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Paleoproterozoic ![]() | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Precambrian | |
..Proterozoic | |
...Paleoproterozoic | |
NT | Siderian |
Rhyacian | |
Orosian | |
Statherian | |
Aphebian | |
Birrimian | |
Carpentarian | |
Cobalt Group | |
Hemlock Formation | |
Karelian | |
Marquette Range Supergroup | |
Mazatzal Orogeny | |
Michigamme Formation | |
Svecofennian | |
Svecofennian Orogeny | |
Thomson Formation | |
Torngat Orogeny | |
Transamazonian Orogeny | |
Virginia Formation | |
Willyama Complex | |
Wollaston Group | |
UF | lower Proterozoic |
Palaeoproterozoic | |
RT | Tyler Formation |
Ventersdorp Supergroup | |
Fortescue Group | |
Harney Peak Granite | |
Levack Gneiss | |
Little Falls Formation | |
Rocknest Formation | |
Twilight Gneiss | |
Wopmay Orogeny | |
SN | IUGS approved (1990) chronometric era with ages from 2500 Ma to 1600 Ma. |