kuril Islands | |
UF | Soviet Pacific region |
RT | Siberia |
Pacific Coast | |
Pacific region | |
Sakhalin Russian Federation | |
SN | Includes Kamchatka Peninsula, Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1993. |
Russian Plain ![]() | |
BT | Europe |
.Russian Plain | |
UF | East European Plain |
Russian Basin | |
RT | Russian Federation |
Ukraine | |
Moldavia | |
Estonia | |
Latvia | |
Lithuania | |
Russian Platform | |
Belarus | |
Moldova | |
SN | Comprises most of the former European USSR W of the Urals and is bordered on the S by the Carpathians, the Crimean Mountains and the Caucasus. Indexed with former Soviet republics as applicable. |
Russian Platform ![]() | |
NT | Baltic Plain |
Dnieper-Donets Basin | |
Franz Josef Land | |
Moscow-Pechora Syneclise | |
Russian Fennoscandia | |
Timan Ridge | |
Ukrainian Shield | |
Ukrainian Syneclise | |
Voronezh-Volga Anteclise | |
UF | East European Platform |
RT | Russian Federation |
Crimea Ukraine | |
Ukraine | |
Moldavia | |
Latvia | |
Laurussia | |
Russian Plain | |
Transcarpathia Ukraine | |
Ukrainian Carpathians | |
Tsarev Meteorite | |
SN | Ancient platform of Precambrian crystalline rocks overlain by sedimentary deposits of the Russian or East European Plain. Before 1993, USSR was a broader term. Indexed with Europe or Asia and former Soviet republics as applicable. |
Russian Republic ![]() | |
USE | Russian Federation |
SN | As of 1993, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. |