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Data sets | Publications | Expeditions | Thesaurus |
geosynclines ![]() | |
RT | Adelaide Geosyncline |
Alpine Geosyncline | |
Andean Geosyncline | |
anticlinoria | |
burial metamorphism | |
clastic wedges | |
continental drift | |
Cordilleran Geosyncline | |
crust | |
eugeosynclines | |
folds | |
geanticlines | |
Hercynian Geosyncline | |
magmatism | |
mantle | |
metallogeny | |
miogeosynclines | |
SN | Used for large, mobile downwarping of the crust, which subsides as rocks and sediments accumulate to thicknesses of thousands of meters. Indexed with with specific geosyncline where available. |